The PA Evidence Resource Center

Using, generating, and sharing evidence about effective strategies to support students gives local education agencies, schools, and policy makers an important tool to improve a variety of student outcomes.  PDE and Chester County Intermediate Unit are working together to support educators' efforts to ensure all students are engaged, healthy, safe, and prepared for college, career, and community by providing timely access to information about evidence-based strategies focused on a variety of outcome areas.  The Evidence Resource Center is a web-based tool that is searchable by topic and includes important contextual information to help educators select strategies that are best for their local needs and context: what is known about what works, for whom, in which settings (including school type).

The ERC includes:

  • Strategies, interventions, and activities with corresponding evidence and suggested ESSA tiers for relevant outcomes;
  • Opportunities to save, share, and review strategies of interest and relevant implementation experiences of PA educators;
  • Opportunities to nominate topics, strategies, or studies that are of interest to PA stakeholders for review by the ERC; and
  • Professional learning materials including definitions, videos, and links to resources from leading authors and organizations.

Explore the Evidence Reso​urce Center