​Community Colleges

Pennsylvania has 15 public community colleges located throughout the commonwealth.

Community colleges in Pennsylvania were established in accordance with The Community College Act of 1963 (Act 484 of 1963).

Community colleges are unique among institutions in Pennsylvania because of their local support. As a result, they are particularly responsive to the educational needs of their sponsoring areas. Not only do they provide a diversity of two-year associate degree and certificate programs in the occupational and technical areas, they also are an important means of access for students in the arts, sciences and professions seeking to transfer at the end of two years to four-year institutions.

Further, community colleges are at the forefront of remedial and developmental education, dual enrollment opportunities for secondary school students, workforce development and public safety training. Within their regional service areas, these institutions have expanded educational opportunities for individuals from all walks of life and have contributed significantly to the economic, social and cultural development of their area.​