PA-626 Distracted Driving Enforcement

This four-hour course will cover how to recognize distracted drivers.  Pennsylvania laws used to enforce these violations along with applicable case law will be covered during class.  Methods to investigate distracted driving crashes will be presented.

PA-627 Ethics and​ Integrity

Police ethics encompass professional standards as well as moral values. We often hear about terms such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, and courage. When considering that the law enforcement code of ethics was written in the 1950s and requires adherence by those who uphold the law, we must realize that officers often face ethical and moral dilemmas that must be addressed via split-second decisions. In a controlled environment, these decisions may appear simple, yet in a high-stress, dynamic environment, the decisions that officers make can have far-reaching effects not only on their own careers, but on the health and safety of police and citizens alike.  

This course will define ethics and integrity, address how to create a culture of these principles in police organizations, provide an understanding of officer discretion, examine how officers rationalize unethical behavior, and address pretextual traffic stops and how to perform them ethically. 

This course is designed to cover each of the above topics while also providing several examples of how bad police / public interactions can lead to public mistrust. The goal of this course is to foster a positive attitude toward ethical behavior, as well as providing an understanding of how this mindset benefits both society and officers.  Designed for both command staff to foster an internal assessment of organizational priorities as well as street officers who would benefit from a reminder of the reasons they sought this rewarding profession as a career, the course will enable officers to make sound, ethical decisions while enforcing the laws of their jurisdiction and the commonwealth.

PENNDOT forms have been updated.

New forms - DL-26A (PDF) and DL-26B (PDF).