Institute for Law Enforcement Education

​​​​​Course Descriptions

Alcohol Related Programs

Collision Investigation Related Programs

Criminal and Drug Investigation Programs

Patrol Related Programs

Course Site Requirements

The trainin​g programs require the host agency to provide the following equipment/facilities for all non-collision related training programs:

  1. Private, air-conditioned classroom area that will accommodate the number of registered students. (Guidelines and suggestions may be obtained from the Institute staff.)
  2. Ample individual table/desk space for each student
  3. Chalkboard or whiteboard (Upon instructor request)
  4. Large projector screen
  5. Ample free parking for all students and instructors

The Collision Investigation training courses require the host agency to provide some added equipment and/or special classroom needs. The Institute staff will work directly with the host contact officer to clarify the requirements well in advance of the training date.

  1. Same classroom requirements as non-collision courses
  2. Students require large desks or wide tables to accommodate the large amount of books, materials and working projects
  3. Large projector screen
  4. Chalkboard or whiteboard
  5. On Scene Course: Requires vehicle (both standard braking system and ABS) to be skidded during the second week of the course. A safe and appropriate area to conduct the skid testing. Additional information regarding these requirements can be obtained from the Institute staff.
  6. Advanced Collision: Requires the use of a junkyard or collision repair facility during the second week. The site must have sufficient damaged vehicles to conduct crush measurements and analysis. Host contact should coordinate these requirements with the Institute staff well in advance of the training date.
  7. Collision Reconstruction: Requires the use of a safe and adequate paved surface area to jump (use of ramps provided by the Institute) a vehicle to demonstrate investigative procedures, etc. during the second week of the course. This will also require the host agency to obtain an older vehicle that can be use during these “jumps.”
    NOTE: This vehicle will be damaged during this training session and will need to be towed from the training site.

NOTE: Certain other specialty courses may require additional equipment or site needs. Those requirements will be coordinated with the host agency prior to the start of the course. For example, to host an SFST Course the host must be able to obtain a sufficient number of volunteer drinkers to assist during the training course.

Course Schedule

Each training course starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m., unless other arrangements have been made prior to the beginning of an individual training course. The training day includes a one-hour lunch break and approximately one ten (10) minute break for each hour of instruction.

Class Size

All courses have a minimum enrollment of fifteen (15) students, with the exception of certain alcohol-related courses. Maximums vary and are listed for each course. However, certain exceptions are made depending on the course content and material requirements. For example, the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Course (SFST) has a maximum limit of twenty-two (22) students.

Hosting a Course

An agency or department may request to host any of our training courses at a site near their organization's area. Simply contact the Institute by telephone or send a request​ form outlining the type of course and three possible training dates, which are at least 120 days from the date of the request. Certain courses can be scheduled sooner than the 120 day time limit on an as needed basis. The Institute staff will work with the requesting host department to have the course presented. ​Course Request Form (PDF).

Student Enrollment and Requirements

Students can enroll for any Institute course by submitting an ​Enrollment Form (PDF).

All students are required to attend ninety-five percent of the course training hours to be eligible for certification. Each student must also meet the individual requirement of any given course and pass any course examination with a minimum score of eighty percent or higher to receive the course certificate.

Certain courses have student prerequisites that must be met prior to enrollment in that particular course. Requests to wave a prerequisite will be addressed by the Institute staff on a case-by-case basis.