The Institute for Law Enforcement Education (ILEE) serves the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a research and delivery system for advanced law enforcement training. ILEE is responsible for administering alcohol-related training and research programs for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ILEE is a high-quality provider of collision investigation and commercial vehicle investigation training and conducts traffic safety and reconstruction research in the field of vehicle collisions. In addition, ILEE develops and presents patrol and investigation training courses for the law enforcement community. ILEE is a nationally recognized and respected training institute.

ILEE began alcohol-related training in 1982, with collision-related courses added in 1986 under Traffic Institute for Police Services (TIPS). In July 2002, TIPS programs were united under the new title, Institute for Law Enforcement Education. ILEE continues to be funded through a federal grant known as "402 Funds." These funds are provided through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT).

Approximately 5,000 students benefit from ILEE classes annually. ILEE’s primary mission is to train Pennsylvania police officers and, as a result, they receive enrollment priority in our training courses. Officers from other states, other countries, and various federal governmental agencies are admitted on a space-available basis. Most of ILEE's training programs "travel" to sites throughout Pennsylvania providing training to students in their home communities and helping to reduce the overall expenses to the individual police agencies.

ILEE develops and presents special courses at the request of outside agencies and has presented these to agencies such as the Pennsylvania Department of Education, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Transportation and Safety Board, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office. ILEE also offers assistance and training services to members of the judiciary, college students, public school administrators, and other state agencies.

ILEE provides speakers at selected workshops within the Pennsylvania public school system and colleges in the areas of driver education, aggressive driving, school safety, and alcohol/drug issues. ILEE continues to work with private organizations such as: the PA Fraternal Order of Police and the PA DUI Association concerning alcohol-related issues. In addition, ILEE reviews proposed laws, regulations, and pending legislation relating to law enforcement matters upon request of various government agencies. ILEE has provides collision investigative expertise to police departments, District Attorney Offices, and the State Attorney General's Office. 

ILEE is composed of an administrative office staff and three full-time instructors who travel throughout the state presenting requested training courses. Our instructor corps is supplemented by approximately ten part-time instructors. ILEE's instructors are all current or former law enforcement officers with extensive education, training, and experience in alcohol enforcement, officer safety, criminal investigation, and vehicle collision investigation fields. ILEE maintains cutting-edge instructional workshops, constantly upgrading the programs and instructional techniques through continual in-service training/seminars, and independent research. The staff enjoys an international reputation for its professional educational presentations and expertise in a variety of specialized areas of instruction. Pennsylvania courts acknowledge this reputation each time an ILEE student is recognized by the court as an "expert" in his/her field based on the type and quality of training received through ILEE.