OESE General Annual Calendar

This calendar has been developed by Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) staff to assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in identifying the general timing of annual conferences, training opportunities, activities, report due dates, and grant due dates.   The information included in the OESE calendar should not be considered an exhaustive list of all important dates or deadlines, and any omission or error is inadvertent. Additions, suggestions, and corrections can be submitted for consideration to: RA-EdSchoolSupport@pa.gov.    




Links/Other Info

Bureau of School Support

Act 13 Office Hours4th Thursday of the Month 12-1pmOffice HoursAct 13 Office HoursMicrosoft Teams
Meeting ID: 224 532 637 16
Passcode: NoLP3t
Bureau of School SupportFRCPP Office Hours1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 3-4pmOffice HoursFRCPP Support Office HoursMicrosoft Teams
Meeting ID: 215 061 850 632
Passcode: jes6AG
School Services OfficePrivate Academic School ApplicationsVariesApplicationPrivate Academic School (PAS) applications due dates three month prior to PAS Board meetingsState Board of Private Academic Schools (pa.gov)
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionACCESS Testing WindowJanuaryActivityACCESS Testing Window - Early January to mid February


School Services OfficeAct 89 BudgetsJanuaryActivityAct 89 Budgets – Preliminary budgets due January 31; Final budgets due June 30.


Program Monitoring & Accountability OfficeBuilding Restorative Justice Systems in Schools - Part 2JanuaryConference/TrainingBuilding Restorative Justice Systems in Schools - Part 2PaTTAN​ Events​​
Bureau of Special EducationDeaf-Blind Child CountJanuaryReport (due)Deaf-Blind Child Count for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and StudentsDB Census Login
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionGreen Ribbon SchoolsJanuaryGrant (due)PA Pathways to Green Schools/US Dept of ED Green Ribbon Schools - Applications available in fall with deadline in January.Green Ribbon Schools
Bureau of Special EducationPASAJanuaryActivityPASA Assessment WindowPaTTAN Homepage
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionPresidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science TeachingJanuaryActivityPresidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching - Deadline: early JanuaryNSF Website
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionProgram Performance Reporting for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)JanuaryReport (due)Program Performance Reporting for ESSA (takes places each fall - deadline January)


Safe Schools OfficeSafe School Grants AwardsJanuaryGrant (due)Annual Safe School Grants Award AnnouncementSafe Schools Data and Reporting
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionTitle I Improving School Performance ConferenceJanuaryConference/TrainingTitle I Improving School Performance Conference (LEA leadership teams, teachers, principals, ETC.)PAFPC Website
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionConsolidated Application Funding Adjustments (ESSA)FebruaryReport (due)Consolidated Application Funding Adjustments for ESSA Local Plans


Bureau of Career and Technical EducationCTE Program ApprovalFebruaryReport (opens)CATS opens for CTE program approval submissions (due May 31)Program Approval
Bureau of School SupportEducator Effectiveness Annual ReportFebruaryReport (due)Educator Effectiveness Annual ReportEducator Effectiveness Annual Report
Bureau of School SupportExtended Learning Opportunities Annual ConferenceFebruaryConference/TrainingExtended Learning Opportunities Annual Conference (ELO) for 21st CCLC Program (in-person)


Bureau of Special EducationIU Fiscal ReviewsFebruaryReport (due)IU Fiscal Reviews beginBSE will send initial email with review document to IUs with submission deadline
School Services OfficeList of Low-Achieving SchoolsFebruaryActivityOSTCP List of Low-Achieving Schools posted on PDE website on February 15Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program
Bureau of Special EducationMaintenance of Effort MonitoringFebruaryReport (due)Maintenance of Effort Monitoring: Certify budget due from February to July


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionMonitoring of ESSA ProgramsFebruaryReport (due)Consolidated Monitoring of ESSA Programs (takes place annually from February to late May - information uploaded in Fedmonitor system)


School Services OfficeOpportunity Scholarship Tax Credit ProgramFebruaryActivityOpportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTCP) schools to participate or submit changes due February 15Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionPA Educational Technology Expo & ConferenceFebruaryConference/TrainingPennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C)PETE&C Website
Bureau of Special EducationRISCFebruaryReport (due)RISC – 3rd QuarterRISC Site
Bureau of Special EducationSecondary Transition: Indicator 14FebruaryConference/TrainingSecondary Transition: Indicator 14 - State Performance Plan Data Requirements - Postsecondary School Survey - Cohort 3 Exit Leader Services Webinar


Bureau of School SupportComprehensive Plan, Phases 2MarchReport (due)Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2 due in FRCPP on March 31, 2024Comprehensive Planning
Bureau of School SupportComprehensive Plan, Phases 3MarchReport (due)Comprehensive Plan, Phase 3 due in FRCPP on March 31, 2025Comprehensive Planning
Bureau of Special EducationeGrants: IU Special Ed. PlanMarchGrant (due)eGrants: IU Special Ed. Plan due from March to July


Bureau of Career and Technical EducationK-12 Guidance PlansMarchReport (due)K-12 Guidance plans due from schools in Phase 3 of the Comprehensive Plan submission


Bureau of Career and Technical EducationK-12 Guidance PlansMarchReport (due)K-12 Guidance plans due from schools in Phase 3 of the Comprehensive Plan submission339 Counseling Plan
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionPennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Annual ConferenceMarchConference/TrainingProfessional growth opportunity for environmental educatorsPennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Annual Conference
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionAnnual Federal Program PAFPC ConferenceAprilConference/TrainingAnnual Federal Program PAFPC Conference (Federal program coordinators, LEA leadership teams, business officials, etc.)PAFPC Website
Safe Schools OfficeBus Evacuation and Security DrillsAprilReport (due)Bus Evacuation and Security Drills ACS ReportsSafe Schools Data and Reporting
Bureau of Special EducationeGrants: BudgetAprilGrant (due)eGrants: Budget revisions due from April to September


Bureau of School SupportELECT Annual ConferenceAprilConference/TrainingELECT Annual Conference


Bureau of School SupportMigrant Education Program Annual ConferenceAprilConference/TrainingMigrant Education Program Annual Conference (in-person)


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
PSSA AdministrationAprilActivityPSSA Administration
PSSA Testing Windows
Bureau of Special EducationRISCAprilReport (due)RISC – 4th QuarterRISC Site
Bureau of Special EducationSecondary Transition: Indicator 14AprilConference/TrainingSecondary Transition: Indicator 14 - State Performance Plan Data Requirements - Postsecondary School Survey - Cohort 2 POST Webinar


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionStatewide Nonpublic Equitable Services Consultation MeetingAprilTrainingDFP staff hosts a statewide training for all LEAs and nonpublic schools on the purpose of equitable services requirements and best practices.


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionKeystone Exam AdministrationMayActivityKeystone Exam AdministrationKeystone Testing Windows
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness ConferenceMayConference/TrainingOrgan and Tissue Donation Awareness (ODTA) Conference


School Services Office180 Day Exception RequestsJuneActivity180 Day Exception Requests due June prior to school year180 Day Exception Requests
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionAccountability Data SnapshotJuneActivityAccountability Data SnapshotPIMS Manuals and Calendars
Program Monitoring & Accountability OfficeAEDY End-of-Year ReportJuneReport (due)AEDY End-of-Year Report for each approved program due June 30AEDY Login
Bureau of Special EducationeGrants: 611 Budget ApplicationsJuneGrant (due)eGrants: Open eGrants for 611 budget applications


School Services Office
Flexible Instructional DaysJuneApplicationFlexible Instructional Days (FIDs) application due June 1; PDE determinations Made by August 1.
Flexible Instructional Days
Safe Schools OfficeMemorandum of UnderstandingJuneReport (due)Executed copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)Safe Schools Data and Reporting
School Services OfficeNew Nonpublic/Non-Licensed SchoolsJuneAffidavitNew nonpublic/non-licensed schools due June prior to new school year or throughout the year to open at different start dates


Safe Schools OfficeStudent Assistance Program DataJuneReport (due)Student Assistance Program (SAP) data submissionSafe Schools Online Login
Bureau of Special EducationSurvey of Parents of Students with DisabilitiesJuneReport (due)Survey of Parents of Students with DisabilitiesSurvey Example
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionTitle I Participation Data ReportingJuneReport (due)Title I Participation Data Reporting (takes place June to August in PIMS)


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
Title III Professional Development ActivitiesJuneReport (due)Via PIMS
PIMS Manuals and Calendars
School Services OfficeAct 89 Final Program Evaluation ReportsJulyReport (due)Act 89 Final Program Evaluation Reports – due by July 31


Safe Schools OfficeBullying PolicyJulyReport (due)Updated Bullying Policy (policies need to be reviewed/updated every three years)Safe Schools D​ata and Reporting
Safe Schools OfficeFire DrillsJulyReport (due)Fire Drill ACSSa​fe Schools D​ata and Rep​orting
Bureau of Special EducationFiscal TrainingsJulyConference/TrainingMandatory Fiscal TrainingsPaTTAN Events
Safe Schools Office
Safe Schools ReportJulyReport (due)Safe Schools ACS report
Safe Schools Data and Reporting
School Services OfficeSchool ReconfigurationsJulyActivitySchool Reconfigurations due July 31 of each year (or the Friday before)School Reconfigurations
Safe Schools OfficeSchool Security DrillsJulyReport (due)School Security Drill ACSSafe Schools Data and Reporting
Bureau of Special EducationSpecial Education Performance GrantJulyGrant (due)Special Education Performance GrantPaTTAN Educational Initiatives
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionTitle I Parent & Family Engagement ConferenceJulyConference/TrainingTitle I Parent & Family Engagement Conference: Summer TBD


School Services OfficeAct 89 AllocationsAugustActivityAct 89 Allocations – August, October, and February on the first business day of monthAct 89 Allocations
Bureau of Special EducationAPS/CSDB (Approved Private Schools/Chartered Schools for the Deaf and Blind): Tuition RatesAugustReport (due)APS/CSDB: APS and CS tuition rates due August 15


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionBruMan Summer ForumAugustConference/TrainingBruMan Summer Forum (training each summer for federal program administrators and business officials, TBD)PAFPC Website
Bureau of School SupportCharter School Annual Report (CSAR)AugustReport (due)Charter School Annual Report due August 1Charter School Annual Reports
Bureau of Special EducationCMCI (Compliance Monitoring for Continuous Improvement) Monitoring TrainingAugustConference/TrainingCMCI Monitoring Training posted on PaTTAN website


Bureau of School SupportSchool Improvement Plans (CSI, A-TSI, and TSI)AugustPlan (due)School plans due in FRCPP on 8/31School Improvement Plans
Bureau of Special EducationACCESSSeptemberReport (due)Medical ACCESS reimbursement requests ongoing throughout school yearSpecial Education Medical Access
Bureau of Special EducationACCESS Program Statewide TrainingSeptemberConference/TrainingSchool-Based ACCESS Program Statewide TrainingPaTTAN Homepage
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionACT 35SeptemberReport (due)ACT 35 - Civics Education Reporting. Window is September 14, 2022 - December 1, 2022 (FRCPP)Comprehensive Planning Act 35
Bureau of Special Education
Compliance MonitoringSeptemberReport (due)Approved Private Schools (APS): Compliance Monitoring ongoing throughout school year
Special Education Compliance Monitoring
Bureau of Special EducationDetermination LettersSeptemberReport (due)Determination letters (compliance with IDEA) to Districts (1st week of September)


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionELD Program Area Fall professional learning calendarSeptemberConference/TrainingVarious topics: new coordinators, culturally responsive teaching, literacy, ELD curriculum development,ELD Portal on SAS
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionELD Program Area Office HoursSeptemberConference/TrainingMonthly virtual open office hours meetings: September 14, September 26, October 18, November 28, December 19ELD Portal on SAS
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionESSA Local Plans [Titles IA,(ID) IIA, IIIA & IV]SeptemberReport (due)Consolidated Applications – Every Student Succeeds Act Local Plans (opens in Spring and due early September in eGrants)


Bureau of Special EducationFiscal TrainingsSeptemberConference/TrainingFiscal Trainings at PaTTAN and IU locations (virtual if needed) from September to October


Bureau of School SupportHomeless Education SummitSeptemberConference/TrainingHomeless Education Summit


Bureau of Special Education
Mikayla's VoiceSeptemberConference/TrainingInclusive Programming Opportunities through Mikayla's Voice
Mikayla's Voice Homepage
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionMonthly Virtual Federal Program TrainingsSeptemberConference/TrainingMonthly Virtual Federal Program Trainings: 3rd Tuesday monthly (federal program coordinators; LEA leadership teams; business officials, etc.)Zoom Site
Bureau of Special EducationPASA Updates and TrainingSeptemberConference/TrainingPASA Updates and Training AnnouncementsPaTTAN PASA Webpage
Bureau of School SupportReady to Learn Block GrantSeptemberGrant (opens)Grants due in Egrants by November 30thReady to Learn Block Grant
Bureau of School SupportRefugee Education SummitSeptemberConference/TrainingRefugee Education Summit


Bureau of Special EducationReporting of ExpendituresSeptemberReport (due)Reporting of Expenditures relating to Exceptional StudentsAct 16 Guidelines
Safe Schools OfficeRFA for Safe School GrantsSeptemberGrant (opens)RFA Safe School Grants request for applications openSafe Schools Funding and Grants
Bureau of Special EducationRISC (Restraint Information System of Collection)SeptemberReport (due)RISC – 1st QuarterRISC Site
Bureau of Special EducationSecondary Transition: Cyclical Monitoring Planning and IEP DevelopmentSeptemberConference/TrainingSecondary Transition: Cyclical Monitoring Planning and IEP Development Schoology Course (TARGETED LEAS ONLY)PaTTAN Events
Bureau of Special Education
Secondary Transition: Indicator 13SeptemberConference/TrainingSecondary Transition: Indicator 13 - What LEAs Need to Know About the Secondary Transition Cyclical Monitoring Schoology Course (TARGETED LEAS ONLY)
PaTTAN Events
Bureau of Special EducationSecondary Transition: Indicator 14SeptemberConference/TrainingSecondary Transition: Indicator 14 - State Performance Plan Data Requirements - Postsecondary School Survey (Cohort 3 Exits) Fall WebinarPaTTAN Events
Bureau of Career and Technical EducationSupplemental Equipment GrantsSeptemberGrant (opens)Supplemental Equipment Grant releasedSupplemental Equipment Grants
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionTitle I - Schoolwide PlansSeptemberReport (due)Title I - Schoolwide Plans (revised and due by early September in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal - FRCPP)


Bureau of Special EducationACT 16: DataOctoberReport (due)ACT 16: Data due from October to February 1 for LEAs with 20% or greater increase in any of top three categories


Bureau of Career and Technical EducationArticulation AgreementsOctoberActivityPostsecondary statewide articulation agreements dueArticulation Agreements
Program Monitoring & Accountability OfficeBuilding Restorative Justice Systems in SchoolsOctoberConference/TrainingBuilding Restorative Justice Systems in SchoolsPaTTAN Events
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionCharter School Enrollment VerificationOctoberReport (due)Charter School Enrollment is collected annually to determine ESSA program eligibility and annual allocation amounts.


Bureau of Career and Technical EducationCompetitive Equipment GrantsOctoberGrant (opens)Competitive Equipment Grant releasedCompetitive Equipment Grants
Bureau of School SupportComprehensive Plan, Phase 1OctoberReport (due)Comprehensive Plan, Phase 1, due in FRCPP on March 31, 2023Comprehensive Planning
Bureau of School SupportCyber Charter ApplicationOctoberReport (due)New Cyber Charter Applications are due October 1Charter Applications
Bureau of School SupportCyber Charter Renewal ApplicationOctoberReport (due)Cyber Charter Renewal Applications are due October 1 during the year prior to the expiring charter.Charter Renewal Process and Decisions
Program Monitoring & Accountability OfficeFacility-Wide Tiered Fidelity InventoryOctoberConference/TrainingFacility-Wide Tiered Fidelity Inventory: A Tool for Planning and Implementing PBIS in Alt SettingsPaTTAN Events
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionFall Regional MeetingsOctoberActivityFall Regional Meetings live at 10 IUs across PA in October and NovemberPAFPC Website
School Services OfficeHome Education and Private Tutoring ReportOctoberReport (due)Home Education and Private Tutoring Report and ACS due October 28Home Education Report
School Services OfficeInterscholastic Athletic Opportunities ReportOctoberReport (due)Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Report and ACS due October 28Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Report
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionN&D (Neglected & Delinquent) SymposiumOctoberConference/TrainingN&D Symposium in October or November for LEAs serving vulnerable populations, receiving Title IA neglected or ID Delinquent fundsN&D Website
Bureau of Career and Technical EducationOnsite Compliance VisitsOctoberActivityOnsite compliance visits (Perkins, Approved Program Evaluations) begin; Nurse Aide reviews occur quarterly.Onsite Compliance Visits
School Services OfficePrivate Academic School ApplicationsOctoberReport (due)Private Academic School (PAS) applications due dates three month prior to PAS Board meetings


School Services OfficePrivate and Nonpublic School EnrollmentsOctoberReport (due)Private and Nonpublic School Enrollments (PNPE) mandatory reporting from October 1-15


Bureau of Career and Technical EducationProgram of Study RevisionsOctoberActivityRevision of Phase IV Program of Study task grids via virtual meetings


Bureau of Special EducationSpecial Education Plan InformationOctoberReport (due)Special Education Plan Information based on phase # for School DistrictsPaTTAN SE Plan Webpage
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionTeen Driver Safety WeekOctoberEventTeen Driver Safety Week - Third week in October


Bureau of Special EducationContingency Fund ApplicationsNovemberGrant (due)Contingency Fund applications: Open late November to January with award letters in April/MaySpecial Education Funding and Grants
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionEnglish Language Development ConferenceNovemberConference/TrainingELD (English Language Development) ConferenceELD Portal PA Website
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionGovernor's STEM CompetitionNovemberEventThe Governor's STEM Competition - Registration: September to November. State Competition: April.Governor's STEM Competition
Bureau of Career and Technical EducationIndustry CredentialsNovemberReport (due)Applications to add industry credentials due November 30Industry Credentials
Bureau of Career and Technical EducationPDE Integrated Learning ConferenceNovemberConference/TrainingAnnual PDE Integrated Learning ConferencePDE Integrated Learning Conference
Bureau of Special EducationRISCNovemberReport (due)RISC – 2nd QuarterRISC Site
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionTitle I Comparability ReportingNovemberReport (due)LEAs must submit student & staff enrollment to ensure state and/or local funds are not being reduced in non Title IA schools.


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionAct 158 Graduation ReportDecemberReport (due)Number of students graduating via pathways/evidence reorted to PDE for public posting opens oct 1 and is due Dec 1 annually.FRCPP
Bureau of School SupportBlue Ribbon SchoolsDecemberAward (issued)National Blue Ribbon school nominations begin in September and are awarded at the SAS conferenceBlue Ribbon Schools
Bureau of Special EducationChild CountDecemberReport (due)Child Count data due on December 1


School Services OfficeNonpublic Information SystemDecemberActivityNonpublic Information System (NPIS) initial PO submission due November 13; final PO submission after reallotment due February 28


Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionPA/DEP Environmental Education Fund GrantsDecemberGrant (due)PA/DEP Environmental Education Fund Grants - Applications late summer with deadline in DecemberDEP Website
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionPennsylvania Meaningful Watershed Education Experience Awards, Applications due DecemberDecemberConference/TrainingProfessional growth opportunity for environmental educatorsPennsylvania Meaningful Watershed Education Experience Awards
Bureau of School SupportPurple Star SchoolsDecemberAward (issued)Purple Star Schools applications close on October 1 for consideration for the following school year and are awarded at the SAS conferencePurple Star Schools
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionSAS InstituteDecemberConference/TrainingSAS InstituteSAS Institute Website
Bureau of School SupportTeacher of the Year AwardDecemberAward (issued)Teacher of the Year applications close on December 15 for consideration for the following school year and the current year is awarded at the SAS conferenceTeacher of the Year Award
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment & InstructionWinter Keystone Exam AdministrationDecemberActivityWinter Keystone Exam AdministrationKeystone Testing Windows