Nonpublic/Private Schools

Inservice Training​s for Individuals interested in Operating ​​​a Licensed Private Academic School

These trainings provide valuable information to prospective school owners that are ready to begin the process of opening and operating a Licensed Private Academic School (LPAS). The application and forms necessary for operating a LPAS are given out along with guidance on how to complete the application packet. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requires that interested individuals review the Private School Law and the State Board of Private Academic Schools Regulations before registering for an Inservice training. 

LPAS Inservice trainings are held the first Tuesday of each month beginning at 1:00 p.m. and are in-person. Only two participants from each school may register to attend. One of the attendees from the school must be the proposed Education Director. You must have a confirmation letter to attend.

Inservice dates and registration deadlines are listed below:

​Inservice Date​s
​Registration Deadline
​​​August 6, 2024
​July 23, 2024
​September 3, 2024
​August 20, 2024
​October 1, 2024
​September 17, 2024
​November 5, 2024
​October 22, 2024
​December 3, 2024
​November 19, 2024
​January 7, 2025
​December 24, 2024
​February 4, 2025
​January 21, 2025
​March 4, 2025
​February 18, 2025
​April 1, 2025
​March 18, 2025
​May 6, 2025
​April 22, 2025
​June 3, 2025
​May 20, 2025
​July 1, 2025
​June 17, 2025
​August 5, 2025
​July 22, 2025
​September 2, 2025
​​August 19, 2025
​October 7, 2025
​September 23, 2025
​November 4, 2025
​October 21, 2025
​December 2, 2025
​November 18, 2025

​​​Upon deciding on the date that you would like to attend, please email to request an Inservice registration packet. Once your registration is processed, you will receive a confirmation letter indicating the date for which you are registered. Please bring your confirmation letter to this Inservice. You must attend the Inservice to receive the LPAS application. If you do not register to attend, you will not be admitted to the Inservice. No exceptions. The Inservices fill up quickly and there is no standby list.​