The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Migrant Education Program (PA-MEP), contracted with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU) to conduct a comprehensive external evaluation of the PA-MEP. Pennsylvania is required to evaluate its Migrant Education Program under Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR 200.84) as follows:

Responsibilities of SEAs for evaluating the effectiveness of the MEP. Each SEA must determine the effectiveness of its program through a written evaluation that measures the implementation and results achieved by the program against the State's performance targets in § 200.83(a)(1), particularly for those students who have priority for service as defined in section 1304(d) of the ESEA."

The purpose of evaluating the Migrant Education Program in Pennsylvania is to examine program implementation and results, and build capacity within project areas to examine results and make programming decisions based on data.

The questions that this evaluation answers include:

  • To what extent are programs being implemented?
  • Are PA-MEP students meeting state academic targets?
  • To what extent are PA-MEP programs impacting student outcomes?

2022-2023 PA Migrant Education Program Evaluation Report​ (PDF)
2021-2022 PA Migrant Education Program Evaluation Report (PDF)
2020-2021 PA Migrant Education Program Evaluation Report (PDF)

For more information on Migrant Education, please contact