Science in​ Motion is a consortium of eleven colleges and universities providing laboratory science equipment and activities at no cost to over 200 school districts in the commonwealth.

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching are the nation's highest honors for teachers of mathematics and science.

Organ and Tissu​e Donation Awareness Program (OTDA) was created by Act 102 of 1994. Act 102 established The Governor Robert P. Casey Memorial Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Trust Fund and designated the responsibilities of the Departments of Health, Transportation, Education, and Revenue to support statewide efforts that foster an understanding of the importance of organ and tissue donations. The Department of Education OTDA program strives to develop an awareness of organ and tissue donation and transplantation through education in Pennsylvania's secondary schools. The OTDA program provides educators with curriculum resources, professional development and implementation mini-grants. The OTDA program is managed by Lancaster/Lebanon IU 13 in partnership with the Department of Education.