PDE created learning paths to provide common language andliteracy knowledge as a baseline of understanding for all Pennsylvaniaeducators. These learning paths are located on the SAS Portal – select Menu, select Materials & Resources, then select Pennsylvania Literacy. Each learning path consists of a PowerPoint presentation that guides participants through a series of activities that include significant text selections, videos, and personal reflection opportunities. The accompanying journal allows participants to record their findings in digital or print form. All resources are embedded in the presentation and are also provided in the resource folder.

Options for Use:

Teachers may participate in the learning paths for personal professional development.

To receive Act 48 credit for a learning path, it is recommended to contact school administration prior to beginning a learning path. PDE will not award Act 48 hours – it is incumbent upon the LEA to assign the appropriate hours.

Administrators may use the learning paths to provide professional learning experiences for staff based on goals and established needs of students. Specific learning paths will enable educators to develop the skills and competencies to address identified needs. Administrators may assign a learning path for professional development, set expectations for accountability, and award Act 48 hours accordingly.