Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS)

The Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) is a joint effort of PDE and the LEAs. This statewide longitudinal data system, efficiently and accurately manages, analyzes, disaggregates and uses individual student data for each child served by PA's public education system (Pre-K through Grade 12).

LEA PIMS Coordinators/Administrators should consult their LEAs ELL Coordinator to ensure that EL data reported in each snapshot is accurate. It is important that PIMS data be reported accurately by LEAs since it impacts accountability, compliance and funding. 

English Learner Reporting System (ELRS)  

All information that was collected in the ELRS is now collected in PIMS. Consequently, the ELRS was decommissioned in 2019. Local education agencies are no longer required to complete the annual ELRS submission. 

eMetric Access for ELLs Data Interaction Tool  

This website provides dynamic access to student performance results on the WIDA Consortium's ACCESS for ELLs ® English language proficiency assessment.  The Data Interaction system allows users to create their own reports, graphs, or data files, conduct ad hoc data queries and analyses, disaggregate on user-selected subgroup variables, drill down from summaries to individual students, print reports in PDF format, or export to other software programs. To login to the eMetric website, use the account password provided by your Superintendent or Chief School Officer. 


eGrants is the tool used by PDE for LEAs to submit grant applications.  PDE's Division of Federal Programs (DFP) uses eGrants for most of the federally funded grants, including Title IIIA.  For Title III, Part A, purposes within eGrants, LEAs perform the following activities:

  1. Complete the Title III, Part A portion of the Consolidated Application; and
  2. Complete the professional development survey required by Title III, Part A.

Title III, Part A is part of a multi-grant application on eGrants called the Consolidated Application.  The due date for the Consolidated Application is July 1st of each year.