Career and Technical Education

Instructions for Career and Technical Education Information System (CATS) Adult Affidavit Program Registration

Contact Information

Complete the required contact information including contact name, title, phone number, and e-mail address. Click “Save” to assure that all contact information is saved. Click “Next” or “Program List” tab to proceed to the Program List page.

Program Hours

To enter the number of program hours* for a listed program, click on the year link (Example “2006- 2007”) in the Program Type block. This will take you to the Program Data page. Click inside the Program Hours block and enter the number of instructional hours. Click “Save.”

*Only enter the actual hours of the program. Do not multiply the hours by the number of times the program is run within the year.

Adding a Program

To add a new Adult Affidavit program, click on the “Add Program” button found on the Program List page and the Program Data page will appear. On the Program Data page, select either the Program Area or Cluster for the program to be added. To select the Program Area, click on the “By Program Area” button, and then click on the desired Program Area in the “Select a Program Area” dropdown box. Select the Cluster by clicking on the correct cluster in the “Select a Cluster” dropdown box.

Select the CIP Code that will be added by clicking on the appropriate CIP code in the dropdown box. If a new CIP code is being added that is not in the dropdown box, e-mail Beth Marshall listing the number and title of the CIP code to be added.

The CATS Adult Affidavit contact will receive an e-mail confirmation after the CIP code has been reviewed and added to the CATS CIP code dropdown box.

After the CIP code has been selected from the dropdown box, select one of the Program Types.

Program Types are defined as follows:

Registered Apprenticeship

A program registered with the Apprenticeship and Training Council, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, and evidenced by a Certificate of Registration or other appropriate document as meeting the apprenticeship standards of the Council. The program encompasses on-the-job training and in-school instruction.

Emergency Service

A program for adults in public emergency service (e.g., Emergency Medical Technology and Firefighting).

Other Occupational

A program for adults enrolled in a career and technical program for new occupational preparation or to upgrade their skills in their present occupational field.

NOTE: Adult students in secondary programs, “Intergenerational,” “Co-mingled,” etc. are not to be reported in the Adult Affidavit CATS System.

After the Program Type has been selected, the program hours should be entered in the Program Hours block. If a new program has more than one Program Type (Example: Apprentice and Other Occupations), the program must be added once for each program type. Also, the number of program hours should be added for each Program Type. The Total Program Hours are the accumulation of hours by each Program Type. If aprogram had no enrollment but is being maintained on the Program List, enter 0 Program Hours. Click “Save.”

Deleting a Program

On the Program List page, click on the year link in the Program Type block for the CIP code that is being deleted. This will take you to the Program Data page. Click on the “Mark for Deletion” block and then click “Save.” The program will now be marked for deletion and should not appear on the completed PDE-286.

If you have not run the program in three years, you will need to mark the program for deletion. You can resubmit the program in the future should you choose to run it.

Program Submission

After all necessary additions, deletions, and changes have been completed for all adult programs, click on the “Summary” tab. Click on the “Proceed for Submission” button that is located below the Summary of programs. This will take you to the Program Submission page and the following four steps:

Step 1 – Review the list of programs to be submitted for approval to confirm that all the information is correct.

Step 2 – Selecct the “Print Signed Assurances” link and print the Signed Assurances. The Chief School Administrator must sign the Assurances.

Step 3 – FAX, email, or mail Signed Assurances to PDE.

Step 4 – Select the “Submit Program” button to submit all Adult Affidavit programs. You do not have to wait until the Signed Assurances are mailed to submit the programsin CATS.

After the programs have been submitted, you should see the following message at the top of the Program Submission screen: “Thank You. Your information has been submitted successfully.”

Programs Eligible for Reimbursement

Only programs registered through the CATS by the March 31 deadline will be eligible for reimbursement.

Reimbursement should be requested only for programs with 6 or more enrollees.

Programs Not to Report

  • Enrichment or hobby-type programs for personal benefit that are not job related, and that do not contribute to a person’s occupational objective
  • Programs in Adult Basic Education (ABE), Standard Evening High School (SEHS), or General Education Development (GED) unless the program also meets Career and Technical Education requirements
  • State-funded Customized Job Training Programs (CJT)
  • Programs funded 100% with federal monies (e.g. Workforce Investment Act)
  • 100% employer-funded programs
  • Any program not open to the public
  • Online courses

BCTE Review

Local education agencies will be asked to provide the following documentation:

  • Occupational or emergency training objectives
  • Copy of formal written agreements between sponsors and the local education agency
  • Program sequence designed for completion within 24 months
  • Evidence that each program has an occupational analysis, performance objectives, and assessment of student competencies based on performance measures and standards
  • Samples of written documentation of the tasks students have accomplished
  • Roster showing at least six (6) students enrolled

BCTE Contacts

CATS Questions: Tammy Keisling
Adult Affidavit Program or Accreditation Questions: Beth Marshall
Additional information on using the system is available on the BCTE web site.​