Career and Technical Education

Guidance on Perkins 380 and 381 Project Revisions

When to submit a project revision:

  • Revisions to projects must be submitted to the Department no later than March 30.
  • Revisions to approved projects are initiated by completing the applicable components of the eGrant application online. The same documents are used for revisions as in the original application. No revisions may be made until a project has final approval (Completed).
  • Please refer to specific program guidelines for information on when a revision is required.

Note: Any changes in the total project amount or the ending date require pre-approval by PDE because such changes are formal contract amendments. Please contact your PDE program advisor if such changes are needed.

How to submit a project revision on the eGrants System:

  • Access the career and technical education eGrants Web site ( and click on Career and Technical Education. Log in using your ID and password.
  • Go to the Grants Management and select Grant Application, then choose the project that you wish to revise.
  • Click on Create Revision.
  • In the pop-up window select Budget Revision and click the Create button.
  • All sections must be marked as complete in order to submit the budget revision to PDE. As you mark a section as Complete, a blue check mark will appear on the main menu. Each section is a copy of the original submission (or a previously approved revision). All Narrative section must be marked complete without changes.  If changes to the narrative section are required contact your PDE program advisor.  Changes made to narrative sections without pre-approval will not be approved.
  • Make budget changes as needed and mark each budget section as complete. To delete or edit an entry in the budget, click on the "edit" or "delete" button on the far right of the screen beside the entry to be changed.
  • Under "Budget Comparison/Recap," choose one or more reasons for the revision. Complete the section that requests an explanation for the revision. A complete explanation as to what project components are being revised and the reason for the revision is to be typed in this narrative box.
  • After all sections are marked as complete, click the Complete button and review your changes, then click the Submit button to submit the budget revision to PDE.

The approval process is similar to the original submission. An approval message will be sent to the contact person via email. Should the PDE project manager require additional information, an email message will be sent to the contact person and the revision will be returned to the LEA with areas identified as needing correction.

If a revision request is denied, an email message will be sent to the LEA.

An approved revision will supercede a previously approved version of the eGrants and will be the document that appears on your eGrants page when you view your project.

Should any component of the eGrants revision not work properly, you may contact the Help Desk by calling 717-857-3737 or use the "Send Question" link under the Help tab at the top of the screen.