​​​​​​​Understanding & Using Data for a Purpose

Professional learning opportunities in SY24-25 will continue to focus on supporting educators in gaining a deeper understanding of PVAAS and other K-12 data to use the information for specific purposes and decisions aligned to educators' work at the LEA/district, school, grade/subject, classroom, and student levels. 

For professional learning opportunities specific to PVAAS Roster Verification, please visit the PVAAS Roster Verification webpage. ​

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, & K-12 Content Leaders 

Self-reflection is integral for personal growth. Goal setting (as part of the LEA-selected Measure) is a critical component of Act 13 evaluation. Self-reflection, when paired with goal setting, has the power to create meaningful connections between past practices and future actions. We'll explore the importance of self-reflection, coaching, and feedback using the Teacher Self-Reflection resource to guide educators through the process of using available data to reflect on their past practices. We'll discuss how each of the steps in the process can be used to complete the LEA Selected Measure (SPM) for use in Act 13's Educator Effectiveness evaluations. 

  • Monday, September 16 @ 11:00am-12:00pm
  • Wednesday, October 2 @ 10:00am-11:00am​

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Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, Teacher Leaders, Teachers, & School Counselors 

There are several PDE data tools and resource sites designed to support educators and leaders in their work. Do you find yourself asking why you need each of these tools, or how any of these tools can be used to support your work? Join this session to learn more about 6 key tools available to all public schools and LEAs in Pennsylvania and how they can be used together to support a continuous improvement process in schools. Hear about what questions these tools are designed to address, as well as when and why to use each tool. Time will be spent discussing PA Future Ready Index, PA Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS), Data Interaction (eMetric), the PDE SAS Portal, the Evidence Resource Center, and the Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT). Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of how they can use each of these data tools and resource sites in their own work and in their own school. Opportunities for questions and discussion will occur throughout the session. 

  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm
Register for Connecting the Tool to Its Purpose: Understanding PDE's K-12 Data & Resource Suite

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, PIMS Administrators, & Teacher Leaders 

We are all familiar with how PVAAS offers reporting based on the students the teacher had last year, but once the teacher has used that older data to reflect on their past practice, they are planning for the students they have in their classrooms this year. PVAAS is now expanding its suite of reporting to include current-year student-teacher linkages so that teachers can easily see assessment history, projections, and demographic information for students currently enrolled in their classes. This effort to bring data into the hands of teachers is a Curriculum-PIMS collaboration, so bring your data team and join us to learn more about how your LEA, District, or School can participate in this pilot opportunity.

  • Wednesday, September 11, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Wednesday, September 11, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm
Register for PVAAS Now Connects Teachers to Their Current Students: Learn How!

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, & School Leaders

Are you and your staff ready to use the newly released PVAAS data? The data is ready for you! PVAAS student-level projection data and PVAAS growth data at district, school, and teacher levels help you make informed decisions about goals, resource allocation, tiered supports, and much more. Join this session to learn about several key steps to ensure you have access to the data, know important features, and have an action plan for you and your staff to hit the ground running with data to inform your decisions. Opportunities for questions and discussion will occur throughout the session.

  • Thursday, September 26, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm
  • Friday, October 4, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am
Register for Get Rolling with the PVAAS Data Release: Four Core Moves to Get Your Team Working in the Data

Audience: District Leaders, School Leaders, & K-12 Content Leaders

Having and supporting collaborative conversations with teachers about data, specifically PVAAS data, is beneficial for improving educational outcomes for students. When engaging in these discussions, it is important to ensure transparency and understanding of the data with a focus on interpretation and use of the information – not just the numbers or colors! This webinar will focus on considerations and strategies for encouraging questions, framing productive conversations, promoting reflection and improvement, and celebrating successes. Participants will have an opportunity to review sample situations of various types of teacher-specific data and discuss various approaches to support collaborative, productive conversations. Discussions will emphasize the purpose of these conversations as a support to teachers in their work with current students.

By approaching collaborative conversations about PVAAS data, administrators and teachers can leverage data more effectively to inform decision-making, improve teaching practices, and ultimately enhance student outcomes. Join us to learn more!

  • Wednesday, October 2, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm
  • Thursday, October 10, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am

Register for Engaging in Collaborative Conversations with Teachers about PVAAS Data

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, Teacher Leaders, & Teachers 

With three consecutive years of roster verification behind us, we are happy to welcome back the teacher-specific 3-year composites! For those teachers who are professional employees, this marks the first time since the suspension of statewide testing that growth is included as part of Act 13 evaluations. During this webinar, we will build an understanding of the nuances of teacher-specific PVAAS growth data and their implications for instructional reflection and improvement. We'll help you navigate the integration of PVAAS 3-year composites into the Act 13 Educator Effectiveness evaluation process with confidence and precision. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your understanding of teacher-specific data and empower yourself to drive positive change in your school community!

  • Monday, October 3, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm
  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am
Register for They're Back! PVAAS Teacher-Specific 3-Year Composites

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, & Teacher Leaders 

As statewide data from SY23-24 is released publicly, you and your team are working to build your communication plan to stakeholders—school boards, leadership teams, teachers, families, and students. Matching the appropriate data sources to the appropriate audience requires thinking through the goals, strategies, and purposes for sharing the data. Join our statewide forum to discuss data sources, resources, and communication strategies with your key stakeholders. Facilitators will encourage networking and collaboration with role-alike colleagues from around the state. Bring your ideas for stakeholder communication and engagement, and plan to walk away with a few new ideas, too!

  • Friday, October 25, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm

Register for Tell Your Story with Data: A Statewide Forum on Communication Strategies

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, & Teacher Leaders 

Attention educational leaders and data enthusiasts! Join us for a webinar where we unveil the latest look in PVAAS achievement and growth data visualization, designed to simplify how you access and interpret your data. You can expect a guided tour of the redesigned scatterplot interface, showcasing its intuitive features and functionalities for effortless data exploration. We'll dive deeper into purposeful data connections, allowing you to uncover meaningful patterns and trends within student performance. Then, we'll consider practical strategies for leveraging scatterplot insights to inform data-driven decision-making for your school and/or LEA/district. Whether you're a seasoned data aficionado or just beginning your data journey, this webinar promises to equip you with the tools and insights you need to lead confidently and clearly.

  • Wednesday, October 30 @ 1:00-2:00pm ​​​​
Register for PVAAS Scatterplots: A New Look at Achievement & Growth Data

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, Teacher Leaders, & Teachers

You've come to know and trust PVAAS for reporting on groups of students from the prior year. Now join us as we expand student reporting features to include your current students! Using a PIMS data collection to connect this year's students with their current teacher, PVAAS now offers an easy way for teachers to access their current students' data-- prior assessment history, future assessment projections, and demographic data- all in one place! First, we'll see what type of data is available in PVAAS via a pre-populated class list to support educators in the planning and instruction of their current students. Then, we'll leverage the power of a statewide forum to collaborate and share ideas about how this data can be used to add value for teachers and their students. Join us for this e-forum to check out your teachers' access to this student-level data backpack and consider ways to include the data in decision-making!

  • Friday, November 8, 2024 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 1:00-2:00pm
Register for PVAAS & Your Current Students: Leveraging Teacher + Student Enrollment

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, Human Resources Leaders, & School Leaders

Attention LEA/district administrators and HR professionals! Are you looking for data to inform your staff retention and development approach? Join us for an exclusive webinar as we unveil the power of the PVAAS Human Capital Retention Dashboard, your key to unlocking invaluable insights into teacher growth patterns and retention strategies. In this session, we will explore growth patterns among teachers new to their positions, experienced veterans, and those transitioning out, enabling you to identify critical retention strategies and bolster your workforce stability. We'll discuss how to leverage data-drive insights to tailor mentorship programs and professional learning opportunities, ensuring the continuous growth and development of your educators. Whether you aim to cultivate a supportive professional environment, retain top talent, or drive educational excellence, this webinar will show you where to find the data you need to inform your plan.

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, & Teacher Leaders 

For schools designated as A-TSI and TSI a high-quality needs assessment is a crucial first step. PVAAS data can add a powerful and informative piece to a school's data story! Many schools with federal designation of ATSI or TSI are only focusing their efforts on the academic performance of student groups (IEP, EL, etc.). A bigger picture view of student growth may shine a light on needs broader than those of the designated student group(s) – needs that can impact the performance of a student group. This session will demonstrate how schools take a system view when assessing the needs of the school and working towards a high-quality school plan for continuous improvement of designated student groups, as well as school-wide student performance.​

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2025 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Thursday, January 23, 2025 @ 1:00-2:00pm
Register for Data & Your Needs Assessment: School Improvement Planning Support for A-TSI & TSI

Audience: LEA/District Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders, & School Counselors 

It's that time when we're thinking about course placement for the coming year, especially in math.  Are you ready to consider some timely updates to your course recommendation procedures that work to highlight the strengths and needs of your current student population? PVAAS student-level projections can help you in that work! This session will illustrate how to utilize PVAAS student projection data, along with other data sources, to (1) proactively inform a math course placement decision matrix that meets incoming students' needs and (2) plan for appropriate course offerings, including intervention and remediation supports and rigorous Honors and AP courses. Many of these projections are available several years in advance for students, allowing you to make informed decisions about course offerings, interventions, and resource allocation for upcoming school years. Join us in considering best practices to get your students on the road to success in math!

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025 @ 1:00-2:00pm

Register for The Journey to Success in Math: Using a Decision Matrix to Inform Course Placement


Audience: LEA/District Leaders, School Leaders, K-12 Content Leaders, & Teacher Leaders 

Are you thinking ahead to your summer curriculum projects or into the next school year? Is there a revision to instructional programming on the horizon?  Do you want ideas for teams of teachers to dialogue about curriculum, assessment, and instruction strategically? Before you jump into planning for these improvement efforts, join us to look at the Digging Deeper Guides, which can help focus your team's discussions on determining the “why" behind your student performance results at the school, grade/subject, and classroom levels. Join this session to walk away with ideas for how to have your district/school teams dig deeper into these discussions about CIAO practices. Participants will leave with various techniques to engage educators in self-reflection and question prompts for collaborative discussions and investigations in PLCs and data team meetings, including root cause identification.  Opportunities for questions and discussion will occur throughout the session.
  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Tuesday, February 12, 2025 @ 1:00-2:00pm
Register for Planning for Improved Practices: Let's Dig into Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Organization

Audience: School Counselors & School Leaders 

Are you looking for data to inform decisions about school scheduling or course availability? Do you wonder how others create school schedules that accommodate the strengths and needs of current and incoming students? This collaborative session will share how to utilize PVAAS student projection data to (1) proactively inform the creation of school schedules that meet incoming students' needs and (2) plan for appropriate course offerings, including intervention and remediation supports, as well as rigorous Honors and AP courses. Drawing from data sources such as the PVAAS student-level projections and the collective experiences of counselors from across Pennsylvania, this e-forum will allow you to hear from others as you grow your system. Join this session to learn what data is available to build schedules as you network with colleagues statewide.

  • Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 9:00-10:00am
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 @ 1:00-2:00pm
Register for Using Data for School Scheduling: A Forum for School Counselors

​​Support and Assistance

For answers to questions regarding statewide support or professional learning, please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team via phone: 717-606-1911 or email: pdepvaas@iu13.org.