Act 48 of 1999, allows Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved private alternative education institutions or individuals (also referred to as private providers) to enter into contracts with public schools (school districts, intermediate units, area vocational-technical schools, special program jointures, and consortia of these schools) to provide education and/or counseling services for Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) programs under Act 30 of 1997 for middle school and high school students.  Programs must be designed to work towards promotion and/or a high school diploma.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires a non-refundable fee for the review and processing of all applications.  The fee will be retained by the Commonwealth whether or not the application results in the issuance of an approval as a private AEDY provider.  All applicants must submit a $1,000 per site location application fee payable to:  Commonwealth of PA before the submitted online application will be reviewed.  Please note that only business checks or a money order will be accepted; no personal checks.

An INITIAL APPLICATION to operate AEDY includes the following REQUIREMENTS:

  • contact information
  • capacity of the provider, including staffing and    site information
  • services available to the public schools
  • background checks
  • list of the training/professional development of key staff members and their experience with at-risk students
  • type or name of other licenses held by the entity and/or other locations
  • assurance statements indicating that all required federal and state laws and state guidelines will be followed

To complete an application to become a new AEDY Private Provider, send an email to:​. PDE will provide the application link and login instructions.  You must complete the online application and submit it to PDE via the Integrated Monitoring System.  In addition, the required application fees must be received by PDE to start the application review process.​

RENEWAL APPLICATIONS require the provider to review and update the information provided in the initial application or previous renewal along with any new information requested. 

Private Providers will be notified of the need for renewal via email at least 30 days prior to expiration of the existing approved application.


  1. When a new application or renewal application is approved, provider staff are notified via system-generated email upon approval.
  2. Upon approval, the private provider is added or updated to the official PDE database of approved private providers on the AEDY section of the PDE website.
  3. The private provider is added to the AEDY email Distribution List.  The AEDY Distribution List is used to announce meetings, webinars, professional development opportunities, and other important information related to AEDY.
  4. Approved private providers may be asked to complete or assist the public school with an online end-of-year report, but it is the contracting entity’s or school district’s responsibility to ensure data is accurate and report is submitted on time.

PDE reserves the right to terminate approval of any private provider at any time due to a complaint, non-submission of required forms, any non-compliance issue, or for any other reason


  1. If an application is rejected or not initially approved, the provider’s contact person(s) is/are notified via email along with an explanation for rejection and required additions, deletions, or revisions to the application.
  2. The provider must make the necessary changes and resubmit for further review.


  1. If an application is denied, State Coordinator, the Bureau Director, or other party designated by the Secretary of Education will provide written notification to the provider’s contact person listed on the application with the reason(s) for denial.
  2. Any private provider who has been denied approval (either initial or renewal) may appeal the decision to the Secretary of Education or his/her designee.
  3. The applicant may reapply for approved private provider status beginning with the next school year after the school year for which the initial approval or renewal was denied.  Demonstration that the issues arising during the denial phase have been corrected is the responsibility of the applicant.  If the burden is met, the Secretary, or his/her designee, may place conditions on the approval of the provider including, but not limited to, a shorter approval period.


If you need assistance in completing the application or have questions related to private providers, please contact John Esposito, AEDY Program Office at 717-736-7708 or email