Adult Basic and Family Literacy Education

​Programs an​d Services

Adult Basic Education

Adult basic education (ABE) services provide instruction in reading, writing, and math at grade-level equivalents through eighth grade. ABE also includes English Language instruction to individuals of limited English proficiency.

Adult Secondary Education

Adult secondary education (ASE) services provide instruction in reading, writing and math at the 9-12 grade-level equivalents. ASE also includes activities to support individuals to transition to postsecondary education or training.

Distance Learning

The Statewide Distance Learning Project (DLP) provides adult education services at a distance to meet the needs of Pennsylvania residents who are unable to access face-to-face instruction in their areas of need.  The DLP offers ABE, ASE, English language instruction, and high school equivalency test preparation services.

Family Literacy

Family literacy programs address the literacy needs of all members of the family while promoting parents' involvement in their children's education. These programs integrate early childhood education and adult education in a unified program. The Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education Division of Adult Education administers the family literacy program through the Pennsylvania Adult and Family Literacy Education Act 143 of 1986.

High School Equivalency Test Preparation

Instruction is available to prepare adults who do not have a high school diploma to take the high school equivalency tests to earn the Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma. 

Integrated Education and Training

Integrated education and training (IET) activities are adult education activities provided concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities, and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement.

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Program

Integrated English literacy and civics education (IELCE) funding supports programs to provide educational services to English language learners to enable them to achieve competency in the English language and the skills and knowledge to be citizens in the United States. IELCE activities include instruction in literacy, English language acquisition, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation. These activities must also be taught in combination with IET activities. 

Workforce Preparation Activities

Workforce preparation activities help students develop their basic academic, critical thinking, digital literacy, and self-management skills, including using resources and information, working with others, and understanding systems. These activities are integrated into all programs and services provided by adult basic and family literacy programs.

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More information on the High School Equivalency Tests in Pennsylvania and Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma