​Title I, Part A, Reallocation of Funds

Section 1126 (c) of the Every Student Succeeds Act requires the State Educational Agency (SEA) to develop procedures for the reallocation of Title I, Part A funds. Funds must be reallocated to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in a timely fashion and must be allocated in accordance with State guidelines for reallocation.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Division of Federal Programs will reallocate Title I, Part A funds in accordance with the reallocation guidelines outlined below.

Eligible Funds

Title I, Part A funds eligible for reallocation are:

  • Funds allocated to an eligible LEA that has chosen not to participate in the Title I, Part A program;
  • Funds returned by an LEA because of its failure to meet federal maintenance of effort requirements;
  • Funds returned by an LEA as a result of excess carryover (more than 15% in LEAs receiving more than $50,000 in Title I, Part A funds); and,
  • Funds not obligated by an LEA and returned to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

(NOTE: Funds returned by an LEA will be available for reallocation only if they are returned during the obligation period of the grant. Funds returned after the obligation period will no longer be available for reallocation.)


When distributing reallocated Title I, Part A funds to LEAs, priority will be given based on the following:

  • Percentage of census poor;
  • Number of buildings in Title I School Improvement;
  • Number of years in Title I School Improvement; and,
  • Amount of federal funds returned by LEA during last two years.

Point values will be assigned for each of the above criteria. Funds available for reallocation will be awarded in rank order to eligible schools based on these point values.

Application & Eligibility

The Division of Federal Programs will have an open application period for reallocated Title I, Part A funds in July of each year. LEAs will be required to submit requests for reallocated funds during this open application period. Letters of request must be submitted by the Superintendent, Executive Officer or Chief Executive Officer, must specify the amount of funds requested and the intended use of the funds. LEAs must be able to describe how the receipt of these funds will help students in meeting the achievement targets of the Pennsylvania Accountability System.

The Division of Federal Programs will review requests for reallocated funds and will determine eligibility. If no LEA requests are determined to be eligible, available funds will be rolled over into the next grant year and made available in the next reallocation cycle.