​CSPG 65 - Technology Education PK-12

​Instructional Area Code 6075
Modified: September 1, 2019

Technology Education, formerly called Industrial Arts/Technology or Industrial Arts, is a general education program that promotes an understanding of the sciences, related technologies and their interrelationship. Technology education is the practical application of tools, materials, processes and systems. Effective technology education provides students with a holistic approach to learning.

Grade Level Scope of Certificate

A person holding a valid Pennsylvania certificate for Technology Education, Industrial Arts/Technology or Industrial Arts is qualified to teach technology education courses in grades PK-12.

Certification Assignment

An educator holding a valid Pennsylvania certificate for Technology Education, Industrial Arts/Technology or Industrial Arts is qualified to teach:

  • Technology education that includes:
    • Biotechnological Systems
    • Informational Systems
    • Physical Systems
  • STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics) courses in grades pre-kindergarten through grade12. Other instructional certificates may teach STEM courses based on course content and the type of credit being given.
  • Construction Technology, Production Industries Technology, portions of Communications Technology and portions of Engineering Technology.

Special Considerations:

An educator certified in this field may:

  • Provide professional development;
  • Serve in the role of mentor or advisor; and
  • Assist students in understanding how to read content area materials.


Chapter 4 Standards for Science and Technology

Program Specific Guidelines for Technology Education Certification

Related CSPG’s for STEM program staffing: Physics 7-12, Mathematics 7-12

22 PA Code: Chapter 4: § 4.22(c)(10), § 4.23(d)(4), § 4.23(e), § 4.31

Chapter 49: § 49.11, § 49.81

PA Public School Code: § 1202, § 1212, § 1604

This revision supersedes all earlier CSPG’s carrying this number and/or addressing this subject. Previous printing dates on this subject: 2/61, 3/75, 1/87, 7/04, 6/17.

Summary of Changes

​Date of Revisions
​Major Changes to CSPG #65
​9/1/2019​Updated grade scope for consistency and clarification.
  • ​Removed language on restrictions for computer education.
  • Removed language on unit shop areas – the educator may only teach the unit shop area specified on the certificate.
  • Added staffing information for teaching STEM courses.
  • Specific clarifications.

​CSPG #65 Technology Education – name and CSPG number changed.

  • Certificate assignment includes teaching technical processes of Biotechnological Systems, Informational Systems, and Physical Systems.
  • The following programs may be taught: Construction Technology, Production Industries Technology, Communications Technology, and some portions of Engineering Technology.
​1/1/1987​CSPG #37 Industrial Arts/Technology Education (new certificate title) – Effective 6/1/1987
  • May teach all General and Unit Shop courses.
  • Defines General Shop and Unit Shop:
    • General Shop: industrial materials, visual communications, power technology, manufacturing, construction, transportation.
    • Unit Shop: Exploration of a single industrial/technology area (3 categories):
      • Industrial materials (ceramics, crafts, metalworking, plastics/synthetics, woodworking);
      • Visual communications (drafting/design, graphic arts, photography); and
      • Power technology (energy systems, electricity, electronics, hydraulics/pneumatics, mechanical systems, power mechanics, robotics).
  • The Instructional Certificate endorsed for Industrial Arts (effective 7/1/1969) – scope of this certificate is identical to new Industrial Arts/Technology Education.

CSPG #104 – Industrial Education Programs

  • Vocational certification is required to qualify a person to teach trade and industrial subjects, except introductory year trade and industrial courses.
  • A certified industrial arts teacher may teach any vocational trade and industrial occupational curriculum with the appropriate (type 00) occupational competency area registered.
  • Prior to 7/1/1969 – certificate issued as Industrial Arts, General Industrial Arts, or Industrial Arts – General Shop.
  • Unit Shop certificates could be added to any of these three certificates.
  • Only the unit shop area listed on the certificate could be taught.

​College Certificates in Industrial Arts

  • Required 46 credits.
  • Valid for teaching any activities in general shop (4 credits) and activities in unit shop (12 credits) to grades 7-12.
  • May teach activities at the elementary level when courses specific to the elementary industrial arts are taken (4 credits).