​CSPG 30 - Agriculture

​Instructional Area Code 1200
Modified: April 4, 2024

Agriculture is the science or art of teaching Animal Science, Biotechnology, Food Science, Forestry, Leadership and Career Development, Management Economics and Marketing, Natural Resource Management, Plant and Soil Science, Power and Systems Technology from the local to global level.

Grade Level Scope of Certificate

A person holding a valid certificate for Agriculture is qualified to teach Agriculture courses in grades PK-12.

Certification Assignment

A person holding a certificate for Agriculture is qualified to teach all Agriculture courses including but not limited to Animal Science, Biotechnology, Food Science, Forestry, Leadership and Career Development, Management Economics and Marketing, Natural Resource Management, Plant and Soil Science, Environmental Science, Economics and Finance, and Power and Systems Technology from the local to international level. An Agriculture teacher is also certified to teach the sociological status of agriculture in political and economic systems.

Special Consideration

An educator certified in this field may:

  • Provide staff development related to their collegial studies;
  • Serve in the role of mentor or advisor; and
  • Assist students in understanding how to read content area materials


Program Specific Guidelines for Agriculture Certification

PA Public School Code: §1202, §1212, §1604, §1549
22 PA Code: Chapter 4: §4.22, §4.23, §4.31
Chapter 49: §49.11, §49.81

This revision supersedes all earlier CSPGs carrying this number and/or addressing this subject. Previous printing dates on this subject: 10/76, 1/87, 7/04, 9/19

Summary of Changes

Date of RevisionsMajor Changes to CSPG #30
  • ​​​Added Economics and Finance to Certification Assignment
  • ​Updated formatting and terminology.
  • Removed limitation on the teaching of Environmental Science
  • ​Removed statement allowing Agriculture to teach general sciences and environmental sciences.
  • Added a statement allowing Agriculture to teach environmental sciences as related to the agricultural program only.​
9/1/2019Updated grade scope for consistency and clarification.