​CSPG 101 - Paraprofessional Staff

May 1, 2021

The paraprofessional provides support related to instruction and services for children, youth, and families.


  • A paraprofessional provides instructional support under the direction of a properly certified teacher.
  • Paraprofessionals may perform non-instructional duties (e.g., monitor study hall, recess, or cafeteria) under the direction of a certified teacher or supervisor and must have access to the appropriate certified teacher or supervisor.

Special Considerations

  • Instructional paraprofessionals employed in a Title I school-wide building or working in a program supported with Title I funds must have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Additionally, they must meet ONE of the requirements listed below:
    • An associate degree or higher; or
    • Completed at least two years of postsecondary study (48 credits); or
    • The successful completion of a state or locally developed assessment in reading, writing, and mathematics.

    Note: Title I paraprofessionals who serve as translators or who only conduct parental involvement activities must have a secondary diploma or its equivalent, but do not have to meet the additional requirements.

  • Special education paraprofessionals must meet one of the following qualifications:
    • An associate degree or higher; or
    • Completed at least two years of postsecondary study; or
    • The successful completion of a state or locally developed assessment

    Note: Special Education paraprofessionals must also complete at least 20 hours of staff development activities related to their assignment each school year.

Additional Clarifications

  • Personal care assistants (special education) provide one-to-one support and assistance to a student, including support and assistance in the use of medical equipment (for example, augmentative communication devices; activities of daily living; and monitoring health and behavior). A personal care assistant may provide support to more than one student, but not at the same time. Personal care assistants shall provide evidence of 20 hours of staff development activities related to their assignment each school year. The 20 hours of training may include training required by the school-based access program.
  • Educational interpreters (special education) provide students who are deaf or hard of hearing with interpreting or transliterating services in an educational setting. To serve as an educational interpreter, an individual must meet one of the following qualifications:
    • Achieve and provide evidence of a score of 3.5 on the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) for the appropriate grade level to which the person has been assigned; or
    • Be a qualified sign language interpreter or qualified transliterator under the Sign Language Interpreter and Transliterator Registration Act and its implementing regulations.
    • Educational interpreters must also provide evidence of a minimum of 20 hours of staff development activities relating to interpreting or transliterating services annually.
    • For further information, please contact ODHH ​Home (pa.gov)


  • Paraprofessional service does not qualify for:
    • Service as a substitute;
    • Purposes of tenure;
    • Professional status; or
    • Permanent certification.
  • Paraprofessionals serving as health room aides cannot be directed to engage in health-related activities reserved exclusively for licensed professionals and controlled by the Nurse Practice Act, or other medically related laws.


  • Section 1111(g)(2)(M) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Section 1111(g)(2)(M) of the ESEA
  • 22 Pa. Code §14.105
  • 63 P.S. §1725.1—1725.12

This revision supersedes all earlier Certification Staffing Policy Guidelines (CSPGs) carrying this number and/or addressing this subject.  Previous dates on this subject:  9/76, 1/87, 1/96, 7/04, 9/17, 2/18.

Summary of Changes:

​Date of Revisions
​Major Changes to CSPG #101
​Clarifications to paraprofessional requirements
​Updated language clarifying paraprofessional direction under
certified personnel.
  • ​Updated language to reflect ESSA requirements for Title I paraprofessional employees effective for the 2016-17 school year.
  • Clarifications and reorganization.