Quick Reference User Guide for Completing Title I Participation Data on PIMS

News and Up​​dates

Collection C5 and Correction Windows

Report 2023-24 Title I participation data during the Collection C5 window: June 10, 2024, through August 31, 2024. Please make every effort to submit 2023-24 Title I participation data during this time frame. The Division of Federal Programs DFP will open a correction window that will provide opportunities to submit data (original submission or corrections) through October 25, 2024. A complete timeline is available on the Elementary/Secondary Data Collection Calendar.

​Title I Partic​ipation Data

Title I Participation Data is mandated by the federal government to be collected on an annual basis. The data is used at the federal level to analyze program participation and to guide policy and programmatic decisions at the national, state, and local level.

The aggregate LEA (local education agency) data reported is from the prior school year and includes participation counts by Targeted and School Wide program, ethnicity, grade, and special needs data by program type. These data are to be reported for the school year ended 6/30/2024, and all the information needed to assist you with these collections can be found in the PIMS manuals, Vol. 1 and 2, and the PIMS Elementary/Secondary Data Collection Calendar.

Also, the Division of Federal Programs (DFP) will again be supplying your LEA with a template designed for this collection. We strongly suggest the use of this template, which is tailored to simplify data entry specific to this collection.

​​​Answers to FA​​Qs and Information

What Are Y​​ou P​​r​​ovid​​ing?

Title I Student participation data for the school year 2023-24. In your total participation count, please include any student who received Title I services at any point during the 2023-24 school year.

PIMS Collect​​ion ​​​D​​ata Set Name

C5 Title 1 Student 2023-24 – this is one of the first items that appear on the PIMS Elementary/Secondary Collection Calendar.

Templat​e N​​am​​e

Title I Part 23-24_DistrictFactRpt_Template – this template will be sent as an attachment in an email from your Regional Coordinator in DFP prior to the collection opening date. The template can also be found on the Excel Reporting Tools webpage, which is accessible from the PIMS homepage.

Data Entry on ​​Titl​​e I District Fact Repo​rting Template

The template contains two tabs; the first tab (“Questions") is a form – use this to enter your actual data.

Please only respond to the questions or areas that pertain to your particular Title I programs, categories, grade levels, etc. – any areas that you did not serve or did not pertain to your program may be left blank (for example, if the extent of your program was Grades 2-8, you will enter data only in those cells and leave lower and upper grade areas blank). Any cells where you enter no data will default to a value of “-99999". There is no need to revise this value, as it is an indicator for PDE use only.

The entries on the “Questions" tab will automatically populate the excel sheet on the second tab (“DISTRICT_FACT") as they are entered.

After completing your entries, upload the second sheet (“DISTRICT_FACT") to PIMS.

PIMS Ma​​n​ual R​​​eferences

Please refer to the PIMS Manual Vol.1, under the section, District Fact Template for Title I Data for technical information as well as a sample submission of the District Fact template.

Please refer to the PIMS Manual Vol.2, Appendix AE, for descriptions of each data item that is being requested for this collection.


The timeline for submission of the 2023-24 Title I Student participation data is as follows:

Collection 5 window: June 10, 2024, through August 31, 2024.

Correction window: September 1, 2024, through October 25, 2024. For our collection, LEAs may use this time period to submit corrections to initial upload, or for original submissions that were not accomplished during the original collection window. Please note that LEAs that have not submitted their original upload by October 25 will be subject to DFP risk assessment points related to program monitoring.

ACS due date: ACS is no longer required for this collection.

Conta​ct ​Us

We appreciate the timely submission of accurate data.

If you have program specific questions regarding the Title I Student participation data reporting, please contact Kelly Gallatin, Division of Federal Programs: 717-783-3403 or kgallatin@pa.gov.

If you have PIMS-related technical issues or issues uploading data to PIMS, please call the PIMS Help Desk: 800-661-2423.​