Council on the Arts

Grants and Loans

The Council on the Arts (PCA) offers funding support to organizations and individuals across the commonwealth, through a variety of programs. 

Support for Non-Profit Organizations

Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (AOAP)

This funding opportunity supports eligible arts organizations and arts programs that have an average annual revenue of more than $200,000 and a history of at least two years of consistent arts programming in Pennsylvania. Organizations must first receive funding through Entry to AOAP and be recommended by PCA to transition into AOAP.

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Creative Catalyst Grants

This funding opportunity is designed to encourage and support projects and events that have the potential for statewide impact on the arts and creative sector. Statewide Creative Catalyst grants are not designed to provide ongoing support or to fund projects that occur on an annual or regular basis, but rather to help support special events or unique, strategic opportunities. Applications will be reviewed quarterly by PCA staff; funding recommendations will be presented and voted on at the PCA's quarterly Council meetings. 

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Creative Sector Flex Fund

This new grant program for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is designed to address the changing needs of dynamic PA arts organizations with average annual revenue between $10,000 - $200,000. This grant program incorporates the current needs of the field by offering grantees the flexibility to use $5,000 grants in ways that ensure the most significant impact for their organizations and communities. Eligible uses of grant funds include but are not limited to operating or programming expenditures.

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Entry Track

This is the point of entry for organizations or programs to the AOAP Track. Entry to AOAP supports eligible arts organizations and arts programs that have a history of at least two years of consistent arts/cultural programming and an average annual revenue of more than $200,000. 

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Preserving Diverse Cultures - Strategies for Success

The Preserving Diverse Cultures (PDC) Division supports the creation, development, and stabilization of organizations, programs, and projects whose mission and artistic work are deeply rooted in and reflective of the perspectives of historically under-represented, diverse cultures including those whose members identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).

Additionally, the applicant's programs and staff are representative of or offer unique perspectives regarding, diverse cultures including BIPOC communities.

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Support for Arts-Based Community and Economic Development

Creative Communities Initiative

The Creative Communities Initiative (CCI) provides multi-year funding for place-based, community-driven, arts-based projects that serve as catalysts for social cohesion, livability, and community and economic development. Commonly referred to as creative placemaking, these projects are rooted in deep community engagement and authentically engage artists, culture bearers, designers, and community members through conversation, cultivation, and creation activities to address community needs, challenges, and opportunities.

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Support for Creative Small Businesses and Creative Entrepreneurs

Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator

This program is designed to pair access to existing small business consulting services with $2,000 grants for creative entrepreneurs who aspire to start their own for-profit business or who operate an existing for-profit micro business.

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Creative Business Loan Fund

In partnership with Bridgeway CapitalRising Tide Community Loan Fund, and Community First Fund, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts is pleased to make available the Creative Business Loan Fund. This fund provides $2.6 million in the form of affordable, flexible financing to small, creative businesses across the commonwealth. 

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Funding Support for Individuals

Arts in Education Residencies

Arts in Education (AIE) residency funding provides financial support for professional artists to help people explore and develop their creativity and artistic skills through artist residencies in a variety of educational, community, and institutional settings.

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Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships in Folk and Traditional Arts are grants from the PCA which support the learning of traditional arts within cultural communities across the state. Each grant award provides funding to a partnership between a master traditional artist and a qualified apprentice, enabling them to work together to share and develop advanced techniques or repertoire.  Apprenticeships in Traditional Arts grants are offered annually in both performing or craft traditions.

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Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator

This program is designed to pair access to existing small business consulting services with $2,000 grants for creative entrepreneurs who aspire to start their own for-profit business or who operate an existing for-profit micro business.

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Creative Business Loan Fund

In partnership with Bridgeway CapitalRising Tide Community Loan Fund, and Community First Fund, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts is pleased to make available the Creative Business Loan Fund. This fund provides $2.6 million in the form of affordable, flexible financing to small, creative businesses across the commonwealth. 

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