Entry to Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (AOAP)

Entry to Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (AOAP) is the point of entry for organizations or programs to the AOAP track. Entry to AOAP supports eligible arts organizations and arts programs that have a history of at least two years of consistent arts/cultural programming.

For current grantees: download the Reimbursement Request and Final Report template here (XLS).

How to Apply

Step 1.  Read the application guidelines in their entirety. For due date information, please reference the due dates calendar Download the 2024-2025 Entry to AOAP Guidelines (PDF) here.

Step 2.  Register and apply through ESA: 

Step 3.  Submit online by the listed due date

No hard copies are required. 

Need help?
  • For technical and login questions, contact DCED's egrants help desk: 833-448-0647 or egrantshelp@pa.gov.
  • For narrative and attachment questions, contact one of the following PCA staff members: 

PCA Funding Restrictions

The PCA does not fund the following, nor can the match for PCA funds be used for these expenses:

  • Capital expenditures, including equipment costing $500 per item or more.
  • Activities for which academic credit is given.
  • Activities that have already been completed.
  • Activities that have a religious purpose.
  • Performances and exhibitions not available to the general public.
  • Performances and exhibitions outside Pennsylvania.
  • Cash prizes and awards.
  • Benefit activities.
  • Hospitality expenses -- i.e. receptions, parties, gallery openings.
  • Payments to lobbyists.
  • Competitions.

Appeals Process

Appeals Process