​​Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (AOAP) Track

Program Description

The Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (AOAP) funding track supports qualified applicants that provide consistent levels of artistic programming and/or arts services in Pennsylvania. Activities and services generally must have a public component. 

The features of AOAP:
  • Application based on past performance.
  • Funding parameters set by Council and applied across the applicant pool.
Activity Period: July 1 - June 30. All funded activities must take place during this time period.

How To Apply

Read the 2024-2025 AOAP Application Guidelines (below) in their entirety.
2024-2025 AOAP Application Guidelines (PDF)

Step 2: Apply online through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development's (DCED)  Electronic Single Application (ESA).

Step 3: Submit online by the application deadlineNo hard copies are required

Need help?

For technical and login questions, contact the DCED egrants help desk: 1-833-448-0647 or egrantshelp@pa.gov.

For questions about content and attachments, contact one of these PCA staff members:

About Our AOAP Funding Strategy

  • In order to begin to address historical inequities faced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and rural communities in accessing support for critical community services and development efforts, the PCA's funding strategy for AOAP has shifted away from the historic funding formula the agency previously utilized to determine general operating support grant amounts.

  • The PCA's current strategy utilizes two funding tiers within AOAP—rural and BIPOC organizations, and non-rural/non-BIPOC organizations. 

  • In its adoption of this approach, the PCA Council also adopted formal definitions for rural and BIPOC-led organizations.
    • For rural organizations, the PCA is utilizing the Center for Rural Pennsylvania's county-based definition, which includes 48 of the commonwealth's 67 counties.
    • PCA's definition of BIPOC organizations is grounded in the following organizational characteristics, in addition to an organization's self-identification as BIPOC-led/centered:
          • Specific community served/impact on the community 
          • Mission/vision/founder
          • Majority of artists/art presented, produced or exhibited 
          • Location in an area dominated by a specific culture, race, ethnicity 
          • Staff composition
          • Board composition 

  • This funding strategy is the result of more than ten years of research and conversation involving national arts service organizations, BIPOC and rural organizations, and the PCA's analysis of its historical funding practices. Additionally, this funding approach aligns with the PCA's strategic goal to promote equitable access for all Pennsylvanians to participate fully in a creative life and in the diverse forms of arts and culture in the commonwealth.

  • The PCA's announcement of this funding strategy can be found here

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