Statewide Creative Catalyst Grants

Note: This program has a rolling due date. 

Statewide Creative Catalyst Grants support proposals that incorporate all of the following components:

  1. Align with one or more of the three goals of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts:

    • Strengthen Pennsylvania communities through the arts. 
    • Connect and increase Pennsylvanians’ access to lifelong learning through the arts. 
    • Champion public awareness and appreciation of the arts in Pennsylvania communities. 

2. Demonstrate statewide benefit for the creative sector in Pennsylvania. 

3. Include mechanisms to implement the PCA’s overarching value of diversity, equity and inclusion. 

4. Budget Considerations: 

    • Up to 25% of grant can be used for administrative expenses. 
    • $1 : $1 match is required. 


  • Typical grant amounts are between $5,000 and $10,000. 
  • This program is not intended to provide ongoing support or an annual source of funds. For those types of applications/projects, please contact the PCA for more information. 


  • Organizations must be nonprofit, tax-exempt corporations, a unit of government; college or university; school district or non-arts nonprofit providing arts programming and/or arts services in Pennsylvania. Organizations are required to provide proof of incorporation and activity in Pennsylvania before applications are reviewed or funds awarded.
  • Fiscal agents and fiscal sponsors are not eligible for Creative Catalyst funding.

Funding Process

Applications are submitted online to the PCA. PCA staff reviews application(s) based on the above components and makes recommendations to the Council, the PCA’s governing body. The Council acts on staff recommendations during their quarterly meetings. Those receiving awards will be sent a letter outlining the next steps in the grant process.

How to Apply

  1. Thoroughly read the above information regarding eligible projects, as well as the accompanying funding process desciption. 
  2. Contact Jamie Dunlap at or (717) 525-5542 before submitting an application.
  3. Register and apply through
  4. Submit your completed application through the above ESA link. No hard copies are required.

Download a print friendly version of the 2023 - 2024 Creative Catalyst guidelines (PDF).

Need Help?

For questions regarding potential applications, contact Jamie Dunlap at or (717) 525-5542. 
For technical and login questions, contact DCED's egrants help desk: 833-448-0647 or