​Acknowledging the PCA

As outlined in the Additional Terms & Conditions Governing Grants-in-Aid (below), all grantees must acknowledge, in a prominent manner, the PCA's support in all materials and announcements and display, in a prominent manner, the PCA's logo in association with the acknowledgement.

By accepting a PCA grant award, the Grantee agrees: 

  • To include an acknowledgment of state arts funding support in all published materials and announcements relating to its PCA funded activities and disseminated by the Grantee.
Acknowledgment of PCA support must state as follows (Note: select/insert the appropriate information where square brackets [ ] indicate): 
  • For AOAP, Entry Track and PPA Program Stream grantees
    • [Grantee name] receives state arts funding support through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  ​
  • For all other grantees: 
    • This [project/program/performance/exhibition/publication/workshop] was supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 
Grantee agrees:
  • To incorporate the PCA logo in its programs, promotional materials, education materials, and posters relating to its PCA funded activities and disseminated by the Grantee. The PCA shall make available said logo to all grantees (see below)
  • In press announcements, include acknowledgement of state arts funding support as follows: The [name of organization or program] is supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

PCA logo usage requirements

As stated in the Additional Terms & Conditions Governing Grants-In-Aid, all grantees must acknowledge, in a prominent manner, the PCA's support in all materials and announcements and display, in a prominent manner, the PCA's logo in association with the acknowledgment.

PCA logos and brand guidelines

The PCA logo can be downloaded here in a variety of file formats. For questions about or assistance regarding PCA logo usage, contact norajohnso@pa.gov.

Brand guidelines for use of the PCA logo can be found here (PDF).

Terms and conditions

Various terms and conditions apply to grantees of the PCA. Complete documents of the Terms and Conditions and General Provisions are available below for download. Note: Organizations and Apprenticeship grantees have a separate set of documents. Hard copies of the Terms & Conditions or General Provisions are available at any time from the PCA upon request.

Additional Terms & Conditions Governing Grants-in-Aid for Organizations

Additional Terms & Conditions

General Provisions

Additional Terms & Conditions Governing Grants-in-Aid for Apprenticeships

Additional Terms & Conditions