Appeals Process

The PCA recognizes that errors may occur in the application process. The PCA is committed to acknowledging any errors and responding to rectify the effects of an error. The appeals process enables applicants to identify these errors and omissions, and bring them to the attention of the Council. Appeals of the Council’s decisions may result in an increase in the grant award amount if the applicant can satisfactorily document that the application was misrepresented or improperly reviewed through no fault of the applicant. Appeals are awarded only if the Council believes that the error or omission had a substantial effect on the evaluation and assessment of the advisory panel or PCA staff review.

Appeals are not intended to provide the applicant with an opportunity to challenge the evaluation and assessment of the advisory panel or PCA staff review. Disagreement with the judgment of the advisory panel or PCA staff review, or the amount of the award is not grounds for an appeal.

Applicants considering an appeal should contact Heather Doughty, Deputy Executive Director, for advice and guidance. The appeal of an award decision must be made in writing ten business days from the date of the notification of the award. Letters of appeal should be addressed to the PCA’s Executive Director, Karl Blischke. The letter should identify the error or omission and the effect such error had on the recommendation of the advisory panel or PCA staff review. If the appeal is supported by the PCA’s Council, funds will be awarded only if they are available.