Strategic Plan

The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) works to promote equitable access for all Pennsylvanians to participate fully in a creative life and in the diverse forms of arts and culture in the commonwealth.


Our cross-cutting value is diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Council on the Arts Strategic Goals


1. Strengthen Pennsylvania communities through the arts.

  • Provide support for arts programming that engages Pennsylvanians throughout the commonwealth in experiencing the arts and exercising their creativity.
  • Invest in community-based arts projects that serve as catalysts to livability, economic development, and community connectedness.  
  • Work with public and private sector partners to build cross-sector collaborations to advance shared goals.
  • Preserve and promote Pennsylvania's diverse cultures and cultural heritage.

 2. Connect and increase Pennsylvanians' access to lifelong learning through the arts.

  • Support arts in education to cultivate future innovators and build essential skills that promote success in school and career readiness.
  • Advance quality of life for Pennsylvanians of all ages through arts learning and creative endeavors.

3. Champion public awareness and appreciation of the arts in Pennsylvania communities. 

  • Inform and engage the public about the value and impact of the arts.
  • Encourage Pennsylvania's artists, arts organizations, and creative industries' capacity for marketing and sustainability.
  • Recognize and celebrate the arts and Pennsylvania's artists and arts organizations as contributing to the commonwealth's prosperity.