51.9. Release of documents and records.

(a.) Consistent with the Right-to-Know Law (65 P. S. 67.101--67.3104), and sections 324 and 5503 of the code (relating to Commission records; and accident reports), the Commission will make public records contained in its files available to requesters for inspection and duplication during the Commission's regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding Commonwealth holidays).

(b.) Requests for release of public records contained in Commission files must be made in writing and submitted to: Director, Bureau of Administration, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Post Office Box 67000, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17106-7000. Written requests for release of public records may be sent by mail or by means of facsimile or by e-mail, or they may be delivered in person during the Commission's regular business hours. The Commission will not accept anonymous or oral requests.

Printable Standard RTK Request Form (This form can be used to request records from any agency.)

(c.) The requester will be charged the fee prescribed by the Office of Open Records for the reproduction and release of documents on paper or in electronic media. The Commission will charge $1 per page up to $5 per document for certified copies. If the Commission mails copies of documents duplicated under this section to the requester, the requester will be charged the actual cost of postage or shipping. All charges shall be payable by check or money order made payable to ''Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.'' The Commission may require a requester to prepay fees if the fees are expected to exceed $100. The Commission may waive copy charges and mailing charges for good cause or in the public interest.

(d.) Requests for records made by subpoena, in addition to collection of subpoena fees, are subject to a reproduction charge of $0.50 per page for black and white copies and $1 per page for color copies. Copies provided on electronic media will be charge at $1 per document, plus $2 per diskette or compact disc. The Commission will charge $1 per page up to $5 per document for certified copies requested under a subpoena.

(e.) If you submit a Right-to-Know request to a state or local agency in Pennsylvania and your request is denied, you can file an appeal with the Office of Open Records. There is no fee, and you do not need an attorney.

All appeals must be made in writing and must be submitted to the Office of Open Records within 15 business days from the mailing date of the Agency's response or the date that the request was deemed denied. If that timeframe expires before you provide the required information to the OOR, you lose your right to appeal and may need to file a new RTK request with the Agency.

The Best Way to Submit an Appeal to the OOR

The simplest and best way to prepare an appeal is to use the online version of the official OOR Appeal Form

The OOR Appeal Form can be used to appeal full denials, partial denials, and deemed denials (i.e., when the agency doesn't respond by the deadline), as well as to appeal any fees being charged by the agency. To file an appeal under the Right-to-Know Law, a requester must provide all of the following:

  • A copy of the RTK request.
  • A copy of the Agency's response (or a notation that the request was "deemed denied," meaning the Agency didn't respond at all).
  • A written statement explaining the grounds on which the requester asserts that the record is a public record.
  • A written statement addressing any grounds stated by the agency for denying the request.

Using the online version of the official OOR Appeal Form will walk you through the process, step by step