Driver License Compact Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Driver License Compact (DLC)?
2. When did Pennsylvania (PA) become a member of the DLC?
3. What violations committed in a member state will result in the suspension of my driving privilege in PA?
4. Do all member states impose the same suspension terms?
5. How long will my driving privilege be suspended if I am convicted of a DUI in a member state?
6. How long will my driving privilege be suspended in PA if I am convicted of a serious traffic offense other than DUI in a member state?
7. When does my suspension begin in PA?
8. Do my suspension terms begin and run at the same time in both states?
9. What effect does the DLC have on an out-of-state motorist convicted for an offense in PA?
10. What States are a member of the DLC?
11. Where do I write or call to get further information about the DLC, my driving record or the PA Point System?

1. What is the Driver License Compact (DLC)?
The DLC is a compact among 46 member states to maximize law enforcement efforts nationwide.
The major provisions of the DLC, which member states are committed to uphold and enforce, are:

  • The “one driver license” concept, which requires the surrender of an out-of-state driver’s license when application for a new license is made;
  • The “one driver record” concept, which requires that a complete driver record be maintained in the driver’s state of residence to determine driving eligibility in the home state, as well as for his nonresidence operator’s privilege in other jurisdictions;
  • Reporting of all traffic convictions and license suspension/revocations of out-of-state drivers to the home state licensing agency, as well as other appropriate information; and
  • The assurance of uniform and predictable treatment of drivers by treating offenses committed in other states as though they have been committed in the home state.

You can find more information on our DLC Fact Sheet.

2. When did Pennsylvania (PA) become a member of the DLC?
PA joined the DLC on January 1, 1995 and was adopted into Pennsylvania law as Act 1996-No. 149 on December 10, 1996.

3. What violations committed in a member state will result in the suspension of my driving privilege in PA?
The following offenses, if committed in a member state, would be treated as though the offense had occurred in Pennsylvania and the appropriate sanction would be imposed under the provisions of our Vehicle Code:

  • Manslaughter or negligent homicide resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle (Section 3732);
  • Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or a narcotic to a degree which renders the driver incapable of safely driving a motor vehicle (Section 3731; repealed 2/1/2004) Section 3802 (effective 2/1/2004)
  • Failure to stop and render aid in the event of a motor vehicle accident resulting in the death or personal injury of another (Section 3742);
  • Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used (Crimes Code and Dangerous Drug Act Offenses).

Although reported to PennDOT, minor traffic offenses such as speeding, red light, stop sign, etc., will (NOT) appear on your driving record, unless you are a CDL holder. Points will not be assessed to your PA driving record when convicted of a point related offense in a DLC member state.

4. Do all member states impose the same suspension terms?
No. Some states may impose a term of suspension which is less than or greater than that of PA. PennDOT will impose the suspension term according to the provisions of our Vehicle Code.

5. How long will my driving privilege be suspended if I am convicted of a DUI in a member state?
If your violation occurred prior to 2/1/04, PennDOT will impose a 1 year suspension. If your violation occurred on or after 2/1/04 and it is your first DUI, PennDOT will take no suspension action. If it is your second or subsequent PennDOT will impose a 1 year.

6. How long will my driving privilege be suspended in PA if I am convicted of a serious traffic offense other than DUI in a member state?
A minimum of one year, however, it could be five years if this is your third serious traffic offense under Section 1542 of the Vehicle Code.

7. When does my suspension begin in PA?
If you are convicted of a serious traffic offense in a DLC member state, that state is required to report the conviction to PennDOT. Upon receipt of the conviction, we will mail you an official notice of suspension with a date the suspension will begin. 

8. Do my suspension terms begin and run at the same time in both states?
It is unlikely. You will probably receive notice of your suspension in the other state prior to our receipt of your conviction. If you are not otherwise suspended in PA, you may continue to drive in PA until you are notified in writing by PennDOT of this suspension.

9. What effect does the DLC have on an out-of-state motorist convicted for an offense in PA?
All PA convictions for out-of-state motorists will be forwarded to the motorist’s home state. Additionally, their privilege to drive in PA will be suspended if convicted of certain serious traffic offenses such as driving under the influence, homicide by vehicle, reckless driving, fleeing or attempting to elude police officer, racing on highway and driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked.

10. What States are a member of the DLC?

​1. Alaska
2. Alabama
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. District of Columbia
10. Florida
11. Hawaii
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland
21. Minnesota
22. Mississippi
23. Missouri
24. Montana
25. Nebraska
26. Nevada
27. New Hampshire
28. New Jersey
29. New Mexico
30. New York
31. North Carolina ​
​32. North Dakota
33. Ohio
34. Oklahoma
35. Oregon
36. Pennsylvania
37. Rhode Island
38. South Carolina
39. South Dakota
40. Texas
41. Utah
42. Vermont
43. Virginia
44. Washington
45. West Virginia
46. Wyoming


11. Where do I write or call to get further information about the DLC, my driving record or the PA Point System?
You may write to the following address:

PA Department of Transportation
Bureau of Driver Licensing
P.O. Box 68618
Harrisburg, PA 17106-8618


Call PennDOT’s Customer Call Center at 717-412-5300. TTY callers — please dial 711 to reach us.

The Call Center hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.