Programs & Services

Statewide Library Card Program

The Statewide Library Card Program's purpose is to increase the availability of library materials for Pennsylvanians by allowing eligible residents to register for a free library card at any participating public library. 


To be eligible to participate, Pennsylvania residents must live in a municipality that supports a state-aided public library for its residents (as outlined in the Pennsylvania Public Library Code). 

To determine if you are eligible to participate, check to see if your municipality is included on the unclaimed municipalities tab on the library service areas spreadsheet (Excel).  If your municipality is listed, you are not eligible to participate in the program.  The list is updated annually.

Pennsylvania residents who are not eligible to participate may register for a free POWER Library Ecard to use state-funded POWER Library e-resources.  Or, they may investigate purchasing a library card from a nearby public or academic library. 

Statewide Library Card Guidelines


The Governor's Advisory Council on Library Development (GAC) reviewed and updated its 1999 Guidelines for the Statewide Library Card program, adopting a new set of guidelines in 2019. In addition to modernizing the guidelines, the GAC adopted language that is concise and offers greater clarity for librarians and library users alike.

To complete this work, the GAC conducted focus groups with a cross-section of Pennsylvania public libraries, solicited ideas from District Library Center administrators and consultants, and Library System administrators. It also surveyed the library community. From this input, the GAC reviewed and finalized the guidelines in 2019.

Changes to the Guidelines

The guidelines were simplified and updated to reflect current practices and needs. Significant changes include:

  1. The guidelines now state the authority (PA Public Library Code) and purpose of the program – to increase the availability of library materials for PA residents;
  2. Information that clarifies and reinforces the intent of the program;
  3. Nearly all references to the Access Pennsylvania program name were eliminated (with the exception of the continued use of the Access PA logo on a library card to indicate that the patron is eligible to participate);
  4. Definitions that are included in the Public Library Code and regulations are not restated;
  5. Definitions of eligible and ineligible cards holders are easier to understand;
  6. Services available to eligible cardholders were clarified;
  7. Optional services are listed and explained;
  8. The process for handling fines was eliminated from the guidelines. The original guidelines were developed when most Pennsylvania libraries were not automated, and a date due card allowed the calculation of fines. Currently, most libraries in the state are part of library consortiums which govern the collection of fines, and local processes should be used;
  9. References to funding and reporting were eliminated. If funding is restored, a new reporting and reimbursement method will be developed; and
  10. A statement on the priority for funding reimbursement was included, should the program be funded again.

Some recommendations for changes could not be included. A few examples are:

  1. A requirement that municipalities fund local libraries. This was not possible since the Public Library Code does not state this;
  2. A requirement for libraries to use technology to share patron registration information that would verify if a patron was eligible or that a card was valid. The Office of Commonwealth Libraries explored a technology solution for statewide verification of cards and found that a practical, affordable one was not viable at this time due to the projected expense to:
    1. Purchase and maintain SIP/SIP2 connections for each local libraries’ integrated library system; or
    2. Design and maintain application programming interfaces (APIs) so that more than eighteen different types of integrated library systems in use across Pennsylvania could communicate.
  3. A statewide solution in the future may be pursued contingent on advances in technology and improvement of available library resources at the state and local level.

Next Steps

District Library Consultants will work with member libraries to help library staff:

  1. Understand the revised guidelines;
  2. Integrate them into their public service practices;
  3. Educate their library staff members about the new guidelines and practices; and
  4. Implement the new guidelines.


Guideline Review Process

The GAC charged its Policy Committee (David L. Belanger, Chair, Allison J. Mackley, Dr. Larry L. Nesbit, Louis W. LaBar, Mary O. Garm, ex-officio) with reviewing and updating the guidelines.

The committee held a focus group to discuss the program in mid-2017. Thirteen librarians were invited and twelve attended. In addition to representing Pennsylvania’s diverse public libraries, the librarians also included those who have expressed concerns about the program.

Several themes were identified:

  1. Misunderstanding of the program: There is much confusion about the program. There have been mixed messages received from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries over the years. Some people feel the program went away when the funding did. There was also confusion about the procedures of the program. There were several comments related to ILL and the POWER Library program, which are both separate services.
  2. Library cards: There were questions about the need to use a home library, the Access PA Sticker, unserved communities, and if a purchased card would qualify.
  3. Lack of uniformity: Through the years, the program rules have been adapted by libraries to diverge from the intent of the program.
  4. Complicated: The program is complicated for the public and for staff. It seems like a very backward program.
  5. Funding: The program is seen as an unfunded mandate. An advocacy campaign for funding restoration is needed.
  6. Funding II: The program could be used by municipalities to either limit library funding or be seen by the municipality as using local funds to serve non-residents.

Final focus group recommendations were to:

  1. Simplify the program and make it patron-focused;
  2. Educate staff and enforce policies and procedures;
  3. Clearly define who is eligible to participate;
  4. Rebrand the program to be more descriptive and avoid confusion with other Access PA services; and
  5. Advocate for reinstating funding.

The focus group reconvened in July 2018 to review a new draft of the guidelines. Members provided feedback on how the revision reflected their original input. Additional input was received from District Library Center administrators and consultants, and Library System administrators.

This input was incorporated into a revised set of guidelines that was shared with Pennsylvania’s public libraries via a survey in 2018. Following this survey, the guidelines were revised again and submitted to the GAC for review. They were approved by the GAC in 2019.

Statewide Library Card System History

The Statewide Library Card System was developed in 1985-1986 under the banner of Access Pennsylvania, an umbrella program of statewide library services.

Access Pennsylvania was conceived in 1984 as part of the State Library of Pennsylvania’s “Comprehensive Plan for Libraries in Pennsylvania: Recommendations for Improved Access to Library Resources.” With an overarching goal of expanding access to library resources, the plan identified three key objectives:

  1. Developing a statewide library card system that would allow all Pennsylvanians to use any publicly-supported library;
  2. Expanding the use of technology to more effectively share library and information resources; and
  3. Improving the local financial support of public libraries and providing state assistance for the support of libraries in low-income communities.

To accomplish these objectives, work began in 1985 to develop a statewide union catalog on CD-ROM. During its first year, the CD-ROM catalog included 121 libraries (64 public libraries, 28 instructional media services, 25 school libraries, and four academic libraries). This CD-ROM catalog was greatly expanded, updated regularly, and later moved to the Internet. It served as the foundation for POWER Library services.

In 1985-1986, work began to develop the Statewide Library Card System. The program’s founding operational principle was reciprocity. Its goal was to increase the availability of library materials for all Pennsylvanians. Library leaders drafted guidelines for it and the Office of Commonwealth Libraries implemented a statewide pilot project using 150 public libraries of varying types and sizes. The pilot project called for each state-aided local library to agree to honor library cards from other state-aided local libraries with the understanding that borrowing privileges would be extended to its own users. The pilot project was highly successful, and it was phased-in over the next several years in all state-aided libraries. Now, as required by the PA Public Library Code, all state-aided public libraries must participate in the program (Title 24 PA. C.S.A. § 9334 (c)(1)).

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the Bureau of Library Development ( or 717-787-8007) to request Access PA logo stickers.  Or, libraries may consider purchasing library cards from their card vendor that have the Access PA logo (PDF) printed on it as part of the card’s graphic image.  If a library does this, remember to purchase a supply of cards that do not have the logo on it.  This will allow the library to issue cards (free or for a fee) to people who are not eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.

​Yes. Your library may choose to have the Access PA logo (PDF) printed directly on your cards and not use Access PA stickers.  However, if your library decides to purchase cards that have the logo printed on them, be sure to purchase a supply that does not have the logo imprint.  This will allow the library to issue cards (free or for a fee) to people who are not eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.

​No.  Requiring someone to purchase a card means that the individual was not eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.  Thus, any public library card that is purchased should not have an Access PA logo on it. 


​To be eligible to participate, Pennsylvania residents must live in a municipality that that supports a state-aided public library. To determine if someone is eligible, check the list of unclaimed municipalities tab on the library service areas (Excel).  If their municipality is listed, they are not eligible to participate in the program. The list is updated annually.


To determine someone's municipality of residence, use the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development's municipal statistics "Find Municipality by Address" database:

Statewide Library Card Guidelines

​As defined by the Pennsylvania Public Library Code, a municipality is a county or locality such as a borough, township, or city. 

Statewide Library Card Guidelines

A home library is defined as the local library, library system, or county library that is legally responsible for providing library service to its residents. There are three types:

  1. Local Library. A person's home library is that local library designated by the municipality within which the person resides that is legally responsible for extending its library services without charge.
  2. Library System. In a library system, the board of directors of the system shall determine the home library for each municipality it is legally responsible for extending its library services without charge.
  3. County Library. In the case of a county library which is not part of a public library system, it shall be considered as the home library for those residents it serves directly.

Often when libraries share an integrated library system, they will use the term 'home library' to designate an individual's preferred library within the libraries that share the integrated library system.  This is not the way in which the term 'home library' is used in this program.  A home library in the Statewide Library Card Program is defined as the library that is legally responsible for providing library service to its residents.

​Yes.  The Pennsylvania Public Library Code requires all public libraries that receive Public Library Subsidy funds from the commonwealth to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program (Title 24 PA. C.S.A. § 9334 (c)(1)).

No.  State-aided public libraries and District Library Centers are not required to sell library cards to people who are not eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program. Libraries and District Library Centers make their own policies about selling or issuing free library cards to people who live in municipalities that do not support public library services.

Note that when a library does issue or sell a library card to people who live in municipalities that do not support public library services, the card should not have an Access PA logo on it.  Paying a fee for a library card does not make an individual eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.

​No.  Paying a fee for a library card does not make someone eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.  People may only participate in the program if they live in a municipality that supports a state-aided public library. Purchased library cards should not have Access PA logos on them. 

​Yes. State-aided public libraries and District Library Centers may choose to issue a free library card to someone who lives in a municipality that does not support public library services for its residents.  (Or, the library may choose to charge a fee for a library card; or it may choose to not issue one at all.) 

Note that if a card is issued, it should not have the Access PA logo on it.  As required by the Pennsylvania Public Library Code, people may only participate in the Statewide Library Card Program if they live in a municipality that supports a state-aided public library.

No.  District Library Centers are not required to provide cards (for a fee or for free) to people who live in their state-designated district service area.

Note that when a District Library Center does issue or sell a library card to people who live in municipalities that do not support public library services, the card should not have an Access PA logo on it.  Paying a fee for a library card does not make an individual eligible to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.

No.  Having a State Library of Pennsylvania card does not allow someone to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.  The State Library of Pennsylvania does not participate in the Statewide Library Card Program because it is not a local public library.  However, Pennsylvanians who are over the age of sixteen, may obtain a free State Library of Pennsylvania library card to visit and borrow its books and documents.

​No.  The POWER Library Ecard only provides access to state-funded online resources to all Pennsylvania residents.  It does not allow residents to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.  Any Pennsylvania resident may obtain a free POWER Library Ecard

No. Having an elementary, middle school, high school, college, or university library card does not allow someone to participate in the Statewide Library Card Program.  Only public libraries are part of the Statewide Library Card Program.