Digital Library Collections

State Library Digital Collections: As part of our mission to preserve materials related to Pennsylvania history, the State Library digitizes and provides widespread access to items of historical significance to Pennsylvania. This growing collection includes items about Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Coal Mining in Pennsylvania, Farming in Pennsylvania, Fort Necessity, Pennsylvania Capitol Centennial, Pennsylvania Agency Historical Reports, Pennsylvania Genealogy, Pennsylvania Historical Newspapers, Pennsylvania Native Americans, Pennsylvania Regimental Histories, U.S. Civil War as well as our unique 19th Century Pamphlet Volumes.

Internet Archive Collections: The State Library works with Internet Archive to digitize and make available items from our collections. This collection includes extensive numbers of World War I material as well as an increasing number of our 19th and 20th century pamphlet volumes.

The State Library of Pennsylvania also participates in the Community Webs to collect websites to archive from diverse community groups. Review our current collectionSubmit a website for consideration to be added to the Community Webs archive.

State Library Electronic Resources: The State Library subscribes to a wide variety of online electronic resources that are available in the State Library or by remote access to active State Government employees with a current State Library card.

POWER Library: The POWER Library provides a​ccess to thousands of full text periodical articles, newspapers, a major encyclopedia, plus photographs, pictures, charts, maps, and reference materials for people of all ages.

Directory of Open Ac​cess Journals: This resource offers access to full-text articles from online scholarly publications covering most subjects but favoring research and scientific publications.​