Employer Contribution Rate Resources

Pension Legislation History & Additional Information

On November 23, 2010, the Governor signed HB 2497 into law. The legislation is now known as Act 120 of 2010.

Act 120 includes a series of actuarial and funding changes to PSERS and benefit reductions for individuals who become new members of PSERS on or after July 1, 2011.

Act 120 will NOT impact the pension benefits of current PSERS members or retired PSERS members.

For a further explanation of Act 120, please click on the following links:

Members of the General Assembly introduce some PSERS-related bills each year. Often, only a few of PSERS-related bills that are introduced make it through the entire legislative process and are signed into law by the Governor.

You can visit the General Assembly's website to search the content and status of all legislation introduced in Pennsylvania.

The Independent Fiscal Office also maintains a searchable database specific to retirement-related legislation. You can find proposals and related documentation concerning Pennsylvania school, state, or municipal retirement systems.