Class T-C, Class T-D, Class T-E, and Class T-F Members

Log into your PSERS Member Self-Service (MSS) account to create your own personalized retirement estimates! By using the estimate calculator in your MSS account, the most recent information reported by your employer is automatically entered in the relevant fields.  

If unable to access your MSS account or if you are a non-vested Class T-E or Class T-F member, you may also create a PSERS retirement estimate using the generic estimate calculator on the PSERS website. This calculator does not automatically populate your data from your account and requires you to manually enter your information using your most recent PSERS Statement of Account.

If you are vested (eligible for a monthly benefit) but are not presently working for a PA public school, you must use the estimator in the MSS Portal or acquire a staff-prepared estimate to ensure that your estimate uses information from your PSERS account.

Class T-G and Class T-H Members

Members with a Defined Contribution component to their retirement can use the Retirement Calculator with DC BenefitsPlease note that for Class T-G and Class T-H members, the withdrawal of contributions and interest may result in a significant reduction in the monthly benefit.

Retiring within the next 12 months?

Request a staff-prepared estimate to attend Exit Counseling! You can request a staff-prepared retirement estimate by calling us or submitting a Request for Retirement Estimate (PSRS-151).


When not to use the Online Estimate Calculator:

If you are retiring within the next 12 months, instead of an online estimate, you must have a staff-prepared estimate in order to attend Exit Counseling.

In addition, some members should not use the online retirement estimate calculator. These include members who:

  • Have a frozen annuity (you previously received a monthly benefit from PSERS).
  • Are considering disability benefits within the next 12 months.
  • Are a multiple service member (combined State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) covered employment with PSERS employment) and considering retirement within the next 24 months.
  • You have a benefit with the Internal Revenue Code  Section 415(b) limit applied.

If you fall within these categories, you can request a staff-prepared retirement estimate by calling us or submitting a Request for Retirement Estimate (PSRS-151) form  through mail or fax.