Refunding Contributions

If you experience a break in service from all Pennsylvania public school employment, you may request a refund of your contributions and the interest earned on the contributions.  To process the refund, PSERS must receive your date of termination from your employer(s). 

Refunds apply to the Defined Benefit (DB) component of benefits for Class T-G or Class T-H members. For more information on distribution options from your Defined Contribution (DC) account is available on the Retirement Benefit Options page.

Are you vested?

A refund is your only option if you terminate from all school service and you are not vested.  You are eligible only for a refund if you are not vested.

Vested members may request to receive a refund of their contributions and interest and also receive a monthly retirement benefit. 

Applying for a Refund

To request the application to receive a refund of your account, please contact PSERS directly at 1.888.773.7748. You must complete an Application for Refund (PSRS-59) to receive a refund of your DB contributions and interest.  If you are a Multiple Service member (have combined your SERS and PSERS accounts), you must apply separately to receive a refund from both SERS and PSERS.  By law, PSERS will not credit interest to accounts that are not vested. Interest for non-vested members will cease at termination.  Members on an unpaid leave of absence or who are no longer active but have not yet terminated employment will continue to receive interest for up to 24 months.

What is the status of my refund? Why is it taking so long?

Every member account is exclusive and needs to be reviewed, audited, calculated and processed - based on information supplied to us by your employer(s). You can check the status of your refund application in your Member Self-Service (MSS) account.

Unfortunately, there are times when errors in reporting or posting have occurred and adjustments are necessary.  Normal processing for a refund takes approximately 3 to 4 months from the date the application was received, providing there is no missing or unclear information onyour application.