Your membership class determines how much you and your employer contribute to your retirement benefit and how much you’ll receive in retirement. New members only have 90 days to change their membership class so PSERS has created three short videos to assist you in making this important decision. 

PSERS Class Election Video 1: Understanding Your PSERS Benefit - provides a high-level overview of the PA Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) retirement benefit options for new members.

PSERS Class Election Video 2: Understanding Membership Classes - compares the PA Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) membership classes: Class T-G, Class T-H, and Class DC.

PSERS Class Election Video 3: Selecting Your Membership Class - provides examples of what your benefit may look like in each membership class as well as instructions for remaining in your current membership class and electing a new class.