When you began participating in PSERS Defined Contribution (DC) Plan through your public school service, you and your employer’s contributions were automatically invested in a target date investment.  A default target date investment provides automatic investing that is more likely to lead to future growth without you having to actively direct your plan investments. Watch the videos below to learn more about target date investments and other investment options through PSERS DC Plan.

PSERS Investment Options Overview Video 1: Understanding Target Date Investments

When you began participating in the Public School Employees’ Retirement System Defined Contribution Plan through your public school service, you and your employer’s contributions were automatically invested in a target date investment. A default target date investment provides automatic investing that is more likely to lead to future growth without you having to actively direct your plan investments.

PSERS Investment Options Overview Video 2: Evaluating Your Investment Choices - Although you are automatically enrolled in a PSERS DC Plan target date investment that is professionally managed for you, you can choose to actively manage your DC Plan assets by creating your own custom portfolio in the PSERS DC Plan. PSERS provides a set of broadly diversified investment options to allow you to create a well-diversified portfolio. Diversification is important to avoid, as the saying goes, putting all your eggs in one basket to mitigate loss in declining markets.