Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Groups 472 (part. 2) -496

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Groups 472 (pt. 2)-496

MG-472 Walter Lyon Papers

1902-2007 (bulk 1955-1995)
(58 cu. ft.)

Subject File: Water Resources

Lake Erie Materials

1 box & 1 folder
{series #472m.73}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 73 is comprised of various reports and publications that discuss Lake Erie and the state of its waters. Water quality, wastewater contamination and offshore drilling are a few of the specific topics addressed.

Box 78

  • Assessment of the Effects of Nutrient Loadings on Lake Ontario Using a Mathematical Model of the Phytoplankton, March 1976 (folder 78-1)
  • Decision: Water Quality Management for the Lake Erie Area, Executive Summary, November 1976 (folder 78-2)
  • Erie City and County Tourist Guides, ca. 1980s (folder 78-3)
  • Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study, Final and Methodology Reports, 1979, 1982 (folder 78-4)
  • Miscellaneous News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1967-1991 (folder 78-5)The folder has materials pertaining mainly to Lake Erie. There are several papers authored by Walter A. Lyon on the Susquehanna River and on Lake Erie as well as legislation:
    • Legislation: Pa. House Bill 2214, Session of 1988, "An Act making an appropriation for the purpose of implementing the Pennsylvania portion of the United States Plan for Phosphorus Load Reduction in Lake Erie."
  • Offshore Drilling in Lake Erie - Report to the Sanitary Water Board (Publication Number 22), October 1968 (folder 78-6)
  • Pennsylvania Angler Magazine Issues, 1972-1973 (folder 78-7)
  • Summary Report of the Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study, June 1983 (folder 78-8)
  • The Detroit River, Michigan: An Ecological Profile, April 1988 (folder 78-9)

Box 79

Water Quality File, 1975-1988 (folder 79-1)

Potomac River Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.74}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The bulk of Series 74 pertains to the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB). The ICPRB is an interstate compact commission established by Congress in 1940 to help the Potomac basin states and the federal government to enhance, protect and conserve the water and associated land resources of the Potomac River basin through regional and interstate cooperation. Walter Lyon served as a commissioner of the ICPRB for a time, before retiring near the end of 1994. Numerous ICPRB reports concerning the Potomac River and its environmental upkeep are included, as well as other miscellaneous files concerning the river and its drainage basin.

Box 79

  • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin:
    • 1984 General File (folder 79-2)
    • Annual Reports, 1999, 2000 (folder 79-3)
    • Meetings, 1983-1986 (folder 79-4)
    • Miscellaneous, 1960-1995 (folder 79-5)
    • Miscellaneous Reports, 1957-2000 (folder 79-6)
    • Newsletters, 1991-2001 (folder 79-7)

Box 80

  • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin:
    • Technical Reports, 1982-1984 (folder 80-1)
    • Technical Reports, 1986 (folder 80-2)
    • Technical Reports, 1988 (folder 80-3)
    • Technical Reports, 1993 (folder 80-4)
  • Legal Rights in Potomac Waters - Proceedings of a Conference at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, September 1976 (folder 80-5)
  • Maryland Planning and Zoning, 1992-1994 (folder 80-6)
  • Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Correspondence, 1985 (folder 80-7)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1958-1994 (folder 80-8) This folder has materials about the Potomac River and on Chesapeake Bay.
  • The Nation's River - The Department of the Interior Official Report on the Potomac, 1968 (folder 80-9)

Chesapeake Bay Papers

8 boxes
{series #472m.75}

Arranged alphabetically by subject, then chronologically.

During his term as head of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Water Quality Management, one of the major interstate issues that Mr. Lyon faced was the degradation of the Chesapeake Bay. Its pollution was due in large part to industrial and agricultural run-off into Pennsylvania's many streams and rivers, most notably the Susquehanna River. The importance of this issue is evidenced by the size of Series 75, which includes seven boxes of material related to the Chesapeake and the fight to save the bay. Numerous subgroupings are contained in the series, including correspondence, general reports, newsletters, nutrients, special reports and toxics. A plethora of private organizations and government entities created to help resurrect the Chesapeake are also represented, groups such as the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Bay Commission, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Chesapeake Bay Program and the Citizen's for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc.

Box 81

  • Correspondence:
    • "Action" Correspondence, 1982, 1985 (folder 81-1)
    • Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1968, 1983-1996 (folder 81-2) The Chesapeake Bay is the subject of correspondence between Lyon, environmentalists and the Harrisburg Patriot-News.
    • Nutrients and Point and Non-point NPDES Sources, 1984-1988 (folder 81-3)
    • Toxics Correspondence, 1985-1994 (folder 81-4)
  • General Reports - Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
    • Annual Reports, 1987, 1989 (folder 81-5)
    • The Chesapeake Future - Looking Ahead to the 21st Century, A Proposed Program, June 1990 (folder 81-6)
    • Chesapeake Citizen Report, July-August 1990 (folder 81-7)
  • General Reports - Chesapeake Bay Commission
    • Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Management Primer, November 1982 (folder 81-8)
    • Choices for the Chesapeake: The First Biennial Review of the Action Agenda, September 1985 (folder 81-9)
    • Annual Reports, 1987-1991 (folder 81-10)
    • Annual Reports, 1992, 1994-1996 (folder 81-11)
    • Annual Reports, 1997-1999 (folder 81-12)

Box 82

  • Issues and Actions - An Analysis of Riparian Forest Buffer Policies in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1995 (folder 82-1)
  • General Reports - Chesapeake Bay Foundation
    • Annual Report, 1989 (folder 82-2)
  • General Reports - Chesapeake Bay Program
    • Summary of Projects, October 1979 (folder 82-3)
    • Chesapeake Bay: Introduction to an Ecosystem, January 1982 (folder 82-4)
    • Chesapeake Bay: A Framework for Action, September 1983 (folder 82-5)
    • Chesapeake Bay: A Framework for Action (Appendices), September 1983 (folder 82-6)
    • Chesapeake Bay: A Profile of Environmental Change, September 1983 (folder 82-7)
    • Chesapeake Bay Program: Findings and Recommendations, September 1983 (folder 82-8)
    • Agreement Commitment Report (Draft Federal Workplan), April 1988 (folder 82-9)
    • Perspectives on the Chesapeake Bay, 1990 - Advances in Estuarine Sciences, April 1990 (folder 82-10)
    • The State of the Chesapeake Bay, 1995 (folder 82-11)

Box 83

  • General Reports - Chesapeake Bay Program Monitoring Subcommittee
    • Second and Third Annual Monitoring Reports, 1984, 1985, 1989 (folder 83-1)
  • General Reports - Chesapeake Executive Council
    • Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Protection Plans, July & September 1985 (folder 83-2)
    • Progress Reports under the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, December 1985 & February 1987 (folder 83-3)
    • The Chesapeake Bay Program: A Commitment Renewed - Restoration Progress and the Course Ahead under the 1987 Agreement, February 1988 (folder 83-4)
    • Baywide Conventional Pollutants Control Strategy - An Agreement Commitment Report from the Chesapeake Executive Council, July 1988 (folder 83-5)
    • Population Growth and Development in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed to the Year 2020 (Summary), December 1988 (folder 83-6)
    • Progress Reports under the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, January 1989, December 1989 & August 1991 (folder 83-7)
    • The Chesapeake Bay Program... An Action Agenda, August 1991 (folder 83-8)
  • General Reports - Citizen's Program for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc.
    • Choices for the Chesapeake: An Action Agenda, 1983 Chesapeake Bay Conference Report, 1984 (folder 83-9)
    • The Chesapeake Future: Looking Ahead to the 21st Century, A Proposal, May 1987 (folder 83-10)
  • General Reports - Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources & Miscellaneous
    • Lower Susquehanna River Basin Water Quality, Bureau of Water Quality Management Publication Number 54, 1980 (folder 83-11)
    • Miscellaneous Reports, 1983-1992 (folder 83-12)

Box 84

  • Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1992-1996 (folder 84-1) Includes minutes of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, U.S. EPA Modeling
  • Subcommittee and Nutrient Subcommittee of the Chesapeake Bay Program
    • News clippings, 1983-1991 (folder 84-2) These are various articles about the Chesapeake Bay from Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Erie, Baltimore, New York and Washington papers.
  • Newsletters
    • Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay - Bay Journal, November 1991 - February 1998 (folder 84-3)
    • Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay - Chesapeake Citizen Report and Chesapeake White Paper, 1986-1990, 1993 (folder 84-4). The "White Paper" is the newsletter which dates from 1993
    • Chesapeake Bay Commission - Legislative Update, June 1985, May 1991 and May 1993 (folder 84-5)
    • Miscellaneous Newsletters, 1983-1994 (folder 84-6)
  • Nutrients - Nitrogen & Phosphorus
    • The Legal, Political and Scientific Aspects of the Patuxent River Nutrient Control Controversy, October 1982 (folder 84-7)
    • Miscellaneous Correspondence, News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1985-2001 (folder 84-8 &9 ) The following items by Lyon relating to Chesapeake Bay are found in folder 84-8:
      • Correspondence: Lyon to the Chesapeake Bay Commission, May 12, 1988 re: comments on PSU Dymond-Long Report.
      • Speech: Lyon at the Meeting on the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, Oct. 22, 1987, Harrisburg
      • A special item of interest in folder 84-9 is an article written by Lyon on the Chesapeake Bay.
      • News clipping: "Phosphate ban won't help the Chesapeake, Philadelphia Inquirer, February 3, 1989 (folder 84-8)

Box 85

  • Chesapeake Bay Program, 1986-1999 (folders 85-1 & 2)
  • Retrofitting POTWs for Phosphorus Removal in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Area (2nd Draft Report), March 1987 (folder 85-3)
  • Retrofitting POTWs for Phosphorus Removal in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Area (Handbook), March 1987 (folder 85-4)
  • Assessment of Cost and Effectiveness of Biological Dual Nutrient Removal Technologies in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, September 1987 (folder 85-5)
  • First Annual Report on Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants in the Susquehanna Basin, September 1987 (folder 85-6)
  • Basin-wide Nutrient Reduction Strategy - Prepared in Response to the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, July 1988 (folder 85-7)
  • First Annual Progress Report - Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Nutrient Reduction Strategy, Virginia Point Source Programs, August 1989 (folder 85-8)
  • Chesapeake Bay Dissolved Oxygen Goal for Restoration of Living Resource Habitats, December 1992 (folder 85-9)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Reports, 1993 (folder 85-10)

Box 86

  • Senate and Bay Testimony, 1982-1988 (folder 86-1)
  • Special Reports
    • Miscellaneous Reports, 1981-1997 (folder 86-2)
    • Choices for the Chesapeake: An Action Agenda, October 1983 (folder 86-3)
    • The Chesapeake Bay - Maryland Initiatives and Legislation, 1984 (folder 86-4)
    • Monitoring, 1984 - A First Report from the Chesapeake Bay Program Monitoring Subcommittee, September 1985 (folder 86-5)
    • Report on Audit of the Management of the Chesapeake Bay Program Grants and Contracts Awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency, Fiscal Years 1978 through 1984, September 1986 (folder 86-6)
    • Chesapeake Bay: You've Got a Friend in Pennsylvania, October 1986 (folder 86-7)
    • Baltimore 2000 - A Choice of Futures, 1986 (folder 86-8)
    • Progress Report - Chesapeake Bay Program (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources), 1987 (folder 86-9)
    • The State of the Chesapeake Bay - Second Annual Monitoring Report, 1987 (folder 86-10)
    • Pennsylvania's Chesapeake Bay Program... the Road to Recovery, August 1988 (folder 86-11)
    • Maryland Water Quality Inventory, 1989-1991 (folder 86-12)
    • Maryland Water Quality Inventory, 1991-1993 (folder 86-13)

Box 87

  • Draft Chesapeake Bay Wetlands Policy Implementation Program, March 1990 (folder 87-1)
  • Chesapeake Bay Progress Report - Maryland Restoring the Chesapeake, 1990 (folder 87-2)
  • Recreational Boat Pollution and the Chesapeake Bay - A Report to the Chesapeake Executive Council, January 1991 (folder 87-3)
  • Chesapeake Bay Program Status and Workplan - 1991 Report to the United States Congress, March 1991 (folder 87-4)
  • Financial Cost Effectiveness of Point and Nonpoint Source Nutrient Reduction Technologies in the Chesapeake Bay Basin, Draft, June 1991 (folder 87-5)
  • Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Management Program, November 1992 (folder 87-6)
  • Modeling Subcommittee (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 1992, 1993 (folder 87-7)
  • Response of the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model to Loading Scenarios, April 1994 (folder 87-8)
  • The Introduction of Nonindigenous Species to the Chesapeake Bay via Ballast Water, January 1995 (folder 87-9)
  • Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay, 1996 (folder 87-10)
  • Pennsylvania's Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reduction Strategy, June 2002 (folder 87-11)

Box 88

  • Toxics
    • Assessment of Chemicals Found in the Great Lakes, August 1987 (folder 88-1)
    • Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1987-1997 (folder 88-2)
    • At Risk: The Framework for Regulating Toxic Substances, September 1988 (folder 88-3)
    • Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Toxics Reduction Strategy Appendices (Draft), Chesapeake Bay Program Agreement Commitment Report, October 1988 (folder 88-4)
    • The Chesapeake at Risk: Towards a Toxics Strategy (Proceedings of a Conference), October 1988 (folder 88-5)
    • Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives, 1988 (folder 88-6)
    • Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives, Testimony File of Walter Lyon, 1988 (folder 88-7)
    • Toxic Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay - Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Water Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, 1988 (folder 88-8)
    • Industrial Pretreatment in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: The Untapped Potential for Reducing Toxics, February 1989 (folder 88-9)
    • Walter Lyon Presentation: "Scripts," 1987, 1988 and Undated (folder 88-10)

Susquehanna River Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.76}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 76 contains files which pertain in various ways to the longest commercially nonnavigable river in North America, the Susquehanna River. A majority of the papers chronicle the activities of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, a Federal-Interstate Compact Commission formed in 1971 by New York State, Pennsylvania, Maryland and the United States of America. It was created to bring the water resources of the Susquehanna River Basin under the control of a single entity, which is governed by a Comprehensive Plan for Management and Development called the Susquehanna River Basin Compact. A copy of the compact is included in the series, as well as number of other interesting documents, including a number of publications concerning what governor Milton Shapp called Pennsylvania's greatest natural disaster, the massive flooding which occurred in the wake of Hurricane Agnes in 1972.

Box 89

  • Baltimore Withdrawals - Susquehanna River, Transcript of Public Hearing, April 14, 1998 (folder 89-1)
  • Correspondence and Miscellaneous Reports, 1998-2001 (folder 89-2) Materials relating to the Susquehanna River Basin. Item of interest is a letter from Lyon to the Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, July 28, 1998 re: Susquehanna River Basin Commission and the Conowingo pool elevations and operations.
  • Hurricane Agnes Flood Newspapers and Publications, 1972 (folders 89-3 & 4)
  • Miscellaneous Files and News clippings, 1967-1998 (folder 89-5). Materials about the Susquehanna River Basin. Items of interest include the following:
    • News clipping: "City's unrestricted water use questioned," by John Murphy, Baltimore Sun, April 15, 1998. Lyon is quoted as stating that Baltimore should not get preferential treatment.
    • Legislation: "Highlights of Pennsylvania's nutrient management law," Bay Journal, June 1993.
    • Publication: Program for the Susquehanna River Water Forum sponsored by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission May 17-18, 1995. Lyon participated in a panel on water management roles and responsibilities.
  • Pennsylvania Gas and Water Company Water Allocation Application, 1978 (folder 89-6)
  • Studies on the Susquehanna River, 1963, 1977-1987 (folder 89-7)
  • Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Susquehanna Guardian Newsletter, 1996-2001 (folder 89-8)
  • Susquehanna River Basin Commission Annual Reports, 1988, 1992, 1993, 1996-1999, 2001 (folder 89-9)

Box 90

  • Susquehanna River Basin Commission Compact and Strategic Plan, 1967, 1970, 1995-1998 (folder 90-1)
  • Susquehanna River Basin Commission Correspondence, 1993-1998 (folder 90-2)
  • Susquehanna River Basin Commission Minutes, 1997-1999 (folder 90-3)
  • Susquehanna Waterway - The West Branch in Lycoming County, 1975 (folder 90-4)
  • Water Quality in the Lower Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania and Maryland, 1992-1995, 1998 (folder 90-5)

Ohio River Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.77}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Files pertaining to the Ohio River and its drainage basin are included in this series. The vast majority of the files concern the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). It was established on June 30, 1948 to control and abate pollution in the Ohio River Basin. It is an interstate commission representing eight states and the federal government, with the member states being comprised of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Various commission reports, as well as meeting agendas and minutes, make up the bulk of the series.

Box 91

  • A Study of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Ohio River III (U.S. Public Health Service), 1958 (folder 91-1)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1966-1997 (folder 91-2) The folder has materials about the Monongahela River and the Ohio River Basin. Items of interest include:
    • News clipping: "State to protest Ohio failure to clean up 'filthy' Mahoning" by Fred Jones, Pittsburgh Press, January 10, 1974. Article features comments by Lyon.
    • News clipping: "Cleaning up the Watershed," Pittsburgh Press Sunday Roto Magazine, July 31, 1966. Lyon is interviewed about the Slippery Rock Creek watershed
    • Report on Pollution of Slippery Rock Creek, January 1965 (folder 91-3)
    • Water Pollution Control in the Monongahela River Basin, December 1963 (folder 91-4)
  • Ohio River Valley Water Sanitary Commission
    • Annual Reports, 1980, 1982-1984, 1987-1989, 1993, 1996, 1997 (folder 91-5)
    • Assessment of Water Quality Conditions - Ohio River Main Stem Water Years 1982-1983 (folder 91-6)
    • Assessment of Water Quality Conditions - Ohio River Main Stem Water Years 1990-1991 (folder 91-7)
    • Assessment of Water Quality Conditions - Ohio River Main Stem Water Years 1992-1993 (folder 91-8)
    • Commission and Technical Committee Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1990-2001 (folder 91-9)

Box 92

  • Commission and Technical Committee Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1990-2001 (folders 92-1, 2 & 3)
  • Fishes of the Ohio River: A Testimony to Clean Water, March 1983 (folder 92-4)
  • General File of Walter Lyon, 1991-1996 (folder 92-5)
  • Miscellaneous Publications and Reports, 1984-1999 (folder 92-6)This folder contains materials about the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORANCO)
  • Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compact, June 1948 (folder 92-7)

Pennsylvania Articles and Reports

1 box
{series #472m.78}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Miscellaneous reports and articles discussing water resources in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania comprise Series 78. A number of the files pre-date the 1960s, including a report on the Drought of 1930, one discussing flood discharge records of Pennsylvania streams published in 1950, and a 1940 report which chronicles the natural water loses from Pennsylvania drainage basins. Also present are files relative to the Clean Streams Program, dating mainly from the late 1960s.

Box 93

  • A Report on Forests and Waters and Land and People, 1958 (folder 93-1)
  • Clean Streams Program, 1968-1981 (folder 93-2)
  • Flood Discharge Records relating to Pennsylvania Streams, 1950 (folder 93-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1957-1991 (folder 93-4) The folder has various materials pertaining to water quality. Items of historical significance include the following:
    • Publication: Sierra Club Newsletter, Pennsylvania Chapter, Special Issue about water, Jan. 1979.
    • Testimony: Francis A. Pitkin to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Power of the U.S. House Committee on Governmental Organization, Sept. 21, 1955. Pitkin speaks about the flood of August 18-19, 1955 in Pennsylvania.
    • Press release: Governor's Office, "Remarks of Hon. George M. the First State Conference on the Commonwealth's Water Resource Problems, April 4, 1957, Harrisburg.
    • Report: Pa. Dept. of Environmental Protection, "Drought Information Center, Water Supplier Status," Jan. 8, 1999Natural Water Losses from Pennsylvania Drainage Basins, 1940 (folder 93-5)
  • Schuylkill River, 1983, 1989 (folder 93-6)
  • The Drought of 1930 in Pennsylvania, 1937 (folder 93-7)
  • Water Quality Assessment, April 1996 (folder 93-8)
  • Water Resources of Southeastern Bucks County, Pennsylvania, U.S. Geological Survey Circular Number 104, April 1951 (folder 93-9)
  • Water Resources of the Lake Erie Shore Region in Pennsylvania, U.S. Geological Survey Circular Number 174, 1952 (folder 93-10)
  • Water Resources of the Pittsburgh Area, U.S. Geological Survey Circular Number 315, 1954 (folder 93-11)
  • Water Use and Water Rights in Pennsylvania, 1998 (folder 93-12)

Subject file: Water Quality

General Water Quality Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.79}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Water quality files of a more general nature, as opposed to the records contained in following series, are included in Series 79. A few notable items in this grouping are a a file discussing California's water problems, a history of the study of water quality, and two National Water Commission reports documenting water pollution control in the United States in the early 1970s.

Box 94

  • California, 1970, 1990-1995 (folder 94-1)
  • Comprehensive Planning for Water Quality Management - Technical Aspects, 1963 (folder 94-2)
  • Environmental Master Plan, July 1982 (folder 94-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1951-1997 (folders 94-4 & 5)The folder contains correspondence by Lyon along with other items relating to water quality.
    • Correspondence: Lyon to Daniel A. Okun, March 23, 1976; Okun to Lyon, April 13, 1976; Lyon to Okun, May 12, 1976 all regarding water quality and federal regulation.
    • Correspondence: Lyon to V. Adamkus, Oct. 16t, 1984 re workshop sponsored by the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board of the International Joint Commission.
  • Progress Report '81 - Water Pollution Control in Virginia, 1946-1980, 1982 (folder 94-6)
  • Reporting to the Public on Trends in Surface Water Quality - Approaches to Improving Environmental Indicators, April 1988 (folder 94-7)
  • South Carolina Water Plan, 1998 (folder 94-8)
  • Various Newsletters, 1992, 1993 (folder 94-9)
  • Virginia Water Quality Assessment, Volume 1, April 1992 (folder 94-10)
  • Virginia Water Quality Assessment, Volume 2, April 1992 (folder 94-11)

Box 95

  • Virginia Water Quality Assessment, Volume 3, April 1992 (folder 95-1)
  • Water Pollution Control - Monograph 8B (National Water Commission), July 1972 (folder 95-2)
  • Water Pollution Control in the United States (National Water Commission), November 1971 (folder 95-3)
  • Water Quality - A Progress Report (U.S. Department of Agriculture), July 1993 (folder 95-4)
  • Water Quality History, A Report, 1994 (folder 95-5)
  • Water Quality 2000, Draft Phase II Work Group Reports, January 1990 (folder 95-6)

Water Quality Policy Materials

2 boxes
{series #472m.80}

Water quality laws, acts, and various other materials pertaining to public and private water quality policy issues are present in Series 80. A number of files relate to privatization in the United States and also Europe. A copy of the Water Quality Act of 1987, as well as supporting documentation, is also included.

Box 96

  • Evaluation of Construction of Locally Financed Wastewater Treatment Plants, March 1984 (folder 96-1)
  • Federal Committee Reports, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963, 1977 (folder 96-2)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence and Reports, 1949-1996 (folder 96-3). Within this folder of materials dealing generally with water quality, the following items with a Pennsylvania focus can be found:
    • Correspondence:
      • Lyon to Ralph C. Graber, May 5, 1982 re: water quality standards.
      • John Arway to Daniel B. Drawbaugh, August 21, 1996 re Commonwealth's water quality protection program.
    • Reports:
      • Pennsylvania's Antidegradation (Special Protection Waters) Program, "Final Recommendations submitted by the Regulated Community Shareholders, August 19, 1996
      • "Final Report of the Conservation Stakeholders submitted to the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Protection, August 21, 1996
    • Articles:
      • "Death of the Sweet Waters: The Politics of Pollution," by Donald E. Carr, The Atlantic, vol. 217, no. 3, May 1966. Pollution of the Mahoning and the Delaware Rivers are mentioned by the author.
      • Joel A. Tarr et al, "Disputes over Water Quality Policy: Professional Cultures in Conflict, 1900-1917," American Journal of Public Health, vol. 70, no. 4, April 1980. Water quality policy in Pennsylvania is critiqued by the authors.
  • Model State Water Rights Code [Regulated Riparian Chapters], Third Draft, 1993 (folder 96-4)
  • Privatization:
    • Articles and References, 1990-1995 (folder 96-5)
    • Britain, 1991-1996 (folder 96-6)
    • Europe, 1974, 1983, 1994 (folder 96-7)

Box 97

  • Privatization:
    • France, 1993-1995 (folder 97-1)
    • Lyon File, 1995 (folder 97-2)
    • Privatized Water, 1994, 1997 (folder 97-3)
    • Task Committee, 1995 (folder 97-4)
  • Public Rights in Pennsylvania Waters - State Water Plan, Water Laws and Institutional Arrangements, Background Report No. 1, October 1975 (folder 97-5)
  • Report to the Congress - Controlling Industrial Water Pollution, Progress and Problems, December 1970 (folder 97-6)
  • Report to the Congress on the National Commission on Water Quality, March 1976 (folder 97-7)
  • Water Quality Act of 1987 (folder 97-8)
  • Water Quality 2000, Phase II Summary Report Problem Identification (Draft for Member Congress Review), June 1990 (folder 97-9)
  • Water Quality 2000, Transportation Work Group Phase II Report - Problem Identification of Water Quality Impacts of Transportation, 1990 (folder 97-10)
  • Water Policy Issues for Pennsylvania (Draft, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources), March 1978 (folder 97-11)

Water Quality Planning Papers

2 boxes
{series #472m.81}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 81 contains documents which discuss the planning efforts associated with improving water quality in various states and municipalities in the United States. Included are two studies concerning the Milwaukee Waterfront and plans for its improvement, preliminary reports from nine states relative their progress in a Clean Water Program in the early 1980s and numerous documents pertaining to the Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning (COWAMP) Program for Pennsylvania, dating from the mid-1970s through the early 1980s

Box 98

  • A Long Range Strategic Plan for Milwaukee's Waterways, 1988, 1989 (folder 98-1)
  • A Report to Congress - Activities and Programs Implemented under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act as Amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, December 1987 (folder 98-2)
  • A Survey of American Attitudes toward Water Pollution, December 1982 (folder 98-3)
  • Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning (COWAMP) Program for Pennsylvania - Various Materials, 1974-1982 (folders 98-4 & 5)
  • Journals and Newsletters, 1966-1994 (folder 98-6)
  • Milwaukee Harbor Strategic Plan - A Strategic Plan for Milwaukee's Waterways and Lakefront to Maximize Their Long Term Benefit to Milwaukee, ca. 1990 (folder 98-7)
  • Miscellaneous Reports, 1978-1995 (folder 98-8)

Box 99

  • Progress in the Clean Water Program - Preliminary Reports for Various States, 1983 (folder 99-1) - States included are: Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Vermont
  • Senate Bill 351 (Pennsylvania) - Water Resource Conservation and Management Act, 1993 (folder 99-2)
  • Sustaining Water - Population and the Future of Renewable Water Supplies, 1993 (folder 99-3)
  • Wellhead Protection Regulations (Proposed) in Pennsylvania, 1993 (folder 99-4)

Sewerage and Industrial Wastes Materials

2 boxes
{series #472m.82}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Various files pertaining to sewage and industrial wastes are contained in this series. Lyon kept his own detailed file system on this topic, including folders which discuss combined sewer overflows, the costs associated with implementing sewerage systems, industrial wastes, nutrients, on-site systems, sludge and storm drainage. A number of the reports in these files date back to the 1950s, with a few ranging into the 1940s. Files concerning sewage legislation are also found in Series 82, in particular a file documenting the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act of 1993.

Box 100

  • A Compilation of Cost Information for Conventional and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants and Processes, December 1967 (folder 100-1)
  • Combined Sewer Overflows, 1989-1995 (folder 100-2)
  • Costs, 1959-1993 (folder 100-3)
  • Hatfield Township Municipal Authorities Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1987 (folder 100-4)
  • History as a Guide to Predicting Trends in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology, August 1992 (folder 100-5)
  • Industrial Wastes, 1957-1996 (folder 100-6)
  • Land Application of Wastes, 1976-1988 (folder 100-7)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1966-1990 (folder 100-8)The folder has a mixture of materials dealing with water quality issues from the national perspective. Pennsylvania-related items include the following:
    • Legislation: Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Chapter 71, Administration of Sewage Facilities Rules & Regulations," Unofficial copy circa 1990s.
  • National Inventory of Needs for Sanitation Facilities - III. Sewerage and Water Pollution Abatement, July 1944 (folder 100-9)
  • Nutrients (Phosphorus and Nitrogen), 1954-1984 (folder 100-10)

Box 101

  • On-Site Systems, 1964-1984 (folder 101-1)
  • Penn State Studies Number 23 - Waste Water Renovation and Conservation, 1967 (folder 101-2)
  • Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, 1993 (folder 101-3)
  • Reclaiming Our Waters - 30 Years of Construction Grants in Pennsylvania, 1987 (folder 101-4)
  • Rural Development - U.S.D.A.'s Approach to Funding Water and Sewer Projects, September 1995 (folder 101-5)
  • Sewage Treatment Plants, 1950-1996 (folder 101-6)
  • Sewerage Manual - A Guide for the Preparation of Applications, Reports and Plans (Pennsylvania), 1960 (folder 101-7)
  • Sludge, 1973-1995 (folder 101-8)
  • Storm Drainage, 1990-1995 (folder 101-9)
  • Waste Management and Pollution Control in the Experimental City, January 1968 (folder 101-10)
  • Wastewater Collection and Disposal for Communities in Developing Countries (Draft), June 1970 (folder 101-11)
  • Wastewater Technology Centre, 1991-1992 Annual Report (folder 101-12)
  • Water Pollution in the United States, 1951 (folder 101-13)

General Nonpoint Source Pollution Files

9 folders
{series #472m.83}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Nonpoint pollution is defined as pollution which cannot be traced back to a single origin or source, such as storm water runoff, water runoff from urban areas and failed septic systems. Series 83 through 87 deals with various nonpoint pollution topics, with this particular series containing general articles, government and private reports, legislative materials and papers concerning this particular type of pollution.

Box 102

  • Alliance for Acid Rain Monitoring (ALLARM), 1994 (folder 102-1)
  • An Evaluation of Pennsylvania's Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program, August 1984 (folder 102-2)
  • Manure Management for Environmental Protection (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources), October 1986 (folder 102-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Papers and Reports, 1972-1990 (folder 102-4) This folder features testimony and reports by state officials and Pennsylvania legislation about water quality.
    • Reports: Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Soil & Water Conservation, "Summary of Recommendations," Draft copy, Jan. 15, 1983
    • Legislation: Pa. House Bill No. 2616, Session of 1988, "An Act providing for the management of nutrients to abate non-point source pollution from agricultural and nonagricultural activities."
    • Testimony: Joseph J. Lee, Jr., Walter N. Peechatka, and Wallace Evans, to the Governor's Select Committee on Non-point Source Nutrient Management, May 7, 1990
  • Non-point Source Pollution, 1985 (folder 102-5)
  • Processes, Procedures and Methods to Control Pollution Resulting from Silvicultural Activities, October 1973 (folder 102-6)
  • Relating Stream Standards to Water Quality Monitoring Practices, Final Report, January 1982 (folder 102-7)
  • Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Manual (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources), January 1983 (folder 102-8)
  • Water Pollution - Greater EPA Leadership Needed to Reduce Non-point Source Pollution, October 1990 (folder 102-9)

Phosphate Detergent Bans and Eutrophication Files

1 box & 7 folders
{series #472m.84}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 84 documents phosphorus detergent bans that were enacted in many states during the 1970s and 1980s to limit the amount of phosphorus that entered various bodies of water. It was believed that if phosphorus levels were reduced, water quality would improve. High phosphorus levels can induce a process known as eutrophication, or algal and other plant growth, that helps speed up the natural process by which bodies of water age. This can lead to decreased aquatic life and a noxious odor and unpleasant tasting water. One of the main phosphorus-enriching culprits is laundry detergent, which brought about calls for the phosphorus detergent bans, or "P-Bans." Numerous types of materials relative to these P-Bans, including legislative materials and reports of various enterprises which investigated phosphorus levels in lakes and streams, are present.

Box 102

  • Articles and News clippings, 1982-1990 (folder 102-10)
  • Assessment of the Impact of a Phosphate Detergent Ban on Water Quality in the Lower Susquehanna River/Chesapeake Bay, March 1988 (folder 102-11)
  • Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Correspondence, 1988 (folder 102-12)
  • Eutrophication Reports, 1972-1987 (folder 102-13)

Box 103

  • FMC Corporation Chemical Products Group Correspondence and Reports, 1987-1995 (folders 103-1 & 2)
  • Legislative File, 1971-1988 (folders 103-3 & 4)
  • Mangus/Catanzano Correspondence, 1988 (folder 103-5)
  • Maryland Phosphate Ban Documents, 1986-1988 (folder 103-6)
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1971, 1987 (folder 103-7) On Pa. Senate Bill 812 and Pa. House Bill 1220, 1971 banning phosphates in detergents.
  • Miscellaneous Papers and Reports, 1970-1991 (folder 103-8) The issue of phosphates in consumer products and their effect on water is documented here. There is correspondence with the states of Illinois and Virginia's environmental protection agencies.

Box 104

  • Miscellaneous Papers and Reports, 1970-1991 (folder 104-1). Items of interest include a 1991 report by Lyon on phosphate regulation in other states and a 1988 paper by Lyon entitled "The History of Point Source Control of Nutrients in Pennsylvania and other Chesapeake Bay States."
  • Phosphate Ban (P-Ban) Histories, 1985 (folder 104-2)
  • The Soap and Detergent Association Correspondence, 1987, 1988 (folder 104-3)

Storm Drainage Papers

8 folders
{series #472m.85}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Various articles, bills, papers and reports pertaining to storm drainage and related issues. Included is a report from 1948 providing assistance to persons who lost homes or farms to flooding, as well as a copy of Pennsylvania's 1978 Storm Water Management Act.

Box 104

  • First Aid for Flooded Homes and Farms (U.S. Department of Agriculture), November 1948 (folder 104-4)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1961-1991 (folder 104-5). The folder contains materials dealing with the regulation and treatment of storm water. The following is an item pertaining to Pennsylvania.
    • Article: Udai P. Singh et al, "Computer-Optimized Stormwater Treatment (Cost) Program: Philadelphia Case Study," Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 18, no. 5, October 1982
  • Nonpoint Source Pollution: Where to Go with the Flow, Wisconsin's Challenge for the Next Decade, 1986 (folder 104-6)
  • Operating Results of a Remote Control System for Combined Sewer Overflows, October 1971 (folder 104-7)
  • Papers Prepared in the Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, Region V, for Presentation at ASCE Water Resources Engineering Conference, May 1963 (folder 104-8)
  • Production and Decomposition of Forest Litter Fall on the Apalachicola River Flood Plain, Florida, 1982 (folder 104-9)
  • Storm Water Management Act (Pennsylvania), 1978 (folder 104-10)
  • Storm Water Management Guidelines and Model Ordinances (Pennsylvania), 1990 (folder 104-11)

Navigation and Pilotage Materials

7 folders
{series #472m.86}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Documents relating to commercial vessels and their navigation, especially as it concerns harbors, ports and possible cargo spills, are contained in Series 86. The bulk of the series is comprised of minutes, reports and miscellaneous other files pertaining to the Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor Safety Committee, spanning the years 1992-1996.

Box 104

  • Bill C-52 (Canada) - An Act Respecting the Use of Foreign Ships and Non-duty Paid Ships in the Coasting Trade and in Other Marine Activities of a Commercial Nature, 1988 (folder 104-12)
  • Exxon Valdez News clipping, 1990 (folder 104-13)
  • Joint Canadian/United States Coast Guard Report on Progress Toward Achievement of the Objectives Established by the Revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, July 1988 (folder 104-14)
  • Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor Safety Committee Files, 1992-1996 (folder 104-15)

Box 105

  • Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor Safety Committee Files, 1992-1996 (folders 105-1 & 2)
  • Testimony of Captain Thomas J. Schnell, District 2 Pilots before the Senate Oversight of Government Management Subcommittee, September 1989 (folder 105-3)

Spills and Toxics Files

(8 folders)
{series #472m.87}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 87 includes papers relating to various types of material spills and toxic substances involved in those spills. A number of groups committed to dealing with or preventing and reducing the harmful effects of spills, such as the Donner Canadian Foundation Project, the American Society of Civil Engineers' Spills Task Force and the States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, are present. Various articles, correspondence, papers and reports comprise the remainder of this series.

Box 105

  • Articles and News clippings, 1993-1996 (folder 105-4)
  • Donner Canadian Foundation Project, 1990-1994 (folder 105-5)
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence, Papers and Reports, 1989-1994 (folder 105-6)
  • The folder features materials about oil spills. Items pertaining to Lyon include the following:
    • Correspondence:
      • Peter Bontadelli to Lyon, March 17, 1994 re: California Dept. of Fish and Game's oil spill prevention program
      • Lyon to Paul H. Parks, May 25, 1989 re tanker spills in the Great Lakes
      • Paul Shrivastava to Lyon, Oct. 12, 1992 re: articles on marine spills
      • Joel A. Tickner to Lyon, July 20, 1994 re: National Environmental Law Center
    • Report: "Poster Presentation on Spill Prevention" by Walter A. Lyon, undated.
  • Publications Related to Oil in the Environment, November 1991 (folder 105-7)
  • RCRA Amendments of 1984 (folder 105-8)
  • Spills Task Force, 1993, 1994 (folder 105-9)
  • States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, 1994 (folder 105-10)
  • Toxics, 1988-2000 (folder 105-11)

Personal File

General Files

1958-1981, 2007
3 boxes
{series #472m.90}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Miscellaneous Walter Lyon personal files comprise Series 90. Included are biographical sketches of various persons, mostly in the environmental engineering field, Lyon biographical sketches, travel and expense report files and a file pertaining to Karl Mason, the man widely-recognized as the father of government-led environmental administration in Pennsylvania. Also included are papers from two binders, a draft and a final version, of a compilation of Pennsylvania environmental regulations, timelines, and other supporting documentation, which was given to the Archives in early 2007 by Walter Lyon.

Box 110

  • Biographical Sketches, Various Persons, 1958-1965 (folder 110-1)
  • Karl Mason Speech and Statement File, 1958-1965 (folder 110-2)
  • Lyon Biographical Sketches and Pictures, 1976-1981 (folder 110-3)
  • Portraits of Walter Lyon have been moved to Series 97, Box 124
  • Miscellaneous, 1962, 1979 (folder 110-4)
  • Travel and Expense Report Files, 1958-1967 (folder 110-5)

Box 110a

  • Pennsylvania Environmental Regulations, Timelines and Supporting Documentation (Draft):
    • Section 1, Timelines (folder 110a-1)
    • Section 2, Chronological Bibliography (folder 110a-2)
    • Section 3, Water Regulations (folder 110a-3)
    • Section 4, Solid Waste Regulations (folder 110a-4)
    • Section 5, Hazardous Waste Regulations (folder 110a-5)
    • Section 6, Other Laws (folder 110a-6)
  • Pennsylvania Environmental Regulations, Timelines and Supporting Documentation:
    • Section 1, Timelines (folder 110a-7)
    • Section 2, Chronological Bibliography (folder 110a-8)
    • Section 3, Water Regulations (folder 110a-9)

Box 110b

  • Pennsylvania Environmental Regulations, Timelines and Supporting Documentation:
    • Section 4, Solid Waste Regulations (folder 110b-1)
    • Section 5, Hazardous Waste Regulations (folder 110b-2)
    • Section 6, Other Laws (folder 110b-3)


1 box
{series #472m.101}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Transcripts, releases and notes related to interviews conducted with Walter Lyon and the family of Karl Mason during late 2005 and early 2006. The interviews of Lyon, conducted by Vagel Keller, PhD., were done as part of the Karl M. Mason Conservation Heritage Project, and funded through the Mason family and the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals, through the Pennsylvania Heritage Society. The careers of both Lyon and Mason are the main topics discussed in the interviews, particularly as they pertain to the creation and administration of Pennsylvania's environmental and sanitary engineering policies in the mid-20th century.

Box 128

  • Walter Lyon Interview Transcript (edited), November 17, 2005 (folder 128-1)
  • Walter Lyon Interview Transcript (edited), November 17, 2005 (folder 128-2)
  • Walter Lyon Interview Transcript (unedited), November 17, 2005 (folder 128-3)
  • Walter Lyon Oral History Transcript (Lyon Edited Version), November 17, 2005 (folder 128-4)
  • Walter Lyon Oral History Transcript (Lyon Edited Version), November 17, 2005 (folder 128-5)
  • Mason Family Interview, January 10, 2006 (folder 128-6)
  • Releases and Introductory Notes, Lyon and Mason Families, 2006 (folder 128-7)

Newspaper and Original Publications

4 boxes
{series #472m.91}

Arranged chronologically by subject.

This series contains publications such as articles either written or co-written by Mr. Lyon, spanning over a fifty year period. They provide an interesting insight into Walter Lyon's career, with the topics for the various works pertaining usually to either whatever position he held at the time or his main focus of research.

Box 111

  • Newspaper Publications, 1950s, 1952-1956 (folder 111-1)
  • Newspaper Publications, 1960s, 1961, 1964 (folder 111-2)
  • Newspaper Publications, 1970s, 1970-1979 (folder 111-3)
  • Newspaper Publications, 1980s, 1981-1989 (folder 111-4)
  • Newspaper Publications, 1990s, 1998, 1999 (folder 111-5)

Box 112

  • 1950s Publications, 1951, 1952 (folder 112-1)
  • 1950s Publications, 1953-1959 (folder 112-2)
  • 1960s Publications, 1960 (folder 112-3)
  • 1960s Publications, 1961 (folder 112-4)
  • 1960s Publications, 1963, 1965 (folder 112-5)
  • 1960s Publications, 1966 (folders 112-6 & 7)

Box 113

  • 1960s Publications, 1967, 1968 (folder 113-1)
  • 1960s Publications, 1969 (folder 113-2)
  • 1970s Publications, 1970 (folder 113-3)
  • 1970s Publications, 1970, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Data and Instrumentation for Water Quality Management (folder 113-4)
  • 1970s Publications, 1971-1978 (folder 113-5)

Box 114

  • 1980s Publications, 1980, 1981 (folder 114-1)
  • 1980s Publications, 1982, 1983 (folder 114-2)
  • 1980s Publications, 1983-1989 (folder 114-3)
  • 1990s and 2000s Publications, 1990-2002 (folder 114-4)

Personal Correspondence

1980, 1981
1 box
{series #472m.92}

Arranged chronologically.

Here is personal correspondence of Lyon with other professionals in the environmental field.

Box 115

  • Personal Correspondence, January-June, 1980 (folder 115-1)
  • Personal Correspondence, July-December, 1980 (folder 115-2)
  • Personal Correspondence, January-June, 1981 (folder 115-3)
  • Personal Correspondence, July-December, 1981 (folder 115-4)

Speeches and Speech Notes

3 boxes
{series #472m.93}

Arranged chronologically by speech date.

This series contains speeches given by Lyon to various organizations over his long and distinguished career. They span a forty-year period, discussing topics such as water pollution abatement, water conflicts on Lake Erie, the Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania's Clean Streams Program and the Great Lakes Pilotage Study. Also present are notes for various speeches, not all of which directly relate to the group of numbered speeches initially listed in the series, although they do date from roughly the same time period as the listing of numbered speeches.

Box 116

  • Table of Contents Listing for Speeches (folder 116-1)
  • Speeches #1-5, 1958-1974 (folder 116-2)
  • Speeches #6-10, 1969-1971 (folder 116-3)
  • Speeches #11-15, 1970, 1971 (folder 116-4)
  • Speeches #16-20, 1972, 1973 (folder 116-5)
  • Speeches #21-25, 1974-1976 (folder 116-6)
  • Speeches #26-30, 1977, 1978 (folder 116-7)
  • Speeches #31-35, 1978-1980 (folder 116-8)
  • Speeches #36-40, 1980 (folder 116-9)
  • Speeches #41-45, 1979-1981 (folder 116-10)

Box 117

  • Speeches #46-50, 1982-1986 (folder 117-1)
  • Speeches #51-55, 1986-1989 (folder 117-2)
  • Speeches #56-60, 1989-1992 (folder 117-3)
  • Speeches #61-63 and Miscellaneous, 1992-1999 (folder 117-4)
  • Speech Notes - Administration and Management (folder 117-5)
  • Speech Notes - Environmental Health (folder 117-6)
  • Speech Notes - Miscellaneous (folders 117-7 & 8)

Box 118

  • Speech Notes - Miscellaneous (folder 118-1)
  • Speech Notes - Pennsylvania Department of Health Training (folder 118-2)
  • Speech Notes - Water Pollution (folder 118-3)
  • Speech Notes - Water Resources (folder 118-4)
  • Speech Notes - June 5, 1986 (folder 118-5)

Testimony and Legal Reports

2 boxes
{series #472m.100}

Series 100 includes legal reports, testimony transcripts, depositions and correspondence all of which relate in some way to Walter Lyon. He was paid to testify as an expert environmental or water quality witness at a number of trials involving various corporations, such as the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, the Rohm and Haas Company, SmithKline Beecham Corporation, Travelers Indemnity Company, and others.

Box 126

  • Deposition of Water Lyon - SmithKline Beecham Corporation vs. Rohm and Haas Company, February 15, 1994 (folders 126- 1 & 2)
  • Condensed Transcript and Concordance - Koppers Company, Inc. vs. The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, et al., February 14, 1995 (folder 126-3)
  • Report of Walter A. Lyon - prepared for the Travelers Indemnity Company, et al., December 1995 (folder 126-4)
  • Deposition of Walter Lyon - Transtechnology Corporation vs. Travelers Indemnity Company, et al., April 11, 1996 (folder 126-5)
  • Opinion - Rohm and Haas Company and Rohm and Haas Delaware Valley, Inc. vs. Continental Casualty Company, et al., September 5, 1997 (folder 126-6)
  • Report of Walter A. Lyon - prepared for Stackpole vs. PMAIC, et al., December 1997 (folder 126-7)
  • Opinion - Rohm and Haas Company and Rohm Haas Delaware Valley Division, Inc. vs. Continental Casualty Company, et al., December 8, 1997 (folder 126-8)

Box 127

  • Deposition of Walter A. Lyon - Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. vs. Occidental Chemical Corporation vs. United States of America, July 16, 1999 (folder 127-1)
  • Report by Walter A. Lyon - United Technologies Corporation vs. American Home Assurance Company, July 30, 2001 (folder 127-2)
  • Deposition of Walter Lyon - United Technologies Corporation, et al. vs. American Home and Company, September 11, 2001 (folder 127-3)

Audio and Graphics Files

Audio Tapes

1 box
{series #472m.94}

Arranged chronologically.

Six reel-to-reel tapes and one cassette tape are included this series. All the recordings are of interviews or conferences, with the speakers either consisting of employees of the Pennsylvania Department of Health or various members of the engineering profession.

Box 119

  • Pennsylvania Department of Health, Sanitary Water Board, April 1956 (1 tape) - Includes comments by Frank M. Geer, Dr. E.A. Holbrook and Henry Lowe Brownback
  • Pennsylvania Department of Health, Fishkill, 6 minutes, April 3, 1962 (2 tapes) - Comments by T. McKay
  • Pennsylvania Department of Health, Interview at WJAS, Pittsburgh, June 15, 1962 (1 tape) - Concerns a mine drainage symposium, with Messrs. Evans, Laudadio and Lyon
  • Interview with Walter Lyon, Lillian Miekley and Victor Sussman at WHP, Harrisburg for Engineers Week, February 19, 1963 (1 tape)
  • Allegheny Roundtable Panel Discussion of Clean Streams and Mines, January 1965 (1 tape) - Panelists include William Guckert, William Harger and Charles L. Wilbur
  • American Society of Civil Engineers, Historical Perspective Water Systems, Session 34, 1977 (1 tape)

Lantern Slides

ca. 1940s-1960s
3 boxes
{series #472m.95}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Roughly 200 lantern slides comprise this series. The images depicted on the plates cover a number of topics, including coal mines and mine drainage, methyl orange alkalinity, the Shippingport nuclear power station, presentations of various types, maps, small sewage plants, the status of waste treatment projects, as well as miscellaneous slides.

Box 120

  • Coal Mines and Mine Drainage
    • Slides #1-7: Anthracite Colliery Waste Survey, Belonging to Mr. J.H. Hoffert, Secretary of the Sanitary Water Board. Includes 2 images of actual collieries, the rest of the images are charts or documents.
    • Slides #8-16: Coal, Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous images or charts relative to waste water at anthracite collieries
    • Slides #17-21: Coal Silt. Images of anthracite collieries relative to the collection of coal silt
    • Slide #22: Pennsylvania's Ten-year Mine Drainage Abatement Program Chart.
  • Methyl Orange Alkalinity:
    • Slides #23-26: Methyl Orange alkalinity charts for selected Allegheny County sites
  • Ohio River at Shippingport Atomic Power Station
    • Slides #27-47: Charts and images chronicling the monitoring of waste water from the Shippingport Atomic Power Station Presentations
    • Slides #48-58: Alkalinity of the Allegheny River at Aspinwall
    • Slides #59-67: Environmental Geology Talk Given by Dr. Emich on April 25, 1968 in Cortland, N.Y.
    • Slides #68-71: "INCOPOT" Talk, Richmond, January 1958
    • Slides #72-85: Mine Drainage Presentation

Box 121

  • Slides #86-91: Paper on Extended Aeration Plants, PWPCA, August 10, 1962
  • Slides #92-106: Radioactivity Levels in Raw and Treated Water
  • Slides #107-126: Research and Development Questions
  • Slide #127: Undated relief map of Pennsylvania. Relief Map of Pennsylvania
  • Slides #128-145: Images of sewage treatment facilities. Small Sewage Plants
  • Slides #146-150: Status of Waste Treatment Projects and Stream Maps, Karl Mason
  • Slides #151-156: Stream Map of Pennsylvania and Sewage Treatment Construction in Pennsylvania
  • Slides #157-165: Industrial Facilities, including Coal Mining and Water Treatment Plants. Miscellaneous #1

Box 122

  • Slides #166-173: Industrial Facilities, including Coal Mining and Water Treatment Plants
  • Slides #174-191: Mostly Coal-related Images, the rest are Water Treatment Facilities or Maps. Miscellaneous #2
  • Slides #192-193: Two Images Depicting Coal Lands. Miscellaneous #3
  • Slides #194-196: Miscellaneous Images. Miscellaneous #4

Microfiche, Microfilm, Negatives (4"x 5") and Camera Cards

ca. 1950s-1978
1 box
{series #472m.96}

Arranged by medium, then either alphabetically or chronologically.

Series 96 is divided into four subseries: microfiche, microfilm, 4x5" negatives and camera cards. The microfiche section includes twenty-eight sheets, with the bulk relating in some way to the Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, which was conducted in the 1960s. The remainder pertain in one way or another to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. House of Representatives or various Pennsylvania-related water issues. One roll of microfilm, removed from Box 27 of Series 18, comprises the second section of the series. It includes various files relative to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resource's Bureau of Water Quality Management. The negatives depict miscellaneous scenes and also forty-six unidentified and undated "sampling stations," which lie along streams presumably in the commonwealth. The camera cards include three images pertaining once again to the Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, with the other six containing newspaper articles relative to the pollution of the Philadelphia city water supply by various wastes, particularly anthracite mine waste.

Box 123

  • Microfiche:
    • Sheets #1-4: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, Water Use Advisory Committee Recommendations, 1961-1967
    • Sheets #5-7: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, Water Use Advisory Committee Guide, 1963, 1964
    • Sheets #8-11: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study (includes revised edition), January 1964 - The study was done by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, N.Y., N.Y.
    • Sheet #12: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, Industrial Subcommittee of the Technical Advisory Committee, 1965-1968
    • Sheets #13-14: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, Policy Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, 1965-1969
    • Sheets #15-19: Report to the National Water Commission - Water Resource Planning, May 1972
    • Sheets #20-22: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Indentification Reports for Allegheny, Fayette and Indiana Counties, June 4, 1976
    • Sheets #23-24: Pennsylvania Bureau of Water Quality Management, Division of Management Services, Annual Statistical Report, 1977
    • Sheet #25: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Organizational and Alphabetical Telephone List, August 18, 1977
    • Sheets #26-27: United States House Congressional Record, Pages 12690-12722, 12918-12939 and 12940-12965, December 6 - December 15, 1977
    • Sheet #28: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Organizational Telephone Directory, Spring 1978
  • Microfilm:
    • One roll of microfilm, placed here from Box 27 of Series 18, which includes the following:
      • Chronology of Milestones, 13-7.3
      • Back-up to Chronology of Milestones, 13-7.3
      • Bureau input to DER, 1978 Annual Report (Department)
      • Retakes for Certification, mid-1970s, Rolls 65-67 (includes Social Security #s)
      • Monthly Narrative Reports, October & November 1978
      • Rural Development Act of 1972, P.L. 92-419
  • Negatives (4"x 5"):
    • Stream Sampling Stations
      • 32 undated images of "sampling stations" along streams, which are presumably located in the commonwealth. Sampling station numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33 & 34, 35, 36 & 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47 & 48, 49, 50 & 51, 52 & 53, 54, 55 are included. Also contained are 14 unidentified sampling stations.
    • Miscellaneous Group 1
      • 5 negatives, depicting the following: Locust Gap Coal Breaker; Philadelphia, Broad Street looking North from Walnut; State Capitol Building from 18th Floor of Harrisburger Hotel; Upper Bald Eagle Valley near Williamsport; Wastes from a Dye Plant
    • Miscellaneous Group 2
      • 5 unidentified negatives, simply numbered "Miscellaneous" 1-5 on the negative sleeves
  • Camera Cards:
    • Two sets of cards, one which contains 6 cards of newspaper articles relative to the pollution of the Philadelphia city water supply by various wastes, particularly anthracite mine waste; and the other which contains 3 smaller cards that pertain to the Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study


ca. 1960s
1 binder
{series #472m.97}

Arranged by subject.

One binder of photographs, many of them including Walter Lyon, most of them depicting members of the Pennsylvania Department of Health in various settings. Some of the images were taken inside a coal mine, some at a dock, one in a classroom, with the rest taken outdoors at various places, presumably within the commonwealth. Also included are portraits of Mr. Lyon, dating from the late 1970s, which were placed here from Series 90, Box 110 and 4 images, including one of Governor Scranton signing a piece of legislation, which also includes Governor Shafer, which were placed here from Series 18, Box 26.

Box 124

1 binder of photographs

Slides (35mm)

ca. 1950s
1 binder
{series #472m.98}

Arranged by subject.

The first set of slides in Series 98 includes five maps of Pennsylvania, all in some way pertaining to water flow or usage, as well as one chart discussing water use for selected industries in the United States from the years 1954 through 2000 (projected). The second group of images depicts various scenes from the construction of the Johnstown Sewage Plant. The third set contains slides of the Shippingport nuclear power station, a silt lagoon near the Reading Airport, three views of a water research laboratory at the Mellon Institute and finally one shot of United States Steel's Irwin Works plant outside of Pittsburgh. Twenty images from a series titled "Pollution Source Demonstration Series #1" comprise the second grouping of slides. All are color aerial views of various bodies of water, which are being visibly polluted in one way or another. Finally, a number of duplicates from the maps in the first group are included.

Box 124

1 binder of slides

Video Tapes

1958 & ca. 1960s
1 box
{series #472m.99}

Arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by subject.

Five film reels, one dating from May 1958 entitled "Lock Haven and Bradford Areas," the other four dating from roughly the 1960s, all containing "Clean Water TV Spots." Two of the spots pertain to "Sprays," with one lasting twenty seconds and the other sixty, with the other two reels discussing "The Water Man-Lake," with one once again lasting twenty seconds and the other sixty.

Box 125

  • Lock Haven and Bradford Areas, May 1958 (1 reel)
  • Clean Water TV Spot, Sprays, 20 seconds, ca. 1960s (1 reel)
  • Clean Water TV Spot, Sprays, 60 seconds, ca. 1960s (1 reel)
  • Clean Water TV Spot, The Water Man-Lake, 20 seconds, ca. 1960s (1 reel)
  • Clean Water TV Spot, The Water Man-Lake, 60 seconds, ca. 1960s (1 reel)

MG-482 Albert F. Zimmerman Photographs

(.5 cu. ft.)

A lifelong resident of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Albert Franz Zimmerman (b. 1863, d. 1938) was a photographer and dealer in photographic supplies who operated Zimmerman's Kodak and Picture Framing Store. He was the son of George Zimmerman and Marie R. (Roller) Zimmerman, both born in Germany. George Zimmerman arrived in Philadelphia at age 12 where he received training as a baker and subsequently established himself as a baker in Williamsport at 655 Franklin Street. George and Marie had eleven children. Albert Franz Zimmerman attended the public schools of Williamsport and was first employed in the wet photographic business with Godfrey Hess from 1880 until the latter's death in 1903. During this period, Albert attended the Williamsport Business College at night and went into the photography business himself at 148 West Fourth Street in 1904, moving the business to 12 West Fourth Street in 1922. During his career, Albert Zimmerman took many thousands of photographs in Williamsport and its vicinity and was especially interested in documenting Williamsport's past.

Lumbering was of particular interest to him during the years of the lumber boom. His brother, Edward, became heavily involved in the lumber business from 1885, eventually moving to the Texas-Louisiana field where he became involved in the Lutcher and Moore interests that had been transferred from South Williamsport. Edward Zimmerman formed a partnership with J.A. Bentley and together they built a lumbering fortune valued at $10 million by the time of Edward's death. Upon, his brother's death, Albert found it necessary to spend considerable time at the Hotel Bentley in Alexandria, Louisiana in order to look after these business interests and it is here that he died in 1938.

The collection consists of a large number of glass plate negatives depicting Williamsport and lumbering scenes in various counties in Pennsylvania. Also featured are dams, streams, and floods.

MG-488 Dorothy R. Turner Papers

(1 cu. ft.)

Dorothy Redding Turner was born in Jamestown, New York on January 18, 1913, the daughter of Samuel and Ethel Rhodes Redding. She was a member of the General Federation of Women's Cubs from 1956 to 1958, served as president of the Erie County Federation of Women's Clubs from 1958 to 1960, was Northwest District Director of the Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs from 1974 to 1976, and served eight years as chairman of the Pennsylvania Federation's international affairs department. She became a member of the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee from 1973 to 1982, and then chairman of the Resource Recovery Subcommittee in 1983. She died in Erie, Pennsylvania on August 31, 1989.

The Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee was created to advise the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Waste Management, which in turn provides management oversight and support for the state with regard to hazardous, municipal, and residual waste programs, environmental cleanup programs, municipal waste planning and recycling programs, and the storage tank program. The Bureau also provides technical and administrative support to the Department's Solid Waste Advisory Committee, and manages the HSCA (Hazardous Site Cleanup Act), Recycling, and Storage Tank Funds.

Dorothy Turner's papers include minutes, proceedings, copies of legislation, a master plan, and a final report of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee.

MG-491 James T. Lemon Papers

(3.1 cu. ft.)

Professor James T. Lemon earned his undergraduate degree in Geography at the University of Western Ontario after which he was awarded a Master of Divinity at Yale University. He subsequently enrolled as a graduate student in historical geography at the University of Wisconsin to study with Professor Andrew Clark, completing a doctoral dissertation on 18th century settlements in Pennsylvania in 1964 that he revised and published as The Best Poor Man's Country: a Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania (John Hopkins University Press, 1972). This seminal work was awarded the prestigious Albert J. Beveridge prize from the American Historical Association for the best book in American history published in 1972 and remains an important landmark in early American history and geography.

Following his first teaching appointment at U.C.L.A., Professor Lemon moved to the University of Toronto in 1967 where he distinguished himself in a research and teaching program in urban historical studies for the next three decades. There he published Toronto- since 1918: an Illustrated History (Lorimer 1985), which was recognized as one of the finalists in the City of Toronto Book Awards of 1986. His most recent book, Liberal Dreams and Nature's Limits: Great Cities of North America since 1600 (Oxford University Press 1996) combines a close examination of five cities: Philadelphia up to 1760, New York 1860, Chicago 1910, Los Angeles 1950 and Toronto 1975, together with an analysis of long term patterns of growth in the North American economy, technological change, the changing balance of public and private spheres of activity, and the interplay of liberal and communitarian values. In 1997 he was awarded the Canadian Association of Geographers Award for Scholarly Distinction in Geography.

The James T. Lemon Papers consist of five boxes of research note cards, one box of printed and hand drawn maps and graphs, and one folder of maps employed by Dr. Lemon in preparing his dissertation and subsequent 1972 book The Best Poor Man's Country: a Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania. In addition, one flat box contains maps and negative plates, a copy of Dr. Lemon's 1964 dissertation, and an atlas of 18th century Pennsylvania.

MG-496 United States Geological Survey (USGS)

Bridge Survey Video Collection

(11 cu. ft.)

United States Geological Survey (USGS) Bridge Survey Collection containing 689 8mm HI-8 video tape cartridges of the 12,604 roadway bridges greater than 20 feet in length spanning rivers and streams in the twelve Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Districts. The tapes contain the original unedited footage of video and audio data collected for the USGS/PennDOT Bridge Scour Assessment Project. The video contains images of the stream channel upstream and downstream of the bridge, floodplains adjacent to the channel at the bridge including both structures and natural features, and the bridge structure itself, including abutments, wing walls, deck, piers, and other features relevant to the assessment of hydraulic characteristics and scour. PennDOT hired USGS to survey and inspect all Pennsylvania bridges from 1992-2002. Included is an index CD-ROM to all of the bridges surveyed and a paper copy of the indexes for each PennDOT district together with cross referencing to the video-tape cartridge number. The universal identifier for the bridges is the 14-digit PennDOT bridge identification number. This consists of a 2-digit prefix representing the numerical county code, a 4 digit state route number or roadway number code, a 4-digit segment number for the bridge location on the roadway, and a 4-digit suffix that represents the distance in feet into the roadway segment.. Furthermore, the index for each district gives the name of the bridge, the name of the stream or river, its geographical location and the date the bridge was built. Some streams and rivers, such as the Schuylkill, are represented in more than one district.