Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Education & Training Opportunities

Opportunities to learn more about historic preservation and preserving the commonwealth's older and historic places from PA SHPO and its partners.

​Education & Training Opportunities

Opportunities to learn more about historic preservation and preserving the commonwealth's older and historic places from PA SHPO and its partners.

Request PA SHPO Education and Training

PA SHPO staff is available to offer education and training sessions in person, via a webinar, or as part of a workshop or conference.  PA SHPO uses its team's experience to tailor each of our training sessions to the audience's specific needs and requests.

Education and training sessions can include, but are not limited to, topics such as:

If you would like to request  a PA SHPO education or training session, please contact the PA SHPO's Education & Special Initiatives Coordinator, Shelby Splain, at

Learn about PA SHPO Education & Training Events

Upcoming PA SHPO Education & Training Events are advertised with e-flyers and blog posts and included in the monthly Keystone Preservation Bulletin.  Sign up for PA SHPO's mailing list at to be notified of upcoming events.


PA SHPO's online trainings include:

If you would like additional information about past education & training events, please contact the PA SHPO's Education & Special Initiatives Coordinator, Shelby Splain, at

Online and On-Demand Historic Preservation Education & Training

There are many online resources for learning more about historic preservation, archaeology, and related fields.  These resources may include registration-based free or fee events, online classes, on-demand content, and interactive websites. 

Please note that these resources are provided for informational purposes only.  Unless sponsored by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, these events and opportunities are not endorsed by the PA SHPO, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  • Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: Learn more about Section 106 with the ACHP's distance learning options, including live webinars and online, on-demand e-Learning courses.
  • ARCUS: ARCUS is a leadership development program offering courses and networking opportunities.
  • HistoriCorps Institute: HistoriCorps Institute™ is the education and training arm of HistoriCorps®, the nationally recognized leader in mobilizing citizens to save and protect places that matter.
  • NPS' Technical Preservation Services 24/7 Online Training: Web-based training for professional preservationists, local preservation commissions, volunteers, and anyone interested in more in-depth training in historic preservation.

Internships and Apprenticeships

One of the most important parts of a student's education is an internship.  It is an opportunity to gain real-life work experience, explore the many different types of things people in the real world do in a particular field of interest, and build personal and professional relationships that can provide support throughout a career. 

The PA SHPO regularly hosts college and graduate-level student interns in historic preservation, archaeology, community planning, cultural resources, architectural history, public history, and other related fields.  Please note that internship positions are subject to budget and staffing availability and may not be offered every year.

Internship opportunities are typically posted on websites like PreserveNet and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's internships website.

Keystone Internships

The Keystone Summer Internship Program is designed to provide pre-professional training to students interested in pursuing a career in history, historic preservation, or museums.  The internship is intended to be an integral part of the student's academic training and students are encouraged, although not required, to seek credit for their internships.

To learn more about the Keystone Summer Internship Program, availability, and deadlines, visit PHMC's internship page and sign up to receive the PA SHPO blog and newsletters.

Preservation Trades Summer Apprenticeship Program

 In an effort to bolster the pool of preservation trades practitioners the PHMC started the Preservation Trades Apprenticeship Program in 2006. The program is a partnership between the PHMC, non-profit organizations that perform preservation trades, and private contractors from across the Commonwealth. 

To learn more about PHMC's apprenticeship program, visit PHMC's summer apprenticeships page.

PennDOT Cultural Resources Internships

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's (PennDOT) Cultural Resource Management Program offers paid internships in cultural resource management and historic preservation at their Central Office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 

To learn more about PennDOT's cultural resources program, visit their website

Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA), requires agencies responsible for protecting historic properties to ensure that all actions taken by their employees or contractors meet professional standards as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.  This is commonly referred to as being "36 CFR qualified" or "SOI qualified."

There are currently five qualification categories: History, Archaeology (prehistoric and/or historic), Architectural History, Architecture, and Historic Architecture. The qualifications define minimum education and experience for each qualification category that is required to perform identification, evaluation, registration, and treatment activities outlined in the NHPA.

PA SHPO typically uses the Professional Qualification Standards in the following circumstances:

Please note that PA SHPO does not require individuals and firms listed on the Consultants List to provide proof of their 36 CFR qualifications.  PA SHPO strongly encourages anyone hiring a historic preservation consultant or architect to solicit work proposals and examine the qualifications and experience of several consultants or architects, including recent examples of completed work, before contracting.

For more information on the Professional Qualification Standards, please visit