Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

PA-SHARE Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ page is an easy-to-use reference tool for​ PA-SHARE. FAQs are under development and more will be added every Friday in response to user questions and suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ page is an easy-to-use reference tool for​ PA-SHARE. FAQs are under development and more will be added every Friday in response to user questions and suggestions.

General FAQs

How do I find PA-SHARE?
Access PA-SHARE.  
Do I have to pay to use PA-SHARE?
Guest and Basic accounts in PA-SHARE are free. Only Pro and Business accounts require a paid subscription. For more information about different types of user access, visit the PA-SHARE Options & Subscriptions page.
Do I have to pay to submit information to PA SHPO through PA-SHARE?
No. Users do not have to pay to submit information to PA SHPO using PA-SHARE. Users are required to have at least a Basic account. Users accessing PA-SHARE through the anonymous Guest access can only submit Success Stories.

What browsers are compatible with PA-SHARE?
PA-SHARE should be compatible with all up-to-date browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It is not compatible with Internet Explorer 11. If you encounter issues with a particular browser, please send details to
I received an error message from PA-SHARE. What should I do?
Users may receive some error messages or be unable to view something because of their level of access. Review the different types of user access and related benefits on the PA-SHARE Options & Subscriptions page. If the access level is not the reason, send an email to with the following information:


  • The exact text of the error message copied and pasted from the popup alert.
  • A specific description of what you were attempting to do when the error popped up, such as I attempted to draw my project APE and received the following error message.

 If possible, please include a screenshot of the entire PA-SHARE page including the URL or web address at the top of the screen. In Windows, you may copy an image of the page by pressing Alt + Print Screen and paste it into your email or an image editing program. You can also use the Snipping Tool.

Can I use CRGIS instead of PA-SHARE?
PA-SHARE is replacing CRGIS. CRGIS will go offline on March 1, 2021.

Where can I find help learning to use PA-SHARE?
There are a few different ways you can find help and support as you learn how to use PA-SHARE in addition to this FAQ.

  • On-line help: Throughout PA-SHARE, there is robust contextual help, meaning helpful guidance right on the screen next to the area you're working with. You can also find help through the help website associated with PA-SHARE. Just look for the question mark in a circle icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials for learning how to use PA-SHARE and all it offers will be published on the PHMC website beginning on Monday, February 22. You can find them through the PA-SHARE page by clicking on "Help Materials."
  • Email: Users can send questions and request assistance by sending to We will do our best to answer your email quickly so that you can continue with your work.
  • Trainings: PA SHPO can provide training to agencies and organizations about PA-SHARE. To request training, send an email to the PA-SHARE Help Desk at

Can users suggest future tutorial topics and help materials?
Yes! PA SHPO will develop future tutorials and help materials based on user feedback and needs. If you have a recommendation for a future help topic, please send an email to

I received a submission response email and when I click the link to see the PA SHPO response, I get a "403 Forbidden Error" message.  How can I view this response?
PA SHPO project responses can only be viewed by registered PA-SHARE users who are also listed as Project Contacts.  If you are not registered user, please follow the sign in instructions to register as a PA-SHARE user and then retry the link in this email.  Always use the same email to sign in to PA-SHARE that you used for project contact information.

I get an error message when I click on a Project record in Search.  How can I view this information?
In PA-SHARE, Project information can only be viewed by people listed as a project contact. This includes viewing Project location, summary or details.

How do I reference PA-SHARE for research?
Please use the following format when citing PA-SHARE:

Pennsylvania State Historic & Archaeological Resource Exchange (PA-SHARE). Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office. [INSERT DATE ACCESSED].    

Signing In FAQs

What is the difference between Sign In and Register for an Account on the PA-SHARE landing page?
"Sign In" is to sign in to PA-SHARE with your Keystone login or CWOPA credentials and begin using the system. "Register for an Account" is to register for a Keystone login so that you sign in to PA-SHARE.
What is Keystone login?
Keystone login is an online user authentication system, which just means that it is a secure way for people to do business with state agencies because it prevents unauthorized access and protects personal information.  The commonwealth introduced the universal Keystone Login in December 2019 and are directing all agencies to use this system.
Why do I need to use Keystone login?
Basic, Pro, or Business account users will be required to have a login to submit projects and resources and to receive responses from PA SHPO via PA-SHARE. If you do not have Commonwealth of Pennsylvania credentials (a email), you will sign in using Keystone login.

I work for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Do I need a Keystone login?
No. Users with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CWOPA) credentials will use their email address and CWOPA password to sign in to PA-SHARE.  This includes contractors working for the commonwealth that have "c-" at the beginning of their email address.

I had an account in CRGIS with a username and password. Can I use that same username and password for PA-SHARE?
No. You will need to create a new username and password through Keystone login or use your CWOPA credentials.

I've not had to deal with Keystone login before. What other agencies use Keystone login?
Many commonwealth agencies use Keystone Login so people can access online programs and services.  One benefit of Keystone login is that you can have one username and password rather than one for each program or service.

Why does Keystone Login ask me for personal information?
Keystone login is the Commonwealth's online user authentication system.  Because your name and date of birth is personal you, they are for authentication and security reasons. Please note that PA SHPO has no control of what information is requested for Keystone login and we do not have access to your personal information.

I do not want to register for a Keystone login. Can I still use PA-SHARE?
Yes, but only as an anonymous Guest user. Guest access is limited to submitting Success Stories and basic searches.  For more information about different types of user access, visit the PA-SHARE Options & Subscriptions page

What do I do if I have problems registering for a Keystone login?
The Keystone Login website has helpful information. They also maintain a Help Desk, which can be reached by phone at 877-328-0995 or by email at

I sign in to PA-SHARE with my CWOPA credentials and I've just updated my CWOPA password. Will PA-SHARE recognize my new password?
Yes. Your updated CWOPA credentials will automatically sync with PA-SHARE the next time you sign in to PA-SHARE.

I can't remember my username or password. How do I sign in?
Click the "Forgot your username or password?" link below the sign in button on the PA-SHARE landing page. You can also go directly to the Keystone Login website to request your username or password:

Subscribing FAQs

Why is there a cost associated with PA-SHARE's Pro and Business subscriptions?

PA SHPO's previous system, CRGIS, was financially supported by PennDOT for nearly 20 years. PA-SHARE is much more than CRGIS’ map-based inventory of historic and archaeological resources. PA-SHARE is wholly supported by PHMC and has recurring costs for licenses, storage, IT and staff support. The subscription revenues help offset these costs.

The PA-SHARE subscription costs were voted on by the Commission. One of their functions is to set fees for all PHMC activities such as museum admission, reproduction fees, and other services like PA-SHARE.  The fee schedule was carefully researched to learn what other State Historic Preservation Offices charge for digital access to data and projects, what users in Pennsylvania would support, and what is needed to ensure sustainability of the system. We learned that many SHPOs do not have their data available online and those that do also need to charge fees for access to offer that service. 

What is available in a free account versus a paid account?
For more information about each type of subscription and the benefits of a paid subscription, visit the PA-SHARE Options & Subscriptions page
How do I purchase a Pro or Business subscription for PA-SHARE?
User can choose their preferred subscription from their User Profile once they have signed in to PA-SHARE. For instructions on subscribing, review the Signing In and Subscribing to PA-SHARE tutorial.

What is included in a Pro or Business subscription?
For more information about each type of subscription and the benefits of a paid subscription, visit the PA-SHARE Options & Subscriptions page

What is the different between a Pro and Business accounts?
The only difference between these accounts is the allowed number of registered users.  Pro accounts are limited to one user. Business accounts allow up to five users. Please note that users are prohibited with sharing their PA-SHARE account access with others.

What are the different price points for PA-SHARE subscriptions?
Pro or Business account users have the option to purchase subscriptions on a monthly or yearly basis. Pro accounts are $50 per month or $275 per year.  Business accounts are $275 per month or $875 per year.

I am trying to purchase a subscription, but it isn't working.  What should I do?
PA-SHARE subscriptions are purchased through the Payeezy system. Please note that your subscription will not be immediately activated. Your account will be updated with your purchase subscription within 24 hours of making payment. Once the payment is received, your user profile will show your Subscription Role as Pro or Business.

If you are having difficulty purchasing a subscription, please contact Please include as much information as possible, such as the date you tried to purchase the subscription, which subscription level you are interested in purchasing, and any text or error codes.

User Account FAQs

I had Planner access in CRGIS so that I could see the probability model. I'm not an archaeologist but my job requires me to submit projects to SHPO for Section 106. Is there an equivalent planner access in PA-SHARE?

No. An equivalent to Planner access is not currently available in PA-SHARE. It is a level of access we anticipate building in the next upgrade.

I am an archaeologist and had archaeological privileges in CRGIS. Will those carry over to PA-SHARE?
No. You will need to reapply for archaeological privileges in PA-SHARE. 

Do I have to purchase a subscription to view archaeological data?
No. Archaeological privileges are not tied to a subscription tier and are available to qualified users with Basic, Pro or Business accounts.

I work for an agency that regularly works with the PA SHPO and historic and archaeological resources in Pennsylvania. Do I need to purchase a subscription?
State and federal agencies (or their divisions) with a current Programmatic Agreement with PA SHPO can qualify for a Public Service Subscription.  To request a "Request for PA-SHARE Public Service Subscription" form, please send an email to

Can separate PA-SHARE Pro or Business accounts be connected? I am interested in joining my company's two Business accounts.
PA-SHARE does not currently have the ability to link paid accounts. Additional Pro or Business accounts will need to be set up as a separate organization. This is an enhancement that we have noted and hope to address in the future.

How do I add or remove users on my Business account?
A Business account allows for up to five users, including the account owner. The Business account owner is the person who purchased a Business subscription through their PA-SHARE user profile.  Only the account owner can add or remove users to the Business account. There is no limit on the number of times users are added or removed.

Navigate to the Organization Profile tab of your User Profile. Toward the bottom of the window is a section for Organization Members. Click "Add Member by Email" and then click "Validate."  New members will display in the grid. NOTE: Any member you add to the Business account must have signed in to PA-SHARE as a Basic or Pro user at least once.

To delete a user, select their name in the grid and click "Delete".

Submitting Information FAQs

What information can I send to PA SHPO through PA-SHARE?
Users can submit information for the following program areas through PA-SHARE:

  • Environmental Review: Submit projects for PA SHPO review under Section 106 and the State History Code.
  • DOE (Determination of Eligibility) Request: Submit information to find out if a resource is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
  • National Register Nomination: If a resource has already been determined eligible for listing, submit a draft National Register nomination here for review.
  • Success Story: Submit a Preservation Success Story to showcase the people, places, programs, and projects that embody #PreservationHappensHere and be automatically entered for a PA SHPO Community Initiative Award.
  • Inventory Form: Submit information about above ground resources or archaeological resources. Information submitted through this form will be added to our records but will NOT result in a determination of eligibility for a resource.
  • Independent Survey: Submit information about an above ground survey you conducted.
  • Survey Proposal: Submit proposal for survey to be conducted.
  • Local Historic District: Submit information here to have your local historic district certified by PHMC under the Historic Districts Act (available to municipal officials only).

How do I submit information to PA SHPO using PA-SHARE?
Users with Basic, Pro, or Business accounts can submit information to PA SHPO through a wizard.  Wizards are the interactive forms in PA-SHARE that are used to collect and organization information.  There are ten different wizards in PA-SHARE, each associated with one of PA SHPO's program areas:

  • Environmental Review: Submit projects for PA SHPO review under Section 106 and the State History Code.
  • DOE (Determination of Eligibility) Request: Submit information to find out if a resource is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
  • National Register Nomination: If a resource has already been determined eligible for listing, submit a draft National Register nomination here for review.
  • Success Story: Submit a Preservation Success Story to showcase the people, places, programs, and projects that embody #PreservationHappensHere and be automatically entered for a PA SHPO Community Initiative Award.
  • Inventory Form: Submit information about above ground resources or archaeological resources. Information submitted through this form will be added to our records but will NOT result in a determination of eligibility for a resource.
  • Independent Survey: Submit information about an above ground survey you conducted.
  • Survey Proposal: Submit proposal for survey to be conducted.
  • Local Historic District: Submit information here to have your local historic district certified by PHMC under the Historic Districts Act (available to municipal officials only).
  • Project Supplement: Supplement an existing PA-SHARE project with a submission of additional photographs or documents.
How do I submit information for Section 110 surveys/inventory updates?

Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires Federal agencies to develop historic preservation programs for historic properties under their ownership or control. This includes the identification and evaluation of National Register eligible and listed resources to ensure their preservation. 

Surveys of historic properties conducted for Section 110 purposes should be submitted to the PA SHPO through the Determination of Eligibility (DOE) module. Include the words “Section 110 Documentation” in the Project Description field. When selecting Reason for this Request, choose Other.

Environmental Review FAQs

How do I data enter my Environmental Review project in PA-SHARE?
For new projects, follow the Submitting a New Environmental Review Project tutorial.

Similar information to what is currently collected on the Project Review Form will now be data entered in PA-SHARE. The required attachments will be uploaded to PA-SHARE as a project document.  You will receive an e-mail from PA-SHARE when your information has been received, accepted, and reviewed.

How can I send more information about an ongoing project when more information is requested by the SHPO?
If the SHPO requests more information in a PA-SHARE response, you will receive an email. Click on the link in the email or access the SHPO Responses queue in PA-SHARE and select the project. 

You will be directed to the SHPO Response screen. Scroll to the SHPO Requests More Information section, highlight the entry you want to respond to in the grid, and click on PROCESS (see yellow highlight in screen shot below). You will be directed to a screen to enter the additional information.

I have additional information on a project, not requested by the SHPO, like updated designs or changes to a scope of work. How do I upload this to PA-SHARE?

If your project was initially submitted through PA-SHARE and you are a contact on the project, use the Project Supplement wizard on the Submit Home screen.  In the Project Supplement Description explain what is being sent and why the additional information is being submitted, such as a revision to the project design or methodology for survey. Attach any relevant documents and photos.
If you are not listed as a contact to the project, you can ask someone who is a contact to add you via the Project Contact Wizard on the Submit screen or you can send the project name, former ER number, your name, your email address and your mailing address to Tina Webber at We will add you as a contact to the project in PA-SHARE and provide directions for how to submit the additional information in PA-SHARE.

How do I send an updated APE for a project?

You will submit the updated APE using the Project Supplement wizard. Include a zip shapefile and a map attachment, ideally that shows both the previous APE and the new APE.
Is a Project Review Form still required and should it be included as an attachment for the project?
No. The PA-SHARE Environmental Review data entry screen replicates and replaces the Project Review Form by gathering similar information. You can continue to submit your scope of work, photos, plans, and a long version of the project description in PA-SHARE in the section labeled Project Documents as Attachments. We request that all attachments are uploaded as a single pdf document. If your pdf is larger than 70 MB (the maximum file size PA-SHARE will accept), it will need to be split into two separate files.
For an environmental review project, how does PA-SHARE collect the information included in the former Historic Resource Survey Form (HRSF)?
The information previously collected on the HRSF can now be directly entered into PA-SHARE on the Resource Details screen. The Resource Details screen can be accessed at the time of the initial submission of the project or may be provided in response to a SHPO request for more information. SHPO requests for more information are accessible through the More Info email or from the My Requests queue on the external user homepage.

If you have a resource that you need to data enter for a project and do not have access to the Resource Details screen for data entry, please contact the appropriate SHPO reviewer with your Project Number. Determine the SHPO staff assigned to review your project.  

The primary agency for my Environmental Review project isn't available in the agency list. How do I proceed?
When data entering an Environmental Review project you will be requested to add the lead agency as well as any additional state or federal agencies that may be involved in the project. If you believe that an unrepresented state or federal agency needs to be added to the list, please contact
All the buildings in my APE that will be affected are less than 45 years old. Do I still need to add them as resources to the Environmental Review project submission?
If you are certain the buildings in your APE are less than 45 years in age, you do not have to add them as resources. Be sure to include images of the buildings when making the initial submission, either as Photos or Project Documents. This will enable SHPO staff to confirm their age.

How long does it take for SHPO to review Environmental Review projects?
For Section 106 (federal) and State History Code (state) reviews, the SHPO usually has 30 days to respond from the date a complete project submission is received. Some agencies or programs have a shorter review period.

If the SHPO needs more information or revisions before they can accept your submission, they will send a "Submission Insufficient" email to the contacts listed on the submission. This email will include SHPO's a link to the SHPO Response screen. From here, the additional information can be provided.

My Environmental Review project involves multiple locations. How do I map this in the initial submission?
For projects involving multiple locations, such as county-wide projects, if you have GIS data that outlines the locations, you can export the feature class to a shapefile, compile all shapefile components into a .zip file, and upload the .zip file.

If you do not have GIS data, provide the address for the first location identified in the list. In the project description, note the project covers multiple locations. Map the first location as the APE. Upload a map(s) showing the multiple locations as a Project Document.

If the project involves demolition or exterior improvements, you will need to submit each location separately.

I have an above ground or archaeological resource or survey to submit for an Environmental Review project. How do I send this to SHPO?
If SHPO has requested the resource or survey as part of a project review, you must submit the survey in response to a SHPO Request for More Information on the SHPO Response screen. The SHPO Response screen is visible via the link in the PA-SHARE system generated email response and under My Requests on the external user dashboard. For more information on how to access and respond to this request, consult the SHPO Response tutorial.

If SHPO has not yet requested the survey or you cannot locate the system generated email, please contact the appropriate SHPO reviewer with your Project Number.
Determine the SHPO staff assigned to review your project

How do I check the status of my Environmental Review project review?
If you are a registered PA-SHARE user and you are a designated project contact, sign in and go to the My Projects queue on the left side of the external home screen.

Click on the My Projects queue.  You may need to switch between Open and Closed projects to find the project you are looking for. Highlight the project and click on the Go To (box with arrow) button to open the Project details.

Under the Submissions grid will be a list of the project's submissions and reviewers, along with the due date and status of the review. If a submission status is Open, it is still under review. If a submission status is Closed, all SHPO reviewers have signed off.

How can a submission show a review status of Closed while the overall project status shows as Under Review?
The review status on a submission is indicated in the status box at the top of the submission screen (screen shot below) or in the submissions grid on the project screen. When you make a submission to the SHPO, the submission remains Open until it is responded to by all assigned reviewers. The submission is Closed once all SHPO reviewers respond, even if the review response requests more information.

The review status on a project is indicated by the circles at the top of the project screen (see screen shot below). Projects show as Under Review because they have submissions that remain Open. While the SHPO may have responded to your submission, a project will remain in Under Review status if there are outstanding requests for more information. Projects are manually Closed by SHPO staff when reviewers have responded to all submission and no further information is needed.

How do I download a document to demonstrate that the Section 106 consultation process has been completed?
When the review has been completed by PA SHPO staff, PA-SHARE will send a system-generated email entitled PA-SHARE Submission Response for Environmental Review Project Submission.

The SHPO response can be found under SHPO Attachments. You will need to download or print the response letter for your records. Note: The former PRINT SUMMARY button has been removed and the system-generated response is now a letter found under SHPO Attachments.

You can also access the response from the SHPO Responses queue on the PA-SHARE home screen.

How can I print a copy of the documentation I provided at the ER Initial Submission screen for my environmental review record?
After you finish entering the information on the Environmental Review Initial Submission screen and before you click on the Submit to SHPO button, you can use the EXPORT button to create a pdf of the information you have entered.

You must to do this BEFORE you submit to SHPO; after you submit to SHPO, you will not have the ability to create a pdf of the data that was entered at the initial submission screen.

National Register and Determination of Eligibility FAQs

Do I still need to submit a Historic Resource Survey Form (HRSF) to have my property evaluated for its National Register eligibility?  
The PA-SHARE DOE Request Wizard will guide you through the process of submitting information required for a determination of eligibility.  The information that was formerly captured in the HRSF form is now a series of data entry fields.  You will need to upload a PDF of your descriptive narrative and statement of significance to the system.  You may upload PDFs of the images as well, but one photo must be attached to the submission.
Can I submit a National Register nomination through PA-SHARE?
If your resource has been found to be eligible for listing in the last 5 years, you may submit a National Register nomination through PA-SHARE. 
My Determination of Eligibility is less than 5 years old.  How should proceed?
You should have received guidance from the NR Staff on how to approach your nomination.  This information should also be attached to the resource record in PA-SHARE.  If you do not have guidance from our office, please contact the National Register staff at the PA SHPO for more information.
Do I need to upload the required TIF images with my first submission?
No, you do not.  With your first submission, we need one photo as a in .jpeg.  We prefer that your photos be embedded into the narrative word document.  You may also attach them as a PDF, two to a page, with a caption.
Do I need to attach a priority list, labels, or a nomination notification sheet?
Those forms are no longer part of our process. Please do not attach them to your National Register submission.
When will there be a training for using the DOE Request and National Register Nomination wizards?
Watch for a training opportunity with the National Register review team in the upcoming months. These will cover the process of submitting documents to our office AND updated PA SHPO guidance. The best way to stay informed about training opportunities is to follow the blog and sign up for the PA SHPO e-news.

Historic Tax Credit Project FAQs

Can I submit my federal historic tax credit project through PA-SHARE?
Yes. Starting August 15, 2023, federal Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit (also known as historic tax credit) applications must be submitted to PA SHPO through PA-SHARE.  The National Park Service (NPS), the federal agency that administers this program, has transitioned to an electronic review process and is no longer accepting hard copy (paper) submissions after this date.

Refer to the NPS Electronic Submission page on PHMC's website for more information.

I've received an email notifying me that PA SHPO has finished its review of my federal tax credit project. How do I find this, and will I also receive a copy via email?
PA SHPO will send our reviews to the Applicant and Project Contact through PA-SHARE.  You will receive an email from PA-SHARE notifying you that a review has been completed with a link to the review.

To access the response, you must be registered as a PA-SHARE user; you do not need to have paid subscription account.  Instructions for signing in to PA-SHARE are available in the Signing In and Subscribing to PA-SHARE tutorial. Once you are signed in to PA-SHARE, you can download, view and save the attachment by scrolling down to PA SHPO Attachment section, click on the Attachment entry, and click VIEW on right side.

Can I submit my state historic tax credit project through PA-SHARE?
Yes and No. The initial application process for the PA Historic Preservation Tax Credit (PA HPTC) program must apply through DCED's electronic Single Application system, including the upload of your PA HPTC Part 1 and Part 2 application forms.

If your project receives an allocation, you will be able to submit any future PA HPTC amendments and PA HPTC Part through PA-SHARE using the Project Supplement Wizard to assist with review. Users with Pro and Business accounts can also track and monitor the status of their project through PA-SHARE dashboards.  

PA SHPO will provide all reviews through PA-SHARE.

I've received an email notifying me that PA SHPO has finished its review of my state tax credit project. How do I find this, and will I also receive a copy via email?
PA SHPO will send our reviews to the Applicant and Project Contact through PA-SHARE.  You will receive an email from PA-SHARE notifying you that a review has been completed with a link to the review.

To access the response, you must be registered as a PA-SHARE user; you do not need to have paid subscription account.  Instructions for signing in to PA-SHARE are available in the Signing In and Subscribing to PA-SHARE tutorial. Once you are signed in to PA-SHARE, you can download, view and save the attachment by scrolling down to PA SHPO Attachment section, click on the Attachment entry, and click VIEW on right side.

Keystone Grant Project FAQs

Do I submit my Keystone Historic Preservation grant application through PA-SHARE? 

No. Grant applications must be submitted through the DCED electronic Single Application system. 

Do I need to have a PA-SHARE account to manage my grant?

Yes, grantees will need to create a free Basic account to use PA-SHARE to manage their grant. Instructions for setting up an account are available in the Signing In and Subscribing to PA-SHARE tutorial.

How will I be expected to use PA-SHARE for my Keystone grant project?

Grantees will submit information such as a Quarterly Status or Final Report, plans and specifications for review, or grant work products for an existing Keystone grant project using PA-SHARE’s Project Supplement wizard on the submit page.

How will I know when my grant project has been added to PA-SHARE?

PA SHPO grants staff will create a new project for you in PA-SHARE. The grant applicant will be listed as the primary project contact and receive an email once the project is created and when any new PA SHPO correspondence is available. 

To view project correspondence or submit new information, you must be listed as a project contact and have a free Basic PA-SHARE account.

How do I submit information about my grant project to PA SHPO?

There are two ways users can access the Project Supplement wizard.

From email link: Click the link sent to you in an email from PA-SHARE. To use this link, you must be listed as a project contact in PA-SHARE. We recommend signing in to PA-SHARE and having it open in your browser before clicking the link the in email. This will automatically take you the Project Supplement wizard for your specific covenant project.

From PA-SHARE: You can also get to the Project Supplement screens through the Project Supplement wizard on the Submit home screen.

I would like to include the grant project team as Project Contacts. How can I do this?

If you are listed as a Project Contact, you can add additional project contacts through PA-SHARE.  Navigate to the Submit page and click on “Project Contact”. Search for your grant project using the PA-SHARE Project number. You must be a contact on the project to use this wizard.

Please note that to view any project information or PA SHPO correspondence, each project contact must have their own free Basic PA-SHARE account.

Covenant Project FAQs

Do I need to have a PA-SHARE account to manage my covenant?

Yes, you will need to create a free Basic account to use PA-SHARE to manage their grant. Instructions for setting up an account are available in the Signing In and Subscribing to PA-SHARE tutorial.

How will I be expected to use PA-SHARE for my covenant project?

You will submit information such as plans and specifications for review using PA-SHARE’s Project Supplement wizard on the submit page.

How do I submit information about my covenant project to PA SHPO?

You will use the Project Supplement wizard on the Submit screen. 

I would like to include other members of the project team as Project Contacts. How can I do this?

If you are listed as a Project Contact, you can add additional project contacts through PA-SHARE.  Navigate to the Submit page and click on “Project Contact”. Search for your project using the PA-SHARE Project number. You must be a contact on the project to use this wizard.

Please note that to view any project information or PA SHPO correspondence, each project contact must have their own free Basic PA-SHARE account.


These terms will be used throughout the PA-SHARE website and in PA SHPO's help materials.  The glossary will be expanded as we continue to develop the various types of help materials for PA-SHARE.

Database: A database is an organized collection of data (meaning a piece of information) that is stored and accessed electronically.

Geospatial: Data associated with a particular and specific geographic location.

Program Areas: In PA-SHARE, PA SHPO's program areas are closely tied to both Projects and Wizards.  They are traditional and non-traditional ones like:

  • Environmental Review
  • Determination of Eligibility (DoE) Request
  • National Register Nomination
  • Marker Nomination
  • Success Stories
  • Inventory Form
  • Independent Survey and Survey Proposals
  • Local Historic Districts

 Project: A Project is created when PA SHPO accepts a Submission through PA-SHARE.  Projects are related to PA SHPO program areas and require PA SHPO review and processing because they involve Resources.

Queue:  Tables (essentially grids) that organize information for processing and review.

Record:  Related data associated with a Project or Resource organized and formatted for storage and retrieval.

Resource: A Resource is a building, site, structure, object, district, or landscape.  A Resource can be above-ground or below-ground (archaeological). A resource can be listed in the National Register, eligible, not eligible, or unevaluated for listing.

Review:  A Review is action taken by a SHPO Reviewer to provide guidance, approval, processing, etc. of a Project.

Reviewer:  A Reviewer is the PA SHPO staff person assigned to review a Project.

Submission:  A Submission is information sent to the PA SHPO through a Wizard for review in one or more of the PA SHPO program areas.  Submissions can be "Initial," meaning the first time information is sent to create a Project, or "Subsequent," meaning additional information is being provided for an existing Project.

Submitter: The person making a Submission to the PA SHPO through PA-SHARE.

Triage: Triage is the "holding tank" for information submitted through PA-SHARE about Projects and Resources.  PA SHPO staff responsible for Triage review all Submissions and direct them to the appropriate Reviewers, review data submitted for Resources and reconcile it with what is already in the database and facilitate some streamlined Environmental Reviews.

Wizard: A Wizard is an interactive online form with several required and optional fields that Submitters complete before sending information directly to PA SHPO from PA-SHARE.