Pennsylvania State Archives

Local Government Retention and Disposition Schedules

Local Government Retention and Disposition Schedules

County Records

County Records Manual with Retention and Disposition Schedules (PDF)

2002 Edition (Updated as of 4/2017)

This manual has been issued to inform certain county administrative, fiscal and judicial officers of the opportunity to legally dispose of records in accordance with the provisions of the County Records Act and Rule of Judicial Administration Pa.R.J.A. No. 507(a).

Guidance for the Form of Permanent Recordation for Judicial and County Offices (PDF)

The County Records Committee has issued the "Policy Regarding The Form Of Permanent Recordation For Judicial and County Offices." This guidance supplements that policy and may be updated by the State Archives with concurrence of the County Records Committee. The document gives current best practices to assist an office to maintain records electronically and is numbered along with the policy. Counties must notify the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission of their intent to use PDF/A for each records series. 

PDF/A Frequently Asked Questions for County Governments

Retention Schedule for Full-Time County and Municipal Health Departments (2015)

Municipal Records

Municipal Records Manual(PDF)

Approved December 16, 2008 (as amended July 23, 2009, March 28, 2019)

This schedule is issued to inform municipal officials in cities of the third class, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of the first and second classes, including any municipal corporations as described in this paragraph which have adopted a home rule charter, and any municipal authority created by any of these municipalities of the opportunity to legally dispose of records in accordance with the provisions of the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule approved by the Local Government Records Committee.

Guidence for the Form of Permanent Recordation for Muncipalities (PDF) 

The Local Government Records Committee has issued the "Policy Regarding The Form Of Permanent Recordation For Municipalities," which is contained in the Municipal Records Manual. This guidance supplements that policy and may be updated by the State Archives with concurrence of the Local Government Records Committee. The document gives current best practices to assist an office to maintain records electronically and is numbered along with the policy. Municipalities must notify the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission of their intent to use PDF/A for each records series. See Appendix E in the Municipal Records Manual

PDF/A Frequently Asked Questions for Local Governments