Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Groups - 450-471

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Groups 450-471

MG-450 Simon P. Wolverton Papers

[ca. 1890s]
1.5 cu. ft.

Senator Simon P. Wolverton was born in Rush Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, on January 28, 1837. He attended Danville Academy and graduated from Lewisburg University in 1860. He was principal of Sunbury Academy, 1860-1862; and was then admitted to the bar in 1862, beginning his law practice in Sunbury. During the Civil War, Wolverton raised a company of emergency men and was made captain of the company in 1862. He served in the 18th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was chosen captain of Company F, 36th Regiment in June 1863. Wolverton was a member of the State Senate in 1878, 1880, and 1884. He was the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate in the Joint Convention of 1884, and was elected as a Democrat to the 52nd and 53rd Congresses (March 4, 1891 to March 3, 1895). He returned to his law practice in Sunbury, where he resided until his death on October 25, 1910.

The collection consists of several hundred letters written to Senator Simon P. Wolverton in the 1890s about his business relationships with the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company of Pottsville; and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad.


Box 1

  • Folder B2:
    • J. E. Bastress Jan. 25, 1901 re claim of Joseph Zindo against coal companies who allegedly deposited culm on his property in Mount Carmel Borough
    • George C. Bickel, June 3, 1903 re sewer system proposal
    • Aaron Boyer, August 26, 1889 re flood damage
  • Folder C4:
    • Frank Carter, July 2, 1891 re mining damage to land by the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron Co.
    • Frank Carter, Dec. 12 , 1892 re proposal to create park near Shamokin
  • Folder D7:
    • George Dappan, Jan. 30, 1891 re damage to farm on the Little Mahoning Creek
  • Folder H12:
    • Thomas Hart, Jr. Sept. 14 and 19, 1893 re deposit of coal dirt in Shamokin Creek
    • C.P. Helfestein, Dec. 11, 1888 and Jan. 16, 1887 re coal dirt claim
  • Folder H13:
    • Silas R. Heusyl, Nov. 10, 1891. Correspondent says that "the coal dirt has damaged twenty-four acres of good land beside destroying the power to a saw mill"
    • E.R. Hilbush, August 7, 1890 and March 21, 1892 re damage to land adjoining Mahoney Creek
    • Adam Hinkel, July 7, 1889 re damage to land
    • Mrs. A. J. Hubler, May 2, 1889 re coal dirt damage
    • Jacob Huntingen, April 26 and June 15, 1889 re coal dirt damage
  • Folder K17:
    • Smith S. Keiser, Nov. 23,1892 re coal dirt claim
    • Joel Kerstetter, Sept. 8, 1888 re coal dirt damage

Box 2

  • Folder L18:
    • C. J. Langdon, 7 letters regarding Shamokin Creek landowner settlement claims, from Sept. 26, 1887 to Jan. 26, 1894
    • Charles C. Lark, August 2, 1889 re coal dirt damage claim; B F. Latshaw, August 6 and 8, 1890s? re coal dirt damage
    • W. H. Lerch, July 17, 1889 and June 2, 1902 re coal dirt damage
    • R. C. Luther, July 24, 1889 re flood of June 1, 1888
    • R. C. Luther, Sept. 17, 1891 re fire at Buck Ridge Colliery
    • R. C. Luther, Dec. 8, 1892 re fire at the Sterling Colliery
    • R. C. Luther, August 28, 1893 re Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company meeting in Philadelphia "relating to damages on account of coal dirt along the Shamokin Creek"
    • R. C. Luther, May 19, 1897 re timber land in Brush Valley
    • R.C. Luther, March 30, 1897 re settlement of coal dirt claims by Weldy & Co.
  • Folder M19:
    • A. G. Marr, Feb 8, 1894 re flooding of coal dirt damage claim of the Shamokin Agricultural and Driving Park Association
    • E. S. McCollum, April 14, 1891 re water damage to property
    • J.E. McHugh, Sept. 13, 1889 re flooding along creek
  • Folder M 20:
    • Joseph A. Miller, Sept. 13, 1902 re coal dirt claim
    • S. H. Miller, Nov. 19, 1889 to April 18, 1890 8 letter re flooding of Mahonoy Creek
  • Folder O22:
    • W. H. M. Gram, July 18, 1889 re coal dirt cases concerning Excelsior Coal Mining Camp, folder O22
    • Washington Otto, June 18, 1889, 6 letters concerning flooding of Mahonoy Creek
  • Folder P23:
    • S. R. Peale, March 2, 1891 re pollution damage claim
    • B. R. Peifer, Jan. 7, 189?, re damage to Dornsife Miller Farm
    • Daniel Power, June 27, 1898 re coal dirt claim
  • Folder R24:
    • Edward B. Raker, August 13, 1889 and Oct. 28, 1890 re coal dirt claim
    • Grace C. Raker, August 30, 1890 re coal dirt claim
    • Jas. F. Raker, 5 letters between May 13, 1900 and Oct. 22, 1901 re coal dirt damage claim
    • Mrs. William D. Raker, August 23, 1889 and Sept.16, 1889 re coal dirt damage claim
    • Mrs. J. Randolph, June 6, 1889 re flood damage claim
    • H. T. Rauf, August 4, 1898 re damage claim for fire caused by railroad
    • Issac F. Reed, Nov. 2, 1897 re coal dirt claim
    • John B. Reed, July 30, 1889 re coal dirt claim
    • H. J. Renn, July 20, 1900, April 5, 1898 and August 6, 1902 re coal dirt claim
    • Samuel M. Riley, April 25, 1899 re coal dirt cases
  • Folder S25:
    • C. R. Savidge, April 23, 1891 and Feb. 18, 1893 re coal dirt damage
    • Jno. E. Small, March 17, 1899, re coal culm damage plaintiffs in Coal Township, Northumberland County
  • Folder W33:
    • C. B. Witmer, Jan. 14, 1892 re coal dirt claims
  • Folder Z35:
    • S. S. Zartman, Nov. 14, 1898 re coal dirt claim
  • Miscellaneous folder:
    • List of Mahonoy Creek Damage Drafts unpaid, June 14, 1894
    • "Judgments Paid in 1894-1895"

MG-453 J. Horace McFarland Company Records

20 cu. ft. or approx. 35 cartons

As of 2007 the collection remained unprocessed

In 1878 nineteen-year-old John Horace McFarland, 1859-1948, became the owner of a small printing press in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In 1889, he purchased a larger, more suitable building for his business and in 1891 the business was incorporated as the "J. Horace McFarland Company". The company published several national magazines, some of which were devoted to horticulture and gardening. McFarland developed clear, concise, and detailed guidelines for his editors and proofreaders to follow. He wanted to ensure that every product produced by the company was correct and attractive. McFarland was successful in connecting his interests in horticulture, photography, and writing into a single enterprise. He was often a contributing author and photographer for the magazines published by his company. This collection does not contain documentation about the early years of McFarland's firm, from 1878 to 1889 nor does it contain business records about the predecessor of the J. Horace McFarland Company: Mount Pleasant Press, from 1878-1890. Ample material, however, is present about the operation of the J. Horace McFarland Company from its inception in 1891 to its demise in the 1970s. For related materials on J. Horace McFarland see the J. Horace McFarland Papers (Manuscript Group 85). The following list contains sample citation of the types of records found in the J. Horace McFarland Company Records.

Correspondence, Minutes, Reports, Financial Records, Publications, Deeds, Photographs and Autochrome Plates:

  • Late twentieth century correspondence with Macmillan Company Publishers, the American Joint Committee on Horticulture Nomenclature, and horticulturists from around the world.
  • The minutes of the Board of the J. Horace McFarland Company are in numerous volumes covering the years 1891 up to 1953.
  • Reports of the J. Horace McFarland Company from 1912 to 1921 only.
  • These records are in mainly bound leather volumes documenting the various aspects of the company including bindery, printing, payroll, accounts, sales, royalties, insurance appraisals, subscriptions and advertising.
  • Trade catalogues on horticulture as well as miscellaneous books published by the McFarland Press are represented here.
  • Deeds for Pennsylvania property dating back to 1813, a property sales agreement with Weber Realty Company in 1946 as well as a building blueprint for the Maple Press Company, in 1964 are examples of items in this category
  • Photographs of flowers, company buildings and employees, city and country scenes in Dauphin County as well as photographs of J. Horace McFarland himself are available here.

MG-464 Francis Cooper Photographs

9 cu. ft.

Francis L. Cooper was an amateur photographer who documented scenes of life in Juniata and Mifflin Counties. Born in Philadelphia in 1874, Cooper attended the University of Pennsylvania Medical School and in 1896 began taking photographs of the countryside around Philadelphia, several of which were displayed at the 1899 John Wanamaker Exhibition of Photographs by Amateurs and the 1899 Philadelphia Inquirer Photographic Contest. One of his photographs was selected for a United States exhibit at the 1900 Paris Exposition. In 1901 Cooper left behind city life, moving to Spruce Hill, Pennsylvania. He spent the rest of his life as a country squire, and serving Juniata County as a justice of the peace, a tax collector, a clerk at public auctions, a storekeeper, a clerk at a steel company, and as a draft registrar during World War I. From 1901 until 1920, Cooper took family photographs and portraits, school portraits, and photographs of family reunions, which were commissioned and purchased. In 1920, he stopped taking photographs. Francis Cooper died in Spruce Hill, Pa. on October 29, 1944.

The collection includes photographic negatives and prints by Cooper, and related material. The images are mostly scenes of life around Juniata and Mifflin Counties and at the University of Pennsylvania. Subjects include individuals and families, buildings, patients, pets, farm animals, hunting, landscapes, townscapes, fires, railroads, celebrations, a circus, and general rural life.

Numerous relevant photographs are apparently misplaced; the following sample inventory does not include images not located.

Cooper Photographs from the Port Royal Times (FC series)

[ca. 1896-1920]

  • FC-108, "G. W. Gilmis harvesting wheat"
  • FC-109, "Similar scene with same people as FC-108"
  • FC-110, "G. W. Gilmis harvesting wheat"
  • FC-114, "Farming using Deering farm equipment and four horses"
  • FC-177, "Country dirt road with rail fences"
  • FC-178, "Looking through a covered wooden bridge at dirt road and zig-zag fence"
  • FC-180, "Ice flood"
  • FC-181, "Around the Bend," CVP053
  • FC-183, "Tuscarora Creek"
  • FC-184, "Dirt country road"
  • FC-186, "Peace, near the Round Tap"
  • FC-187, "Below the Indian Mound"
  • FC-188, "Apple tree"
  • FC-189, "Panoramic view of valley"
  • FC-190, "Continuation of view in FC-189"
  • FC-191, "View of Mifflin taken from Mifflintown cemetery"
  • FC-192, "View of farm"
  • FC-304, "Winter farm scene"
  • FC-308, "Winter farm scene"
  • FC-322, "Sheep grazing on snowy hillside
  • FC-323, "At ridge field bars grazing sheep on hillside"
  • FC-325, "Out of Town; On Brick Hill looking toward center of Mifflintown"
  • FC-326, "On hill in Mifflin overlooking Mifflintown"
  • FC-331, "Ice flood"
  • FC-332, "Winter stream scene"
  • FC-333, "Tuscarora Creek (stream scene) CVP326"
  • FC-334, "Stream with bared wire fence across it"

Cooper Photographs from Jay Ruby (FCR series)

[ca. 1896-1920]

  • FCR-006, "Bryner's Bridge, Tuscarora Valley ca. 1900"
  • FCR-007, "Below Bryner's Bridge, CVP321"
  • FCR-012, "Lebkicher, thrashing scene"
  • FCR-013, "Lebkicher, thrashing scene"

Cooper Photographs Owned by Helen Cooper Fanus (FCF series)

ca. 1896-1920

  • FCF-032, "Winter landscape"
  • FCF-037, "Winter landscape"
  • FCF-043, "Dam"
  • FCF-045, "Winter landscape"
  • FCF-128, "Landscape (plate broken, CVP315)"
  • FCF-129, "Unusual water scene"
  • FCF-130, "Tuscarora Creek near Pleasant View (CVP307)"
  • FCF-131, "Tuscarora Creek near Pleasant View"
  • FCF-132, "Creek near Jim Crawford's"
  • FCF-133, "Beautiful water scene"
  • FCF-134, "Woman under wooden covered bridge looking toward road into woods"
  • FCF-135, "[Stream] Bank full"
  • FCF-136, "Pretty scene [countryside]"
  • FCF-137, "Beautiful scene of a farm"
  • FCF-138, "Beautiful scene [countryside]
  • FCF-139, "scene [wooded area]
  • FCF-140, "scene [wooded area]
  • FCF-143, "scene [countryside], CVP308"
  • FCF-144, "Head of Island"
  • FCF-145, "scene [wooded area]"
  • FCF-146, "Beautiful scene [wooded area]"
  • FCF-147, "High waters [at] Millikens Run"
  • FCF-148, "Beautiful scene of water and trees"
  • FCF-149, "Stream with ice breaking"
  • FCF-150, "Scene [wooded area]"
  • FCF-152, "Water and trees"
  • FCF-153, "Stream"
  • FCF-153a, "Stream"
  • FCF-154, "Beautiful [rural] scene"
  • FCF-155, "[Countryside] on a foggy morning"
  • FCF-157, "[Rural] scene"

Cooper photographs developed from Nitrate Negatives (FCN series)

[ca. 1896-1920]

  • FCN-015, "November 1897, Up Tuscarora Creek from corner at Fording (landscape with frozen stream)"
  • FCN-017, "November 1897, Old Brush on Doyles (landscape)"
  • FCN-019, "November 1897, leaning tree end of grove (landscape)"
  • FCN-020, "Up Run from house, November 1897, (winter landscape)"
  • FCN-022, "Easter 1898, Charles and Kauffman ploughing (men in field with horses and plow)"
  • FCN-032, "Roll No. 2, summer 1898, No. 2, Tree at Milliken's Fish Dam. F.S. 16 M. June 6th"
  • FCN-034, "Roll No. 2, summer '98, No. 4. [Looking] up valley from road below Frank's house from bridge to Reed's Gap. F.S. 16 M. June 6th ."
  • FCN-035, "Roll 22, summer 98, No. 6. The obstruction from below. Sept. 27, F.S. 16 S."
  • FCN-036, "Roll 2, summer 1898, No. 6. The 'new obstruction' from below, June 6th F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN-041, "Roll No. 2, summer 1898, No. 12, Ducks in run. June 12, F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN-044, "Roll No. 3, summer 1898, No. 8. Charlie cultivating corn. June 15. F.S. 16 M." CVO250"
  • FCN-057, "Roll 6, summer 1898, No. 3, [Looking] up Tuscarora Creek below Imes. June 24. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN-072, "Roll No. 8, summer 1898, No. 12. The lower pond. July 8th. F.S. 8S."
  • FCN-079, "Roll No. 9, summer 1898, No. 10. In Grove Stand in distance. F.S. 16F. CVP255"
  • FCN-080, "Roll No. 9, summer 1898, No. 11. Up Run from Riffles (?) above barb wire fence (lower). July 23. F.S. 64, 2 sec."
  • FCN-086, "Roll No. 10, summer 98, no. 10. Up run above house. August 2. F.S. 16M."
  • FCN-092, "Roll, summer 98, No. 7. Up Tuscarora Creek at Fording. Aug. 5th. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN094: "Roll 11, Summer 98, No. 9. From Big Hickory up [Tuscarora] creek (one below Rock Hole.) Aug 5th. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN095: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 1. From dead tree at crossing down run. Aug 5. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN096: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 2. Showing water going into Grove from Run near mouth. Aug 5. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN097: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 3. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from Mouth of Run. Aug 5. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN098: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 4. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from above Fish Dam this side. F.S. 16 M. Aug 5."
  • FCN099: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 5. Down Run from bend below 'Obstruction.' F.S. 128, 31/2 sec. Sunday Aug 7."
  • FCN100: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 6. From Rock Hole down [Tuscarora] Creek high water. Aug 11th. F.S. 128, 4 sec."
  • FCN101: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 8. Road below Fording. F.S. 128, 4 sec. Aug 11."
  • FCN102: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 9. Up [Tuscarora] Creek from Fording. F.S. 128, 4 sec. Aug 11th.
  • FCN103: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 11. Up [Tuscarora] Creek from Bryner's [covered] Bridge. F.S. 16 M. Aug 11."
  • FCN104: "Roll 11, Summer 98, No. 12. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from above Fish Dam. Aug 5. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN105: "Roll 12, Summer 98, No. 12. Bridge from below showing Round Top. F.S. 16 M. Aug 11."
  • FCN106: "Roll 13, Summer 98, No. 1. From Int Bryner's [covered] Bridge toward Jim Bartons. Aug 11. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN107: "Roll 13, Summer 1898, No. 2. Dam at Mill Academia. Aug 13. F.S. 32, 11/2 sec."
  • FCN112: "Roll 13, Summer 98, No. 12. Bend below 'Obstruction.' 3 sec, F.S. 123. Monday Aug 15, 98."
  • FCN113: "Roll 14, Summer 98, No. 2. Up [Tuscarora] Creek from Rocks below fording. F.S. 16 M. Sept 2."
  • FCN114: "Roll 14, Summer 98, No. 10. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from below rocks below Fording. Sept 3. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN119: "No. 15, Summer 1898, No. 4. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from Jim Crawford's. Sept 5. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN122: "Roll 16 summer 98, No. 1. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from Head of Island below Rock Hole. Sept 8. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN124: "Roll 16 summer 98, No. 6. Up from Wood's of Innis. F.S. 16 S. Sept 9th."
  • FCN126: "Roll 15 summer 1898, No. 9. Down Road from opposite Crawford's. Sept 6th. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN127: "Roll 16 summer 98, No. 9. From upper porch out lane. Sept 9th. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN128: "Roll 16 summer 98, No. 10. Foggy morning at 'Devil's Kitchen.' Sept 10. F.S. 128, 4 sec."
  • FCN132: "No 18 summer 1898, 18-2. The Woods of Innises from below. Sept 12. F.S. 16 S."
  • FCN143: "No. 20 summer 1898, No. 6. Up Run at Crossing from house. Sept 17th. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN145: "No. 20 summer 1898, No. 12. Down [Tuscarora] Creek from hill below Fording. F.S. 16 S."
  • FCN146: "Roll No. 21 summer 1898, No. II., Self East side Round Top. Sept 23. F.S. 16 S."
  • FCN147: "Roll No. 21 summer 1898. Phil at 'Obstruction.' Sept 23. F.S. 128, 31/2 sec. No. 7."
  • FCN149: "Roll 22 summer 98, No. 9. Self fall of tree. Sept 28. F.S. 16 M."
  • FCN150: "Roll 22 summer 98, No. 12. Phil and Squeegee at 'New Obstruction.' F.S. 16 M. Sept 28."
  • FCN152: "No. 23 summer 1898, 23-2. Up Run from porch. Sept 29. F.S. 16 S."
  • FCN159: "Juniata Nov, 98, No. 2, III,. Down Run from corner below Obstruction."
  • FCN160: "Roll No. II Nov 98, No. XII., Up Run from other side at house. F.S. 128, 215 sec. R.F."
  • FCN161: "Roll No. III, Nov 98, No. I. Leaning tree at end of Grove from below. F.S. 128, 15 sec. R.F."
  • FCN162: "Roll III, Nov 98, No. II. Leaning tree at end of Grove from below. F.S. 128, 25 sec. R.F."
  • FCN163: "Roll III, Nov 98, No. V. Fish Dam at Fording from below. F.S. 16 S."
  • FCN164: "Roll No. III, Nov 98, No. IX. Up Valley from Midway between Hill and Rocks below Fording. F.S. 128, 24 sec. R.F."
  • FCN165: "Roll No. IV, Nov 98, No. VI. Down Run at Obstruction. Cloudy dull snow storm. F.S. 32, 90 sec. R.F. Nov 26."
  • FCN243: "Narberth I. View at Overbrook."
  • FCN253: "Up Run from house old."
  • FCN263: "Up [Tuscarora] Creek Fish Dam."
  • FCN266: "Up Run at Grove old."
  • FCN267: "Goshawk Millikens Grove old., CVP051"
  • FCN268: "Down [Tuscarora] Creek from Millikens Fish Dam."
  • FCN269: "From John to Emory Imes - old." (Referring to property visible in landscape.)
  • FCN274: "Down [Tuscarora] Creek from..." (Landscape.)
  • FCN275: "Jims from W.S.W." (Milliken's farm.)
  • FCN284: "F.P.K. Phil." (Landscape)
  • FCN286a: "(Backyard of 1622 Broad (?)."
  • FCN286b: "Landscape of Tuscarora Creek; FCN287: Philadelphia snow scene"
  • FCN288: "Philadelphia snow scene"
  • FCN289: "Philadelphia snow scene"
  • FCN298: "Philadelphia snow scene: Horse and buggy in snowstorm on S. Broad Street, probably in front of 1822 S. Broad Street. CVP097 "
  • FCN299: "Philadelphia snow scene. CVP123"
  • FCN300: "Electric front of 1622 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia"
  • FCN317: "Street in small town."
  • FCN320a: "Down lane from house C.B. Milliken (old)." (Fairmount Park scene.)
  • FCN320b: "Down lane from House C.B. Milliken old." (Farmyard.)
  • FCN320c: "Down lane from House C.B. Milliken old." (Man standing by tree.)
  • FCN320d: "Down lane from House C.B. Milliken old." (Stream.)
  • FCN320e: "Down lane from House C.B. Milliken old." (Philadelphia snow scene.) CVP384
  • FCN320g: "Down lane from House C.B. Milliken old." (Fairmount Park.) CVP456
  • FCN321a: "Stream landscape." (Solio paper envelope.)
  • FCN321n: "Landscape."
  • FCN321o: "Landscape"
  • FCN321p: "Landscape."
  • FCN321q: "Landscape"
  • FCN322a: "Cityscape."
  • FCN322b: "Cityscape."
  • FCN322c: "Trees and sky."
  • FCN322o: "Farm scene."
  • FCN322p: "Philadelphia snow scene." CVP101
  • FCN322q: "Philadelphia. snow scene."
  • FCN323a: Snow street scene." See CVP023.
  • FCN323b: "Small town street."
  • FCN323d: "Bridge."
  • FCN323e: "Small town with tracks."
  • FCN323f: "Small town with tracks."
  • FCN323h: "Landscape with tracks."
  • FCN324c: "Snow scene. Narberth?"
  • FCN325a: "Cows in stream.
  • FCN325b: "Landscape with stream."
  • FCN325d: "Landscape."
  • FCN325e: "Landscape."
  • FCN325j: "Landscape of flooded creek."
  • FCN325k: "Landscape of flooded creek."
  • FCN325l: "Landscape of flooded creek."
  • FCN325m: "Landscape of flooded creek."
  • FCN325n: "Landscape of flooded creek."
  • FCN325p: "Cows in stream."
  • FCN325q: "Cows in stream."
  • FCN326 to FCN349: Folding Pocket Kodak [F.P.K.] nitrate negatives, size 2-1/4" x 3-1/4".
  • FCN327: "F.P.K. Cooper Stevens on top of Doyles." CVP368
  • FCN334: "F.P.K. Brush in Grove. Phil."
  • FCN335: "Down Road from Fording. F.P.K. Sept 98. Phil."
  • FCN338: "F.P.K. Round Top from porch. Phil."
  • FCN342: "The 'Obstruction' from below. F.P.K. Phil. Sept 98."
  • FCN344: "F.P.K. To the north from Seminary Ridge. Phil. Sept 98."
  • FCN345: (River from train.)
  • FCN346: "F.P.K. Down Creek from Millikens Fish Dam. Phil."
  • FCN347: "Pleasant View from hill back of... F.P.K. Phil. Sept 98."
  • FCN349a: "(River scene." CVP384
  • FCN349b: "River scene."
  • FCN349c: "Landscape."
  • FCN349d: "Landscape."
  • FCN349e: "Landscape."

Cooper Photographs from Jay Ruby (FCR series)

[ca. 1896-1920]

  • FCR-006, "Bryner's Bridge, Tuscarora Valley ca. 1900"
  • FCR-007, "Below Bryner's Bridge, CVP321"
  • FCR-012, "Lebkicher; Thrashing scene"
  • FCR-013, "Lebkicher; Thrashing scene"
  • FCR-013 "[View of ] McCoyville from hill"
  • FCR-014, "McCoyville"
  • FCR-026, "Ice flood"
  • FCR-027, "Spruce Hill Bridge"
  • FCR-029, "Near Bryner's Bridge"
  • FCR-030, "Ice flood, winter landscape"
  • FCR-031, "Flood time"
  • FCR-032, "Back channel"
  • FCR-034, "Mouth [of] Millikens Run near Doyles Mill"
  • FCR-036, "Creek below Jim Crawford's"
  • FCR-037, "Tuscarora [Creek] in winter"
  • FCR-039, "Mill Creek"
  • FCR-040, "Fish dam at Finday"
  • FCR-042, "Below Bryner's Bridge"
  • FCR-043, "Landscape"
  • FCR-049, "Man plowing, probably Charles Milliken"
  • FCR-056, "Man plowing"
  • FCR-057, "Man with horses doing road work [downhill]"
  • FCR-058, "Men with horses and wagons making a road on hillside"
  • FCR-059, "2 duck hunters in a boat on unnamed stream"
  • FCR-060, "Man standing on fallen tree [in stream]"
  • FCR-063, "Stream scene"
  • FCR-064, "Stream scene"
  • FCR-065, "Stream scene."
  • FCR-089, "Landscape."

Albums of Mounted Prints

[ca. 1896-1920]
(9 volumes in 7 boxes)
{series #464.5}

The albums feature rural scenes showing streams, hills, farms, and trees. They are all unidentified but similar to images found in the above MG 454 series.

  • Album "A" (1 volume in box 4)
  • Album "B" (1 volume in box 5)
  • Album "C" (1 volume in box 6)
  • Album "D" (1 volume in box 7)
  • Albums "E" & "G" (2 volumes in box 8)
  • Album "I" (1 volume in box 10)
  • Albums "F" & "H" (2 volumes in box 9)

MG-471 Harold and Lucinda Denton Papers

7 cu. ft.

A graduate of North Carolina State College and a former Dupont Corporation engineer, Harold R. Denton was Director of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. Denton served as the chief of operations at the site during and after the crisis, keeping the public informed about what had happened and what measures were being taken to correct the situation.

This manuscript group currently consists of fourteen series and will receive additional accessions.

General Correspondence

(2 boxes)
{series #471.1}

Arranged alphabetically by first letter of correspondent's surname and thereunder arranged chronologically by date of correspondence.

Correspondence received by Harold and Lucinda Denton relating to the accident at Three Mile Island. Consists primarily of letters and cards from the general public expressing their views on the accident and Denton's handling of it, invitations and acknowledgements for speaking engagements, and letters from strangers and acquaintances concerning travel and leisure activities during the Dentons' stay in central Pennsylvania. Many of the letters express gratitude for Denton's handling of the crisis, though some correspondents sought answers to questions or criticized the public health hazards posed by nuclear power plants.

1 folder
{series #471.2}

Arranged chronologically.

Official correspondence sent or received by Harold Denton concerning the accident at theThree Mile Island nuclear power plant and its aftermath. Correspondents include D. F. Bunch, Chief of the Program Support Branch of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Ben Rush, Executive Director of the Energy Research Institute; Richard Pontz of the Fund-Raising Counsel for Philanthropic Institutions; Fred Young of The Hearst Corporation; F. Marshall Rock, Jr., Director of the Pennsylvania House Select Committee; Raymond Reedy, Mayor of Lititz; and Peter H. Kostmayer of the United States House of Representatives. Also present are two White House press releases dated September 9, 1980 designating Harold Denton a "Distinguished Executive" for outstanding performance in handling the Three Mile Island accident. Finally, there are several copies to Harold Denton of correspondence passing between others.


1979 - 1981.
5 volumes & 1 folder
{series #471.3}

Arranged chronologically.

Reports issued by the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy in the wake of the Three Mile Island accident.

  • "Three Mile Island Telephone Survey: Preliminary Report on Procedures and Findings," by Dr. Cynthia Bullock Flynn of the University of Kansas and Social Impact, Inc. for the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of Post Licensing Studies of the Impacts of Nuclear Power Stations, September 5, 1979.
  • "Crisis Contained, The Department of Energy at Three Mile Island, A History," prepared by Philip L. Cantelon and Robert C. Williams for the U. S. Department of Energy, December, 1980.
  • "Three Mile Island, A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public" by Mitchell Rogovin and George T. Frampton, Jr., Director and Deputy Director respectively of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Inquiry Group, Vol. 1, 1980.
  • "Executive Summary of the Working Conference on Advanced Electrotechnology Applications to Nuclear Power Plants sponsored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers that was held in Washington, D.C., January 15-17, 1980."
  • "U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1979 Annual Report."
  • "U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1981 Annual Report."

Commencement Addresses and Related Materials

2 folders
{series #471.4}

Grouped by school and arranged thereunder chronologically.

  • Transcripts of speeches, letters of invitation and acceptance, commencement programs, and related materials.
  • Commencement materials and transcript of the May 20, 1979 commencement address entitled "Energy, Anergy, and Ethics" that Dr. Denton delivered at Lebanon Valley College.
  • Commencement program and correspondence arranging for Dr. Denton to deliver the commencement address at Gettysburg College on June 3, 1979.
  • Commencement programs and letters of invitation and acceptance arranging for Dr. Denton to deliver the commencement address at the Pennsylvania State University Capitol Campus on June 7, 1979.

Newspaper and magazine articles and newsletters

(3 folders)
{series # 471.5}

Grouped chronologically.

Copies of newspaper and magazine articles concerning the accident at Three Mile Island and newsletters issued by various advocacy organizations.

  • A copy of an article by Cyril L. Colmar entitled "Risk: A Pragmatic De Minimis Approach" that appeared in the January 26, 1979 issue of Science, official journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • A copy of article entitled Chronology of Events at Three Mile Island" in the April 4, 1979 issue of THE NEWS, Mexico City.
  • A copy of article entitled "Lawsuits Begin: A Burden of Proof" in April 8, 1979 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer.
  • A copy of the April 16, 1979 issue of the Harrisburg Patriot News with lead article entitled "The Agony of the Atom" by Staff Writer Pat Carroll.
  • A Copy of a May 1, 1979 newsletter entitled Access to Energy, A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter published in Boulder, Colorado.
  • A photocopy of an article by Mike Gray entitled "What Really Happened at Three Mile Island" that appeared in the May 17, 1979 issue of Rolling Stone.
  • A Copy of newspaper entitled Energy News Digest of Nuclear Hazards versus Alternative Energies dated February 28, 1980 published by the Energy Awareness Center of Woodstock, New York.
  • A Copy of a newspaper dated July, 1980 entitled TMI Today that was published by the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station.
  • A copy of the December 6, 1983 newsletter entitled The Energy Daily published in Washington, D. C.
  • Media Update: A Summary of the Important Newspaper Articles Regarding Three Mile Island for the week of April 6, 1989.
  • A copy of article entitled "TMI Ten Years Later, Still a Center of Nuclear Debate" in the March 20, 1989 issue of USA Today.
  • Copy of an article entitled "TMI: It Touched the Way We Lived" in March 24, 1989 issue of Lancaster Intelligencer Journal.
  • "Three Mile Island: 10 Years After," Centre Daily Times, March 26, 1989.

Energy Policy Forum Papers

(1 folder)
{series #471.6}

Two copies of an Energy Policy Forum paper entitled "Nuclear Power: Epilogue or Prologue?" Denton delivered at the Conference on Nuclear Energy and the Media on June 28, 1981.


2 folders
{series #471.7}


A collection of mostly undated items such as brochures for historic and tourist sites, restaurants, and special events in the area near Three Mile Island. The second folder contains random and mostly undated papers and scraps of paper, some of which contain calculations regarding iodine levels and apparent release rates.


(1 box)
{series #471.8}

Grouped by type and arranged thereunder chronologically by date of issue.

  • Three issues of People Magazine, two of which are dated April 23, 1979 and one dated March 24, 1980, featuring articles on Harold Denton.
  • A copy of the February 1980 issue of Susquehanna Magazine containing a biographical sketch on Harold Denton.
  • Life Magazine, May 1979 containing an article entitled "Crisis in the World of Nuclear Power: After Three Mile Island, Big Questions About Safety and the Future."
  • The New Yorker, October 19, 1981 containing an article entitled "A Reporter at Large, Nuclear Waste" by Fred C. Shapiro.
  • Newsweek, June 27, 1983 containing article entitled "The Lessons Learned at Three Mile Island" by Eileen Keerdoja, Sylvester Monroe and Mary Lord.
  • Atari Connection, Fall 1983 containing an article entitled "Nuclear Troubleshooter Stays Sharp with Scram: Video Game Imitates Life" by Paul Cohen.
  • Nuclear News, A Publication of the American Nuclear Society, March 1985 containing an article entitled "The Nuclear Construction Predicament - Part 1: A Regulator Responds to an Interview with the NRC's Harold Denton" by John Graham.
  • Three copies of George Magazine, March 1999 containing an article entitled "Nightmare at Three Mile Island" by Harold Denton.
  • U.S. News and World Report, March 29, 1999 containing an article entitled "When the World Stopped, Twenty Years After the Three Mile Island Accident the Debate Still Rages.

Newsprint Scrapbooks

March 29, 1979 - March, 1980.
1 carton
{series #471.9}

Arranged chronologically by date of news article.

Three scrapbooks compiled by Harold and Lucinda Denton containing newspaper and magazine articles related to the Three Mile Island accident.

Mounted News Clippings

1979 & undated.
1 folder
{series #471.10}

Arranged chronologically.

Contemporary news clippings concerning the Three Mile Island accident mounted on white sheets of paper. The newspapers from which the clippings were taken include The State of Columbia, South Carolina, Harrisburg Evening News, Lancaster New Era, Lititz Record Express, Harrisburg Sunday Patriot News, Rocky Mountain, North Carolina Telegram, The Detroit News, The Miami Herald, The Plain Dealer, The Kansas City Times, Washington Post and Washington Star.

Photocopies of News Clippings

1 folder
{series #471.11}

Original arrangement.

Photocopies of contemporary newspaper articles concerning the Three Mile Island accident. Most of the articles are dated April and May, 1979 and are from newspapers all over the United States.

Three Mile Island Memorabilia

(1 folder)
{series #471.12}


Bumper stickers and miscellaneous advertising for purchasing bumper stickers, Three Mile Island Creamy Mushroom Dressing, collector's edition TMI lamps, and tours of the TMI countryside. Also present is an invitation to the Denton family to attend an evening treasure hunt at Hersheypark on May 9, 1980.

Photograph and ID Cards

1 folder
{series #471.13}

No arrangement.

A publicity photograph of Harold Denton, his Atomic Energy Commission identification badge, and the Emergency Movement Instruction card issued to him when he was first dispatched to the accident site.

Video and Audio Tapes

1 box
{series #471.14}

Arranged chronologically.

  • Video tapes of Pennsylvania Cable News Network interviews of the 20th Anniversary Press Conference of Harold Denton held on March 25, 1999 and of related PCN broadcasts entitled "Remembering Three Mile Island," "Three Mile Island and Media Relations" and "Three Mile Island Call-in Program."
  • Also present is a video tape for a WITF program on Three Mile Island and original audio tapes of Historian Ken Wolensky's interviews with Harold Denton and retired General Public Utilities President Robert Long that were conducted on March 25 and March 26, 1999 respectively. Transcripts are present for the latter two interviews.