Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Groups 208-209

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Groups 208-209

MG-208 William W. Scranton Papers

666 cu. ft.

William Warren "Bill" Scranton, born into a wealthy family, prepared for public service from the time he was a young boy. Although Scranton's parents, Worthington Scranton and Marion Margery Warren Scranton, were residents of the city of Scranton, William Scranton was born on July 19, 1917, in his ancestral town of Madison, Connecticut, where the family was vacationing at a cottage. Worthington Scranton descends from John Scranton who left England to settle in Madison in 1637. William Scranton's great-grandfather, Joseph H. Scranton, moved to the city of Scranton, then called Slocum Hollow, in 1846 to join his cousins George W. and Seldon Scranton. George and Seldon bought most of the downtown area and were the first in the Western Hemisphere to use the necessary technology to manufacture iron rails for railroads. One out of six rail tracks used in America were made in Scranton. George Seldon was also elected to Congress in 1859. In 1866, the city was renamed Scranton in honor of George Scranton and the Scranton family who were responsible for the city's industrial growth. Another relative, Joseph A. Scranton, the founder of the city's newspaper, the Scranton Daily Republican, was also elected for a total of five terms to Congress and was the postmaster of Scranton. Joseph's brother-in-law, David Davis, played a major role in the election campaign for Abraham Lincoln.

William Scranton's mother, sometimes referred to as "The Duchess" and whose paternal Warren ancestors descended from the Mayflower Warrens, was also a major political influence. Margery Scranton was very active in the Republican Party for forty years and was a national committeewoman for twenty-three years. Young William followed his mother to presidential conventions, met presidents, future Pennsylvania governors, senators, and congressmen. Ironically, when Scranton ran for Congress in 1960, Mrs. Scranton discouraged her son from seeking political office. As a child, he suffered from asthma and his mother believed that he was too frail to withstand the party infighting and stress associated with campaigning. His mother died that same year before seeing her son win his election.

The wealth of the governor's immediate family was actually credited to his grandfather, William Walker Scranton, who founded the Scranton Gas Works and Water Company, which was sold by Scranton's father Worthington for $25 million in 1928. The timing of the sale before the stock market crash of 1929 insured that the family would live a privileged existence in a new mansion at Marworth. The previous mansion, built in 1871, is today the graduate offices of the University of Scranton. The abject poverty of the people of Scranton during the Depression made a deep impression on the family. The family became very involved in voluntarism. The Worthington Scranton branch campus of Pennsylvania State University was named in honor of the governor's father for his civic and industrial contributions to the community.

William Scranton began his schooling at the Scranton Country Day School, founded by his parents, with his basic schooling completed at Fessenden School in Newton, Massachusetts, and the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut. Scranton went on to earn his bachelor of arts degree at Yale University in 1939. Before earning his law degree (LL.B.) at Yale Law School in 1946 his studies were interrupted by World War II. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corp as an aviator-even before the attack on Pearl Harbor-in October 1941. As an Airport Transport Command pilot, Lieutenant Scranton did not see combat, but he played an important role in moving combat planes from Brazil to North Africa, as well as training pilots in the Middle East and the China-Burma theatre of war. Discharged with the rank of captain at the end of the war, Scranton was able to complete his law studies and pass the Pennsylvania Bar exam in August 1946 and begin his law practice with O'Malley, Harris, Warren & Hill in the city of Scranton. Scranton would remain active with the Air Force Reserve for another twenty years before retiring with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

It was during the war, on July 6, 1942, when Scranton married a childhood neighbor, the former Mary Lowe Chamberlin. Her widowed mother married J. Curtis Platt, another Scranton descendant. Mary's stepfather was the leader of the movement to rename the city of Slocum Hollow after George Scranton. Four children were born to William and Mary Scranton: Susan, William Worthington, Joseph Curtis and Peter Kip.

Scranton's active involvement in the activities and campaigns of the Republican Party led to him being noticed by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and President Eisenhower. He was appointed in 1959 as a special assistant to the secretary and was retained that same year by succeeding Secretary of State Christian A. Herter. Although Scranton only served until 1960 when he first ran for Congress, in administering the secretary's private office and interpreting United States foreign policy for the press, he had access to almost everything that came across the secretary's desk. He represented the United States at conferences in Latin America, at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and at the United Nations, all of which would prove to be valuable experience for an international role after serving as governor.

In 1960, Scranton campaigned for Congress in the Tenth District with a Democratic registration advantage of about 50,000 voters and without a Republican victory in twenty-two years. Campaigning vigorously in six counties, including door to door canvassing, attracting young voters, and strong party unity, he was elected to the Eighty-seventh Congress over his opponent, incumbent Stanley A. Prokop, by a margin of about 17,000 votes. Once in Congress, Scranton was appointed to the Banking and Currency Committee, but the freshman representative was not afraid to speak his mind and vote how he thought would best serve his constituents, as opposed to succumbing to partisan politics or precisely following the "party line." He supported the legislative views of Democratic President Kennedy on 54 percent of congressional votes. He was liberal on civil rights, social security benefits, supported aid to dependent children, and voted for an increase in the minimum wage. Considering himself to be an "internationalist," Scranton favored the creation of the Peace Corps. However, he was conservative on matter of fiscal spending and first decided if there was a need to be met by government before supporting the commitment of tax dollars. Because he did not walk a consistent line as a liberal or conservative, he received only moderate ratings from opposing organizations interested in conservative or liberal agendas. On the other hand, while his independent discrimination annoyed political ideologues, Scranton was building bi-partisan appeal among voters across Pennsylvania.

By 1962, state Republicans had lost two gubernatorial elections in a row, to Democrats George Leader and David Lawrence, and lost the state's 1960 presidential vote to Kennedy. Republican Party leaders believed that Scranton could appeal to both Democrats and Republicans and revitalize the party. Facing possible divisive primary opposition from Congressman James Van Zandt of Altoona, Scranton told party leaders that he would run only if all sixty-seven county GOP chairmen would endorse him. Sixty-six of sixty-seven did so and Van Zandt decided instead to run for the U.S. Senate. The ticket was balanced with Raymond P. Shafer of Meadville, Crawford County, for lieutenant governor. Shafer was a classmate of Scranton's at Yale, but Shafer, who would succeed Scranton as governor, was a strong campaigner and was a hometown star athlete and war hero as a PT boat commander, traits that played well to compliment the Scranton campaign.

The election, however, proved to be one of the most acrimonious and bitter in state history. Scranton ran against Democratic Philadelphia Mayor Richard Dilworth, who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 1950. Dwight Eisenhower campaigned for Scranton and senatorial candidate Van Zandt, while President Kennedy stepped in to rally voters to elect Dilworth and senatorial candidate Joseph Clark. Through emotional attacks and other name calling by Dilworth, Scranton appeared to remain calm and performed particularly well during the first gubernatorial television debate in state history. Dilworth's impulsive campaign style worked well in defeating an entrenched Philadelphia Republican machine for the mayor's office, but worked against him among more conservative voters across the state. While Van Zandt lost the race for the Senate, Scranton carried sixty-two out of sixty-seven counties and won by nearly half a million votes out of 4.5 million cast. With a Republican majority in both chambers of the General Assembly, Scranton was in a good position to be an effective governor.

Scranton's programs generally received good legislative support and a steady stream of bills were signed into law. Major reforms were created in the educational system, not the least of which was the creation of a community college system, a State Board of Education, and the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency that would prove to be of valuable help to student access to higher education for decades to come. The governor called for realignment of the state's legislative districts, a Department of Mental Health, and the creation of a Council of Science and Technology after advocating new technical training programs. In addition, Scranton initiated a program to promote Pennsylvania in national and world markets and make the state more attractive to industries and buyers of Pennsylvania products and services. He received funding for the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority and created the Governor's Committee of 100,000 Pennsylvanians as ambassadors to sell the state's potential. To resolve a fiscal crisis, Scranton signed a bill increasing the state sales tax from 4 to 5 percent and raised taxes on liquor and cigarettes, although the tax increases dropped the governor's popularity rating.

Just as his work in Congress drew notice for being drafted as the gubernatorial nominee, Scranton drew national interest as a possible presidential candidate in 1964. With the assassination of President Kennedy, who likely would have been reelected, the Democrats were less certain with President Johnson, Kennedy's vice president who became president upon Kennedy's death. However, while a "draft Scranton" movement began to gather momentum, Scranton did not actively seek the nomination, although he let it be known he would accept the vice presidency. A growing opposition to the nomination of Barry Goldwater as the GOP standard-bearer led many Republicans to join the Scranton bandwagon, but Scranton's statements that he was not a candidate slowed the groundswell of support. Scranton expressed concerns that party unity was more important and refused to join those verbally attacking Barry Goldwater. Then on June 12, 1964, Scranton announced that he was a candidate for president. Scranton's late public start in the campaign and Goldwater's organization proved to be a barrier to the nomination. In addition, a letter prepared by a member of Scranton's campaign staff and sent to Goldwater without the governor's approval of the wording, but signed as though Scranton sent it, stated that "Goldwaterism has come to stand for nuclear irresponsibility" and a "whole crazy-quilt collection of absurd and dangerous positions." The next day the letter was copied and circulated among Republican convention delegates and damaged Scranton's regard among them. Goldwater won the nomination with 883 delegates on the first ballot while Scranton had 214 delegate votes, winning majorities in among ten state delegations, including Pennsylvania.

Scranton returned to the governor's office to continue his agenda for state government. He announced in 1966 that he would never again seek public office, although he was elected as a delegate to the state constitutional convention that took place in 1967-1968. Like several predecessors, he pushed for a referendum to revise the constitution, campaigning for voter approval with former Governor Leader across the state. The effort finally succeeded and Scranton played a low key role as co-chairman of the convention's judiciary committee. One of the outcomes of the convention allowed governors to succeed themselves for a second term. The change, of course, came after the completion of Scranton's term of office.

Scranton returned to private business for a time in banking, broadcasting, and manufacturing, but he was not finished with public service. He also served on the boards of IBM, Scott Paper, Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Pan American World Airways, Mutual of New York, Glen Olden Company, and Sun Oil Company and was a trustee of Yale University. He served as vice president and director of International Textbook Company, director of Scranton-Lackawanna Trust Company and, later, president when that company merged with Northeastern National Bank and Trust Company. A pioneer in television in northeastern Pennsylvania, he formerly served as chairman of the board of Northeastern Pennsylvania Broadcasting, Inc. His telecommunications background helped him to make important contributions in 1969 as a member of the International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium (INTELSAT).

Among his many civic activities, Scranton served as director of the Boys Club of Scranton; Family Service of Lackawanna County; vice president, President's Council, University of Scranton; trustee, Westminster Presbyterian Church; director and member of the Scranton Chamber of Commerce; member-at-large, National Council of Boy Scouts; vice president of the board of directors, Geisinger Memorial Hospital and Foss Clinic in Danville. He has received the B'nai B'rith Americanism Award and the St. David's Society Distinguished Citizens Award.

In 1968, President Richard Nixon approached Scranton to become secretary of state. Scranton turned down the job, but accepted a role as a special envoy to the Middle East. True to speaking his mind, Scranton recommended a more even-handed policy in the Middle East, but his remarks offended the American Jewish community and caused Nixon to disassociate his administration from this recommendation. Still, the president continued his confidence in the former governor in 1970 after four students were killed by the National Guard at Kent State University in Ohio. Scranton served as chairman of the Commission on Student Unrest and the "Scranton Report" identified the principal causes of campus violence and made specific recommendations to benefit students and colleges, as well as law enforcement.

Again, sticking to his vow not to run for public office, he turned down a draft to run for the U.S. Senate in 1969, but Scranton continued to accept less political public roles. He served on the Presidential Price Commission (1971-72), the United State Railway Board (1974-75), White House Fellowships Commission, Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, vice chairman of the Urban Institute and chairman of the Municipal League. When Vice President Gerald Ford became president after the sudden resignation of President Nixon, Ford appointed his friend and Chi Psi fraternity brother at Yale, William Scranton, to his four-member transition team. Scranton made recommendations to Ford for a smooth change of administrations at a time of national crisis.

On February 25, 1976, Ford appointed Scranton as United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Although Scranton served only until January 1977, he made a lasting impression on U.N. delegates. His style of diplomacy, a higher priority for human rights over political considerations, and skill in arbitration earned the respect of many Third World countries and nations embroiled in opposing conflicts. Scranton's "speak softly and carry an olive branch" approach reflected favorably on world opinion of the United States and softened the hard-line rhetoric of his predecessor that had alienated some countries.

During the Republican National Convention of 1976, speculation again grew as to whether President Ford would select Scranton as his vice presidential running mate. However, Ford selected Senator Robert Dole of Kansas. That November, Ford and Dole lost the election to Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale and Scranton left the U.N. with the start of the new administration.

On June 7, 2000, Scranton became the third recipient of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission's Pennsylvania Founders Award. Presented by Governor Tom Ridge, the criteria of this honor is for a living person who represents the ideals of William Penn in individual rights, religious toleration, representative government, public support of education, and free enterprise.

The Scranton administration was deeply involved with environmental issues. He started the first Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty in 1966 and he gave speeches before numerous organizations about conservation issues. Scranton was active in promoting environmental legislation on both state and federal levels. The major environmental concerns of the Scranton administration were air pollution, water pollution, strip coal mines, mine subsistence and insurance, oil, flood control, atomic radiation control and roadside beautification.

General File

Carton 2, Agriculture, Pennsylvania Dept. of, 1963-66, Folders 2/1 to 2/4

  • Report: "Pennsylvania Agriculture-It's Potential for Continued Growth," Governor's Committee on Agriculture, Sept. 1, 1966.
  • Press releases: Issued by the Dept. of Agriculture. March 23, 1966, Scranton announces Second Governor's Conference on Agriculture is set for April 19, 1966; May 4, 1966, Pennsylvania will host National Plowing Contest; July 13, 1966, 13 counties to get disaster drought relief for farmers; July 15, 1966, Pennsylvanians to observe Farm and Home Safety Week July 24 to 30; Sept. 14, 1966, Governor's Committee on Agriculture makes report to Scranton; Sept. 23, 1966, 11 counties to get drought disaster relief for farmers.
  • Publication: "Fellow Conservationists" by William W. Scranton. Written for the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission's publication: Teamwork. Undated.

Carton 2, Agriculture, US Dept. of, (USDA) 1963-1966, folders 2/5 to 2/7

  • Correspondence: Letter, Scranton to Orville L. Freeman, Feb. 6, 1963 re federal Public Law 788 authorizing forestry research; Letter Scranton to Freeman, Sept. 2, 1964 re the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation's report on the Allegheny reservoir. Both in folder 2/5. Letter, D. A. Williams to Scranton, July 9, 1965 re article on Appalachia in July 1965 issue of Soil Conservation Magazine. Letter, Edward P. Cliff to Ralph C. Wible, Sept. 20, 1965 re establishing a USDA regional field office in Upper Darby. Both in Folder 2/6. Letter, Ivan McKeever, State Conservationist, to Scranton, Feb. 4, 1966 re small watershed planning; Letter, John K. Tabor to A. James Reichley, Feb. 23, 1966 re opposition of the Dept. of Commerce to the federal Community Development District Act of 1966. Both in Folder 2/7. Letter, Orville L. Freeman to Scranton, March 23, 1966 re the program "Greenspan." In folder 2/7. Letter, Robert G. Lewis to Scranton, July 18, 1966 re Scranton's comments on Appalachia during guest appearance on television program Meet the Press, July 18, 1966. In Folder 2/7.
  • Report: Rural Community Development Service, USDA, "A Typical Community Development District," Feb. 1966.
  • Speech: "Changing Values in a Changing Forest" by James K. Vessey, June 21, 1966. In folder 2/7.
  • Testimony: Orville L. Freeman to US House of Representatives' Committee on Agriculture concerning Community Development District Act, July 9, 1966. In Folder 2/7.
  • Legislation: A copy of US House of Representatives bill S2934, June 25, 1966, that proposes community development districts within the Appalachia region.
  • Publication: Rural Areas Development Newsletter issues for June and Dec. 1963 and Jan., Feb, and June 1964. In folder 2/5.

Carton 2, Air Pollution, folder 2/9

The folder has "A Statement by Governor William W. Scranton on Air Pollution" c. 1966 and a letter, A.D. Brandt, chairman of the Air Pollution Commission of the Dept. of Health about the Air Pollution Control Act, Oct. 32, 1963.

Carton 2, Allegheny Expressway, folder 2/24

This folder contains correspondence of Scranton with the Dept. of Highways, Allegheny County and the Kittanning Area chambers of commerce, the US Steel Corp., the Regional Industrial Development Corp. of Southwestern Pennsylvania, newspapers and state lawmakers. There are also two US Dept. of Interior topographical maps of southwestern Pennsylvania.

Carton 4, Anthracite Coal Industry, 1963-1965, folder 9/26

  • Agenda: Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Mine Subsistence Board Meeting of Sept. 2, 1964.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office, Oct. 21, 1965 and June 29, 1966 concerning the opening of the "Anthracite Highway" in Lackawanna County.
  • Publications: Article by Governor Scranton, "The Anthracite Industry in 1962"; Article, "The Anthracite Industry in 1963" by William Bellano, Nov. 29, 1963.

Carton 5, Arbor Day, folder 5/5

  • Arbor Day proclamations by Governor Scranton for the years 1963 to 1966.

Carton 6, Atlantic Marine Fisheries Commission, folder 6/9

  • Annual reports of the Atlantic Marine Fisheries Commission are available for the period 1961 through 1965.

Carton 20, H. B. Charmbury, Folder 20/10

  • The folder has copies of 3 speeches by H. B. Charmbury: "The Strip Mining Controversy," 1963; "Surface Mining in Pennsylvania" 1964; and "Conservation Practices Which Reduce Undesirable Effects of the Environment" 1965.

Carton 20, Chester County Conservation Committee, Folder 20/15

  • Correspondence between Scranton, Maurice K. Goddard, the Public Utilities Commission and the Chester County Conservation Committee from 1964 to 1965 concerns the controversial plan of the Philadelphia Electric Co. to string a 500,000 volt electric line across Chester County.

Cartons 29 and 30, Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)

  • Correspondence: Letter, Maurice K. Goddard to James F. Wright, Dec. 13, 1963 re First Annual Water Resources program. In folder 29/19.
  • Minutes: 1963 in folder 29/16; 1964 in folder 29/17- 29/19; 1965 in folder 28/20; 1966 in folder 30/1.
  • Annual Reports: 1963 in folder 29/16; 1964 in folder 29/19; 1965 in folder 29/20; 1966 in folder 30/1.
  • Reports: DRBC, "Weekly Summary of Emergency Operations from August 3, 1965 to Jan. 11, 1966." The reports contain statistics on precipitation levels, discharge, reservoir storage capacity, dissolved oxygen and chlorides for the Delaware River Basin. In folder 30/1.
  • Publications: Delaware Basin Bulletin volume 4 no. 2, April 1963. In folder 29/16; "Second Water Resources Program, Oct. 1964." In folder 29/17; DRBC.Administrative Manual, Part II: Rules of Practice and Procedures Adopted Feb. 27, 1964. In folder 29/19; Tocks Island and Outdoor Recreation for the Crowded East, Jan. 1964. In folder 29/19.

Carton 30, Delaware River Joint Bridge Commission, 1961-1966, folders 30/2-30/15

  • Correspondence: The correspondence is mainly between Scranton, the Delaware River Joint Bridge Commission, the city of Trenton, NJ, the US Army Corps of Engineers and members of Congress. In folders 30/2 and 30/6.
  • Minutes: Minutes of the Commission for 1961, 1962 and 1963 in folders 30/2, 30/3 and 30/5; Minutes of a public hearing held in Trenton, NJ, March 14, 1951. In folder 30/2.
  • News clippings: 1963 in folders 30/3-30/5, 30/7-30/8; 1964 in folder 30/6, 30/9-11; 1965 in folders 30/12-30/13; 1966 in folder 30/15-16.

Carton 31, Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA)

Minutes, annual reports, reports, a publication, a map and a speech by Scranton dealing with the Delaware River Port Authority are found within these seven folders.

  • Minutes: Minutes of the DRPA's meetings in 1965 are found in folders 31/3 thru 31/7.
  • Annual Reports: The reports for 1962 and 1963 are in folder 31/1 and the report for 1964 is in folder 31/2.
  • Reports: "Report of Delaware River Crossing Needs, 1960-2000." In folder 31/1. "Report to the Legislatures of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey On an Additional Delaware River Vehicular Crossing Between Northeast Philadelphia and Delair, New Jersey, March 1963." In folder 31/1. Report to Governor William W. Scranton from Port Authority Commissioner John P. Crisconi, Nov. 23, 1966. In folder 31/7.
  • Publication: Delaware River Port Authority Magazine volume 1 no. 9, Oct. 1966. In folder 31/7.
  • Map: DRPA, "Delaware River Authority Bridges," 1965. In folder 31/6
  • Speech: "A Great Delaware River Port," by Governor William W. Scranton, March 17, 1965. In folder 31/6.

Carton 31, Delaware River Ports, folder 31/8

  • Interim report to Scranton from Fred Speaks on Delaware River Ports, c. 1963 or 1964. Press release, Governor's Office, March 19, 1965 announces state funds to city of Chester for developing its port.

Carton 31, Delaware Valley Protective Association (DVPA) folder 31/9

  • Correspondence: The correspondence is mainly from and to DVPA President Hal H. Clark during the period 1965 to 1966 concerning pollution of air and water in upper Bucks County. Letters from Clark to Robert D. Fleming, Sept. 6, 1966 and to Philip O. Weck, August 23, 1966 discuss wing dams on the Delaware River at New Hope.
  • Annual Report: Annual report by Clark to the Association, Oct. 23, 1963.
  • Press Releases. Association releases for 1964 and 1965 pertain to Delaware Canal improvements.

Carton 36, Erie County, folder 36/1

The folder has 3 items of interest:

  • Telegram, James F. Donahue to Scranton, March 18, 1964 and
  • Letter, L. H. Bull to Donahue, March 30, 1965 both address complaint by the Erie County Council of Sportsmen protesting the use of the chemical insecticide dieldrin in Erie;
  • The same conservation group also protests use of the chemical DDT in state forest lands to control fall cankerworm as noted in letter of Gordon Bannister to Scranton, March 16, 1965 and also of Maurice K. Goddard to Bannister, March 29, 1965.

Carton 39, Fish Commission, folders 39/9-39/11

The activities of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission during the Scranton administration are represented here by correspondence, commission minutes, a report, press releases, a proclamation, news clippings and a publication.

  • Correspondence: Letter, Albert M. Day to Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Sept. 27, 1963 re conservation record of the Scranton administration. In folder 39/9.
  • Minutes: Minutes of the commission for 1964 in folder 39/10.
  • Reports: Report of Albert M. Day, Executive Director to the Commissioners, Jan. 27, 1964. In folder 39/10.
  • Press releases: Releases for 1963 in folder 39/9; 1964 in folder 39/10; 1966 in folder 39/11.
  • Proclamation: Governor William W. Scranton proclaims Fish Commission Centennial Week, Feb. 10, 1966. In folder 39/11.
  • News clippings: "Shad Now Moving up Delaware River," Allentown Sunday Call-Chronicle, April 26, 1964; "Political Action for Fishery Programs?" Allentown Call-Chronicle, April 23, 1964.
  • Publication: Public Relations Division, Fish Commission, Boating Lines c. 1964. In folder 39/11.

Carton 40, Forests and Waters, Dept. of, folder 40/17

Documentation consists of correspondence, working papers, press releases, news clippings and legislation mainly during 1965.

  • Correspondence: Letter, Scranton to Maurice K. Goddard, June 29, 1965 regarding fourteen unfinished flood projects in the Commonwealth.
  • Working Paper: "Outdoor Recreation in the Susquehanna River Basin," US Dept. of the Interior, June 1, 1965.
  • Press releases: Dept. releases during 1965.
  • News clippings: "Lake Herd of Elk in State May Be Wiped Out by New Strip Mine Proposal in Public Forest," unnamed publication, c. 1965.
  • Legislation: US Senate bill S22, 89th Congress, 1st session. Bill would make available grants for research into water problems.

Carton 42, Game Commission, folder 42/20

Items of interest are correspondence, minutes, press releases, news clippings, and publications of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

  • Correspondence: Letter, Nicholas Biddle to Scranton, March 18, 1963 suggesting a committee to oversee use of chemical agents affecting the environment; Letter, Glenn L. Bowers to Henry D. Harrall, August 16, 1965 advocates protection of tidal lands in Pennsylvania; Memo, M. J. Golden to William G. Murphy, Oct. 1, 1963 re acquisition of land for the Erie National Wildlife Refuge.
  • Minutes: Minutes of the Game Commission for Oct. 21, 1963 only.
  • Press releases: Game Commission, Dec. 6, 1965-"Facts on Middle Creek Project."
  • News clippings: News items from newspapers chiefly in Wilkes-Barre and Hazelton, Luzerne County during 1964 about sportsmen's opposition to state swap of game lands.
  • Publications: "Sportsmen Honor Scranton, Fellow Sportsman for Conservation Efforts," Pennsylvania Game News, April 1965. Gov. Buys Recreation/Conservation Stickler," Pennsylvania Game News, July 1965.

Carton 49, Governor's Committee on Agriculture, 1966, folder 49/5

  • Report: "Pennsylvania Agriculture: Its Potential for Continued Growth," Sept. 1, 1966.
  • Press release: Governor's Office, Sept. 14, 1966 announces committee report.
  • Speech: A copy of Governor Scranton's speech before a committee meeting on April 19, 1966.

Carton 49, Governor's Conference on Agriculture, Harrisburg, 1966, folder 49/15

  • Correspondence: Letters and memos regarding the planning of the conference.
  • Program and invitation: a copy of the conference program and an invitation.
  • Press releases: March 23 and April 14, 1966
  • Speeches: Speech by Leland H. Bull, "Pennsylvania Agriculture Looks to the Future," April 14, 1966; Speech by Governor Scranton to the Conference, April 7, 1965.

Carton 51, Great Lakes Commission, folder 51/2

  • Minutes: Minutes of the commission's annual meetings are available for 1962.
  • Reports: "Report to the Commission by the Executive Director, Dec. 3, 1962," "Report to the States by the Great Lakes Commission at the 1963 Annual Meeting of the Great Lakes Commission."
  • Publications: Great Lakes Commission Newsletter, issues for 1963, 1964, and 1965; Proceedings of the Institute on the St. Lawrence Seaway, Cleveland, O., March 6, 1964.

Carton 55, Health, Dept. of, folders 55/5-55/8

  • Correspondence: Examples of correspondence found here include the following: Letter: Scranton to Linda Lathan, Nov. 21, 1963, describes the state's policy on water pollution control. In folder 55/5. Letter, C. L. Wilbar Jr. to US Senator Hugh Scott, April 30, 1965 re amending the federal Water Pollution Control Act. In folder 55/7; Letter, C. L. Wilbar Jr. to regional sanitary engineers, Sept. 16, 1966 re changes in compliance procedures for mine water drainage under the Clean Streams Act; Letter, R. T. Lang to Scranton, Sept. 27, 1966 says Central PA Coal Producers Association will not be able to have new coal water treatment facilities in place before year's end. In folder 55/8. Letter, Roy T. Frank to Floyd O. Collins Jr., Nov. 21, 1966 re the Izaak Walton League of America Inc.'s position on water quality standards. In folder 55/8.
  • Reports: Bureau of Environmental Health report for June 1963. In folder 55/5. Bureau of Environmental Health report for Jan. 1966. In folder 55/8; "Report to Sanitary Water Board on Proposed Water Quality Standards for Interstate Waters (Upper Allegheny River and Lake Erie Basins), Nov. 4, 1966." In folder 55/8; "Report of Sanitary Water Board on Proposed Water Quality Standards for Interstate Waters (Ohio River Basin), Dec. 9, 1966." In folder 55/8.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office, Oct. 25, 1965. Scranton says that air pollution is a major health problem in the Commonwealth. In folder 55/7; Governor's Office, Jan. 27, 1966, Scranton signs bill empowering Pennsylvania to have full regulatory powers over radiation sources with the exception of atomic reactors. In folder 55/8.
  • News clippings: "State Lags in Clean Rivers Claimed," Harrisburg Evening News, June 11, 1965; "Secretary Udall's 'Chutzpah'," Harrisburg Evening News, June 16, 1965; "Mine Cleanup Pledge Praised," by Shirley Uhl, Pittsburgh Press, Aug. 8, 1966; "Coal Granted Extension on Clean Streams Act," Scranton Tribune, August 18, 1966; "Clean Streams Victory," Pittsburgh Press, August 18, 1966. All in folder 55/8.
  • Miscellaneous: "Chronology of Pennsylvania's requests for federal aid to combat pollution from inactive mines." Unnamed author. Chronology covers the period from 1959 to 1966. In folder 55/8.

Cartons 62 & 63

The activities of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission (IOCC) 1958 through 1966 are represented here by minutes, resolutions, reports, surveys, speeches, and publications.

  • Minutes: IOCC minutes for the period 1958 through 1964 are found in folder 63/1. Additional minutes for 1964 are in folder 62/13, 62/14, 63/1, and 63/2.
  • Resolutions: The IOCC resolution of June 25, 1965 supports the conservation ideas of President Lyndon B. Johnson. In folder 63/3. Resolutions of June 22 and Dec. 14, 1966 support the Mandatory Oil Import Program. In folder 63/4.
  • Reports: Report of the Governor's Substitute Representative to the IOCC, June 22-24, 1964. In Folder 62/4. Report of Governor's Substitute Representative to the IOCC Executive Committee, Sept. 8, 1964. In folder 62/12.
  • Surveys: IOCC. "National Stripper Well Survey," January 1966. In folder 63/4.
  • Speeches: Scranton to an IOCC meeting, June 22, 1965. In folder 63/3.
  • Publications:
    1. Compact Comments (IOCC) issues of Jan., May, Nov-Dec. 1963 in folder 62/12. Dec. 12, 1964 issue is in folder 62/12. February 1964 issue is in folder 63/2. Issues for Jan. and Dec. 1965 as well as issue of March, May, June and July 1966 are found in folder 63/4.
    2. IOCC Committee Bulletin issues for June and Dec. 1964 are in folder 63/2.
    3. Directory of the IOCC and Oil and Gas Agencies. Issue of 1963 is in folder 62/12 and 63/3. Issue of 1966 is located in folder 63/4.
    4. Unitized Oil Field Conservation Projects in the United States and Canada. IOCC, Jan. 1, 1962. In folder 62/12.
    5. National Stripper Well Statistical Summary, 1941-1963. By the IOCC and the National Stripper Well Association, c. 1963. In folder 63/4.
    6. A Study of Oil and Gas in the United States, IOCC and the Governor's Special Study Committee, 1964. In folder 63/3.
    7. Preliminary Draft: Purposes, Background and Current Conservation Practices, IOCC, June 23 1964. In folder 62/14.
    8. Second Preliminary Draft: Purposes Background and Current Conservation Practices. IOCC, Sept. 8, 1964. In folder 62/12.
    9. Secondary Recovery Operations in Oklahoma. IOCC, Jan. 1, 1963. In folder 63/2.
    10. 1963 Secondary Recovery Operations in Kansas. By the Kansas Geological Survey and the University of Kansas, 1964. In folder 63/2.

Carton 82, Mines and Mineral Industries, Dept. of.

In correspondence, press releases, news clippings and reports exchanged with the Dept. of Mines and Minerals, Scranton grappled with the problems of drought, acid mine drainage, mine subsistence and mine fires which threatened the environment of the Commonwealth. Below is just a sampling of the rich documentation to be found here.

  • Correspondence: H. B. Charmbury to William Keisling, March 11, 1965 on potential mine area restoration projects in the Appalachian region of Pennsylvania; Charmbury to Scranton, August 9, 1965 re legislation for research into prevention of acid mine drainage. Both in folder 82/12.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office. May 27, 1964, Governor Scranton is visiting land scarred by mining in Luzerne County; Sept. 1, 1964, Pennsylvania set to build experimental mine drainage pilot plant. Both in folder 82/11.
  • News clippings: There is a group of news clippings circa July 1964 concerning strip coal mines from newspapers in the following communities: Altoona, Bradford, Butler, Clearfield, Donora, Greensburg, Indiana, Johnstown, Kittanning, New Kensington, Oil City, Philipsburg, Scranton, Somerset, Tarentum, Uniontown, Warren, and Wilkes-Barre.
  • Reports: "The Laurel Run Mine Fire Control Project," (Appalachian Control Project no. 1). Includes photographs and a map. In folder 82/9.
  • Speeches: "The Strip Mining Controversy" by H. B. Charmbury, March 20, 1963. In folder 82/9; Burning Culm Banks: Pennsylvania's Action Program," by Governor William W. Scranton, August 29, 1966. In folder 82/14.

Carton 87

This carton contains documentation on the Northeast Hydrology Research Center, controlling highway billboards and the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference within folder 87/21.

  • Northeast Hydrology Research Center: Correspondence of 1963 and 1964 is between Scranton, Eric A. Walker, President of Penn State, and others regarding the founding of the Northeast Hydrology Research Center on the University Park campus of Penn State University.
  • Highway billboards: Letter, R. G. Zahner to Henry D. Harrell, May 17, 1963 discusses enforcing state ban on highway billboard in agricultural areas
  • Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference: The conference was held January 19-22, 1964 in Harford, Connecticut. The folder contains a rough draft of a speech by Pennsylvania Game Commissioner Glenn Bowers, an invitation letter to Scranton dated Dec. 31, 1963 and a copy of the conference program booklet.

Carton 96

  • The Pinchot Institute for Studies in Conservation Studies, named for former governor and forester Gifford Pinchot, was dedicated Sept. 24, 1963 in Milford, Pike County. Found here are a copy of the Institute's information flyer, tentative schedule for a summer 1967 seminar on "the quality of the Human Environment," correspondence between the Institute, the Pinchot family and Scranton and a press release announcing Scranton and President John F. Kennedy are to take part in the dedication ceremonies. In folder 96/7.

Cartons 127 & 128

The US Atomic Energy Commission's business with the Commonwealth from 1963 to 1965 is represented here in folders containing correspondence, reports, speeches, and publications.

  • Correspondence: Correspondence for the year 1963 is found in folder 17/18, for 1964 in folder 127/19, and for 1965 in folders 128/1-2. Communication is chiefly between the commission, the state Dept. of Health, Philadelphia Electric Co., Westinghouse Electric Corp., Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp, Pennsylvania State University,. and Governor Scranton. Letters discuss the licensing, monitoring and operation of nuclear reactors and their potential environmental impact in Bedford, Centre, Westmoreland and York Counties. Also mentioned is the Interagency Radiological Assistance Plan of the Commonwealth. Folders 128/1-2 have correspondence about the nuclear ship N.S. Savannah.
  • Reports: These documents are scientific reports which measure whether a nuclear reactor complies with both industrial and national environmental standards. "Final Shutdown Report for Westinghouse Testing Reactor WTR-172," Jan. 25, 1963; "Hazards Analysis by the Test and Power Reactor Safety Branch, Div. of Licensing and Regulation, Westinghouse Electric Corp" The latter report includes a map of the Waltz Mills, Westmoreland County nuclear site. "Retirement of Westinghouse Testing Reactor, Docket No. 50-22." All in folder 127/18. "Hazards Analysis by the Research and Power Reactor Safety Branch, Div. of Licensing and Regulation in the Matter of Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp., Docket No. 50-146."
  • Speeches: "The Atom's Future Promise" by Glenn T. Seaborg, Jan. 24, 1964.
  • Publications: "Appendix A-Technical Specifications to Operating License No. DPR-4, Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp., Feb. 28, 1964;" "Port Operating Plan for the N.S. Savannah, Port of Philadelphia, July 1963." Prepared by Port Operation Team, First Atomic Ship Transport Inc.

Subject File, 1963-1967

Carton 13, Floods, 1963, 1964, 1966

  • Correspondence for 1963 between Scranton, the American Red Cross, Borough of Carnegie, State Council of Civil Defense, etc. pertains to the flooding of Chartiers Creek and the Monongahela River in Allegheny County. In folder 13/18.
  • Correspondence for 1964 between Scranton, State Council of Civil Defense and the American Red Cross is about flooding of the Allegheny and Susquehanna Rivers. Included is a proclamation of emergency on March 10, 1964 by Scranton. In folder 13/19.
  • The flooding of Chartiers Creek in Allegheny County is the subject of correspondence between Scranton, State Council of Civil Defense, Borough of Canonsburg, US. Army Corps of Engineers and Dept of Forests and Waters. In folder 13/20.

Carton 21, Penn Soil Resource Conservation and Development Project, 1965

  • This folder has a letter, Harry F. Fowler to John K. Tabor, May 5, 1965 concerning the project in Crawford, Mercer, and Venango Counties. Also available is a "project work plan book" for the project. In folder 21/19.

Carton 28, Environmental Health Center, 1964

The Scranton administration's effort to have a National Environmental Health Center within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is documented here by correspondence and publications in folder 28/2.

  • Letter, John T. Hart to the US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Dec. 14, 1962
  • Letter, Philadelphia Mayor James H. J. Tate to Scranton, Dec. 15, 1964 advocates Philadelphia as site of center. Attached is a booklet: The National Environmental Health Center, Philadelphia.
  • Unsigned memo, "Advantages of Locating Environmental Health Center in Pennsylvania at Olmstead Air Force Base near Harrisburg, Pa.," Dec. 17, 1964
  • Letter, L. C. Gutman to Scranton, Dec. 23, 1964, recommends the Lehigh Valley as site for center.

Cartons 29, 30, & 31, Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty, Sept. 12-13, 1966

Mrs. E. Page Allison of West Chester, after attending the President's Conference on Natural Beauty May 24-25, 1965, suggested to Governor Scranton that he organize a Pennsylvania conference on natural beauty. Correspondence, minutes, conference panel transcripts, speeches, publications, photographs in these three cartons document this conference.

  • Minutes, 1966. In folder 29/15.
  • Correspondence, A-Z: Notable items include Letter, Mrs. E. Page Allison to Scranton. Also there is a letter from Scranton to singer Marian Anderson, April 27, 1966, expressing disappointment at her letter regretting an invitation to sing at the conference. However, the letter of regret from Anderson is not in this folder. Also found here are letters from the Pennsylvania chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Conservation Foundation and US Secretary of Interior Stewart L. Udall. In folders 29/17-18.
  • Correspondence: Masland, Frank E., Jr., Chairman, 1966: Within folder 29/20 are the proceedings of the First Annual Pennsylvania Shade Tree Symposium, Community Beautification through Municipal Shade Tree Management, Jan. 11-13, 1966, University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • Research Materials: Materials from a New York conference, Feb. 25, 1966; Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 1966, and the President's Conference on Natural Beauty in 1965. In folders 30/3-7.
  • Programs and Slides, 1966. In folder 30/8. Available are photographs of Scranton at the conference with unnamed people. There are four slides. One shows the area being acquired by Erie County under the Project 70 program. Others show a stream valley area on the Schuylkill River that Berks County is interested in.
  • Remarks: Copies of conference speeches by Scranton, Frank E. Masland Jr., and Stewart L. Udall. In folders 30/9-11.
  • Panels, 1966: There are twelve panel folders in cartons 30 and 31. A typical folder might contain a transcript of panel discussion with papers. There is also correspondence between panelists, names and addresses of panelists, publications such as Pennsylvania Outdoor News, and publications from related conferences.
  • Report of conference, n.d. These materials consist of typed manuscript and galley. In folders 31/6-7.
  • Tapes, 1966: These consist of six 6.35mm tapes of the conference, the Blue Room Sessions, a panel and US Secretary of Interior Stewart L. Udall.

Carton 75, Robena Mine Disaster, 1963

  • Correspondence: Scranton exchanges letters with the Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, union officials and the general public. Item of interest is telegram, John Ozanich to Scranton, March 16, 1963 urging criminal prosecution of the Robena mine management. In folder 75/12
  • Reports: "Report of Commission Investigating Explosion at Robena No. 3 Mine, US Steel Corp., Carmichaels, R.D. No. 1, Greene Co., Pa., Dec. 6, 1962. In folders 75/12 and 13; "Report on the Robena No. 3 Mine Explosion Hearing" by D. C. Jones, Jan. 23, 1963. In folder 75/12.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office releases from Feb. 28, March 13, March 21. In folder 75/13.
  • Clipping: "Officials Embroiled in Dispute over Mine Blast that Killed 37," New York Times, April 7, 1963. In folder 75/12.

Cartons 84 through 89, Water Conservation, Stream Purification & Flood Control, 1963-66

Water was a major environmental concern of the Scranton administration as evidenced by the abundant documentation here in cartons 84 through 89.


The correspondence within the following six cartons, is arranged alphabetically by both letter and subject name. Examples of correspondence found here include the following.

  • Letter, Pennsylvania Conservation Association to Scranton, Jan. 25, 1963 urges state study of acid mine drainage into the Mahoning River. In carton 87, folder 8.
  • Letter, William G. Murphy to W E. Granger, July 26, 1963 explains the Commonwealth's environmental policies. In carton 85, folder 3.
  • Letters to and from President Lyndon B. Johnson and Scranton, 1965 about establishment of Middle Atlantic Regional Water Pollution Control Laboratory in Pennsylvania. In carton 87, folder 6.
  • Letter, Joseph M. Laskin to Scranton, Jan. 21, 1965 re alleged pollution caused by Pittsburgh Industries Wastes Company. In carton 87, folder 10.
  • Telegram, Hullett C. Smith, governor of West Virginia to Scranton, Oct. 14, 1966 re Wheeling Creek Watershed. In carton 85, folder 1.


Available are minutes for some environmental organizations such as:

  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Nov. 28, 1962. In Carton 85, folder 7; June 26, 1963 in carton 86, folder folder; July 20, 1966 in Carton 85, folder 9
  • Genesee River Basin Coordinating Committee, June 18, 1963 in carton 86, folder 4; Feb. 20 and Oct. 8, 1964 in carton 86, folder 3; Oct. 13-14, 1965 in carton 86, folder 1.
  • Ohio River Basin Comprehensive Survey, Sept. 17-18, 1964 and March 23-34, 1965. In carton 87, folder 10.
  • Susquehanna River Basin Study Coordinating Committee, 1963, 1964, 1965, and 1966 minutes in carton 89, folders 5 & 6.


Some reports from conservation-related bodies are found here including those of PA Dept. of Forests and Waters, Water Resources Council, Westinghouse Electric Corp., US Army Corps of Engineers, Potomac River Basin Commission, Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, PA State Planning Board, Delaware River Basin Commission, Genesee River Basin Coordinating Committee, US Dept. of Interior, and the Interstate Advisory Committee on the Susquehanna River Basin. Typically reports focus upon specific waterways. Here are some examples:

  • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period, Dec. 1, 1963 to Nov. 30, 1964." In carton 84, folder 13
  • US Army Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati, Ohio, "Notice of Report on Chartiers Creek Basin, April 24, 1963." In carton 85, folder 4.
  • "Report on Pollution of Slippery Rock Creek Adopted by the Sanitary Water Board, Jan. 21, 1965. In carton 86, folder 8.
  • " State Planning Board, "Report: Reevaluation of the Practicality of the Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal, June 25, 1965. In carton 87, folder 1.
  • Potomac River Basin Reports, vols. 2-8 (1963) in carton 88, folder 2-8.
  • US Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines, "Mineral Industry Economics in the Susquehanna River Basin," 1964. In carton 89, folder 6.


Environmental initiatives of the Scranton administration were often tied to passage of conservation legislation. Here are some examples.

  • A copy of US Senate bill S649, "To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Oct. 4, 1963." In carton 85, folder 5.
  • A copy of US H of Rep HR1794 bill, Feb. 10, 1964,"An Act to authorize the acquisition and payment for a flowage casement and rights-of-way over lands within the Alleghany Indian Reservation in New York, required by the United States for the Allegheny River (Kinzua Dam) project." In carton 89, folder 7.
  • Public Law 89-80, "Water Resources Act," July 22, 1965. In carton 87, folder 15.


Environmentally-related publications by state and federal agencies as well as conservation groups are mainly of two types: subject studies and organization journals or newsletters. Instances of these within these cartons include:

  • Dept. of Forests and Waters, "Report on Water Resources Study of Brandywine Creek Basin in Pennsylvania, Dec. 1958." In carton 84, folder 10.
  • Haven Industries, "Sea Water Conversion by Reverse Osmosis," c. 1964. In carton 84, folder 15.
  • Outdoor People of Pennsylvania (August 18, 1964). In carton 84, folder 10.
  • PA Sanitary Water Board, Dept. of Health, "Water Pollution Control in the Monongahela River Basin, Dec. 1963." In carton 87, folder 7.
  • US Army Engineers Division North Atlantic, "Water Resources in Pennsylvania," Jan. 1, 1965. In carton 89, folder 9.
  • Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, "Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, 1966." In carton 85, folder 9.
  • Clean Streams (summer 1964) in carton 84, folder 10; Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation (March 1962) in carton 84, folder 10; Water Shed Newsletter (published by the National Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts) (July 1964) in carton 87, folder 14.


The Scranton administration meticulously collected hundreds of newspaper clippings about the environment and the Commonwealth's effort to protect it. Scranton was concerned about how the media perceives Pennsylvania environmental problems and how the media judges his administration's handling of those problems. The clippings are found in nearly every carton. Here are some of the most interesting clippings available.

  • Looks like Pollution's Here to Stay," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Oct. 23, 1964. In carton 89, folder 1.
  • "US Isn't Passing the Acid Test," Washington Post, Jan. 10, 1965. This article is about acid mine polluted streams in Pennsylvania. In carton 84, folder 10.
  • Montco's Sewage Plan Alarms Bucks," Doylestown Daily Intelligencer, April 15, 1965. In carton 85, folder 11.
  • "Arrest Warrant Sought in Fish Kill," Philadelphia Inquirer, July 11, 1965. About an oil slick in the Delaware River. In carton 87, folder 8.
  • "Jones and Laughlin Reports Low Cost Acid Mine Treatment," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
  • Oct. 11, 1965. In carton 84, folder 10.
  • "Chartiers Creek Rises to 13.9 Feet," Carnegie Signal-Item, Feb. 14, 1966. In carton 85, folder 4.
  • "Big Catawissa Creek: A Paradise Still Lost," Shenandoah Evening Herald, June 6, 1966. In carton 89, folder 7.

Press releases

The Governor's Office used press releases to inform the public about the administration's environmental programs, policies and legislation agenda. These are found in the following cartons and folders: carton 84, folders 13, 15; carton 85, folder 4; carton 87, folder 2.

Public Hearings and Petitions

Policy making about the environment often caused controversy. Public hearings and petitions from Pennsylvania citizens were mean by which members of the general public and industries affected by proposed policies or programs could give feedback to the Scranton administration...

  • "Record of Public Hearing on Genesee River Basin, June 18-19, 1963. In carton 86, folder 4
  • Petitions dated 1963 from Pittsburgh and Allegheny County citizens re the proposed Lake Erie-Ohio River canal. In carton 87, folder 2.
  • Petitions from Lebanon County citizens, 1965 re proposed multi-purpose dam. In carton 88, folder 11.
  • Testimony, Lebanon County Planning and Zoning Commission before the PA House Committee on Fisheries, April 8, 1965. In carton 88, folder 1.
  • Testimony, William L. Harger, Pres. Sunbeam Coal Corp. before the PA Sanitary Water Board, Nov. 18, 1964. In carton 89, folder1.


  • US Army Engineers District, Buffalo, NY, "Genesee River Basin Comprehensive Study-County and Sub watershed areas," June 1964. In carton 86, folder 3.
  • PA Dept. of Highways & Fish Commission, "Waters-Highway Map, counties of Fulton, Franklin, 1962-1963." In carton 88, folder 8.

Carton 84, Acid Mine Water Treatment, 1965-66. In folder 84-15.

  • Agriculture, Dept. of, Washington, D.C., 1963-65. In folder 84/16.

Carton 85

  • Agriculture, Dept. of, Washington, D. C., 1966. In folder 85/1
  • B-C, 1963-65. In folders 85/2-3.
  • Chartiers Creek Basin, 1963-66. In folder 85/4
  • Cooper, Hon. John Sherman, U.S. Senate, 1963. In folder 85/5
  • D, 1963-66. In folder 85/6
  • Delaware River Basin Commission, 1963-66
    • Reports, 1963-66. In folders 85-7-8
    • Correspondence, 1963-66. In folder 85/9

Carton 86

  • Genesee River Basin Study, 1963-66. In folder 86/1-4
  • Glen Alden Corporation, 1963-66. In folder 86/5
  • Great Lakes River Basin Commission, 1965. In folder 86/6
  • Health, Pa. Dept. of, 1964-66. In folder 86/8
  • Health, Education & Welfare, Dept. of, (Washington D.C.), 1965-66. In folder 86/9
  • International Symposium on Water Desalination, Oct. 3-9, 1965. In folder 86/14

Carton 87

  • Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal, 1963-66, correspondence. In folder 87/1-3
  • Mercer County Soil & Water Conservation, 1963. In folder 87/5
  • Middle Atlantic Water Pollution Control Laboratory, 1965. In folder 87/6
  • Monongahela River Basin, 1963. In folder 87
  • Ohio River Basin, 1964-66. In folders 87/9-10
  • Pittsburgh Industrial Waste Co., 1965. In folder 87/11
  • Potomac River Basin, 1963-66
    • Correspondence, A-Z, 1963-66. In folders 87/12-15
    • Reports: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, n.d.; .S. Army District Engineer, Summary and Vol. I, Feb. 1963. In folder 8716

Carton 88, Potomac River Basin, 1966

  • Reports: U. S. Army District Engineer, Vols. II-VIII, Feb. 1963. In folders 88/ 10?
  • Correspondence: Smith, Hon. John L., Mayor of Lebanon, PA, 1965. In folder 88/11

Carton 89, Sunbeam Coal Company, Butler County, 1964. In folder 89/1

Carton 89, Susquehanna River Basin, 1963-66

  • Releases, Pamphlets, etc., 1966. In folder 89/2
  • Correspondence, A-Z, 1963-66. In folders 89-3-4
  • Study Coordinating Committee, 1963-66. In folders 89/5-6
  • United States Army Engineer, 1965-66. In folders 89/8-9
  • Water Resources Council, 1965-66. In folder 89/12

James Reichley, Legislative Secretary

Subject File
12 cartons

The files of James Reichley, legislative secretary to Governor William W. Scranton hold copies of legislation as well as news clippings and publications relating to the environment.

Carton 1, Agriculture. In folder 1/2

  • United States Dept. of Agriculture, Ranking of Pennsylvania Counties in Agriculture, 1964.
  • Proceedings, 88th Annual Session of the Pennsylvania State Grange, 1960

Carton 1, Air Pollution. In folder 1/3

  • Article, "Joint State Government Commission," Automotive Air Pollution, 1963
  • Press release, Governor's office, Jan. 23, 1963 re Clean Air Bill of 1963

Carton 1, Anthracite Strip Mining. In folder 1/4

  • Correspondence: Correspondence between Scranton, state legislators, Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries and the Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce, c. 1963-64.
  • Publications: Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, Anthracite Mining Laws of Pennsylvania for Strip Mines Including Rules and Regulations and Procedures. (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Harrisburg, 1962)
  • Legislation: "Citizen's Anthracite Strip Mining and Conservation Act of 1963."
  • Clippings: "ILGWU Backs Push for Better Mine Strip Laws," Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, March 20, 1963; "Reichley Challenged on Backfill Statement," Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, May 25, 1963; "Strip Mine Controls Asked in Zoning Law," Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, May 6, 1964.

Carton 1, Appalachia. In folders 1/6-7

The documentation concerns the federal Appalachian Development Act of 1964

  • Correspondence, Memorandum of Feb. 7, 1964 by Scranton re "Position of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Regarding Formation of an Appalachian Regional Commission, Feb. 7, 1964. In folder 1/7
  • Reports: State Planning Board. Appalachia Pennsylvania Background Report. (Harrisburg: 1965) in folder 1/6.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office, May 8 and July 29, 1964. In folder 1/7
  • Congressional bills H.R. 11065 and S. 2782. In folder 1/7
  • Testimony: Scranton to US H of Rep Committee on Public Works, May 21, 1964. In folder 1/7

Carton 1, Atomic Energy, folder 1/8

The national Atomic Energy Act was signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 and was later amended in 1959 so that the states would gradually take over responsibility from the federal government regulatory control of radiation hazards. In a memo to Scranton of June 4, 1963, the Governor's Council of Science and Technology advised the governor that "the Council sees no urgent need for new regulatory legislation in this field."

Carton 2, Clean Streams, folder 2/4

  • Correspondence: Letter, C. L. Wilbar Jr. to G. Richard Dew, July 13, 1964 re creation of advisory committee to review revisions of Clean Streams Act of 1937.
  • Report: Ewing B. Pollock to Sanitary Water Board, April 29, 1965 pertaining to the mine drainage aspects of the Clean Streams Law.
  • Legislation: Copy of the Clean Streams Act of 1966, Conservation, folder 2/11
  • Correspondence: Memo, "Clean Streams Minute Men" to Harris Breth and Governor David L. Lawrence, c. 1962 about strip mine consolidation; Memo, Scranton to "My Fellow Sportsmen," October 23, 1962 on conservation; Memo, Ross L. Leffer to "Clean Streams Minute Men," October 23, 1962 asking their support of Scranton for governor.
  • Legislation: Copy of rough draft of proposed Bond and Enabling Act for "Project 70."
  • Publications: State Planning Board, A Proposal to the People of Pennsylvania: Project 70, A Plan for Pennsylvania's Outdoor Resources," Jan. 16. 1962; US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service, USDA's Soil Conservation Service Ready to Accelerate Conservation and Watershed Work, Sept. 1962; USDA, Forest Service, Forest Programs for a Strong Rural America, Sept. 1962; "Sportsmen Here Endorse Scranton," by Fred Jones, Pittsburgh Press, Oct. 14, 1962.

Carton 4, Dept. of Health, folder 4/12

  • Correspondence: Letter, C. L. Wilbar Jr. to James Reichley, Feb. 8, 1963 alleges that a Centre Daily Leader Times article of Oct. 29, 1962 distorts facts about fish deaths caused by acid mine drainage.
  • Clipping, "Industrial Wastes Chief Pollution Cause," Centre Daily Leader Times, Oct. 29, 1962.
  • Testimony: Karl M. Mason on Commonwealth water pollution control policies before the Natural Resources & Power Subcommittee, US House of Representatives Committee on Operations, June 6, 1963.

Carton 4, Dept. of Highways, folder 4/14

  • Correspondence: Herbert Thieme to Martin H. Brackell, June 16, 1966 re highway beautification program for Pennsylvania; Letters, Henry D. Harral to Mark Gruell Jr. and Anthony J. Petrosky, June 7, 1966 re the US Dept. of Commerce's "Highways to Beauty" program.
  • Minutes, Meeting of Sec. of Highways with representative of the Pennsylvania State Grange, Pennsylvania farmers, outdoor advertisers and others, Feb. 25, 1966 on highway beautification.
  • Publications: Automotive Safety Foundation, Pennsylvania Highways: Recommendations for Modernizing State Policies and Practices." (Washington DC: August 1958; Greater Philadelphia Movement, A Summary Analysis of Major Studies of Highway Administration and Planning in Pennsylvania. Revised Feb. 1961. Includes a section about acquisition of land.

Carton 6, Mines, folder 6/17

  • Minutes: Sanitary Water Board meeting of Jan.11, 1965. Board discusses mine drainage aspects of the Clean Streams Law.

Carton 10, Strip Mines, folders 10/9-12

  • Correspondence: Letter, James Kepler Davis to William G. Buchanan, May 28, 1963 re congressional bills HR 434 and S176; Letter, C. L. Wilbar Jr. to Reichley, March 14, 1963 on how HR 434 would amend the Bituminous Coal Open Pit Mining Conservation Act; Letter, Donald G. Holtzman to Scranton, March 13, 1963 re HR 434 and the views of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Inc. All in folder 10/9. Sam Light to William G. Buchanan, March 22, 1963 re strip mine bill. Scranton to Robert Fleming, March 18, 1963 re meeting with sportsmen about legislation; Letter, "Representatives of the mining industry" to H. B. Charmbury, March 16, 1963 claiming HR 434 will hurt the mine industry; Letter, Holtzman to Scranton, Feb. 23, 1963 claims Sportsmen's Clubs argues that "any blanket-type regulation with no flexibility would be unworkable;" Telegram to Scranton from Tamaqua Industrial Development Enterprises, March 5, 1963 calls for moratorium on anthracite strip mine industry legislation. All in folder 10/10.
  • Minutes: Dept. of Mines and Minerals, Feb. 11, 1963. In folder 10/11.
  • Legislation: Draft of proposed "Bituminous Coal Open Pit Mining Conservation Act of 1963." In folder 10/11; PA House bill 1438, April 26, 1961, "An act providing for the conservation and improvement of land affected in connection with the mining of bituminous coal by the open pit method;" PL 531, "An act amending the act of May 31, 1945," signed by Governor David L. Lawrence, Sept. 2, 1961. In folder 10/11.
  • Speeches: Speech, H. B. Charmbury to American Youth Hostels, March 30, 1963 on "The Strip Mining Controversy." In folder 10/10. Speech, A. Rembrandt Woolridge to the Central Pennsylvania Open Pit Mining Association, Dec. 19, 1963. In folder 10/11.
  • Publications: "Strip Mining, Reclamation, and the Public," Coal Age Magazine (May 1963). In folder 10/9; Central Pennsylvania Open Pit Mining Association (CPOPMA), Progress Report on the Reclamation and Reforestation of strip-mined areas in Central Pennsylvania, April 1959. In folder 10/11; CPOPMA, Pine Creek-The Story of a Reclaimed Stream, n.d., CPOPMA, Planting the One Hundredth Millionth Seedling on the Reclaimed Spoil Banks of Pennsylvania, n.d., CPOPMA, If You Live In Pennsylvania You Benefit from Open Pit Mining, n.d; US Dept. of HEW, Public Health Service, Pollution-Caused Fish Kills in 1961 (Washington, DC: 1961); Sanitary Water Board, People and Water and People and Water: Report to the People of Pennsylvania. c. 1962. All in folder 10/12.

Jack L. Conmy, Press Secretary

Category files

Arranged alphabetically by subject but labeled by carton and folder number

Carton 1, Appalachia, folder 1/1-1/3

  • Reports: Dept. of Commerce, "Appalachian Program in Pennsylvania Progress Report, April 18, 1966; Dept. of Commerce, "Pennsylvania and the Appalachian Program, May 1965;" State Planning Board, "A Rationale for Public Investment in Appalachia, Pennsylvania: An Interim Statement, March 31, 1966;" All in folder 2. "Pennsylvania's Revisions to the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1964 submitted by William W. Scranton, Governor, May 26, 1964." In folder 3.
  • Testimony: Scranton before the House Committee on Public Works, Feb. 4, 1965 on the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965. In folder 2.
  • Speeches: H. B. Charmbury to the American Petroleum Institute, April 22, 1965 on "The Appalachian Program as Related to Problems of Coal Mining." In folder 2.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office, 1965 and 1966
  • Clippings: Various clippings from 1965 and 1966 mainly from Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh newspapers. In folder 3.
  • Articles: Harry Steigner, "New Sewage Facilities Act," Pennsylvanian: the Magazine of Local Government (June 1966). About the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act of 1967; "Appalachia-An Economic Rejuvenator," unsigned, Pennsylvanian: the Magazine of Local Government (June 1966). Both in folder 2.
  • Photo: Governor William W. Scranton with President Lyndon B. Johnson and others at the signing of the federal Appalachia act, n.d. Black and white print, unknown photographer.

Carton 2, Clean Streams, folder 2/11

The folder has correspondence, press releases and clippings about the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Act from 1965 to 1966.

Carton 2, Collapsible Dam, folder 2/12

The folder contains a Sept. 17, 1963 press release about a collapsible dam project at Sunbury, Northumberland County. There are also 1963 clippings from Pittsburgh newspapers.

Carton 2, Conservation, folder 2/18

  • Speeches: Texts of speeches by Scranton at the following venues: Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Jan. 18, 1965; National Governor's Conference on Natural Resources, Nov. 4, 1965; National Wildlife Federation, March 11, 1966; [First Pennsylvania] Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty, March 11, 1966.
  • Press releases: Notices from 1965 to 1966 cover topics such as water reclamation, federal water conservation funds, Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty, Conservation Awards Banquet, and conservation in general.

Carton 3, Drought, 1963-1966. folders 3/10-3/311

  • Press releases: Issued by the Governor's Office, Depts. of Agriculture & Forests and Waters, and the Game Commission. In folder 10.
  • Clippings: Mainly from Lancaster, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh newspapers.

Carton 4, Erie Canal, 1964-65, folder 4/4

  • Correspondence: Letter, Scranton to Thomas E. Morgan, Dec. 30, 1965 re Scranton's opposition to the Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal.
  • Press release: Governor's Office, Oct. 16, 1964. State Planning Board claims the proposed canal would hurt Pennsylvania economically.
  • Clippings: Dated 1964-65 from Pittsburgh newspapers. Flood Control, 1964-66, folder 4/5
  • Correspondence: Memo to Scranton from State Council of Civil Defense, March 10, 1964 re flooding of the Allegheny, Shenango and Susquehanna Rivers.
  • "Proclamation of Extreme Emergency, March 10, 1964" by Governor Scranton.
  • Clippings: Dated 1964-66 mainly from Pittsburgh newspaper. Glen Alden Coal Co., 1963, folder 4/13
  • Press release: Dept. of Health, Sept. 30, 1963 re Sanitary Water Board's approval of the coal company's pumping schedule to reduce pollution.

Carton 6, Middle Creek, 1965, folder 6/18

  • Correspondence: Memo, Game Commission to Scranton, Dec. 6, 1965, "Facts on Middle Creek Project."
  • Press releases: Governor's Office, April 6, 1965 re Scranton's endorsement of Middle Creek Waterfowl Project in Lancaster and Lebanon counties; Game Commission, Oct. 26, 1965 re "Game Director Describes Value of Middle Creek Waterfowl Area."
  • Clipping from the Philadelphia Inquirer re Middle Creek project.

Carton 6, Mine Cave-In, 1964-66. folder 6/14

  • Clippings from newspapers in Harrisburg, Hazelton, Oil City, Pittsburgh, Uniontown, Wilkes-Barre and other places.

Carton 6, Mine Subsistence Insurance, folder 6/19

  • Press releases: Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, Jan. 21, 1964 re mine subsistence fund.
  • " Clippings, 1965-1966 from around the state.

Carton 8, Pollution, 1965-66, folder 8/3

  • Proclamation of Clean Streams Month, July 1965 by Governor Scranton, signed June 17, 1965.
  • Clippings from newspapers about mine acid water, water pollution, Clean Streams Act, auto exhaust pollution, smog, and drought.
  • Project 70, folders 8/11 & 8/12
    • Reports: State Planning Board, "Progress Report, Dec. 31, 1965; "Project 70: A Force for Pennsylvania's Progress in Recreation, Business and Leadership," n.d. There are also clippings from various newspapers circ 1964-1966. In folder 8/1.

Carton 9, Robena Mine, 1963-1964, folder 9/14

  • Clippings from newspapers in Sharon, Monessen and Pittsburgh.

Carton 9, Sheppton Mine Cave-In, August 23 1963. folder 9/26

  • Clippings are Associated Press stories from Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Scranton newspapers.

Carton 10, Strip Mining, 1963-1964. folder 10/6-7

  • Correspondence: Memo, Governor's Office, June 5, 1963, "How the Administration's anthracite strip mine bill compares with present law;" Memo, Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, "Anthracite Strip Mine Statistics by County to April 30, 1963; In folder 10/6
  • Press releases: Governor's Office and Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, 1963-64 concerning the Bituminous Strip Mine Act. In folder 10/6
  • Articles: "In Westmoreland, Homes Periled by Subsistence," Sunday Pittsburgh Press, Oct. 10, 1965; "To Solve Old Problem, Drive for Clean State Streams Gives New Look," Sunday Pittsburgh Press, Jan. 19, 1964. In folder 10/6
  • Photographs: Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, "Completely backfilled strip mined land in the city of Scranton, Pa., April 3, 1964; "Operation Yellowboy," c. 1965.
  • Clippings, 1963-64 from newspapers statewide.

Carton 10, Sunbeam Coal Company, 1964, folder 10/8

  • Press release: Dept. of Health, Sept. 30, 1964. Sunbeam Coal Co. in Butler County is stopped from discharging wastes into Slippery Rock Creek.

Robert C. McCormick, Public Information Specialist

General file

Carton 1, "Federal Conservation Fund requests approved in 1966," folder 1/15

  • The folder contains memos of the State Planning Board.

Carton 1, Fish Hatchery, 1965-66. folder 1/16

  • Correspondence to and from Scranton concerning passage of PA Senate bill 1122 for Fish Commission appropriation.
  • Testimony of Robert J. Beelo before the PA Senate, Dec. 14, 1965.Report: Office of Administration & Fish Commission, "Capital Budget Project Description and Justification for Huntsdale State Fish Hatchery."

Carton 1, Forest and Waters, Dept. of., 1964, folder 1/17

  • Correspondence: Letter, Scranton to the Chief of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, Washington, D.C., August 26, 1964 stating the Commonwealth's objection to the Army's proposed Potomac River Basin plan; Memo, "List of Stream Clearance Project, Jan. 1, 1963 to August 31, 1964;" "List of Flood Protection Projects, Jan. 1, 1963 to August 31, 1964." The lists give county, stream name, locale of project and costs.
  • Report: Forest Advisory Service, August 28, 1964, "Work Accomplished Since January 1963." Mines and Mineral Industries, Dept. of, 1963-64, folder 1/29
  • Correspondence: To and from Scranton re Sunbeam Coal Company.
  • Reports: various county projects including Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Cambria, Clarion, Columbia, Dauphin, Fayette, Indiana, Luzerne, Northumberland, Schuylkill, Somerset, Venango, Washington and Westmoreland counties " Jan. 1, 1963 to date;" "Bituminous Coal Open Pit Mining Conservation Act, August 10, 1964;"
  • Speech: H. B. Charmbury before the 13th annual meeting of the Southern Governor's Conference, Oct. 12-14, 1964.
  • Clippings: "New Strip Mine Law Getting Results," Sunday Pittsburgh Press, July 26, 1964; ""Miners Adhering to 'Tighter' Law," Harrisburg Evening News, August 31, 1964.

Carton 2, National Governor's Conference on Natural Resources. folder 2/1

  • Correspondence: Memo from Scranton to Edward T. Breathlitt, Governor of Kentucky, re the responsibilities of states for mineral resource recovery, n.d.

MG-209 Raymond P. Shafer Papers

672 cu. ft

Raymond Philip Shafer was born the youngest of five children to Rev. David P. and Mina Belle Shafer on March 5 1917, in New Castle, Lawrence County. The family moved to Meadville, Crawford County in 1933 when David was appointed pastor of First Christian Church. Ray Shafer attended and graduated from public school in Meadville in 1934 where he served as valedictorian. He continued his education as a political science major at nearby Allegheny College where he served as class president for four years. Shafer was also an All-Pennsylvania basketball player as well as an All-American soccer player. He graduated in 1938. While at Allegheny he met Jane Harris Davies (class of 1939). They were married on July 5, 1941.

Shafer attended Yale University Law School from where he received the L.L. B. in 1941. Classmates at Yale included numerous individuals later associated with civic affairs including Gerald R. Ford, William W. Scranton, Cyrus Vance, and Sargent Shriver. Following law school Shafer was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy serving from 1942 to 1945 as a P.T. boat captain and in Naval intelligence. He later earned the rank of full lieutenant and received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and the Commendation for Meritorious Service.

Following World War II Shafer went into law practice in Meadville and was elected as Crawford County District Attorney serving from 1948-1956. In 1958 he won election to represent Pennsylvania's 50th State Senatorial District and served from 1959 to 1963. In the spring of 1962 Shafer agreed to run as lieutenant governor with William W. Scranton of Lackawanna County. Aligned with the progressive wing of the Republican Party, Scranton and Shafer defeated Philadelphia Mayor Richardson Dilworth by 486,000 votes and took office in January 1963.

In the spring 1966 primary, Republicans supported Raymond Shafer for governor and the Commonwealth's Attorney General, Walter E. Alessandroni for lieutenant governor. When Alessandroni was killed in a tragic plane crash before the election Philadelphian Raymond J. Broderick-a lawyer and prominent regional Republican-filled out the ticket. Shafer and Broderick ran against Philadelphia millionaire Milton J. Shapp who secured the primary by defeating Democratic nominee Robert P. Casey of Lackawanna County. Despite Shapp's aggressive campaign Shafer, trumpeting the Scranton-Shafer record, won the general election by 241,630 votes. The Republican Party maintained small majorities in both the state Senate and House of Representatives.

Shafer's administration is perhaps best known for reforms that were made to the Commonwealth's antiquated 1874 constitution. Another major theme of his four-year term was state government reorganization to better accommodate programs and policies that reflected the needs and demands of the times. Growth in state programs and spending for education and welfare also dominated most of Shafer's tenure.

Shafer had campaigned on revising the Commonwealth's constitution. In the spring of 1967 he signed an Act authorizing a May 16 ballot referendum placing nine issues before the electorate. These included permitting a governor to serve two four-year terms instead of one, making the Secretary of Internal Affairs a gubernatorial appointment rather than an elected post, making General Assembly sessions a full two-years, repealing outdated constitutional provisions affecting railroads and canals, and calling a constitutional convention to address reforms that could not otherwise pass the legislature. Each measure was approved by the electorate; in some cases by margins of 400,000 votes.

A bi-partisan constitutional convention convened in December 1967 and completed its work by late February 1968. Once again reforms were placed before the electorate to allow political subdivisions to elect home-rule, raise the ceiling on state borrowing, subject all state financial affairs to audits, mandate that the governor annually develop and submit a spending plan for state programs, establish new tax rules particularly for real estate and public utilities, and create a unified judicial system under the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Though the revisions were criticized for not doing enough to reform state government-such as reducing the size of the General Assembly-they won majority approval by voters in April 1968.

Besides constitutional revisions, state government was reorganized to more acutely address issues prevalent in the late 1960s. In 1970 Shafer signed Act 275 to create the Department of Environmental Resources. The agency's functions included environmental and natural resource protection in addition to land, water, state park, and state forest management, and mining regulation. The Commonwealth also invested in programs to clean streams of acid mine drainage, long a problem left over from a largely bygone era and industry.

Shafer signed Act 120 of 1970 to consolidate state-run transportation functions housed in four separate agencies into the new Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. It was given responsibility to develop and maintain a safe, adequate, and efficient transportation infrastructure. Its creation coincided with the near completion of Pennsylvania's portion of the nation's interstate highway system. By the end of Shafer's term about 85 percent of the interstate system was open to traffic across the state including Interstates 80, 81, and 79 (named the Raymond P. Shafer Highway). Shafer also authorized an equal employment opportunity initiative to eliminate discrimination among highway construction contractors.

With some reluctance, on July 23, 1970 Shafer signed Act 195 making Pennsylvania the first state in the nation to permit its public employees to bargain collectively, join a union, and strike. Act 195 superseded a 1947 statute that prohibited such activities. The law resulted from a study by the Public Employee Law Commission (otherwise known as the Hickman Commission) that recommended numerous changes in the relationship between public sector employees and employers.

Other initiatives of Shafer's term included creation of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission as a unit of the Department of Justice and enactment of the Corrupt Organizations Act to prohibit individuals associated with organized crime from investing in Pennsylvania businesses. Shafer also enhanced the Commonwealth's role in nursing home oversight-a growing business-by requiring the licensure of administrators. Amendments to the enabling legislation for the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission expanded it duties to police discrimination in housing, education, and employment. Finally Shafer led trade missions to Europe, the Far East and South America.

Shafer's popularity waned in the closing years of his term. In the election of 1968 his influence in the General Assembly was diminished when the House turned decidedly Democratic. For fiscal year 1969-1970 Shafer proposed a record $2.5 billion state budget, up from $1.9 billion the previous year. Most of the increased state spending was for education and human services including basic education, for which state spending grew by 71percent during his term; higher education by 47 percent; and public assistance by 187 percent. To pay for the growth Shafer proposed a state income tax that won little public or legislative support. Instead, Shafer reluctantly increased the sales tax to 6 percent. His proposal to merge state health and human service agencies was voted down as well.

On the national scene Shafer was appointed vice-chair of the Republican Governor's Association in 1969. He assumed the chair from California's governor Ronald Reagan in 1970. He was the last governor of Pennsylvania who was ineligible for two consecutive terms. The election of 1970 pitted Shafer's lieutenant governor, Raymond Broderick, against their 1966 rival, Milton J. Shapp. Though Republicans were united in the primary and general election, skepticism regarding Shafer's proposed income tax, an insolvent state budget, and other factors eased Shapp into office by nearly a half-million votes. And, the Commonwealth's house and Senate became firmly Democratic for the first time since 1936.

Shafer continued in public service after leaving Harrisburg. In 1971, President Nixon appointed him chair of the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse that issued reports in 1972 and 1973. He continued to speak on drug issues for several years afterward. From 1974 to 1977, he served as counselor to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. He was elected to the Board of Trustees of Allegheny College in 1964 and served as its president from 1985 to 1986. Shafer also maintained a legal practice in Meadville. He died December 12, 2006.

Of these series, the general file, the subject file, the board and commissions file, the press room file, and the Bette Little clippings file are relevant for environmental historians.

Boards and Commissions file

10 cartons

Arranged alphabetically by topic

The Boards and Commissions file contains mainly correspondence between Shafer, various state boards and commissions and persons seeking appointment to these bodies. There are, however, within cartons 1, 3, and 4, numerous items of interest to the environmental historian.

  • Correspondence: L. B. Bull to Shafer, Sept. 26, 1967 re creation of a state agricultural land preservation commission similar to that of New York State. In carton 1, folder 6; Correspondence from 1963 re the Pennsylvania Parkway Commission and the Pocono Memorial Parkway Commission. In carton 4, folder 24.
  • Reports: "Interim Report to Governor [Nelson] Rockefeller for the New York State Commission for the Preservation of Agricultural Land," 1967. In carton 1 folder 6; "Reflections on My Work as State Conservationist in Pennsylvania," by Ivan McKeever, January 1968. In carton 1, folder 6.
  • Legislation: Copy of PA House Bill 1280, Session of 1963: a bill creating a Land Restoration Board within the Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries. In carton 4, folder 30.
  • Press release: Governor's Office, Oct. 12, 1968 re the report of the Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land. In carton 1, folder 6.
  • News clippings: "Cottage Owner Is Conducting River Campaign," [Oil City and Franklin] News-Herald, Oct. 2, 1968. The item discusses pollution control of the Allegheny River in Venango County; "Progress Reported on Pollution Control," New Castle News, June 7, 1968. The item refers to efforts in Lawrence County. Both in carton 3, folder 28.

General file

Arranged alphabetically by subject but labeled by number by carton and folder number

Carton 3, Agriculture, U.S. & Pa. Depts. of

Folders 5-10 contain publications of the US Department of Agriculture published during 1968, 1969 and 1970 about forests and soil conservation. Folders 11-15 carry Pennsylvania Agriculture Dept. information for the same period. Items of interest include a document in folder 12 dated Sept. 12, 1968: "Public Hearing on Weather Modification" and a memo of April 21, 1969 from L.H. Bull to Frank McKetter re enforcement of the "Weather Modification Law."

Carton 4, Allegheny Valley Expressway, 1967-1970

Correspondence between Shafer, the Dept. of Highways, the Borough of Kittanning and the general public reflect the controversy over the proposed expressway. Also available are news clippings from 1967 to 1968 of the Valley Daily News. In folder 4/14.

Carton 18, Chester (County) Water, 1967-1969

The community of West Chester in Chester County suffered a water shortage in 1969. Documentation in folder 18/16 includes the following:

  • Correspondence: Letter, Robert G. Struble to US Senator Hugh Scott, October 16, 1969; Letter, George Bender to Struble, October 16, 1969.
  • News clipping: "WRA Hears W. Chester's Plight," West Chester Daily News, Oct. 15, 1969. Story about the Marsh Creek reservoir.

Carton 21, Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Reserves, 1967-1969

  • Correspondence, 1967-1969. Letter, Farris Bryan to Shafer, Oct. 9, 1967 explains the purpose of the commission. In folder 21/3.
  • Survey: "Marine Environment Activities Survey." In folder 21/3.
  • Reports: Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, Panel Reports of the Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, 1969 (Wash. D.C.: GPO, 1969). In folder 21/3.

Cartons 26 through 31, "Delaware River," 1967-1970

The business of the Delaware River Basin Commission, the Delaware Joint Bridge Commission and the Delaware River Port Authority are represented here through correspondence, minutes, annual reports, clippings and publications in multiple folders.

  • Correspondence: The Delaware River Basin Commission correspondence from 1969 through 1970 is found in carton 26, folders 8 and 9; Delaware Joint Bridge Commission correspondence of 1967 is in carton 26, folder 10 to 15; Bridge Commission letters of 1968 to April 1970 are in carton 27 and May to Dec. 1970 letters are in the first six folders of carton 28. Folders 8 and 9 of carton 28 contain correspondence of the Delaware River Port Authority for 1968. Authority letters for 1967-1968 are in carton 29, for 1969-1970 in carton 30; those from July 1970 to Jan. 1971 are in carton 31.
  • Minutes: Minutes of the River Basin Commission from 1968 to 1970 are in carton 16, folder 9; 1970 minutes of the Bridge Commission are in carton 27 folders 10 to 13 and 1967 minutes of the Port Authority are in carton 28, folders 8 and 9.
  • Annual reports: Annual reports of the Bridge Commission from 1959 to 1965 are in carton 28, folder 7; Port Authority annual reports for 1966 and 1967 are in carton 29, folders 3 and 8 respectively.
  • News clippings: News clippings pertaining to a proposed new Delaware River bridge are in carton 2, folder 4 for 1968, folders 8 and 9 for 1969.
  • Publications: Hammer, Greene, Siler Associates, The Delaware River Port: An Evaluation of the Port's Economic Importance, Future Potential, and Development Plans, December 1965; Delaware River Port Authority, Ports of Philadelphia Directory, c. 1967.

Carton 40, Fish Commission, 1967-1970

The folder holds commission press releases from 1967 to 1968 and commission minutes of July 23, 1968. Press releases discuss topics like creating "city fishing areas," introducing Coho salmon into Lake Erie, fishing condition reports by regional fish wardens and restocking legal size trout in Commonwealth lakes. In folder 40/9.

Carton 41, Forests and Waters, Dept. of, 1967-1970.

Materials in folder 41/9 pertain to Dept. of Forestry activities in 1968 and 1969.

  • Proclamation. Due to drought conditions in the Commonwealth, Governor Shafer declares ban on smoking, camp fires, and rubbish burning in or near state's woodlands on April 18, 1968.
  • Press release of August 6, 1969 says 3,900 acres in Lebanon and Schuylkill counties are considered for a state park and water supply reservoir.
  • Publication: Forestry Services and Programs of the Bureau of Forestry, May 1969.

Carton 43, Game Commission, 1967-1970

  • Publications: issues of the commission's organ, Pennsylvania Game News, from 1967 to 1970. In folder 10.
  • Press releases: April 12, 1967 release cites agency's decision to buy land for public hunting in Cumberland, Erie, and York counties. There is also a June 22, 1970 press release from the Governor's office announcing Governor Shafer's signing of law giving protection to all hawks and owls except the great horned owl. In folder 11

Carton 54, Governor's Committee for Preservation of Agricultural Land, 1967-1970.

Correspondence from 1967 to 1970 between Shafer, the Dept. of Agriculture and committee members includes a "Final Report with Recommendations to Governor Raymond P. Shafer, Dec. 1969 and a Dept. of Agriculture publication: "1969 Directory of Pennsylvania-Grown Nursery Stock." In folder 54/13.

Governor's Conference on Air Pollution, Oct. 2, 1967 and Oct. 1, 1969

A copy of Shafer's speech at the conference in 1969 is in folder 54/14.

Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty, 1966-1969

Summary report of the 1966 conference and a press release from the Governor's Office of Oct. 17, 1967 announcing the appointment of conservationist Frank E. Masland Jr. to head citizen's advisory committee on natural resources and beauty. In folder 54/15.

Carton 55, Great Lakes Basin Commission, 1967-1970

The early history of the Great Lakes Basin Commission is documented here through correspondence, minutes, by-laws, reports, resolutions, testimony, legislation and publications.

  • Correspondence: Letter, Stewart L. Udall to Shafer, April 26, 1967 describes creation of commission by executive order 11345 issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson; Letter, Raymond F. Clevenger to Shafer, June 27, 1967 reports on the first commission meeting. In folder 55/10.
  • Minutes: Minutes of the 1967, 1968 and 1969 commission meetings. In folder 55/10.
  • By-laws: "By-laws of the Great Lakes Basin Commission as amended Dec.8, 1967." In folder 55/10.
  • Reports: "Long-Range Schedules of Priorities for Water and Related Land Resource Programs, June 1970; Annual reports for 1968 and 1969. In folder 10. Report to the States, 1967-1968," In folder 11; "Initial Draft of the Subcommittee on Great Lakes Commission Activities of July 1, 1968," In folder 11. "The Next Decade, 1969-1979, Saint Lawrence Seaway," by John L. Hazard, c. 1969. In folder 55/11.
  • Resolutions: "Resolutions adopted by the Great Lakes Commission at its semi-annual meeting on June 14, 1968." In folder 11.
  • Testimony: Great Lakes Task Force before the House Committee on Merchant Marine Fisheries on the National Maritime Program, Feb. 23-27, 1970. In folder 55/11.
  • Legislation: Public Law 89-80, 89th Congress, S. 21, July 22, 1965, "Water Resources Planning Act." In folder 55/10.
  • Publications: Great Lakes Newsletter. There are issues for only 1967, 1969 and 1970. In folder 55/11.

Carton 68, Independent Coal Review and Independent Petroleum Monthly, folder 68/1

Independent Coal Review was published in Pottsville, Schuylkill County by the Independent Miners and Associates. Issues available for most of 1967, June, July and August 1968, May, Dec. 1969 and May 1970. Independent Petroleum Monthly was published by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Issues available here are for August and Sept. 1967 and Dec. 1969.

Carton 69, Interior Dept., Washington, D.C., 1967-1970

  • Correspondence: General correspondence re designation of recreation areas as Registered Natural Landmarks. Letter, Irving Hand to Joseph J. Kelley Jr., April 20, 1967 on the history of the "statewide outdoor recreation plan for Pennsylvania and Capital Program, 1965-71;" Letter, Irving Hand to Lawrence N. Stevens, June 21, 1967 re Raytown Reservoir Project as possible National Recreation Area site; Maurice K. Goddard to Stewart L. Udall, Oct. 3, 1967 re use of Coho salmon to control alewife population in Lake Erie; Goddard to Kenneth Holum, Oct. 30, 1968 re the dept's report on the Potomac River Basin. All in folder 69/5. General correspondence 1968-1969 re the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania; Memo, Irving Hand to Shafer, Feb. 3, 1969 re the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund; General correspondence 1970 re strip mine operation near Pine Ridge Park, Indiana County; Letter, Goddard to James R. Smith, June 12, 1970 commenting on dept's publication:
  • Environmental Criteria for Electric Transmission Systems." All in folder 69/6.
  • Reports: "Report of the Task Force to Study the Problem of the Alewife in the Great Lakes," c. 1967; "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1966-Nov. 30, 1967; All in folder 69/5. "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1967 to Nov. 30, 1968;" "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1968 to Nov. 30, 1969;" All in folder 69/6.
  • Publications: Natural Resources of Pennsylvania (1968); Surface Mining and Our Environment: A Special Report to the Nation, 1968; Both in folder 69/5. The Recreational Imperative (1970); In folder 69/6.
  • Press release: Governor's Office, Dec. 12, 1967, Shafer asks the National Park Service to designate four Commonwealth nature areas as Registered National Landmarks. In folder 69/5.
  • News clipping: Bucks County Gazette issue of Feb. 22, 1968 notes Dr. Paul H. Flack is the recipient of the US Dept. of Interior's annual Natural Conservation Service Award.

Carton 69, Internal Affairs, Dept. of

There is a publication, Internal Affairs (official publication of the Dept. of Internal Affairs) issues for April, May, June 1967 and Feb., summer and Dec. 1967. Also available is Governor Shafer's speech: Conservation Message of Governor Raymond P. Shafer (to) the Joint Session of the General Assembly," in Internal Affairs, April 1967 issue. In folder 69/8.

Carton 70, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, 1967-1970

Newsletter (of the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin) Issues for Feb. March, April, June-July, August, Sept. & Oct.1967; March, July, August 1968; March-April, Sept.-Oct., & Nov.-Dec. 1969; May-June 1970. In folder 70/16.

Carton 71, Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1967-1970

The activities of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission are represented here by correspondence, minutes, proceedings, resolutions, reports, testimonies, press releases, and publications.

  • Correspondence: Correspondence is chiefly between Shafer, Edward S. Martin and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission. Item of interest: Letter, Shafer to US Senator Michael Mansfield, June 19, 1969 stating that continuation of the IOCC will benefit the Commonwealth. In folder 71/3.
  • Minutes: Midyear meeting, June 10-12, 1968. In folder 71/2. Midyear meeting, June 16-18, 1969; executive committee, March 3 & Sept. 22, 1969. In folder 71/3. Annual meeting, Dec. 10, 1969; executive committee, Feb. 16, 1970; midyear meeting, June 22-24, 1970.
  • Proceedings: Annual meeting, Dec. 11-14, 1967; midyear meeting, June 10-12, 1968; annual meeting, Dec.5-7, 1968. In folder 71/2. Standing Committees, Dec. 5, 1968; Executive committee, March 3, 1969; Midyear meeting, June 16-18, 1969. In folder 71/3. Committees, Dec. 9, 1969 and June 2, 1970; Midyear meeting, June 22-24, 1970; Annual meeting, Dec.8-10, 1970. In folder 71/4.
  • Resolutions: June 14 & Dec. 12, 1967; Dec.7, 1968. In folder 71/2. June 18, 1969. In folder 71/2.
  • Reports: "National Stripper Well Survey," Jan. 1, 1967; "Legal Report of Oil and Gas Conservation Activities," for 1967 and 1968; In folder 71/2, "Legal Report of Oil and Gas Conservation Activities, Sept. 22, 1969; "National Stripper Well Survey, Jan. 1, 1969; "Report of the Attorney General, Pursant to Section 2 of the Joint Resolution of Dec. 11, 1967, Consenting to an Interstate Compact to conserve oil and gas, April 1969." In folder 71/4.
  • Testimonies: US Senator Edward M. Kennedy before Hearing on Oil Imports, Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, March 11, 1969. In folder 71/3. Richard C. Byrd before US House Subcommittee on Mines and Mining of the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, April 4, 1970. In folder 74/4.
  • Press releases: Governor's Office, Dec. 15, 1967 re Shafer's appointment to the executive committee of the commission. In folder 71/2.
  • Publications: Compact Comments, Jan.-Feb, Oct-Nov., Dec. 1967; March-April, June, July-August, Sept.-Oct. 1968. In folder 71/2; March, April-July, August-Sept, Oct-Nov. 1969 in folder 71/3; Jan. May, Sept. 1970 in folder 71/4. Oil and Gas Compact Bulletin issues: June and Dec. 1968 issues in folder 71/2; June 1969 issue in folder 71/3. Dec. 1969 issue in folder 71/4.

Subject file

Arranged alphabetically by letter or subject.

Carton 1, Air Pollution

Folders 1/4 to 1/22 contain documentation about the Air Pollution Commission, created in 1960, as part of the Dept. of Health. Available are correspondence, proceedings, regulations, press releases, news clippings, publications, reports, and legislation related to the commission and other individuals and groups concerned about air pollution control.

  • Correspondence: Folder 1/6 has correspondence of 1969 between Shafer, American Mine Congress, the federal dept. of Housing, Education and Welfare, the Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries among others. Folder 1/7 carries correspondence with state and federal lawmakers, the Dept. of Health and the general public. Folders 1/7 through 1/22 have correspondence dealing with pollution in various Pennsylvania counties.
  • Proceedings: Governor's Conference on Air Pollution, Oct. 2-3, 1967. In folder 1/ 4.
  • Regulations: Air Pollution Commission Regulations, 1966-1968; "Guides for Compliance with Regulation IV, 1966;" "Amendments to Rules and Regulations, Chapter 1, 1967." All in folder 1/4.
  • Press release: Governor's Office, Oct. 8, 1967 re Shafer to rally other state governors to amend the Mid-Atlantic Air Pollution Compact. In folder 1/5.
  • News clippings: "City will buy monitors to detect air pollution," Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 19, 1969. In folder 1/4; "Ending Air Pollution," Albany (NY) Times Union, Feb. 1, 1967. In folder 1/5.
  • Publications: There are numerous publications of the Air Pollution Commission, most dating from the late 1960s. Non-commission publications include articles in journals such as National Wildlife, Science, Fortune, Public Health News, and Iron and Steel Engineer. In folders 1/4 though 1/6.
  • Reports: Center for Air Environment Studies (CAES), Penn State University, Statewide Survey of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation, 1969." CAES publication no. 148-70. In folder 1/5.
  • Legislation: Pennsylvania Act No. 787 creating the Air Pollution Commission within the Dept. of Health, Jan. 8, 1960; Pennsylvania Act No. 532 amending the above-named act, Jan. 24, 1966. Both are in folder 1/4. New York State Assembly bill no. 2004, "An Act creating a temporary tri-state air pollution commission among the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut," Feb. 1, 1967. In folder 1/5.

Carton 2, Anthracite Coal Region Tour, 1967

Items of interest here are a Feb. 18, 1967 Governor's Office press release, a copy of the governor's itinerary for Feb. 22, 1967, maps of the tour area, and photographs of Shafer and others touring the anthracite region. In folder 2/4.

Carton 2, Appalachia, 1964-1970, Folders 2/4 to 2/18

After the Appalachia Development Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, Pennsylvania began working with the Appalachian Regional Commission to plan projects, grant proposals, and programs to improve the quality of life for Pennsylvanians in the Appalachia region. Documentation includes correspondence, minutes, reports, press releases, testimony, legislation, publications, and news clippings.

  • Correspondence: Correspondence is contained within folders 2/11 through 2/19. Communication is chiefly between Shafer, commission members, the White House, Congress as well as the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health and Dept. of Commerce. Here are examples of what may be found. Letter, H. Robert Heiny to Shafer, March 19, 1969 suggests to the governor that the Appalachian Thruway be made a toll road. In folder 2/11. Letter, John D. Whisman to Shafer, Feb. 13, 1970 re the Appalachian Regional Commission may fold if Pennsylvania does not contribute its fair share of funds toward the organization. In folder 2/7.
  • Minutes: Council of Appalachian Governors meeting, Jan. 19, 1969. In folder 2/2.
  • Reports:1965: Dept. of Commerce, "Pennsylvania and the Appalachian Program," May 1965. In folder 2/5.1966: Appalachia Progress Reports," Nov. 23, 1966. State Planning Board, "A Rationale for Public Investment in Appalachian Pennsylvania: An Interim Statement, March 14, 1966." In folder 2/5. 1967: "Appalachia Progress Reports, Jan. 16, 1967, Feb. 28, 1967. In folder 2/5; Status of Pennsylvania projects approved as to construction or bids, Jan. 24, 1967." In folder 2/6. "The Administration of the Appalachian Program in Pennsylvania, April 12, 1967." In folder 2/5; State Planning Board, "A Plan for Public Investment in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, June, 1967," In folder 2/7; Appalachian Regional Commission, "Proposed Amended Appalachian Regional Development Act for 1967: Submission to the Congress," In folder 2/7. Appalachian Regional Commission Annual Report 1967. In folder 2/5. 1968: Appalachian Regional Commission Annual Report 1968. In folder 2/5; State Planning Board.
  • "Pennsylvania Appalachia Development Plan, Nov. 1968," In folder 2/6.1969: Appalachian Water Resources Planning Statement by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, August 26, 1969. In folder 2/10; "Pennsylvania Appalachian Approved Projects County by County, Prepared Oct. 7, 1969." In folder 2/5. 1970: State Planning Board and Dept. of Commerce, "Pennsylvania Appalachia Development Plan: Revision for 1971, Sept. 1970," In folder 2/7.
  • Press releases: White House Press Secretary, Jan. 20, 1967. In folder 2/6. Appalachian Regional Commission, Jan. 24, 1967. In folder 2/5. Governor's Office, Feb. 21, 1967, re the General Assembly's reluctance to fund the Appalachian Regional Commission; Appalachian Regional Commission, June 16, 1967. In folder 2/5.
  • Testimony: Shafer before the Subcommittee on Economic Development of the US Senate Committee on Public Works, March 5, 1969. In folder 2/6. Governor William W. Scranton before the US House Committee on Public Works regarding H.R. 11065 i.e. the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1964. In folder 2/7. Shafer before Ad Hoc Committee on Appalachia of the US House Committee on Public Works, March 25, 1969. In folder 2/10.
  • Legislation: 89th Congress, S. 3, March 9, 1965, "An Act to provide development of the Appalachian region." 90th Congress, S. 1, March 9, 1965, "A Bill to revise and extend the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965." Both in folder 2/6.
  • Publications: Appalachia (a journal of the Appalachian Regional Commission) Issues for Oct. 1967, March, May, Sept. Oct. 1969, June-July 1970 are in folder 2/5. The issue for Feb. 1969 is in folder 2/6. Appalachian Digest (a publication of the Appalachian Regional Commission) issue for March 1967 is in folder 2/5. Article, "No More Pork Barrel: The Appalachian Approach" by Jerald Ter Horst, The Reporter, March 11, 1965. In folder 2/6.
  • News clippings: Miscellaneous clippings dated 1966 from Erie, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh newspapers concerning state and federal aid to Appalachia. In folder 2/7. "The High Cost of Polluted Air," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 17, 1967. In folder 9/15. "$100 Million Dollar Program Outlined for Routes 22, 220," Altoona Mirror, Oct. 25, 1967; "Appalachian Plan Wins Approval," Scranton Tribune, Nov. 11, 1968. Both in folder 2/11.

Carton 9, Compacts, Interstate

  • Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: The folder contains Shafer correspondence of 1967 to 1968 and a copy of the articles of compact approved by Congress, August 19, 1950. In folder 9/10.
  • Great Lakes Basin Compact: Here is 1970 correspondence of Shafer mainly with state governors and members of Congress regarding the draft of the compact. In folder 9/10.
  • Interstate Mining Compact: There is a copy of a resolution urging other states to join the compact, dated Dec. 3, 1968. In folder 9/10.
  • Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas: Shafer correspondence for 1967 and 1969. Copy of "Agreement to Extend the Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas," March 6, 1967; "Report of the Attorney General - consenting to an Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas," July 1967. All in folder 9/10.
  • Mid-Atlantic States Air Pollution Control Compact. Shafer correspondence of 1967-1968 with compact members, state governors, Congress and the Dept. of Health. In folder 9/11. Copy of New York State Assembly bill of March 31, 1967 re interstate commission on air pollution control. In folder 9/11.Testimony of Wesley E. Gilbertson before the US Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, Senate Committee on Public Works, March 4, 1968. In folder 9/10.

Carton 9, Conservation, 1967-1970. Folders 9/12-9/15

  • Correspondence: Correspondence of 1967 to 1970 covering broad range of environmental issues. In folder 9/12. Items of interest include letter, Thomas G. Fox to Shafer, March 29, 1967 re the role of the Governor's Science Advisory Committee. Memo of Orville Lerch to Shafer, Nov. 12 & 13, 1968 regarding the creation of a state department of conservation. In folder 9/12.
  • Reports: Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, "Operation Scarlift: The after effects of over 100 Years of Coal Mining in Pennsylvania and Current Programs to combat them." Illustrated with photographs and maps. In folder 9/14. President's Science Advisory Committee, "Restoring the Quality of Our Environment: Report of the Environmental Pollution Panel of the President's Science Advisory Committee," Nov. 1965. In folder 9/14.Dept. of Commerce, "Position Paper on Air and Water Pollution," Feb. 21, 1967. In folder 9/14. Dept. of Health, "Position Paper on Governor Raymond P. Shafer's Message on Conservation," Feb. 22, 1967. In folder 9/14. Sanitary Water Board, "Pennsylvania's 10 Year Mine Drainage Pollution Abatement Program for Abandoned Mines: A Progress Report," March 1, 1967. In folder 9/15. Soil and Water Conservation District, Crawford County, "Long Range Program," 1968. In folder 9/12.
  • Speeches: Governor's Message on Environment (draft copy), March 20, 1967. In folder 9/14. President Lyndon B. Johnson, "The White House: Protecting Our National Heritage," Jan. 30, 1967. In folder 9/15.
  • Testimony: Maurice K. Goddard before the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Public Works Appropriations, May 3, 1967. In folder 9/15.
  • Legislation: "Air Quality Act of 1967 Amending the Clean Air Act as Amended." "Nebraska Clean Waters Commission Act, March 10, 1967" (draft). Both are in folder 9/15.
  • Publications: Issues of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy journal Water. Land and Life. April 1967 issue in 9/14, July and Oct. 1967 issues in folder 9/15. Conservation Foundation Newsletter issues for 1967, 1968, and 1969. In folder 9/13. US News and World Report issue of April 3, 1967 with cover story "$300 Billion for Clean Air and Water: The High Cost of Ending Pollution." In folder 9/14.
  • News clippings: "Mines Chief Has Big Plans for Bond Cash," Pittsburgh Press, May 28, 1967. In folder 9/14. "Senate Stalls $500 Million Conservation (Bill)," Pittsburgh Press, Oct. 29, 1967.
  • Photo: Black and white photograph by unknown photographer of Governor Shafer with Secretary of Mines and Mineral Industries Dr. H. B. Charmbury during the Governor's tour of the anthracite coal region on February 22, 1967

Cartons 87 & 88, Project 70

Project 70 was a $70 million dollar bond issue suggested by Governor David L. Lawrence and approved by the General Assembly and voters. Project 70 aimed to acquire state park and recreation land and create new tourist facilities in the Commonwealth by 1970. When the federal Land and Water Conservation Act became law in 1965, the Shafer administration secured funds for redeveloping these lands. The documents consist of news clippings, press releases and correspondence arranged alphabetically by topic. Correspondence is between Shafer, Maurice K. Goddard, conservationists, members of Congress and the general public. Specific topics and issues including the following:

  • Citizens to Save the Skippack Valley. A public interest group based in Montgomery County that opposed the creation of Evansburg State Park. In carton 87, folder C.
  • Evansburg State Park. A recreation area in Montgomery County proposed by the Dept. of Forests and Waters. In carton 87, folder "Evansburg State Park."
  • Forests and Waters, Dept. of. In carton 87, folder "Forests and Waters."
  • Schuylkill County Sportsmen's Association. A conservation group opposed to the creation of Tuscarora State Park in Schuylkill County. In carton 88, folder "Schuylkill County Sportsmen's Association."
  • State Planning Board. In carton 88, folder "State Planning Board."
  • Swatara Gap State Park and Dam. A Project 70 idea designed for Lebanon County. In folder "Swatara Gap State Park-W."

Cartons 116 through 120, Water Conservation, Stream Purification and Flood Control

Found here are correspondence, minutes, reports, testimony, speeches, legislation, publications, news clippings, and maps documenting the activities and policies chiefly of the Dept. of Health, Dept. of Forests and Waters, the Delaware River Basin Commission, the US Dept. of Agriculture, and US Dept. of the Interior. Waterways mentioned include Allegheny River, Delaware River, Genesee River, Lake Erie, Lehigh River, Monongahela River, Ohio River, Schuylkill River, Shenango River, Susquehanna River, Tioga River, Youghiogheny River, and many small creeks and streams.

  • Correspondence: Correspondence between Shafer and the above named corporate bodies, conservationists and the general public is found in cartons 116, 117, 118, 119, and 120. Here are examples of letters. In a letter to John B. Waters Jr., Nov. 6, 1970, Shafer declares that "mine drainage pollution is the Number One water quality problem in Pennsylvania." In folder 116/13. Letter, Robert J. Bielo to Shafer, Dec. 2, 1969 expresses concern that the Three Mile Island electric generating plant under construction might leak radioactive material into the Susquehanna River. In folder 117/7. Letter, Stewart L. Udall to Shafer, May 21, 1968 re US Dept. of the Interior approval of Pennsylvania's water quality standards. In folder 118/1. Letter, Udall to Shafer, Nov. 15, 1968 re possible inclusion of Pennsylvania rivers under the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. In folder 118/6. Telegrams from Shafer to various Pennsylvania congressmen, August 1, 1968, urging them to vote against the Wild & Scenic Rivers bill. In folder 118/6.
  • Minutes: 11th Meeting of the Coordinating Committee and the 7th Meeting of the Board of Consultants, North Atlantic Regional Water Resources Study, Sept. 17-18, 1970." In folder 117/8. "19th Meeting of the Coordinating Committee, North Atlantic Regional Water Resources Study, June 17-19, 1969." In folder 118/8.
  • Reports: This is a selection of typical reports. Bureau of Environmental Health, "Report to the Sanitary Water Board, Water Quality of the Neshaminy Creek Basin, Summary Report, April 1967." In folder 116/13. Report on Blue Coal Corp. case to Shafer by H.B. Charmbury and Larry S. Miller, May 23, 1968. In folder 117/1. Comptroller General of the US, "Report to the Congress: Examination into the Effectiveness of the Construction Grant Program for Abating, Controlling, and Preventing Water Pollution," Nov. 3, 1969. In folder 117/3. US Army Engineers District, Philadelphia, Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division, reports on Tocks Island Dam (1964), Blue Marsh Dam (1965), Lehigh River Basin (1966) and Texler Reservoir (1966) in folder 117/5. Delaware River Basin Commission, "Fourth Water Resources Program, Feb. 1967." In folder 117/6. Dept. of Health, "Report to the Sanitary Water Board on Proposed Water Quality Standards for Interstate Waters (Susquehanna River Basin, Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River Basin). Undated. In folder 117/10. Dept. of Forests and Waters, "Preliminary Bulletin, Water Resources Inventory, Dams, and Reservoirs in Pennsylvania, Jan. 1968." In folder 117/8. "Proposed Water Resources Council Report on the Ohio River Basin Comprehensive Survey," circa 1968. In folder 118/5. Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, "Report to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Comprehensive Review of Water Pollution Enforcement Program," Oct. 21, 1970. In folder 117/11.
  • Testimony: Maurice K. Goddard before a public hearing in Knox, Clarion County June 18, 1968 regarding the St. Petersburg Reservoir Project. In folder 117/8. US Rep. John A. Blatnik to the House of Representative, March 8, 1967 on the role of industry in water pollution control. In folder 117/2.
  • Speeches: President Lyndon B. Johnson, "A Message on Conservation and Water Management," March 8, 1968. In folder 116/12.
  • Legislation: P.L. 90-515, 90th Congress S. 1, "National Water Commission Act," Sept. 26, 1968. In folder 118/5. P.L. 90-542, 90th Congress, S. 119, "Wild and Scenic Rivers Act," Oct. 2, 1968. In folder 118/6.
  • Publications: Aquatic Controls Corp, So You Have A Aquatic Vegetation Problem! (1968). In folder 117/10. US Dept. of Interior, River of Life. (Conservation Series Vol. 6, 1970). In folder 118/11. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Soil Conservation. Issue of June 1970. In folder 116/13.
  • News clippings [Here are listed the most prominent by subject matter]
  • Blue Coal Company: 1967 clippings from the Scranton Tribune and the Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader. In folder 117/1.
  • Brandywine Creek: "Young Sleuth Tracks Down Lagoons That Leak Pollution into Brandywine," Philadelphia Inquirer, June 12, 1970; "Legal Steps Eyed on River Pollution," Wilmington (DE) Morning News, June 13, 1970; "Haskell Vows Court Action over Brandywine Pollution," Wilmington (DE) Morning News, June 14, 1970. In folder 117/1.
  • Kiskiminetas River: "Legislators Surprised," Valley Daily News (Tarentum, Allegheny County), July 24, 1970. In folder 117/4.
  • Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal:"Veto by Pa. Kills 'Mike' Ohio Canal'," Detroit News, July 16, 1967. In folder 116/13. "Mike Kirwan's Big Ditch," by William Schulz, Reader's Digest, June 1968. In folder 117/1.
  • Minister Creek: "Minister Creek Loses Flow," Pottstown (Montgomery County) Mercury, July 31, 1970. In folder 117/7.
  • Sandy Lick Creek, Clearfield County: "Federal Recognition of Flood Crisis Mandatory," DuBois Courier-Express, Jan. 19, 1970
  • Scenic Rivers Bill: "Shafer Scorned for Opposing US Scenic Rivers Bill," Pittsburgh Press, August 11, 1968; "State Tells Why It Balked On River Bill," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 25. 1968; "River Bill Is Voted To House Floor," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 10, 1968;"Scenic River Bill Facing New Hassle," Pittsburgh Press, Sept. 16, 1968; "Still Time to Add Pa to Scenic Rivers Bill," Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Oct. 8, 1968. All in folder 118/6.
  • West Branch of the Susquehanna River: "Fish Kill Is Probed in State," Johnstown Tribune Democrat, August 28, 1970. "State Pollution Drive Stalls," Harrisburg Patriot News, August 23, 1970. In folder 117/4.
  • Map: Dept. of Forests and Waters, "Oil and Gas Lease Blocks and Tracts in Lake Erie, Oct. 1967." In folder 117/7

Press Room File

8 cartons

The Press Room File contains mainly press releases of the Governor's Office and state agencies about conservation in Pennsylvania. But there are other kinds of material are available here as well. This is a rich series for researchers of environmental history. Cited below are examples of what is available within this series, it is not an exhaustive list.


  • Air: Wesley E. Gilbertson to Robert McCormick, May 11, 1970 re alleged air pollution by Metro Edison Company, Middletown, Dauphin County. In Carton 8, folder 1
  • Coal: H. B. Charmbury to Edwin C. Hall, Feb. 9, 1970 re legislation regulating surface mining. In carton 3, folder 8.
  • Fish: Robert J. Bielo to Ernest Mitts, March 22, 1967 re federal government coordinating Pennsylvania's fisheries program. In carton 4, folder 20.
  • Highway beautification: Alan S. Boyd to Shafer, Jan. 12, 1967 re state standards for outdoor advertising and the federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965. In carton 8, folder 12.
  • Industrial waste: H. G. Austin Jr. to Robert J. Bielo, April 28, 1967 re fish killed by industrial waste dumped into Butler County stream. In carton 4, folder 7.
  • Mines: Citizens Committee for Effective Strip Mine Legislation and Control to Governor Shafer, April 1, 1967 re strip mining in Northeast Pennsylvania. In carton 6, folder 1
  • Nuclear energy: Thomas W. Georges Jr. to Charles F. Hess, Dec. 8, 1969 and Hess to Georges, Nov. 19, 1969 re the environmental effects of nuclear power. In carton 3 folder 15.
  • Oil: Maurice K. Goddard to John D. Tarr, March 29, 1968 and to L. W. Lindgren Jan. 29, 1968 re how drilling for oil in Lake Erie can be done without danger of pollution or harming tourism. In carton 4, folder 24
  • Water: William J. Saltzer to Shafer, May 21, 1970 re enforcing law on water pollution. In carton 7, folder 15.


  • Meeting of the Air Pollution Subcommittee of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Beauty, August 23, 1968. In carton 2, folder 5.
  • Governor's Council on Natural Resources meeting, June 26, 1970. In carton 3, folder 12.
  • Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources meeting, Oct. 27, 1970. In carton 3, folder 12.
  • Pennsylvania Air Monitoring System Evaluation Committee meetings, April, May, June 1969. In carton 4, folder 26.
  • Pa. House Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources hearing, July 27 1967. In carton 8, folder 1.
  • Pa. Public Utilities Commission hearing, May 6, 1970, re Metro Edison. In carton 8, folder 1.


  • "Final Report with Recommendations to Governor Raymond P. Shafer from the Governor's Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land," Dec. 1969. In carton 1, folder 1.
  • Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Beauty, "Report of Subcommittee on Highway Beautification, Jan. 23, 1968." In carton 2, folder 5.
  • Columbia Gas System Service Corp; "Project Ketch: A Feasibility Study on Creating Natural Gas Storage with Nuclear Explosions," July 1967. In carton 3, folder 40.
  • Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1964 to Nov. 30, 1965. In carton 4, folder 1.
  • "Report to the Governor: Governor's Conference on Air Pollution, Hershey, Oct. 2-3, 1967; In carton 8 folder 1.
  • "Pennsylvania Appalachian Approved Projects County by County, Oct. 7, 1969." In carton 8, folder 6.
  • Advisory Committee on Mine Drainage Aspects to the Sanitary Water Board [Dept. of Health], April 29, 1965. In carton 8, folder 29.
  • Advisory Committee on Atomic Energy Development and Radiation Control to Governor Raymond P. Shafer, August 3, 1967. In carton 3, folder 4.
  • Dept. of Community Affairs, "A Summary Review of the Pennsylvania Laws on Environmental Control and the Involvement of State Departments and Agencies for Implementing Those Laws," c. 1970. In carton 3, folder 12.


  • Governor's Conference on Solid Waste Management, Hershey, Oct. 8-9, 1968. In carton 7, folder 20; Committees on Forests and Waters of the Pa. Senate and the Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources of the Pa. House, May 1,1967. In carton 6, folder 3.


  • Pa. Senate Bill 1190, Session of 1967, Oct. 2, 1967, "The Surface Mining Conservation Act." In carton 3, folder 8; Pa. Senate Bill 403. Session of 1967, April 4, 1967, "The Bituminous Coal Open Pit Conservation Act." In carton 3, folder 8.
  • Pa. House Bill 1765, Nov. 12, 1969, Amending the Pennsylvania Pesticide Act of 1957. In carton 3, folder 2.
  • Pa. House Bill 926, Session of 1967, April 19, 1967, a bill creating the Air Pollution Commission within the Dept. of Health. In Carton 8, folder 1.
  • 88th Congress, House of Rep. Bill 346, Sept. 3, 1964, "the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965." Carton 8, folder 29.
  • Pa. House Bill 2332, Session of 1968, March 25, 1968 to block Dept. of Forests and Waters from drilling for oil or gas in Lake Erie. In carton 4, folder 24.


  • Governor Shafer before the US Senate Judiciary Committee, August 20, 1970 on the Delaware River Basin Commission. In carton 4, folder 1.
  • Maurice K. Goddard before the US Senate Judiciary Committee, August 20, 1970 on the Delaware River Basin Commission. In carton 4, folder 1.
  • Maurice K. Goddard before the US House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, March 19, 1968. In carton 7, folder 1.
  • Governor Shafer before the US Senate Special Committee on Economic Development of the Public Works Committee, March 5, 1969. In carton 8, folder 6.


  • Frank E. Masland before the Pennsylvania Conference on Natural Beauty, Sept. 12-13, 1966. In carton 3, folder 10; Governor Shafer before the organizational meeting of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Beauty, Oct. 24, 1967. In carton 3, folder 12; Maurice K. Goddard at the Environmental Teach-In at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, April 1970. In carton 4, folder 1; Governor Shafer before the Delaware River Basin Commission, March 2 and 7, 1967. In carton 4, folder 1; Nelson A. Rockefeller before the Delaware River Basin Commission, April 10, 1970. In carton 4, folder 1; Charles G. Zink before a meeting of the Society of Mining Engineers, Oct. 13-15, 1966. In carton 8, folder 1.


  • Dept. of Health, Improving Community Solid Waste Practices Through Planning, Dec. 1967. In carton 7, folder 20. Dept. of Agriculture, Officers of Pennsylvania Agricultural Organizations, March 1968. In folder 1; National Coal Association, Clearing the Air: Some Facts about Pollution, Washington, D.C., c. 1966. In carton 8, folder 1. US Atomic Energy Commission, Nuclear Terms: A Brief Glossary, Second Edition. Oct. 1966. In carton 8, folder 6; Dept. of Health, Sanitary Water Board, Clean Water Is Wealth, c. 1964. In carton 8, folder 29.

Press releases:

  • Lieutenant Governor's Office, Sept. 23, 1966, Shafer pledges to support conservation if elected governor. In carton 6, folder 4; Radio 1290/TV 10, Altoona, April 25 and 28, 1967 re Acid Mine Drainage. In carton 3, folder 7; Dept. of Forests and Waters, March 14, 1968 re bids for leasing off-shore oil and gas blocks in Lake Erie. In carton 4, folder 24; Dept. of Highways, May 19, 1969 re relocation of Pa. Route 22 protested by conservationists. In carton 1, folder 6; Governor's Office, Jan. 18, 1970 re submission of Pa. revised plan to the Appalachian Regional Commission. In carton 8, folder 6.

News clippings:

The Press Room File contains countless news clippings on environment issues during the Shafer administration. Some of the more interesting ones are cited here.

  • "Hope Dies for Effective All-Surface Mining Bill, Pittsburgh Press, Dec. 7, 1969. In carton 3, folder 7.
  • "Pa. Nuclear Blast Safe?" Indiana Evening Gazette, April 2, 1968. In carton 2, folder 40.
  • "Lake Erie to Get Off-Shore Drilling for Natural Gas," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, c. 1969. In carton 4, folder 24.
  • "Crudeville, USA," Pittsburgh Press Sunday Roto Section, Jan. 14, 1968. About amending the strip mining law in Pennsylvania. In carton 6, folder 1.
  • "Pittsburgh Rivers Polluted With 'Poisons' Tests Reveal," Pittsburgh Press, Dec. 14, 1967. In carton 6, folder 14.
  • "State Hopes to Profit by Mistakes of California in Exhaust Control," Harrisburg Evening News, Feb. 16, 1967. In carton 8, folder 1.


  • Map of Pennsylvania issued by the Air Pollution Commission of the Dept. of Health, c. 1970. Map shows air basins designated by the commission, the federal air quality control areas, and four proposed air quality control areas. In carton 1 folder 4; "Stream Map of Pennsylvania" by Howard William Higbee, 1965. In carton 4, folder 3; Penn State College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, "Proposed Evansburg State Park Project 70 Site." In carton 4, folder 3; Dept. of Forests and Waters, "Oil and Gas Lease Blocks and Tracts in Lake Erie," Oct. 1967. In carton 4, folder 24.


  • 15 black and white 8x11 photographs of Governor Shafer fishing for trout. No location, date or photographer name is given. In carton 6, folder 11.

Clippings, Bette Little

2 cartons, 101 folders

Arranged alphabetically by subject or state agency.

These are news clippings from many Pennsylvania and some non-Pennsylvania newspapers which appeared during the Shafer administration. Relevant folder topics include the following:

  • Agriculture
  • Fish Commission
  • Forests and Waters, Dept. of
  • Game Commission
  • Health
  • Highways
  • Mines and Mineral Industries
  • Planning Board
  • Turnpike Commission
  • Covered Expressway (Delaware Ave. Philadelphia County)
  • Operation Ketch