Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Group 472 - (part. 2)

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Group 472 (pt. 2)

MG-472 Walter Lyon Papers

1902-2007 (bulk 1955-1995)
(58 cu. ft.)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

Global and National Planning Files

10 folders
{series #472m.37}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Various publications and reports as they pertain to energy and environmental planning in the United States and around the world are covered in this series.

General file, 1966, 1990

Box 39, folder 39-1

  • News clippings from Harrisburg newspapers, Washington Post, New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times
  • Publications featuring articles on the environment including Chemical Week, Center Magazine, Time Magazine, US News and World Report, and the Wall Street Journal
  • Correspondence of the Pa. Rainforest Action Committee, minutes of the meeting of the Pa. Rainforest Action Committee meeting of June 11, 1991, literature about "The Greens,"
  • Global and National Planning Files, 1952-1995
  • Environmental Engineering, The U.S. Environmental Market, June 6, 1994 (folder 39-2)
  • EPA Journal, Volume 7, Number 2, February 1981 (folder 39-3)
  • History File, 1966, 1993 & undated (folder 39-4)
  • Speech, Robert M. White to the National Academy of Engineering, Feb. 11-12, 1993
  • Publications: "Environmental Regulation and Changing Science and Technology," excerpt from the book An Environmental Odyssey by Merril Eisenbud, article by Joel A. Tarr, "The Search for the Ultimate Sink: Urban Air, Land and Water Pollution in Historical Perspective."; Mazingira, Volume 5, Number 2, 1981 (folder 39-5)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence, News clippings and Reports, 1952-1995 & Undated (folder 39-6)
    • Speeches:
      • Mark D. Hollis to Panel on Environmental Health for the Committee on Health Needs of the Nation, June 27, 1952. The smog disaster in Donora, Pa. is cited.
      • Boundaries and Ecosystems in US and Canadian History" by William J. Cronon to the International Joint Commission, undated.
    • Publications:
      • US Dept. of Commerce, "Summary of Information on Public Water Supplies, Power and Fuel Requirements, 1915-1953-1975" Business Service Bulletin, April 1957
      • U.N. Environmental Program: Despite Hitch, Coming on Strong," Science vol. 178, Dec. 15, 1972
      • Resolve: A Quarterly Newsletter on Environmental Dispute Resolution, No. 18, 1986
      • "Making Use of Contaminated Soil," by Raymond C. Czarnecki, Civil Engineering, Dec. 1988
      • New View Calls Environmental Policy Misguided," by Keith Schneider, New York Times, Sunday March 21, 1993
      • Program registration form for the 23rd annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Dec. 9, 1992, Harrisburg
      • Environmental Strategies, Summer 1993.
    • Syllabus: Planning 241, "Environmental Planning," Dept. of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Spring 1968.
    • News articles from the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, and Annapolis Capital re: saving Chesapeake Bay, New Republic
  • "America Tomorrow... Creating the Great Society," November 7, 1964 (folder 39-7)
  • Policy Analysis of Water Management for the Netherlands, Vol. XV, Electric Power Reallocation and Cost Model, March 1982 (folder 39-8)
  • Scientific American, Managing Planet Earth, September 1989 (folder 39-9)
  • Sustainable Energy, Renew America, 1989 (folder 39-10)
  • The Universities and Environmental Quality, Commitment to Problem Focused Education, September 1969 (folder 39-11)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

State and Regional Planning Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.38}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 38 includes miscellaneous publications and reports as they relate to energy and environmental planning in the Commonwealth and around the Middle Atlantic states. Included is a report on the future of Lake Champlain, as well as a number of items that discuss environmental laws in Pennsylvania.

Box 40

  • A Challenge for the 80s, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 1981 (folder 40-1)
  • An Operational Framework for Coastal Zone Management Planning, January 1975 (folder 40-2)
  • Environmental Laws of Pennsylvania, December 31, 1994 (folder 40-3)
  • Environmental Master Plan, Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board, July 20, 1982 (folder 40-4)
  • Environmental Quality Control: Expenditure and Employment for Selected Large Governmental Units, Fiscal 1969-1970, 1972 (folder 40-5)
  • Environmental Research Laboratories Programs and Plans, FY 1988 and FY 1989 Plans, December 1988 (folder 40-6)
  • EPA Journal, Volume 6, Number 1, January 1980 (folder 40-7)
  • Mazingira, Volume 5, Number 1, 1981 (folder 40-8)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News Clippings and Reports, 1971-1992 (folder 40-9)
    • Correspondence:
      • Clifford L. Jones to Robert C. Wilburn, Sept. 12, 1980 re: reorganization of the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources
      • Lyon to William B. Middledorf, Dec. 9, 1981 and Middledorf to Lyon, Dec. 23, 1981 re: interaction between the states and the Environmental Protection Agency
      • Anthony D. Cortese to Lyon, June 9, 1982 and Lyon to Middledorf, June 22, 1982 re: Massachusetts environment strategy
      • Lyon to Peter S. Duncan, May 26, 1982 re: the role of the Dept. of Environmental Resources' Office of Planning
      • Lyon to Frank Haas, Oct. 21, 1992 re: Allegheny County Sanitary Authority.
    • Articles:
      • "Pollution Fighters: Rudolph Hering" by Neal FitzSimons, Civil Engineering-ASCE, Oct. 1971
      • "OSM Director Walter Heine Claims Things Are Looking Up," Coal Age, Jan. 1980;
    • Publications:
      • US Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Environmental Research Information, Project Summary, Feb. 1983. About the water quality of Chesapeake Bay
      • Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources, The Western Maryland Power Plant Siting Study, undated;
    • News clippings:
      • From Harrisburg, Allentown, Lebanon
    • Press release:
      • Fund for Renewable Energy and the Environment, Feb. 20, 1987 re: the "State of the States Report."
  • Pennsylvania Power Conference Speeches, 1973 (folder 40-10)
  • Pennsylvania's Health, Volume 32, Number 1, Spring 1971 (folder 40-11)
  • Problems of the Human Environment, 1971 (folder 40-12)
  • Proceedings of the Workshop on Cumulative Environmental Effects: A Binational Perspective, 1986 (folder 40-13)
  • Regional Administrator's (U.S. EPA) Annual Report: Environmental Quality in New England, December 1978 (folder 40-14)

Box 41

  • Shaping the Future of Lake Champlain, The Final Report of the Lake Champlain Basin Study, September 1979 (folder 41-1)
  • Societal Risks of Energy Systems, Hearing before the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives (97th Congress, 1st Session), June 18, 1981 (folder 41-2)
  • The Environmental Amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution: Twenty Years Later and Largely Untested, Franklin L. Kury, 1990 (folder 41-3)
  • The Journal of Resource Management and Technology, Volume 13, Number 1, 1984 (folder 41-4)
  • The States and Energy Siting: Cooperation in the Ohio River Valley, Volume 1 (Main Report), 1982 (folder 41-5)
  • Thermal Pollution of Water, 1960-1968 (folder 41-6)
  • Toward an Environmental Action Plan, Report by the Ontario Task Force on the Human Environment, June 1974 (folder 41-7)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

Policy Files

1 box
{series #472m.39}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Materials pertaining to environmental and energy policies, especially as they deal with governmental regulations, are contained in Series 39. A highlight of the series is a paper written in 1963 by the author of numerous works, Aldous Huxley, titled "The Politics of Ecology, The Question of Survival."

Box 42

  • A Commission Report - Intergovernmental Responsibilities for Water Supply and Sewage Disposal in Metropolitan Areas, October 1962 (folder 42-1)
  • Cleaning Up the Environment: Progress Achieved but Major Unresolved Issues Remain, Volumes 1 & 2 (Report to Congress by the U.S. Comptroller General), 1982 (folder 42-2)
  • Environmental Improvement (Air, Water, and Soil), The Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1966 (folder 42-3)
  • Environmental Protection: Agenda for the 1980s (U.S. General Accounting Office), 1982 (folder 42-4)
  • Environmental Protection Issues in the 1980s (U.S. General Accounting Office), 1980 (folder 42-5)
  • Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, Public Hearing, Transcript of Proceedings, October 29, 1992 (folder 42-6)
  • Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 2, Number 4, April 1968 (folder 42-7)
  • Federal-State Environmental Programs: The State Perspective (Report to Congress by the U.S. Comptroller General), 1980 (folder 42-8)
  • Implementation of Procedures on the National Environmental Policy Act, November 1979 (folder 42-9)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence, News clippings and Reports, 1966-1995 & Undated (folder 42-10)
    • Speeches:
      • "Changing Environmental Hazards" by Abel Wolman to the American Public Health Association, Oct. 31, 1966, San Francisco
      • "Conservation-For What? Or Quality and Compromise" by Arnold H. Vollmer to the 5th meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the North Atlantic Regional Water Resources Study, Sept. 13-14, 1967
    • Articles:
      • "How to Think about the Environment" by Max Ways, Fortune Magazine, Feb. 1970
      • "Railroad Smoke Control: The Regulation of a Mobile Pollution Source," by Joel A. Tarr and Kenneth E. Koons, in George H. Daniels and Mark H. Rose eds. Energy and Transport: Historical Perspectives on Policy Issues, (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications)
      • "The Role of Courts in Environmental Decision-Making," by Harold P. Green, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 76, no. 4, Dec. 1986
      • "A Reporter At Large: The Environment," by Barry Commoner, The New Yorker Magazine, June 15, 1987
      • "Environmental Issues for 21st Century Engineers," Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, vol. 114, no 3, July 1988
      • "Devastation by Indecision" by Phillip Jones, University of Toronto Bulletin, Feb. 12, 1990
      • Book review of Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns ed. Jay H. Lehr, in US Water News, Sept. 1992.
    • News clippings: from the New York Times and the Boston Globe.
    • Testimony: Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry to the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee on the subject of "How Can We Improve the Way We Write Environmental Regulations?" Oct. 29, 1992, Harrisburg.
    • Report: Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Quality Engineering, "Proposed Changes in Federal Environmental Policy," Dec. 1980.
  • Nation-wide Inventory of Sanitation Needs, U.S. Public Health Service, April 1948 (folder 42-11)
  • Saturday Review, April 4, 1970 (folder 42-12)
  • State Water Laws and Federal Water Uses: The History of Conflict, the Prospects for Accommodation, 1991 (folder 42-13)
  • The Big Clean-up: What the Restoration of Our Nation's Waterways Could Mean for Parks and Recreation, Parks & Recreation, February 1977 (folder 42-14)
  • The Federal Role in the Federal System: The Dynamics of Growth (Protecting the Environment: Politics, Pollution and Federal Policy), March 1981 (folder 42-15)
  • The Global 2000 Report to the President, Entering the 21st Century, Volume 1, 1977 (folder 42-16)
  • The Journal of Resource Management and Technology, Volume 12, Numbers 3 & 4, December 1983 (folder 42-17)
  • The Politics of Ecology, The Question of Survival, by Aldous Huxley, 1963 (folder 42-18)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

Environmental Impact Statements

1 box
{series #472m.40}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Documents that pertain to environmental impact statements (EIS) in both Canada and the United States comprise this series. An EIS is defined as: "a document required of federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act for major projects or legislative proposals significantly affecting the environment. A tool for decision making, it describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking and cites alternative actions."

Box 43

  • EIS Process and Decision Making (Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council), 1991 (folder 43-1)
  • Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment: the Southern Indian Lake Experience, 1984 (folder 43-2)
  • Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Process: Bulletin of Initial Assessment Decisions, Edition 10, 1991 (folder 43-3)
  • Health Aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment Proceedings (Canadian Public Health Association), 1987 (folder 43-4)
  • Miscellaneous Reports, 1974-1992 (folder 43-5)
    • Speeches:
      • "Institutionalizing Policy Analysis: Matrix Theory and Environmental Impact Assessment" by Robert V. Bartlett and Walter F. Baber to the 1984 annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 12-14, 1984, Sacramento, California.
      • "Matrix Approaches to Resource Utilization in Environmental Impact Analysis" by Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett to the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 21-24, 1984, Fort Worth, Texas.
    • Publications:
      • "Airport/Community Environmental Planning," by Steven C. Orlick, Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, Vol. 104, no. TE2, Proceedings Paper 13629, March 1978. Excerpts from the book 1991-1992 Green Index: A State-By-State Guide to the Nation's Environmental Health by Bob Hall and Mary Lee Kerr
      • "A Systematic Interdisciplinary Language for Environmental Analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act," and " Determining the Significance of Environmental Issues Under the National Environmental Policy Act," by P.T. Haug et al, both in: Journal of Environmental Management (1984) vol. 18.
      • "A Comprehensive Review of Current Environmental Impact Assessment Methods and Techniques," by J. B. Shopley and R. F. Fuggle, Journal of Environmental Management (1984) vol. 18
      • "Quantifying Environmental Losses from a Regional Water Development Program," by Charles D. DeLorme Jr. and Norman J. Wood, Growth and Change, Jan. 1981.
  • Research Report: Post-development Audits to Investigate the Accuracy of Environmental Impact Predictions, ca. 1981 (folder 43-6)
  • Vine Street Expressway (Philadelphia) Environmental Impact Reports, ca. 1980 (folder 43-7)
  • Working Draft Syllabus: Materials to Enhance Understanding of the NEPA Process, ca. 1980 (folder 43-8)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

Science and Energy Materials

1 box
{series #472m.41}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

A number of publications, which discuss science and energy issues and their impact on the environment, are included in this series. Titles include: "Bioqual '88 - Applying Biotechnology for Environmental Protection," "Environmental Pollution: A Challenge to Science and Technology," and "Sanitation Practices in Local Health Departments."

Box 44

  • A Study of Serial Distribution for Soil Absorption Systems, April 1959 (folder 44-1)
  • American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health, Volume 43, Number 6, 1953 (folder 44-2)
  • Bioqual '88 - Applying Biotechnology for Environmental Protection (folder 44-3)
  • Ecolibrium, Volume 12, Number 1, Winter 1983 (folder 44-4)
  • Economics and the Quality of the Environment - Some Empirical Experiences, Reprint Number 71, April 1968 (folder 44-5)
  • Environmental Pollution: A Challenge to Science and Technology, 1966 (folder 44-6)
  • Environmental Science: Challenge for the Seventies, 1971 (folder 44-7)
  • Fiscal Year 1986 EPA Research Program Guide, October 1985 (folder 44-8)
  • Innovative Energy Conservation Concepts at the Hagerstown, Maryland Wastewater Treatment Plant, ca. 1983 (folder 44-9)
  • International Association for Impact Assessment, 1995, 1996 (folder 44-10)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Reports and News clippings, 1970-1990 (folder 44-11)
    • Articles:
      • "Social Institutions and Nuclear Energy," by Alvin M. Weinberg, Science, vol. 177, July 7, 1972
      • "Electricity Demand Growth and the Energy Crisis, by Duane Chapman et al, Science vol. 278, Nov. 17, 1972
      • "Electric Energy Demands for Pennsylvania: How Much When? By Albert E. Smigel and Franciszek Krawiec, Wharton Quarterly, Winter 1973
      • "The Energy Cost of Pollution Control" by Eric Hirst, Environment, vol. 15, no. 3, October 1973
      • "The Causes of Pollution" by Barry Commoner et al, Environment, vol. 13, no. 3, April 1971
      • "Energy Conservation" by G. A. Lincoln, Science, vol. 180, April 13, 1971
      • "Energy Hazards: What to Measure, What to Compare" by John P. Holdren, Technology Review, April 1982
    • Publications:
      • Pennsylvania State University, College of Agriculture Extension Service, Energy and You, Special Circular 260, undated
      • "Cogeneration nixed by utilities, hits new market," ENR, May 23, 1985;
    • News clippings: Washington Post, New York Times and Deseret News. (Florida).
    • Speech: "Mass Combustion Energy Recovery Facilities," by Joseph Ferrante, Jr., to the 1st Symposium on Industrial Resource
  • Management, Oct. 2-5, 1983, Philadelphia. (folder 44-3455)
  • Pollution Prevention, 1987-1991 (folder 44-12)
  • Research Need in Environmental Health - A Symposium of the National Research Council, 1966 (folder 44-13)
  • Sanitation Practices in Local Health Departments, 1951 (folder 44-14)
  • Science, Volume 184, Number 4134, April 19, 1974 (folder 44-15)
  • Science 84, Fiftieth Anniversary Issue, Volume 5, Number 9 (folder 44-16)
  • Sectorial Study for the Bioqual Network, February 1988 (folder 44-17)
  • Societal Risks of Energy Systems, Hearing before the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, 97th Congress, 1st Session, June 18, 1981 (folder 44-18)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

Environmental History

1951, 2000 & undated
1 folder
{series #472m.42}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 42 is comprised of three items which relate to environmental history, including a paper written in 1951 about the Smog Disaster.

Box 45

Environmental History File, 1951, 2000 & undated (folder 45-1) The folder contains mostly copies of speeches of which the following are examples.

  • Speeches:
    • "Environmental Value Mapping: An Indispensable Tool or Trap?" by Carlos M. Fetterolf, Jr., to the National Symposium on Classification, Inventory, and Analysis of Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Jan. 24-27, 1977, Phoenix, Arizona
    • "Use of Fauna As Biomonitors" by D. W. Carlisle and R. E. Fitzner to the International Conference on Renewable Resource Inventories, August 15-19, 1983, Corvallis, Oregon.

Subject File: Environmental Monitoring and Mapping

Environmental Monitoring and Mapping, General Files

8 folders

{series #472m.43}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Articles, papers, reports and various publications that concern the monitoring and mapping of environmental conditions and initiatives are discussed in Series 43.

Box 45

  • Background Kit for: Ecologically, A More Perfect Union Workshop, 1984 (folder 45-2)
  • Environmental Health: A Plan for Collecting and Coordinating Statistical and Epidemiologic Data, 1980 (folder 45-3)
  • Hydrologic Bench Mark Reports, ca. 1972 (folder 45-4)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1977-1994 (folder 45-5)
    • Speeches:
      • "Institutionalizing Policy Analysis: Matrix Theory and Environmental Impact Assessment" by Robert V. Bartlett and Walter F. Baber to the 1984 annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 12-14, 1984, Sacramento, California
      • "Matrix Approaches to Resource Utilization in Environmental Impact Analysis" by Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett to the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 21-24, 1984, Fort Worth, Texas.
    • Articles:
      • "Airport/Community Environmental Planning," by Steven C. Orlick, Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, Vol. 104, no. TE2, Proceedings Paper 13629, March 1978. Excerpts from the book 1991-1992 Green Index: A State-By-State Guide to the Nation's Environmental Health by Bob Hall and Mary Lee Kerr
      • "A Systematic Interdisciplinary Language for Environmental Analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act," and " Determining the Significance of Environmental Issues Under the National Environmental Policy Act," by P.T. Haug et al, both in: Journal of Environmental Management (1984) vol. 18.
      • "A Comprehensive Review of Current Environmental Impact Assessment Methods and Techniques," by J. B. Shopley and R. F. Fuggle, Journal of Environmental Management (1984) vol. 18
      • "Quantifying Environmental Losses from a Regional Water Development Program," by Charles D. DeLorme Jr. and Norman J. Wood, Growth and Change, Jan. 1981.
  • National Environmental Quality Indicators - How to Improve the Way EPA Measures and Reports the State of the Environment and Progress in Improving Environmental Quality, April 1977 (folder 45-6)
  • National Wildlife, Volume 20, Number 2, 1982 (folder 45-7)
  • National Wildlife Federation 1971 EQ Index (folder 45-8)
  • Perspectives on Technical Information for Environmental Protection, Volume 1, 1977 (folder 45-9)

Subject File: Environmental Monitoring and Mapping

Environmental Monitoring and Mapping, Federal Files

2 boxes

{series #472m.44}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Articles, papers, reports and various publications that pertain to the monitoring and mapping of environmental conditions and initiatives on the federal level comprise Series 44. Of particular interest are a number of congressional committee transcripts, statements and reports from hearings involving various environmental committees of the U.S. House of Representatives. Lyon was a presenter at some of these hearings, and a file of his hearing materials is included.

Box 46

  • Advisory Committee on Water Data for Public Use - Summary of 13th Meeting, November 1978 (folder 46-1)
  • Committee Hearing Copies from the U.S. House of Representatives, from Various Environmental-related Committee and Subcommittee Hearings, 1976-1985 (folder 46-2)
  • Committee Hearing Papers of Walter Lyon, U.S. House of Representatives, 1984 (folder 46-3)
  • Data Base System for State Water Quality Management Information Systems, May 1978 (folder 46-4)
  • EROS Data Center Informational Packet (includes 3 photographs), ca. 1970 (folder 46-5)
  • Framework for Planning U.S. Federal Statistics, 1978-1989 (folder 46-6)
  • Hearing Testimony, Statements and other Files from the Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research and Environment, U.S. House of Representatives, 1983 (folder 46-7)

Box 47

  • Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1971-1991 (folders 47-1 & 2). Examples of documents found here include the following:
    • Correspondence: Joseph A. Cannon to "regional administrators" of the Environmental Protection Agency, Nov. 18, 1982 re: environmental management reports (folder 47-2)
    • Testimony: House of Representatives Subcommittee on Natural Resources, "Summary of Hearings on National Environmental Monitoring," held May 19, 26 and June 2, 1983. Walter Lyon's testimony is cited. (folder 47-2)
    • Report: P. Tolf et al, "Information Needs for the Management of Contaminants in the Great Lakes," July 3, 1985 (folder 47-2)
    • Articles:
      • M. Gordon Wolman, "The Nation's Rivers, Science, vol. 174, Nov. 26, 1971 (folder 47-1)
      • "Southeastern Wisconsin Maps Out Environmental Guidelines Using GIS," Public Works, Jan. 1991 (folder 47-1)
    • News clippings:
      • "Environmental Data Are Called A Disgrace By Veteran Analyst," Harrisburg Patriot-News, May 31, 1988 (folder 47-2)
      • "Mountains of Data Grade Environment," by Cass Peterson, Washington Post, July 23, 1984 (folder 47-2)
    • Press release: U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology, March 27, 1984 re: House hearing on environmental bill (folder 47-2)
    • Legislation: H.R. 2491, 98th Congress, 1st session, "Global Resources, Environment, and Population Act of 1983." (folder 47-2)
    • Speech: Walter A. Lyon to the Subcommittee on Public Works and Transportation, "Oversight hearings concerning the regulation and monitoring of toxic and hazardous chemicals under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act." (folder 47- )
  • Ontario Regulation 695/88 under the Environmental Protection Act: Effluent Monitoring - General, 1989 (folder 47-3)
  • Program Guidance for Water Quality Monitoring and Waste-load Allocations (U.S. EPA, Draft), 1982 (folder 47-4)
  • Second Annual Report of the Steering Committee for Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1976 (folder 47-5)
  • Stopping Water Pollution at its Source... The Effluent Priority Pollutants List, 1988 (folder 47-6)
  • The National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory: Publicly Owned Treatment Works in Coastal Areas of the United States, June 1987 (folder 47-7)

Subject File: Environmental Monitoring and Mapping

Environmental Monitoring and Mapping, Regional and State Files

9 folders
{series #472m.45}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series contains articles, papers, reports and various publications concerning the monitoring and mapping of environmental conditions and initiatives on the regional and state level. In addition to the regional reports, specific papers pertaining to California, Pennsylvania and Virginia are present.

Box 48

  • Advisory Committee on Water Data for Public Use (U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey), Summary of 13th Meeting, November 14-16, 1978 (folder 48-1)
  • Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators, 1983 (folder 48-2)
  • Environmental Resource Data: Intergovernmental Management Dimensions, 1978 (folder 48-3)
  • Geographic and Biological Land-use Information and Mapping Systems Study (Virginia), October 1990 (folder 48-4)
  • Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data (U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey), Summary of 13th Meeting, September 14-15, 1978 (folder 48-5)
  • Local Government in Pennsylvania: Too Little or Too Much, May 1994 (folder 48-6)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1956-1996 (folder 48-7)
  • State Actions in Multi-resource Inventories: The California Experience, March 1982 (folder 48-8)
  • Water Quality Management - Data Systems Guide, Joint Committee on Water Quality Management Data and Updated Version, 1973, 1977 (folder 48-9)

Subject File: Government and Public Administration

Public Works Files

11 folders
{series #472m.46}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 46 contains various materials, including a fairly large number of articles and newsclippings, pertaining to the issue of public works and more specifically, infrastructure. The bulk of the materials date from the mid-1980s, including reports dealing with projects and issues in Canada as well as the city of Philadelphia.

Box 48

  • America's Environmental Infrastructure: A Water and Wastewater Investment Study, December 1990 (folder 48-10)
  • Civil Engineering (ASCE), Volume 52, Number 12, December 1982 (folder 48-11)
  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Municipal Infrastructure in Canada: Physical Condition & Funding Adequacy, January 1985 (folder 48-12)
  • Fragile Foundations: A Report on America's Public Works, February 1988 (folder 48-13)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1979-1995 (folders 48-14 & 15) Of particular interest in this folder are reports written by Walter Lyon and D. Kelly O'Day.
    • Reports:
      • Walter A. Lyon, "How Much Regulation Is Too Much-A Case Study in Water Pollution Control," Nov. 11, 1982 (folder 48-14)
      • Walter A. Lyon and J. Stuart Hunter, "Quality Water Data for Water Quality Decisions," undated (folder 48-14)
      • Walter A. Lyon, "Values and the Cost-Benefit Analysis," undated (folder 48-14)
    • Publications:
      • D. Kelly O'Day et al, "Computer Management of Water and Sewer Capacity," Public Works, Nov. 1979
      • D. Kelly O'Day, "Geoprocessing: A Water Distribution Management Tool," Public Works, Jan. 1983
      • D. Kelly O'Day et al, "Aging Urban Water Systems: A Computerized Case Study," Public Works, August 1980 (all in folder 48-15)

Box 49

  • Newsweek, The Decaying of America, August 2, 1982 (folder 49-1)
  • Philadelphia: Past, Present, and Future, Philadelphia Infrastructure Survey, Fall 1981 (folder 49-2)
  • Professional Engineer, Volume 52, Number 4, Winter 1982 (folder 49-3)
  • Sustainable Development and Environmental Assessment: Perspectives on Planning for a Common Future (Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council), ca. 1990 (folder 49-4)
  • Urban Infrastructure Materials, 1991, 1992 (folder 49-5)

Subject File: Government and Public Administration

Land Use Materials

12 folders
{series #472m.47}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Articles, reports, news clippings and correspondence related to land use, mostly in the mid-Atlantic region, comprise this series. A number of the items deal with suburban sprawl, and how rural areas are being compromised by the expansion of cities and their suburbs. Included are a collection of articles from 1988 which were published in the Lancaster [Pa.] New Era entitled: "Lancaster County: The (Ex?) Garden Spot of America."

Box 49

  • California Environmental Quality Act Data, 1988, 1989 (folder 49-6)
  • Lancaster County: The (Ex?) Garden Spot of America - A Lancaster New Era Series, 1988 (folder 49-7)
  • Land Use Issues: A GAO Perspective, 1982 (folder 49-8)
  • Local Land and Building Regulation - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 6, 1968 (folder 49-9)
  • Maryland Land Use File, 1991, 1992 (folder 49-10)
  • Metropolitan Open Space and Natural Process, 1970 (folder 49-11)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1973-1997 (folder 49-12) Pennsylvania-related documents in this folder include the following:
    • Correspondence:
      • Dale E. Baker to Lyon, July 15, 1993 re: proposal for the Center for Rural Pennsylvania
      • Lyon to the editor of the Harrisburg Patriot-News, January 23, 1993 re: the newspaper's Jan. 14, 1993 editorial on conservation leadership
      • Richard P. Byler to the Pennsylvania State Planning Association, April 12, 1989 re: state planning issues
      • Richard P. Byler to the Pennsylvania Planning Association, July 31, 1988 re: land resources planning
    • Reports:
      • Benjamin H. Stevens, "Potential Economic and Fiscal Impacts of a Land Use Policy for the Commonwealth of Pa.," Feb. 1975
      • Howard J. Grossman, "A Proposal for Development Strategies Management for Pennsylvania," undated;
    • Minutes: Land Use Issues Forum, Sept. 26, 1996, Harrisburg
    • Publication: Newsletter of the 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania, Fall 1996
    • Testimony:
      • Lyon before the Local Government Committee of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Sept. 14, 1994
      • Joanne R. Denworth before the Local Government Committee of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Sept. 14, 1994
    • Speeches:
      • Speech possibly by Walter A. Lyon to the Berks County Conservancy Annual Meeting of Dec. 6, 1988
      • Thomas D. Rees to the Pa. Municipal Authorities Association Solicitor's Luncheon, August 29, 1988, "Status of Public Projects under Land Use Laws of Municipalities;"
    • News clippings:
      • "Land Use: The Critical Environmental Issue" (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, March 12, 1989
      • "Give Land Use Local Authority," by Walter A. Lyon (editorial letter) Harrisburg Patriot-News, Dec. 25, 1987
      • "Park Land: Bill Makes Fund Self-Supporting," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, Feb. 21, 1989
      • "Challenge: Governor's panel should tackle state's long-neglected policies on land use," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, July 3, 1997

Box 50

  • Pennsylvania House Select Committee Reports on Land Use and Growth Management, 1990-1992 (folder 50-1)
  • The Costs of Sprawl, Executive Summary, April 1974 (folder 50-2)
  • The Effects of Agricultural Zoning on the Ability of Farmers to Borrow Money, University of Pennsylvania Research Report Series Number 8, May 1984 (folder 50-3)
  • Three Land Research Studies - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 12, 1968 (folder 50-4)
  • Zoning Controversies in the Suburbs: Three Case Studies - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 11, 1968 (folder 50-5)

Subject File: Government and Public Administration

Urbanism Materials

6 folders
{series #472m.48}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series houses articles and reports that discuss the growth of urban areas in the United States and around the world. Included is an article which looks at Pittsburgh and its "Renaissances," as well as a September 1965 issue of Scientific American magazine that contains numerous articles on cities, urban sprawl and city planning activities here in America and around the world.

Box 50

  • Better Housing: A Social Priority for Pennsylvania - Parts I and II, 1969 (folder 50-6)
  • Cities, Scientific American Magazine, September 1965 (folder 50-7)
  • Housing Conditions in Urban Poverty Areas - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 9, 1968 (folder 50-8)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1969-1992 (folder 50-9)
    • Testimony: Irving Hand before a hearing of the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress on the Administration's National Urban Policy Report, July 15, 1982;
    • Publications:
      • SDC Magazine, Vol. 12, no. 10, Dec. 1969; "Addicted to Growth," by William Fulton, Governing, Oct. 1990
      • "An Urban Strategy" by Bernard Weissbourd and Herbert Channick, Center Magazine, vo1. 1, no. 6, September 1968
      • Urbanism Past and Present, vol. 7 no. 13, winter/spring 1982
  • Regionalism: The New Geography of Opportunity, March 1995 (folder 50-10)
  • The Federal Income Tax in Relation to Housing - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 5, 1968 (folder 50-11)

Subject File: Government and Public Administration

Housing Files

5 folders
{series #472m.49}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The bulk of the materials in Series 49 date from the years 1967-1969 and deal with the issue of housing in Pennsylvania and around the United States. A report of note is a demographic study titled "The Challenge of America's Metropolitan Population Outlook - 1960 to 1985," prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems in 1968.

Box 50

  • Breakthrough - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, May 1969 (folder 50-12)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence, News clippings and Reports, 1967-1969, 1990 (folder 50-13)
    • Press release: Pennsylvania Public Health Association, July 18, 1969
    • Reports:
      • Governor' Housing Task Force, "Proposed PPHA Statement on Housing Policy, Adopted by the Environmental Health Section, 10/1/68, Revised by Executive Committee, PPHA, 11/28/68
      • Richard G. Marden, "Housing Breakthrough," for the Pennsylvania League of Cities, May 16, 1969
      • National Urban Coalition Housing Staff, "Pointers for Urban Coalition Housing Task Force," Nov. 19, 1968
    • Publications:
      • Harrisburg Corporation for Home Ownership, There's A Thread of Hope-It's Called Tomorrow, undated
      • Information brochure, Pennsylvania Dept. of Community Affairs, undated.
    • News clipping: "City, state officials plan to tour Hill" by John Scotzin, Harrisburg Evening News, July 18, 1969
  • Pennsylvania Housing Reports, 1969 (folder 50-14)

Box 51

  • The Challenge of America's Metropolitan Population Outlook - 1960 to 1985 - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 3, 1968 (folder 51-1)
  • Urban Housing Needs Through the 1980s: An Analysis and Projection - Prepared for The National Commission on Urban Problems, Research Report Number 10, 1968 (folder 51-2)

Subject File: Government and Public Administration

Intergovernment Relations and Communication Files

1919, 1964-1996
7 folders
{series #472m.50}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series holds various items that pertain to intergovernmental relations at both the state and federal levels. A highlight is a report from 1919 entitled "Proper Relation of Federal and State Governments in Public Health Work," which was produced by the United States Public Health Service.

Box 51

  • Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (3 Reports), 1978, 1980 (folder 51-3)
  • Cry California, Special Issue: The Federal Threats to the California Landscape, Volume II, No. 2, Spring 1967 (folder 51-4)
  • Intergovernmental Perspective (5 Issues), 1983-1990 (folder 51-5)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1964-1996 (51-6) These are various materials relating to public health and public housing.
  • Natural Resources and the Public Estate - A Biography of Article I, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, 1985 (folder 51-7)
  • Proper Relation of Federal and State Governments in Public Health Work (U.S. Public Health Service), 1919 (folder 51-8)
  • Strengthening the American States in the 1980s: A Program of Innovation and Research, 1980 (folder 51-9)

Subject File: Mining and Geology

Mine Drainage Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.51}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Various reports, news clippings, publications and other documents related to mine drainage in the United States are housed in Series 51. The majority of the documents deal with mine drainage issues around the United States, although one of the folders holds a published history of the mining of bituminous coal in Pennsylvania, which was published in 1957. Also present are two oversized scrapbooks, both containing news clippings pertaining to mine acid drainage, dating from 1965-1967 and 1984.

Box 52

  • A Pilot-Plant Study of the Neutralization of Acid Drainage from Bituminous Coal Mines, Pennsylvania Sanitary Water Board, April 1951 (folder 52-1)
  • Control of Acid Drainage from Coal Mines, Pennsylvania Sanitary Water Board, September 1952 (folder 52-2)
  • Control of Potential Sources of Pollution due to Proposed Copper Mining Operations in Puerto Rico, October 1967 (folder 52-3)
  • Costs of Geologic Information in the Exploration of Minerals: A Case Study of Porphyry Copper, October 1983 (folder 52-4)
  • History of Bituminous Coal in Pennsylvania, November 1957 (folder 52-5)
  • Man, Material and Environment - A Report for the National Commission on Materials Policy, March 1973 (folder 52-6)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Maps, News clippings and Reports, 1962-1993 (folder 52-7)
    • Publications:
      • Walter N. Heine et al, "Treatment of Mine Drainage By Industry in Pennsylvania," Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division, June, 1970
      • Clean Streams, no. 62, 3rd Quarter 1964 (publication of the Pa. Sanitary Water Board). Pennsylvania Econotes vol. 7, no. 5, May-June 1979 (publication of the DER).
    • Maps:
      • Three maps produced by the Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey: "Geologic Map of Pennsylvania, "Physiographic Provinces of Pennsylvania," and "Oil and Gas Fields Map of Pennsylvania," undated
      • One map produced by the Pa. Dept. of Forests and Waters, "Stream Map of Pennsylvania," c, 1960s.
    • Reports:
      • Daniel A. Okun and Fritz Sulzer, "Report to the Division of Sanitary Engineering, Dept. of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Treatment of Mine Drainage Waters in East Germany," Oct. 1967
      • US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Division of Water Supply & Pollution Control to the House Committee on Public Works, 87th Congress, 2nd Session, "Acid Mine Drainage," April 19, 1962
      • DER, "75 Years of Clean Streams Progress: Highlights of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Clean Streams Program 1905 to 1980," Sept. 1980
    • News clippings:
      • "Blue Coal Co. Trial Enters 40th Day," Harrisburg Patriot-News, Jan. 24, 1983
      • "Mining Area Rated Insignificant" by Martha Dreyer, San Juan Star (Puerto Rico) Oct. 19, 1970
      • "Ravaged land, poisoned water: How the energy scramble fouled Pa." by Mark Jaffe and Joyce Gemperlein, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 3, 1985
    • Legislation:
      • Public Law 95-87, 95th Congress, August 3, 1977: "Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977"
  • Pennsylvania Geology, Volume 17, Number 4, August 1986 (folder 52-8)
  • The Control of Pollution from the Coal Industry and Water Quality Management in Five European Countries, Division of Sanitary Engineering, Publication No. 13, 1965 (folder 52-9)
  • Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania Magazine (3 issues), 1968, 1978, 1981 (folder 52-10)
  • We Can Control Acid Mine Waters, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, 1958 (folder 52-11)

Box 53

Contains two oversized scrapbooks, both contain news clippings pertaining to mine acid drainage, dating from 1965-1967, with a few articles from 1984 included as well.

Subject File: Mining and Geology

Pennsylvania Mine Drainage Files

1 box
{series #472m.52}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Documents that relate to the problem of acid mine drainage in Pennsylvania, including a bibliography of articles concerning mine drainage dating from the mid-1960s, are included in this series.

Box 54

  • Barnes & Tucker Company Legal Case, Appeal from Decree at Commonwealth Court Opinion and Transfer Docket, 1970, 1973 (folder 54-1)
  • Control and Treatment of Mine Drainage in the Wyoming Basin, Preliminary Engineering Report, 1969 (folder 54-2)
  • Governor's Coal Conference - Preliminary Discussion Group Summaries, January 1980 (folder 54-3)
  • Handbook of Pollution Control Costs in Mine Drainage Management, December 1966 (folder 54-4)
  • Mine Drainage Abstracts - A Bibliography, 1965, 1966 (folder 54-5)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1967-1999 (folder 54-6)
    • Testimony: Maurice K. Goddard before the Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Development of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Feb. 1, 1968.
    • News clippings:
      • "Journey down river is an environmental trip, Sunbury Daily Item, June 4, 1982
      • "State mining law enforcement hit," by George Lobsenz, Harrisburg Evening News, Oct. 31, 1983
      • "Price Tag," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, Dec. 22, 1999
      • "Mud from Clogged Harbor May Be a Resource in the Rough" by Andrew C. Revin, New York Times, Sunday August 10, 1997
    • Newsletters:
      • Conservation Currents (a quarterly newsletter published by the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs), Jan. 1990
      • Pennsylvania State University, Environmental Resources Research Institute Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 3, summer 1994
      • Clean Streams (a quarterly publication of the Sanitary Water Board), no. 72, 1st Quarter, winter 1967.
  • Papers Presented Before the Symposium on Acid Mine Drainage Research, May 1965 (folder 54-7)
  • Pennsylvania's Ten Year Mine Drainage Pollution Abatement Program for Abandoned Mines - A Progress Report, March 1967 & April 1968 (folder 54-8)
  • Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Control of Coal Mine Drainage, June 1962 (folder 54-9)

Subject File: Natural Resources and Recreation

Natural Resources and Recreation Materials

1 box
{series #472m.53}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series contains materials which discuss various recreational and natural resources issues such as conservation, forestry, fishing, state parks, etc. An early report concerning organization and policy in the field of natural resources, dated 1949, is a series highlight. One of the more whimsical items in this collection can be found in the "Recreation File." In it is included a small pamphlet of song parodies titled "The SAGA of pH 5 - Secret Agent for the Allegheny Sportsman's League." The songs are all anti-strip-mining jingles, including one called "Home, Home with the Fish," sung to the tune "Home on the Range."

Box 55

  • A Chronology of Events in Pennsylvania Forestry..., 1975 (folder 55-1)
  • Fish Culture in Pennsylvania, ca. 1962 (folder 55-2)
  • Managing Wisconsin's Natural Resources, 1973 (folder 55-3)
  • Message from the President of the United States relative to Our Conservation Program, March 1962 (folder 55-4)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1982-1993 (folder 55-5) Items of interest to historians of Pennsylvania environment include the following:
    • Publications:
      • Larry L. Shaffer, The Limestone Streams of Pennsylvania, undated
      • Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation, First Environmental Quality Index, 1988
      • Draft, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, "Water Resources Planning and Management Code, revised Sept. 22, 1985
    • Legislation:
      • "Conservation District Law," Act of May 15, 1945, P.L. 217 As Amended April 30, 1986, Act No. 39
      • "Clean Streams Law," Act of June 22, 1937, P.L. 1987, no. 394
    • News clippings:
      • "Governor's Timber Conference Set This Week" by Bruce Cutler, Harrisburg Sunday Patriot-News, Feb. 20, 1983
      • "Of Time and the Rivers," (editorial) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 1, 1980
      • "Tourism vs. Taxes," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, June 27, 1984
      • "Goddard takes pride in expansion of parks" by Eileen Graham, Harrisburg Patriot-News, June 1, 1990.
  • Organization and Policy in the Field of Natural Resources, Prepared for the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, January 1949 (folder 55-6)
  • PA.Bureau of Forestry, Heading into Our Second Century of Stewardship, August 1993 (folder 55-7)
  • PA.Dept of Environmental Resources Publications, 1981, 1982 & Undated (folder 55-8)
  • Pennsylvania Geology, Volume 3, Number 4, August 1972 (Hurricane Agnes Issue) (folder 55-9)
  • Pennsylvania State Parks 2000: Directions for the Next Century, 1992 (folder 55-10)
  • Recreation File, 1959-1997 (folder 55-11)
  • Resources for the Future Newsletters, Numbers 64, 66, 68 & 69, 1980-1982 (folder 55-12)
  • Sport Fishes of Pennsylvania, 1984 (folder 55-13)
  • Theodore Roosevelt and the Conservation Movement, 1958 (folder 55-14)
  • U.S. News and World Report, July 3 & October 2, 1989 (folder 55-15)
  • Vineyard Haven Yacht Club Yearbook, 1994 (folder 55-16)

Subject File: Natural Resources and Recreation

Pine Creek Reclamation Movement Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.54}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Pine Creek flows through the north-central part of the Commonwealth, with the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, a National Natural landmark, straddling its route. By the late 1960s, it was being polluted from a number of different sources. A group of concerned conservationists, from both the public and private sectors, joined together to help clean up and preserve this natural treasure. Walter Lyon was the first chairman of the Pine Creek Task Force, which was created in 1972 to aid these efforts. Reports and minutes of Task Force meetings, as well as various other documents related to the fight to save Pine Creek, are included in this series.

Box 56

  • Legal Problems Associated with Planning Land Uses in a Riverine Area, Pine Creek, Pennsylvania, March 1973 (folder 56-1)
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1974-1998 (folder 56-2) Reports are about Pine Creek, Lycoming County and Babb Creek, Tioga County.
  • Part 1 - Documents to Support Letter to Dr. Goddard, 1970, 1971 (folder 56-3)
  • Part 2 - Documents to Support Letter to Dr. Goddard, 1970-1972 (folder 56-4)
  • Pine Creek General File, 1978-1991 (folder 56-5)

Box 57

  • Pine Creek Task Force General File, January-May 31 1972 (folder 57-1)
  • Pine Creek Task Force General File, May 31-November 1972 (folder 57-2)

Subject File: Natural Resources and Recreation

Wetlands Files

1 box
{series #472m.55}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 55 is comprised of various materials related to the management and protection of wetlands, in addition to a few educational items produced by the Commonwealth. Fishing enthusiasts will find two files of interest in this series, they are: "Fish Culture in Pennsylvania, ca. 1962" and "Sport Fishes of Pennsylvania, 1984."

Box 58

  • Cryptic Clues - The Wetland Classroom, 1993 (folder 58-1)
  • Interstate Compacts that Are for the Birds - A Proposal for Reconciling Federal Wetlands Protection with State Water Rights
  • Through Federal-Interstate Compacts, December 1994 (folder 58-2)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence, News clippings and Reports, 1989-2002 (folder 58-3) This folder has materials on wetlands in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. Examples of items of interest include the following:
    • Correspondence:
      • D. Michael Fisher and Raphael J. Musto to Arthur A. Davis, Sept. 18, 1990
      • Steven C. McCutcheon to Lyon, Feb. 28, 1995
    • Publication:
      • Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Journal, vol. 1, no. 6, Sept. 1991
      • Fact Sheets (newsletter of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environment Resources; Wetlands Fact Sheet, (publication of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) March 1993
      • Great Lakes Wetlands, vol. 2, no. 3, summer 1991
    • Articles and News clippings:
      • "Wetlands Law Test Government Power" by Gregor I. McGregor, Environmental Protection, Nov. 1992
      • "Wetlands change hit" by Kenn Marshall, Harrisburg Patriot-News, August 7, 1991
      • "Clean water is the key issue" (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, Jan. 15, 2001
    • Legislation:
      • Pa. House Bill No. 200, Session of 1995, "An Act providing for wetland conservation and management."
  • The Ecology of Lake Saint Clair Wetlands: A Community Profile, September 1986 (folder 58-4)
  • Values of Wetland Plants to Wildlife, 1993 (folder 58-5)
  • Wetland Management - A Report Prepared by the Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division of Congressional Research Service of the Library Congress..., July 1982 (folder 58-6)
  • Wetland Protection: A Handbook for Local Officials, May 1990 (folder 58-7)

Subject File: Public Health

Public Health Issue Files

10 folders
{series #472m.56}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 56 contains a number of files which predate 1960, including files which focus on such public health issues as rheumatic fever, cancer, pesticides and viral hepatitis.

Box 59

  • Cancer File, 1975-1979 (folder 59-1)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1950-1993 (folder 59-2) The folder has many articles dealing with cancer and other diseases allegedly linked to environmental factors. Here are a few of the items contain therein.
    • Speech:
      • "Possible Role of Environment in Cancer," William W. Payne to the 89th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Detroit, Michigan Nov. 14, 196
    • Reports:
      • C.S. Clark et al, "Project Summary: Evaluation of the Health Risks Associated with the Treatment and Disposal of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge," for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, May 1981
      • Samuel S. Epstein, "Appendix B: Environmental Determinants of Human Cancer," Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Oct. 1974
    • Articles:
      • Ephraim Kahn and Gideon Letz, "Clinical Ecology: Environmental Medicine or Unsubstantiated Theory?" Annals of Internal Medicine vol. 111, no.2, July 15, 1989
      • Abba I. Terr, "Clinical Ecology," Annals of Internal Medicine vol. 111, no. 2, July 15, 1989
    • News clippings:
      • "Potomac study looks at health" by Clyde Ford, (Hagertown, Maryland) Herald-Mail, "Carcinogens Are Bad; Are Angry Voters Worse?" by Martin Waldron, New York Times, April 30, 1978
  • Pesticides File, 1991-1996 (folder 59-3)
  • Public Health Views, Summer 1954 (folder 59-4)
  • Report on Environmental Health Problems - Hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eighty-Sixth Congress, 2nd Session, 1960 (folder 59-5)
  • Rheumatic Fever File, 1929-1950 (folder 59-6)
  • The Nation's Health - A Ten Year Program, September 1948 (folder 59-7)
  • Viral Hepatitis - Clinical, Laboratory and Public Health Aspects, 1955 (folder 59-8)
  • War Sanitation - 1861 through 1918, 1943 (folder 59-9)

Subject File: Public Health

Radiation and Noise Articles and Reports

5 folders
{series #472m.57}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series includes a number of articles and reports that pertain to various radiation or noise-related issues. The Reading Prong, the ten-year anniversary of the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, the nuclear power industry, noise pollution and radon are featured topics. Of particular interest are two reports that deal with the biological effects of radiation, one written in 1956 and the other in 1960.

Box 59

  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1973-1992 (folder 59-10) The folder contains materials relating to nuclear energy. Examples of materials are the following:
    • Reports:
      • E. C. Tsivoglou, "Radioactive Waste Disposal to Surface Waters," undated;
    • Articles:
      • Daniel Ford, "A Reporter at Large: The Cult of the Atom-I," New Yorker Magazine, Oct. 25, 1982
      • Daniel Ford, "A Reporter at Large: The Cult of the Atom-II," New Yorker Magazine, Nov. 1, 1982
      • "Trash bins of the nuclear age," ENR, Nov. 26, 1985; "Ten Years of Fallout," by Christopher Flavin, Three Mile Island, March-April 1989
      • "Hosting the Appalachian Compact" by Cherie R. Blazer, Pennsylvanian, June 1992
    • News clippings:
      • "Retired Reactor to be Dismantled" by Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, Sept. 27, 1984
      • "Another Power Plant Debuts in Shippingport," by John Golightly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 6, 1976
  • Noise File, 1972-1991 (folder 59-11)
  • Radon File, 1985-1992 (folder 59-12)
  • The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation, A Report to the Public, 1956 (folder 59-13)
  • The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation, Summary Reports, 1960 (folder 59-14)

Subject File: Public Health

Risks Analysis and Management Materials

1 box
{series #472m.58}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Miscellaneous articles and reports relative to environmental risk analysis, assessment and management, mostly dating from the 1980s, comprise Series 58. One folder concerns meetings and reports of the National Governor's Association, specifically discussions over various types of environmental risk analysis and management issues.

Box 60

  • Future Risk: Research Strategies for the 1990s, September 1988 (folder 60-1)
  • General File, 1983-1991 (folder 60-2)
    • Speech: "Reflections, Perceptions, and Projections," Abel Wolman to the Water Pollution Control Federation, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 4, 1983
    • Report: Ian Burton, "Scientific and Public Assessment of Environmental Hazards," undated
    • Publication: EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, March/April, 1991
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1985-1988 (folder 60-3) The folder contains materials relating to risk management such as:
    • Reports:
      • Philip H. Byer, "Elements of Risk Management," July 1985
      • George W. Torrance and Andrew D. Oxman, "A Framework for Comparative Evaluation of Risk Management Programs," July 9, 1985
    • Articles:
      • "Some dams don't need safety frills, ENR, Sept. 5, 1985
      • "The buried cost of the Savannah River plant," Science, vol. 233, August 8, 1986
    • Speech:
      • "Environmental Risk Management: Lessons from Philadelphia," by Roger K. Raufer to the PARSS Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Nov. 9, 1988.
  • National Governor's Association, 1985, 1986 (folder 60-4)
  • Risk Management and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment): Research Needs and Opportunities, 1986 (folder 60-5)

Subject File: Water Resources

series #472m.61}

National Policy Files

1 box & 11 folders
{series #472m.61}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Documents which pertain to a plethora of issues concerning water and it's varied uses comprise Series 61. Policy doctrines of the American and Canadian governments are a major focus of the series, but also included are various materials covering topics such as the Central Arizona Project, the disappearance of mid-Atlantic wetlands, water resource management and the status of national water supplies.

Box 62

  • A Synopsis of the National Water Commission's Final Report, June 1973 (folder 62-10)
  • Alternatives in Water Management, 1966 (folder 62-11)
  • Central Arizona Project, ca. 1995 (folder 62-12)
  • Clean Water Act - State Revolving Fund Loans to Improve Water Quality (U.S. General Accounting Office), December 1996 (folder 62-13)
  • Clean Water Act Reauthorization File, 1993-1996 (folders 62-14 & 15)

Box 63

  • Congressional Handling of Water Resources - The Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service, December 1967 (folder 63-1)
  • Magazines with Water-related Themes or Articles, 1965, 1991, 1994 (folder 63-2)
  • Mid-Atlantic Wetlands - A Disappearing Natural Treasure, 1987 (folder 63-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1964-1997 (folders 63-4 & 5)
  • New Horizons in Water Resources Administration, April 1965 (folder 63-6)
  • Proceedings of National Conference of State and Federal Water Officials, September 1967 (folder 63-7)
  • Review of the President's June 6, 1978, Water Policy Message, November 1978 (folder 63-8)
  • Small Streams Regionalization Study - Public Meeting Presentation, Undated (folder 63-9)
  • The Nation's Water Resources - Summary Report (United States Water Resources Council), 1968 (folder 63-10)

Box 64

  • U.S. Government Printing Office Reports related to Various Water Issues, 1960-1978 (folder 64-1)
  • Water is a Mainstream Issue - Inquiry on Federal (Canada) Water Policy, 1984 (folder 64-2)
  • Water Pollution Control, River Basin Authorities, and Economic Incentives - Some Current Policy Issues, May 1971 (folder 64-3)
  • Water Resources Planning and Management in the United States Federal System (Based on a Report of the Engineering
  • Foundation and Universities Council on Water Resources Conferences), July 1986 (folder 64-4)
  • Wetlands Protection and the States, April 1990 (folder 64-5)

Subject File: Water Resources

National Planning Materials

1 box & 7 folders
{series #472m.62}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 62 includes articles, news clippings, publications and reports pertaining to water planning issues on a nation-wide level in the United States. Two maps produced by the National Geographic Society which depict the United States and its water supply are also present

Box 64

  • A Ten-year Program of Federal Water Resources Research - Federal Council for Science and Technology Committee on Water Resources Research, February 1966 (folder 64-6)
  • Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, September 1979 (folder 64-7)
  • Extension of Authorization for the Water Resources Council, Hearings before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Water Resources (folder 64-8)
  • Federal Policies in Water Resources Planning, 1985 (folder 64-9)
  • Federal Register - Part III, Water Resources Council, Environmental Quality Evaluation Procedures for Level C Water Resources Planning; Final Rule, September 1980 (folder 64-10)
  • International Water Supply Congress & Exhibition, General Report Number 1: Multi-purpose Water Schemes, October 1966 (folder 64-11)

Box 65

  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1962-1993 (folder 65-1). The folder has mainly scholarly articles on water resource planning.
    • Articles:
      • Charles C. Bradley, "Human Water Needs and Water Use in America," Science, vol. 138, Oct. 26, 1962
      • William B. Lord, "Objectives and Constraints in Federal Water Resources Planning," Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 17, no. 8, December 1981
      • Warren Viessman, Jr., "National Water Policy: The Need for Institutional Reform," Environmental Management, vol. 6, no.1, 1982
      • Kathy Koch, "Water Crisis Is Predicted," Congressional Quarterly, April 18, 1981
      • Jerry Delli Pricoli, "Future Thinking: Fad or Necessity?" Water Spectrum, spring 1979
    • Report: Task Committee on Federal Policies for Water Resources Planning, "Progress Report," undated;
    • Publication: Conference program, American Society of Civil Engineers, national conference, August 2-6, 1992, Baltimore, Maryland
  • National Geographic Water Maps of the United States, 1993 (folder 65-2)
  • Social Impact Assessment, An Overview: A Report Submitted to the U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources, December 1975 (folder 65-3)
  • The Nation's Water Resources - Summary Report, 1968 (folder 65-4)
  • The Physical and Economic Foundation of Natural Resources - (IV) Subsurface Facilities of Water Management and Patterns of Supply, Type Area Studies, 1953 (folder 65-5)
  • U.S. General Accounting Office Reports on Water-related Issues, 1982, 1984 (folder 65-6)

Subject File: Water Resources

National Economics Files

1 box
{series #472m.63}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Articles, news clippings, publications and reports pertaining to water economics issues on a nation-wide level in the United States make up Series 63. Of note are two reports which discuss water economics issues in states beside Pennsylvania, specifically: "The California State Water Project Summary, Bulletin Number 132-70, Appendix C, 1969" and "West Virginia's Buffalo Creek Flood: A Study of the Hydrology and Engineering Geology, Geological Survey Circular 667, 1972."

Box 66

  • Economics and Related Problems in Contemporary Water Resources Management, November 1965 (folder 66-1)
  • How to Meet the West's Needs for Water and Power, 1962 (folder 66-2)
  • Industrial Water Use, A Review, 1960 (folder 66-3)
  • Lycoming County Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Ordinances and Plans for Various Townships, 1981, 1982 (folder 66-4)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1957-1994 (folder 66-5)
    • Report:
      • "Notes for Replacement Value Analysis for CONEG and U.S. Water Projects" by Daniel P. Sheer for Walter Lyon, Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, August 1982"
    • Articles:
      • Thomas R. Hammer, "Stream Channel Enlargement Due to Urbanization," Water Resources Research, vol. 8, no. 6, December 1972
      • "How Major U.S. Cities Meet Water Need," Engineering News-Record, August 5, 1965
      • David W. Prasifka, "Water supply management enters a new era," Civil Engineering/ASCE, March 1984
    • News clippings:
      • "Water Shortage Threatens Nation's Dream of Unlimited Expansion, Survey Finds," by Bill Becker, New York Times, March 3, 1957
      • "Text of Findings of Water-Supply Panel," New York Times, Sept. 3, 1965; "Big Disaster?" by Isabel Wilkerson, New York Times, Sunday, Jan. 30, 1994.
    • Publications:
      • Lycoming County Planning Commission, The Flood Plain: Its Use and Protection, undated
    • Speeches:
      • "The East-West Water Controversy" by Ray K. Linsley to the American Society of Civil Engineers Water Resources Conference, May 16-20, 1966, Denver, Colorado
      • "The East Speaks" by Maurice K. Goddard to the American Society of Civil Engineers Water Resources Conference, May 16-20, 1966, Denver, Colorado
      • "Water resources as a limiting factor in economic growth," by Harry A. Steele to the American Society of Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 11-15, 1964
  • Paying for Progress: Perspectives on Financing Environmental Protection, 1990 (folder 66-6)
  • Proceedings of the National Water Symposium - Changing Directions in Water Management, November 1982 (folder 66-7)
  • State Water Policy Issues, 1978 (folder 66-8)
  • The California State Water Project Summary, Bulletin Number 132-70, Appendix C, 1969 (folder 66-9)
  • U.S. General Accounting Office Reports on Water-related Issues, 1980, 1982 (folder 66-10)
  • U.S. Government Printing Office Reports on Water-related Issues, 1982 (folder 66-11)
  • Water Resource Management - New Responsibilities for State Governments, 1980 (folder 66-12)
  • West Virginia's Buffalo Creek Flood: A Study of the Hydrology and Engineering Geology, Geological Survey Circular 667, 1972 (folder 66-13)

Subject File: Water Resources

National Project Files

6 folders
{series #472m.64}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 64 contains materials relative to large-scale water projects in the United States. Two of the projects covered are the Colorado River Aqueduct and the Central Valley Project (California). Also included are reports relative to general national water projects, as well as a publication from 1935 concerning water and power in the city of San Francisco.

Box 67

  • Army Corps of Engineers: Review of Water Projects - Hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, 1982 (folder 67-1)
  • Army Corps of Engineers and Administration Policies Concerning Federal Water Projects - Hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, 1982 (folder 67-2)
  • Central Valley Project, California, 1950 (folder 67-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1956-1986 (folder 67-4)
    • Articles:
      • Task Committee on Urban Sedimentation Problems, "Urban Sediment Problems," Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, April 1975
      • D. Kelley O'Day, "Analyzing Infrastructure Condition-A Practical Approach," Civil Engineering, vol. 53, no. 4, April 1983. Article is about water main replacement in Philadelphia and New York.
    • Press release:
      • U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Public Works and Transportation, Nov. 13, 1985, re: water resources legislation.
  • San Francisco Water and Power, 1935 (folder 67-5)
  • The Great Aqueduct, The Story of the Planning and Building of the Colorado River Aqueduct, 1941 (folder 67-6)

Subject File: Water Resources

Regional and State Policy and Management Materials

8 folders
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
{series #472m.65}

Various documents looking at water policy and management issues, as they relate to various states and regions in the United States and Canada, comprise Series 65.

Box 67

  • Approaches to Regional Water Quality Management, June 1967 (folder 67-7)
  • Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators, 1982 Annual Report (folder 67-8)
  • Building a Water Policy Consensus: Key Issues for the Eighties, June 1982 (folder 67-9)
  • Citizen Participation Survey - Questionnaire Analysis, Adams County Comprehensive Plan Update, September 1990 (folder 67-10)
  • Interstate Council on Water Policy - Statement of Policy and By-laws, September 1994 (folder 67-11)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1977-1994 (folder 67-12)
    • Correspondence:
      • Margaret B. Martin to Lyon, July 25, 1994 re: Juniata River Water Study
      • Jared L. Cohon to Lyon, Nov. 29, 1982 and Lyon to Cohon, Dec. 13, 1982 re: universities' role in water resources planning
      • Lyman F. Wible to Lyon, Dec. 28, 1992 re: Wisconsin's pollution control program
    • Reports:
      • Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control & Conservation Committee, "Water Resources in Pennsylvania" to the Pa. General Assembly, Jan. 1992.
    • Legislation:
      • Watershed Reclamation and Wetlands Pilot Project, P.L. 102-480, Oct. 31, 1992
    • Speech:
      • "Existing Basin Agencies: How Well Do They Work?" by Leonard B. Dworsky to the Potomac Valley Conference on River Basin Agencies and Compacts, Oct. 16, 1966
    • Publications:
      • Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators, America's Clean Water: The States' Non-point Source Assessment, 1985
      • U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, The Northeast Water Supply Crisis of the 1960s, 1977
      • Ontario Water Resources Commission, The Water Story, undated
    • News clippings:
      • "Cost Sharing for Water Projects in West Is Studied," by William E. Schmidt, New York Times, Sunday, June 19, 1983
      • Changes Confronting Federal Agency That Built Water Projects for West," by Iver Peterson, New York Times, Sunday, March 17, 1985.
    • Articles:
      • William A. Lord and Douglas S. Kenney, "Resolving Interstate Water Conflicts: The Compact Approach," Intergovernmental Perspective, vol. 19, no. 1, winter 1993. The Delaware River Compact is discussed by the authors
      • "Juniata River Basin Study," Southern & Central Pa. Studies, Bulletin 1, April 1994
      • "Newport News, James City County Want Separate Reservoirs," Water News (publication of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center), vol. 24, no.1, April 1993.
  • Northeastern United States Water Reports, 1975-1983 (folder 67-13)
  • State Water Policy Issues, 1978 (folder 67-14)

Subject File: Water Resources

Regional Planning Files

1 box
{series #472m.66}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 66 contains reports and papers of a various nature, all of which pertain in some way to regional and state water planning issues. Some highlights include an analysis of water management efforts in Tucson, Arizona and a set of circulars from the United States Geologic Survey which discuss a River Quality Assessment of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon.

Box 68

  • Industrial Flood Preparedness, Proceedings: Flood Warning & Flood Proofing Seminar for Industry, April 1979 (folder 68-1)
  • Landscape Quality in the Lake Champlain Basin, June 1978 (folder 68-2)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1957-1996 (folder 68-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, Newsletters, and Reports, 1957-1996. The folder contains articles on water management in Arizona, California, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, North Dakota, the South as well as Pennsylvania.
  • River Quality Assessment of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 715, 1976 (folder 68-4) includes Circulars C, E, F, G, H, I and M
  • To Master a Thirsty Future: An Analysis of Water Management Efforts in Tucson, Arizona, May 1984 (folder 68-5)

Subject File: Water Resources

State Water Resource Planning Papers

1 box
{series #472m.67}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The bulk of Series 67 consists of papers and reports which describe miscellaneous water resource planning issues or initiatives in a number of states, including Arkansas, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas and other western states. General state water resource-documents are also included.

Box 69

  • A Stream-bank Stabilization and Management Guide for Pennsylvania Landowners, 1986 (folder 69-1)
  • Arkansas Water: Why Wait for the Crisis?, 1982 (folder 69-2)
  • Illinois Water Supply and Use Law, 1956, 1957 (folder 69-3)
  • Integrated Flood Management: A Pennsylvania Perspective, July 1981 (folder 69-4)
  • IWR-Main Water Use Forecasting System Manuals, June 1986 (folder 69-5)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, Newsletters and Reports, 1967-1997 (folders 69-6 & 7)
  • The folders contains many items relating to water resources in Colorado, Florida, Ontario, Canada, Nebraska, New York, and Virginia. Items with a Pennsylvania focus include the following:
    • Report:
      • "Water Resources Management in Pennsylvania" by the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee to the Pa. General Assembly, Dec. 1991
    • Agendas:
      • Pennsylvania Water Resources Management Conference, April 8-9, 1992, Harrisburg
      • Conference on Resource Stewardship sponsored by the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of State Parks, Kings Gap Environmental Education Center and Shippensburg University, March 13, 1992, Shippensburg University.
    • News clipping:
      • "Flood underscores need for planning" by Walter A. Lyon (letter to the editor) Harrisburg Patriot-News?
    • Publication:
      • Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania Magazine, vol. 10, no. 4, July-August 1977
  • Policies and Goals for California Water Management: The Next 20 Years, January 1982 (folder 69-8)
  • State Water Quality Planning Issues, The Council of State Governments, 1982 (folder 69-9)
  • Texas Water Commission Report, 1990 (folder 69-10)
  • The Evaluation of Water Conservation for Municipal and Industrial Water Supply, Procedures Manual, April 1980 (folder 69-11)
  • Water Conservation: Statewide Challenges and Accomplishments, August 1982 (folder 69-12)
  • Water Resources: State Roles and Responsibilities - A Selected State Survey, September 1982 (folder 69-13)
  • Western States Case Study Reports, 1991 (folder 69-14)

Subject File: Water Resources

Groundwater Files

9 folders
{series #472m.68}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Articles, news clippings, papers, publications and reports relative to the contamination of the Earth's groundwater supply. Policies to deal these problems are discussed, as well as reports from various locations, including the Ohio River Basin, Ontario (Canada) and Vermont.

Box 70

  • A Primer on Ground Water (U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey), 1963 (folder 70-1)
  • Groundwater - Saving the Unseen Resource, November 1985 (folder 70-2)
  • Groundwater Resources - A Primer for the Compact District of the Ohio River Basin, September 1984 (folder 70-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Magazines, News clippings and Reports, 1982-1999 (folders 70-4 & 5)
    • Correspondence:
      • Bruce D. McDowell to Lyon, Oct. 22, 1990 re: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations' Groundwater Report (folder 70-4);
      • Kurt W. Bauer to Lyon, May 8, 1986 re: proposed groundwater study for the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board (folder 70-5)
      • Lyon and Bauer to the International Joint Commission Science Advisory Board, May 21 & 22, 1986 re groundwater contamination task force (folder 70-5)
    • Testimony:
      • Michael E. Moore before the Pa. Governor's Select Committee on Non-point Nutrient Management, May 7, 1990 (folder 70-5)
    • Legislation:
      • "An Act relating to the establishment in the state of pristine streams which are to be retained in their natural state," General Assembly of Vermont, Jan. 1, 1985 (folder 70-5)
    • Report:
      • "Pennsylvania's Superfund Law and Groundwater Management," by Franklin L. Kury, undated (folder 70-5)
      • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Proposed Groundwater Policy," Nov. 30, 1982 (folder 70-5)
    • Agenda for the conference on Pesticides and Groundwater, Oct. 16-17, 1986, St. Paul, Minnesota (folder 70-4)
    • News clipping:
      • "Sun agrees to clean up oil pollution," by Susan Q. Stranahan, Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 18, 1993 (folder 70-4)
      • "Process Removes Leaked Gasoline from Water Supply of Provincetown (Rhode Island)," New York Times, Sunday Dec. 8, 1985 (folder 70-5)
    • Publications:
      • Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 23, no. 7, July 1989; (folder 70-4) ENR, August 15, 1994 (folder 70-4)
      • Pennsylvania Environmental Reporter, August 1994 (folder 70-4)
      • Inside E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency) Special Supplement, Dec. 30, 1983 (folder 70-4)
      • Water Engineering & Management, vol. 143, no. 7, July 1996 (folder 70-5)
      • Facets of Groundwater (a supplement produced by the Freshwater Foundation), March 1992 (folder 70-5)
    • Articles:
      • Edward Bouwer et al, "Coping with groundwater contamination," Journal of the WPCF, vol. 60, no. 8, August 1988 (folder 70-4)
      • Douglas M. Mackay and John A. Cherry, "Groundwater contamination: Pump-and-treat remediation," Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 23, no. 6, 1989 (folder 70-4)
      • "Drought downs Pa. nuke," ENR, June 6, 1986. The article is about the Limerick nuclear plant near Philadelphia (folder 70-5)
      • "Leaking Gasoline-Storage Tanks Risk Explosions And Contaminated Water Near Service Stations," by Bill Paul, Wall Street Journal, Nov. 16, 1982 (folder 70-5)
      • "Banking Water to Alleviate Future Droughts," Public Works, June 1999 (folder 70-5)
      • Newsday 1978, a series of four articles about waste management in Long Island, New York (folder 70-5)
    • Speech:
      • "Groundwater: A New Agenda for Managing Rural Communities," by Walter A. Lyon at the 1986 George E. Aiken
  • Lecture Series "Competing Visions of Vermont: Agriculture, Communities, and Groundwater," Sept. 12-13, 1986, Burlington,
  • Vermont (folder 70-4)
  • Ontario Farm Groundwater Quality Survey of Winter 1991-1992, September 1992 (folder 70-6)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Groundwater Reports, 1983, 1992 (folder 70-7)
  • Pennsylvania Groundwater Policy Education Project, 1991-1994 (folder 70-8)
  • Vermont Ground Water Protection Strategy, October 1982 (folder 70-9)

Subject File: Water Resources

Conservation Materials

1 folder
{series #472m.69}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 69 is comprised of one folder of water conservation materials. Present is an article on water from the Denver Post, a paper concerning the effects of conservation measures on water demands and a report titled "America's Clean Water - The States' Nonpoint Source Management Experience."

Box 70

Conservation File, 1983-1992 (folder 70-10)

Subject File: Water Resources

Dam Safety Articles and Reports

1 folder
{series #472m.70}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Box 70

Dam Safety File, 1982-1997. One folder of articles and also a report concerning dam safety in Pennsylvania and the United States is included in this series. (folder 70-11)

Subject File: Water Resources

Delaware River Basin Files

4 boxes
{series #472m.71}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

One of the larger series in the collection, Series 71 focuses on numerous environmental aspects of the Delaware River Basin. Topics such as the history of development in the region, waste management, the Delaware Estuary, the Schuylkill River, Delaware River Fishery, Point Pleasant Pumping Station, and many others, are covered. A few documents date back to the 1930s, including publications relative to the Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin.

Box 71

  • A History of Development in the Delaware Valley Region (Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission), May 1976 (folder 71-1)
  • Biological Studies of the Delaware River for the Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin (INCODEL), 1957-1959 (folder 71-2)
  • Cleaning up the Delaware River, A Status and Progress Report (Delaware River Basin Commission), March 1982 (folder 71-3)
  • Conclusions - Waste Water Management Study of the Central Pennypack, November 1977 (folder 71-4)
  • Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study, September 1963 (folder 71-5)
  • Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study (revised), January 1964 (folder 71-6)
  • Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study - A Cooperative Effort to Abate Pollution, 1965 (folder 71-7)
  • Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study - Policy Advisory Committee Meetings, 1966-1969 (folder 71-8)
  • Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study - Water Use Advisory Committee Recommendations, 1961-1967 (folder 71-9)
  • Delaware Estuary Program, 1991 (folder 71-10)

Box 72

  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Administrative Manual - Part III, Water Quality Regulations, 1994 (folder 72-1)
  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Annual Reports, 1963, 1981, 1993, 2000 (folder 72-2)
  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Correspondence, 1997, 1999 (folder 72-3)
  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Delaware Estuary Monitoring Report, August 1998 (folder 72-4)
  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Delaware Estuary Use Attainability Project Reports, 1986-1988 (folders 72-5 & 6)
  • Delaware River Basin Commission, Estuary News Newsletter, 1998, 2001 (folder 72-7)
  • Delaware River Basin Compact (Delaware River Basin Commission), 1967 (folder 72-8)
  • Delaware River Water Quality Assessment, 1986-87 305 (b) Report (Delaware River Basin Commission), March 1988 (folder 72-9)
  • Delaware River Water Quality Hearing, Pennsylvania Sanitary Water Board, October 20, 1966 (folder 72-10)
  • Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Organization and Staff, Undated (folder 72-11)

Box 73

  • Drainage Basin Study of Pennsylvania for the Delaware, Lehigh and Schuylkill Rivers (Part 1 of 3), 1937 (folder 73-1)
  • Environmental Quality Management - An Application to the Lower Delaware Valley, 1976 (folder 73-2)
  • International Joint Commission, Science Advisory Board Technical Seminar, January 1986 (folder 73-3)
  • Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin Publications, 1937-1941, 1946, 1958 (folder 73-4)
  • Man and the River - The Story of the Delaware River Basin, 1959 (folder 73-5)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and News clippings, 1932-1995 (folder 73-6). The folder has materials mainly pertaining to the Delaware, Lehigh, and Schuylkill Rivers.
    • Dr. Theodore B. Appel, "Pollution Load Being Abated in State Streams," Huntingdon News, Oct. 8, 1932
    • Chamber of Commerce Opposes TVA Power Projects on the Delaware," Philadelphia Evening Ledger, July 12, 1939
    • "Hear Protest on Delaware Dams," Harrisburg Patriot, July 13, 1939
    • "New Gassy Taste and Odor Make City's Water Worse," Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 29, 1948
    • "3 Projects to Cut Flow of Sewage into Delaware," Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 19, 1952
    • Joseph Adcock, "The Disappointing Delaware," Sunday Bulletin Magazine (Philadelphia), Oct. 23, 1966
    • Jim Barniak, "Psst! Wanna Fish? Try the Schuylkill," Philadelphia Bulletin, May 20, 1979
    • "Local Plants Act to Control Waste Matter," Easton Herald, Dec. 8, 1982. An article about the Lehigh River and Bushkill Creek.
    • "3 States Vow to Preserve Delaware River, Harrisburg Patriot-News, May 24, 1989.
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence, Newsletters, Notes & Reports, 1946-1995 (folders 73-7 & 8) The folder contains a variety of materials relating to the Delaware River.
    • Correspondence:
      • Everett L. Macleman to Lyon, Dec. 13, 1988 re: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study
      • Robert V. Thomann to Lyon, Oct. 28, 1988 re: Delaware Estuary
      • Lyon to Roy B. Love, April 8, 1987 re: cleanup of the Delaware
      • Lyon to Joseph Augustine, July 27, 1987 re: Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study
    • Minutes: Delaware River Basin Commission, meeting of Jan. 27, 1982
    • Manuscript: "Report of the ASCE Task Force on the Management of Large Water Bodies," by Walter A. Lyon, November 1988;
    • Articles:
      • Cecil H. J. Hull, "Delaware River Basin Water Resources Management," Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division, Nov. 1978
      • Richard C. Albert, "The Historical Context of Water Quality Management for the Delaware Estuary," Estuaries, vol. 11, no. 2, June 1988
      • Neal Fitzsimons, "Pollution Fighters: Rudolph Hering," Civil Engineering-ASCE, October 1971.
    • Publications:
      • Interstate Commission on the Delaware River Basin, Water Pollution Abatement in the Delaware River Basin with reference to the City of Philadelphia. A Symposium including remarks by Turner, Neeson, Vaughan, and Walman as presented at a conference held in Philadelphia on Oct. 24, 1941
      • Estuary News (a publication of the Delaware Estuary Program) Vol. 1, issue 4, spring 1991; Vol. 2, issue 4, spring 1992
    • Speeches:
      • Walter Lyon about the Delaware River Basin, March 28, 1977
      • "Pollution Abatement in the Delaware River Estuary," by Seymour P. Gross at the 73rd national meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, August 29, 1972, Minneapolis, Minnesota;
  • Delaware River Basin. (folder 73-8)
    • Correspondence:
      • Ralph Porges to Lyon, Jan. 6, 1971 re: list of persons to notify in the event of an oil spill or discharge of other hazardous material into Delaware Basin waters
    • Reports:
      • "Report to the Sanitary Water Board on Proposed Water Quality Standards for Interstate Streams (Delaware River Estuary), " Oct. 10, 1966;
    • Publication:
      • Estuary News, Vol. 5, issue, winter 1995; Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program," Sept. 1979
    • News clipping:
      • "River's Getting Cleaner" by Ramona Smith, Philadelphia Daily News, Feb. 10, 1995
    • Speech:
      • "Water Quality Planning and Management Experiences of the Delaware River Basin Commission," by J. F. Wright and R. Porges to the 5th International Water Pollution Research Conference, July-August 1970.

Box 74

  • Miscellaneous Correspondence, Newsletters, Notes and Reports, 1946-1995 (folder 74-1). This folder contains documentation about the Delaware River Basin.
    • Correspondence:
      • Lyon to C.T. Beechwood, Jan. 17, 1968, Beechwood to Lyon, Feb. 8, 1968 and Beechwood to Lyon, March 13, 1968 re: historical information on the Delaware River
    • Reports:
      • Water Research Foundation, "A Brief Report on the Study of Governmental Organization for the Water Resources of the Delaware River Basin by the Maxwell Graduate School, Syracuse University," 1959
      • William A. Schnader, "Pennsylvania, New York and the Waters of the Delaware River," August 27, 1965;
    • Articles:
      • Ralph Porges, "Regional Water Quality Standards," Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division/Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineering, June 1969
      • Sidney Shalett, "Look What They're Doing to the Delaware!" Saturday Evening Post, Sept. 30, 1950;
    • Speeches:
      • Benjamin C. Dysart III, "Water and the Environmental in a Changing Economy," to the Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin 22nd annual fall Water Resources Conference, Oct. 15, 1984
    • Publications:
      • Pennsylvania Angler, vol. 51, no. 5, May 1982
  • Overhead Projector Sheets for a Delaware River Presentation, ca. 1987 (folder 74-2)
  • Philadelphia File, 1941-1987 (folder 74-3)
  • Point Pleasant Pumping Station, 1987 (folder 74-4)
  • Schuylkill River File, 1931-2001 (folder 74-5)
  • The Delaware Estuary: Discover Its Secrets, 1994 (folder 74-6)
  • The Delaware Estuary: Discover Its Secrets - Executive Summary of the Delaware Estuary Management Plan, 1994 (folder 74-7)
  • The Delaware River Basin - An Environmental Assessment of Three Centuries of Change, August 1975 (folder 74-8)
  • The Delaware River Basin Physical Facts - A Graphic Compendium containing Maps and Charts, 1940 (folder 74-9)
  • The Tri-State Fishery Study - A Cooperative Investigation of the Delaware River Fishery, 1959-1962 (folder 74-10)
  • The Uncertain Search for Environmental Policy: Scientific Fact Finding and Rational Decision Making along the Delaware River, January 1972 (folder 74-11)
  • Two Water Problems within the Delaware River Basin: Alternative Means of Their Solution, December 1987 (folder 74-12)

Subject File: Water Resources

Great Lakes Files

3 boxes
{series #472m.72}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Various documents, all of which pertain to the Great Lakes and the battle being waged against their contamination. Materials pertaining to various groups committed to this cause, including the Great Lakes Protection Fund, the Great Lakes Council of Governors, Great Lakes United and the Great Lakes Commission are contained in this series.

Box 75

  • A Prescription for Healthy Great Lakes - Report of the Program for Zero Discharge, February 1991 (folder 75-1)
  • Exotic Species and the Shipping Industry: The Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence Ecosystem at Risk, September 1990 (folder 75-2)
  • Great Lakes Commission, 1992, 1993 (folder 75-3)
  • Great Lakes Fishery Commission Plan and Reports, 1980-1984 (folder 75-4)
  • Great Lakes Protection Fund, 1991-1993 (folder 75-5)
  • Great Lakes United, 1988-1995 (folder 75-6)
  • Master Plan for Improving Water Quality in the Grand Calumet River/Indiana Harbor Canal, January 1985 (folder 75-7)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1971-2000 (folders 75-8 & 9) Box 75, folder 75-8, Level 4-3467
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings, and reports, 1971-2000. This folder has materials relating to the Great Lakes. Below are examples of items available.
    • Correspondence:
      • Darlene Pearson to Lyon, Dec. 1, 2000 and Lyon to Pearson, Dec. 20, 2000 re: environmental law enforcement in Canada
      • Michael Gilbertson to Lyon, Oct. 26, 1994 re: Great Lakes research inventory
      • Alfred M. Beeton to Lyon, March 10, 1995 and Lyon to Congressman Mike Doyle, April 6, 1995 re: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL);
    • Proceedings:
      • Conference, "Management and Uses of the Great Lakes Ecosystem Approach," June 7-9, 1992, Racine, Wisconsin
    • Reports:
      • Harold J. Day and Douglas McTavish, "Recent Progress with Cost Effective Water Resource Activities in the Great Lakes Region of North America," undated
      • Citizens Fund & the Industrial States Policy Center, "Poisoning the Great Lakes: Manufacturers' Toxic Chemical Releases," April 1992
      • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, "Report on Water Pollution Control in the Great Lakes," May 20, 1971
      • The Center for Strategic and International Studies, "If Prevention Fails: A Great Lakes Environmental Crisis Simulation," Revised May 22, 1991
    • Articles:
      • Debra K. Rubin et al, "Great Lakes Plan Disputed," ENR, March 27, 1995
      • John T. Lehman, "Causes and Consequences of Cladoceran Dynamics in Lake Michigan," Journal of Great Lakes Research, vol. 17, no. 4, 1991
    • Publications:
      • The University of Toledo Law Review, vol. 26, no. 2, winter 1995. Special issue devoted to a Great Lakes symposium;
    • Speech:
      • "Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative: Ohio's Direct Cost Impact Study" by Ronald J. Marnico to the 6th Annual Business and Industry Environmental Symposium, April 15, 1997, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Great Lakes. The following items are representative of types of materials available. (folder 75-9)
    • News clippings:
      • John Urquhart, "Proposal to Export Great Lakes Water Raises Concern," Wall Street Journal, May 7, 1988
      • John Urquhart, "U.S. and Canada To Revive Once-Grand Waterway," Wall Street Journal, March 12, 1988
    • Articles:
      • W. S. Gardner et al, "Release of phosphorus by certain benthic invertebrates," Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences," vol. 38, no. 8, 1981
      • Joseph V. De Pinto, "Great Lakes water quality improvement," Environment, Science & Technology, vol. 20, no. 8, 1986
    • Reports:
      • "Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory's Climate and Global Change Large Lakes Research Program," undated
      • Cuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan, "Stage One Report," undated
      • Lake Ontario Toxics Committee, "Draft: Lake Ontario Toxics Management Plan," March 1988
    • Publications:
      • Environment Canada, Conservation and Protection, A State of the Environmental Fact Sheet: Trends in contaminant levels in the Niagara River, SOE Fact Sheet No. 93-2, 1993
      • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, United States Progress Report on the Great Lakes, October 1993
  • National Environment Law Center Papers, 1995 (folder 75-10)

Box 76

  • Newsletters from Various Great Lakes Organizations, 1988-1993 (folder 76-1)
  • Oversight of EPA and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement - Hearings before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, 1989 (folder 76-2)
  • Pre-1980 Great Lakes File, 1971-1979 (folder 76-3)
  • Report to the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board - The Ecosystem Approach, November 1991 (folder 76-4)
  • State of the Great Lakes 1997 Annual Report - Lake Huron: The "Forgotten" Lake? (folder 76-5)
  • Wingspread Conference, 1991, 1992 (folder 76-6)

Box 77

  • Council of Governors, A More Comprehensive Approach is Needed to Clean Up the Great Lakes - Report to the U.S. Congress by the Comptroller General, May 1982 (folder 77-1)
  • Buffalo River Remedial Action Plan Summary (Draft), March 1989 (folder 77-2)
  • Great Lakes Initiative File, 1993-1996 (folder 77-3)
  • Lake Michigan Intensive Survey, 1976-1977 (Includes Management Report), 1980 (folder 77-4)
  • Newsletter and Miscellaneous Reports, 1982-1999 (folder 77-5) More materials about the Great Lakes are within this folder.
  • The Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative: Cost Effective Measures to Enhance Environmental Quality and Regional
  • Competitiveness, Draft Final and Final Copies, 1993 (folder 77-6)
  • The Law and the Lakes - Toward a Legal Framework for Safeguarding the Great Lakes Water Supply, 1986 (folder 77-7)