Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Group 472 - Part 1

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Group 472 (pt. 1)

MG-472 Walter Lyon Papers

1902-2007 (bulk 1955-1995)
(58 cu. ft.)

Walter Lyon was a civil engineer who held a variety of administrative positions in both state and federal government during the second half of the twentieth century, and specialized in environmental and health issues.

Born in Cologne, Germany on June 26, 1924, he eventually immigrated to the United States, serving in the U.S. Army during World War II. After the war, he received a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering, as well as a Master's Degree in Sanitary Engineering, from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He also studied political science and public administration at American University in Washington, D.C. from 1950-1953. Lyon started his career in sanitary engineering at the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington, D.C., serving as Assistant Chief of the Planning and Development Branch, Division of Engineering Resources, from 1950-1954. After a three-year stint as Assistant Chief of the Environmental Health Section, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, he moved into a number of Pennsylvania Civil Service positions.

Beginning his career with the Commonwealth as the Assistant Director of the Division of Sanitary Engineering, Department of Health, in 1957, Lyon was quickly promoted to Director of the Division in 1958, a post at which he served until 1970. In 1971, he accepted the position of Director of the Bureau of Water Quality Management, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. During the eight years Lyon was in charge of the Bureau, he led the Commonwealth's water pollution and drinking water programs, instituting many program innovations such as the State's groundwater and biology programs. The final position Lyon held with the Commonwealth was Deputy Secretary for Planning, Department of Environmental Resources, from 1979-1983. In addition to heading the water pollution and drinking water programs during his tenure with the Commonwealth, Lyon was responsible for the Commonwealth's Environmental Master Plan, which gives direction to many diverse resources and programs of Pennsylvania's government, the State's Recreation Plan, federal environmental and resources legislation and policy analysis.

After 1983, he served as a consultant in environmental engineering and water resources for various public and private organizations, as well as instructing prospective engineers in Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. In addition to his service on numerous technical committees for organizations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers, Lyon has worked on national and international engineering, environmental resources and water policy matters as a member of the International Joint Commission's Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Science Advisory Board, the Board of Visitors of the University of Pittsburgh, the U.S. Delegation to the International Conference on Water for Peace, and the U.S. Environmental Control Mission to the Netherlands and Eastern Europe. Some of his numerous awards include: the Karl M. Mason Award for Creativity in Environmental Management (1980), 1994 Service to the Profession Award of the American Society of Civil Engineers' Water Resources Planning and Management Division, and the 1998 Engineer of the Year, Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers.

Included in this collection are Lyon's personal and professional papers, which have been divided into four sections. The first grouping contains materials relative to the various organizations with which Lyon was involved over the course of his career, including twenty boxes of files pertaining to the International Joint Commission, eight boxes discussing various Pennsylvania associations, as well as the Society for Risk Analysis and the Coalition of Northeastern Governors, both interstate commissions. Lyon's Subject File encompasses the second section, which is housed in seventy-eight boxes. It includes topics such as Pennsylvania solid wastes, drinking water, environmental monitoring and mapping, public health and water quality, to name a few. Newspaper articles, correspondence, meeting notices and agendas, publications, reports, academic papers, and miscellaneous other documents are present in these first two groups. Walter Lyon's personal file comprises the third group, with personal correspondence, interviews relative to Lyon's career and the career of Karl Mason, publications, speeches and general files, included in ten boxes. Finally, audio and graphics files, which encompass audio tapes, camera cards, lantern slides, microfiche, microfilm, negatives (4"x5"), photographs, slides and video tapes, are contained in the fourth section. Further information on the Sanitary Water Board can be found in the Records of the Dept. of Forests and Waters (RG-6), Records of the Dept. of Health (RG 11), Records of the Dept. of Commerce, (RG-31) Records of the Dept. of Environmental Resources (RG-43) and Records of the Dept. of Mines and Minerals (RG-45).

Organization Files: International Joint Commission

The International Joint Commission was created under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 which gave the Commission jurisdiction over cases involving the use, obstruction or diversion of waters on either side of the boundary between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

General Reports

3 boxes
{series #472m.1}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Miscellaneous reports, most produced by the International Joint Commission, are contained in this series. The types of reports range from the very general, such as the IJC Activities Reports, Annual Reports and Biennial Reports on Great Lakes Water Quality, to the specific, such as "Fate of Chemicals in Municipal Sewage Treatment Facilities - An Overview."

Box 1

  • Activities Reports for the I.J.C., including the 1983-84, 1985 and 1986 Reports, 1983-1986 (folder 1-1)
  • Assessing North America's Management of Its Transboundary Waters, 1993 (folder 1-2)
  • Biennial Reports on Great Lakes Water Quality, including the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Reports, 1982-1989 (folder 1-3)
  • Biennial Reports on Great Lakes Water Quality, including the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th Reports, 1990-2000 (folder 1-4)
  • Council of Great Lakes Research Managers - Report to the International Joint Commission, 1993 (folder 1-5)
  • Dependence and Interdependence in Transboundary Environmental Relations, 1981 (folder 1-6)
  • Fate of Chemicals in Municipal Sewage Treatment Facilities - An Overview, October 1989 (folder 1-7)
  • FOCUS on International Joint Commission Activities, 1994 (folder 1-8)
  • Great Lakes Environmental Assessment Report, 1993 (folder 1-9)
  • Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Program Review, November 1989 (folder 1-10)

Box 2

  • Great Lakes Water Quality Reports, 1972, 1973 & 1989 (folder 2-1)
  • Interim Report on the Regulation of Great Lake Levels, 1968 (folder 2-2)
  • International Joint Commission, United States and Canada - Rules of Procedure and Text of Treaty, 1965, 1980 (folder 2-3)
  • International Joint Commission Annual Report, 1975 (folder 2-4)
  • International Joint Commission Annual Report - 70 Years of Accomplishment, 1978-1979 (folder 2-5)
  • International Joint Commission Annual Report, 1980 (folder 2-6)
  • International Joint Commission Report to December 1982 (folder 2-7)
  • Living with the Lakes: Challenges and Opportunities - A Progress Report to the IJC, July 1989 (folder 2-8)
  • Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement in the Great Lakes Basin - An Overview of Post-PLUARG Developments, August 1983 (folder 2-9)
  • Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission Reports, 1992, 1995 (folder 2-10)
  • Pollution of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the International Section of the Saint Lawrence River, Report to the IJC, Volume 1 - Summary, 1969 (folder 2-11)

Box 3

  • Pollution of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the International Section of the Saint Lawrence River, Report to the IJC, Volume 2 - Lake Erie, 1969 (folder 3-1)
  • Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, A Summary Report, 1974 (folder 3-2)
  • Research/Science Advisory Board's Recommendations and the Responses of the International Joint Commission and the United States and Canadian Governments, 1973-1981 (folder 3-3)
  • The IJC and the 21st Century, 1997 (folder 3-4)
  • The International Joint Commission - What it is, How it Works, 1994 (folder 3-5)
  • United States Response to Recommendations in the International Joint Commission's Fifth Biennial Report, September 1991 (folder 3-6)
  • Upper Great Lakes Water Quality Report and Summary, 1979 (folder 3-7)
  • Water Pollution Control under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, May 1980 (folder 3-8)
  • Workshop on Environmental Mapping of the Great Lakes, November 1976 (folder 3-9)

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Files

1 box & 1 folder
{series #472m.2}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was initially signed in 1972, with amendments and revisions occurring in later years. The Agreement, made between the United States and Canada, called for cooperation between the two nations to reduce the level of toxins and other pollutants that were being poured into the Great Lakes, and thus seriously compromising their water quality. Copies of the agreements, as well as related correspondence, news clippings and reports, are included.

Box 4

  • Bibliography of Reports Issued under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreements of 1972 and 1978, 1990 (folder 4-1)
  • Correspondence, 1988, 1990 (folder 4-2)
  • First Report of Canada under the 1987 Protocol to the 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, December 1988 (folder 4-3)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1972, 1974 (folder 4-4)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, 1st Biennial Report, 1982 (folder 4-5)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, Original & Revised Copies, 1978, 1989 (folder 4-6)
  • Indicators to Evaluate Progress under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 1996 (folder 4-7)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, 1989-1995 (folder 4-8)
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1986-1992 (folder 4-9)
    • Testimony: Thomas D. Martin before the US House of Representatives Committee on Water Resources and Transportation Sub-Committee on Oversight and Investigation, July 30, 1986
    • Correspondence: William Reilly to James Baker III, Jan. 10, 1990 re: allegation that the federal government is not fully implementing the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
  • Protocol Amending the 1978 Agreement between the United States of America and Canada on Great Lakes Water Quality, as Amended on October 16, 1983 (folder 4-10)
  • Reports:
    • Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement - Working Papers and Discussion, 1984 (folder 4-11)
    • The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, an Evolving Instrument for Ecosystem Management, 1985 (folder 4-12)

Box 5

  • Unfulfilled Promises - A Citizen's Review of the International Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 1987 (folder 5-1)

Monitoring Files

2 folders
{series #472m.3}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

These are various reports, correspondence and articles concerning the monitoring of Great Lakes aquatic ecosystems and water quality. Files such as "Final Report of the Ecosystem Objectives Committee" and "Toward a Transboundary Monitoring Network, A Continuing Binational Exploration," are included.

Box 5

  • CEQ NPRA Regulations, Appendices I-III, 1984 (folder 5-2)
  • Final Report of the Ecosystem Objectives Committee, 1990 (folder 5-3)
  • Great Lakes Diversions & Consumptive Uses, 1985 (folder 5-4)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee, 1980 (folder 5-5)
  • Interim Report of Selected Information on State and Local Agency Air Toxics Activities, 1984 (folder 5-6)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Correspondence, 1984-1992 (folder 5-7)
    • Correspondence: E. T. Wagner to V. V. Adamkus and J. D. Kingham, Oct. 10, 1984 re: rational for and status of the Great Lake and Connecting Channel Surveillance Plan.
    • News clipping: "Water Quality Plan to Go Public," by Emilia Askari, Detroit Free Press, Dec. 17, 1992.
    • Publication: J.E. Gannon, C. J. Edwards, T.B. Reynoldson and J. H. Hartig, "Indicator Approaches Used In the Great Lakes
    • International Surveillance Program," IEE Oceans 1986 Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC, Sept. 23-25, 1986
  • Modeling Task Force Presentation Overhead Sheets, 1985 (folder 5-8)
  • Progress Report #4 to the IJC by the International Air Quality Advisory Board, for Consideration at the Annual Meeting, 1987 (folder 5-9)
  • Resources for the Future, 1988 (folder 5-10)
  • Review of the Research Advisory Board/Science Advisory Board Recommendations and Supporting Reports with IJC and Government Responses, 1988 (folder 5-11)
  • Toward a Transboundary Monitoring Network, A Continuing Binational Exploration, 1984 (folder 5-12)
  • Uses, Abuses, and Future of Great Lakes Modeling, 1986 (folder 5-13)

Dredging/In-Situ Contaminants Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.4}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 4 contains materials that relate to dredging and in-situ sediment contaminants in the Great Lakes region. Reports, such as "Ecological Effects of In-Situ Sediment Contaminants" and "Evaluation of Dredged Material Disposal Options for Two Great Lakes Harbors using the Water Quality Board Dredging Subcommittee Guidelines," are included along with various articles and correspondence.

Box 6

  • A Forum to Review Confined Disposal Facilities for Dredged Materials in the Great Lakes, 1986 (folder 6-1)
  • Conference Proceedings for The Sediment Solution, 1988 (folder 6-2)
  • Dredging - Building and Maintaining our Underwater Highways, Undated (folder 6-3)
  • Ecological Effects of In-Situ Sediment Contaminants, 1984 (folder 6-4)
  • Environmental Effects of Dredging Information Exchange Bulletins, October 1983 and May 1984 (folder 6-5)
  • Evaluation of Dredged Material Disposal Options for Two Great Lakes Harbors using the Water Quality Board Dredging Subcommittee Guidelines, 1983 (folder 6-6)
  • Evaluation of Sediment Bioassessment Techniques, 1986 (folder 6-7)
  • Great Lakes Dredging in an Ecosystem Perspective - Lake Erie, 1983 (folder 6-8)
  • International Workshop on "The Ecological Effects of In-Situ Sediment Contaminants," 1984 (folder 6-9)
  • Mercury Pollution in the Wabigoon-English River System of Northwestern Ontario, and Possible Remedial Measures - Summary of the Technical Report, 1984 (folder 6-10)
  • Mercury Pollution in the Wabigoon-English River System of Northwestern Ontario, and Possible Remedial Measures - Technical Report, 1984 (folder 6-11)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Correspondence, 1983-1986 (folder 6-12)
  • quot; Publication: Program, "Dredging '84: A Specialty Conference on Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal," Nov. 14-16, 1984, Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Box 7

  • Options for the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments in the Great Lakes, 1988 (folder 7-1)
  • Procedures for the Assessment of Contaminated Sediment Problems in the Great Lakes, December 1988 (folder 7-2)
  • Report on Great Lakes Water Quality and Appendix, 1983 (folder 7-3)
  • The English-Wabigoon River System, 1983 (folder 7-4)

Niagara River Contamination Files

1 box
{series #472m.5}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The contamination of the Niagara River, and its impact on the Great Lakes, is discussed in this series. The Niagara is the major waterway connecting Lakes Ontario and Erie, and accounts for 83% of the water which flows into Lake Ontario. For these reasons, it is a vital link in the Great Lakes system, and is particularly important to the water quality of Lake Ontario. Various reports, articles and correspondence document the river's degradation and the proposals which were put forward in the attempt to clean it up.

Box 8

  • A Human Ecological and Critical Pathway Analysis of Persistent Toxic Substances Entering the Niagara River and Lake Ontario, 1985 (folder 8-1)
  • A Survey of Attitudes Towards Water Quality in Communities along the Canadian Side of the Niagara River, October 1983 (folder 8-2)
  • Journal of Great Lakes Research, Volume 9, Number 2, 1983 (folder 8-3)
  • Miscellaneous Articles and Correspondence, 1983-1985 (folder 8-4)
    • News clippings:
      • "Massachusetts Legislature Votes Program to Clean Boston Harbor," New York Times, Dec. 19, 1984;
      • "Why Judges Act," by Anthony Lewis, New York Times, Dec. 20, 1984;
      • "Niagara Officials Given Leaves after Investigation," New York Times, Dec. 8, 1985.
  • Niagara Falls Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1978 (folder 8-5)
  • Niagara River Action Plan, 1986 (folder 8-6)
  • Report of the Niagara River Toxics Committee, October 1984 (folder 8-7)
  • Report of the Niagara River Toxics Committee - Summary and Recommendations, October 1984 (folder 8-8)
  • Special Report under the 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement on Pollution in the Niagara River, 1981 (folder 8-9)
  • Task Force Report on the IJC's Role and Priorities under the Revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Draft #4, 1990 (folder 8-10)
  • The Niagara Labyrinth - The Human Ecology of Producing Organochlorine Chemicals, 1985 (folder 8-11)

Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Minutes and Agendas

{series #472.6}

Arranged chronologically by subject.

The Great Lakes Science Advisory Board (SAB) was established under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement to provide scientific advice to the International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Water Quality Board, and is responsible for developing recommendations on all matters related to research and the development of scientific knowledge pertinent to Great Lakes water quality. Such a broad mandate requires a multi-disciplinary approach and accordingly, members are appointed from each country by the IJC with expertise in the natural, physical and social sciences." Series 6 contains the board minutes and agendas of the SAB, dating from 1989 through 1995.

Box 9

  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 75th Meeting Minutes, August 29-31, 1989 (folder 9-1)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 76th Meeting Minutes, October 11, 1989 (folder 9-2)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 77th Meeting Minutes, December 6-8, 1989 (folder 9-3)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 78th Meeting Minutes, February 21-23, 1990 (folder 9-4)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 79th Meeting Minutes, Action Items and Agenda, May 23-25, 1990 (folder 9-5)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 83rd Meeting Draft Minutes, September 28-29, 1991 (folder 9-6)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 85th Meeting Minutes and Agenda, February 25-26, 1992 (folder 9-7)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 86th Meeting Minutes, May 15, 1992 (folder 9-8)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 88th Meeting Record, December 16, 1992 (folder 9-9)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 89th Meeting Agenda, February 24, 1993 (folder 9-10)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, 91st Meeting Minutes, December 8-9, 1993 (folder 9-11)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1990, 1995 (folder 9-12)
    • Correspondence:
      • J. Barica to Marty Bratzel, March 1, 1990, Katherine Davies to Marty Bratzel, March 8, 1990 and Walter A. Lyon to Marty Bratzel, March 7, 1990 all re: Port Hope Harbor, Ganaraska River, Ontario, Canada.
      • A.M. Beeton and J. R. Vallentyne to David G. Chance and David A. LaRoche, March 31, 1988 re: request of the International Joint Commission to evaluate possible protocol changes in the Revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978
    • Report:
      • David G. Stephan and John Atcheson, "EPA's Approach to Pollution Prevention," c. 1989
    • Publications:
      • "State of the Environment: A New Report," Conservation Foundation Letter, 1987, no. 5
      • Program agenda for "Harbor Development & Environmental Quality: The Next 20 Years," Feb. 24-26, 1988, Erie, Pennsylvania
      • Agenda for "Eleventh Meeting of the Council of Great Lakes Research Managers," March 8-9, 1990, Grosse Ile, Michigan.
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, 29th Meeting Minutes, January 12-13, 1989 (folder 9-13)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, 30th Meeting Draft Minutes, April 7, 1989 (folder 9-14)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, Discussion Record of the Ad Hoc Work Group on SAB Policy, October 18, 1989 (folder 9-15)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, 32nd Meeting Minutes, November 2, 1989 (folder 9-16)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, 33rd Meeting Action, January 12, 1990 (folder 9-17)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, 33rd Meeting Draft Minutes, January 12, 1990 (folder 9-18)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Executive Committee, 34th Agenda and Attachments, July 25, 1990 (folder 9-19)

Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Reports and General Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.7}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Reports and various other files relative to the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board are contained in this series. Included are annual reports detailing Board activities, as well as reports produced by the Board on a number of subjects. Work plans, correspondence and an organizational chart from 1988-1989 are also present.

Box 10

  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission, 1979 (folder 10-1)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission (includes appendix), 1980 (folder 10-2)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission, 1981 (folder 10-3)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission (includes appendix), 1982 (folder 10-4)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission, 1983 (folder 10-5)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission, 1985 (folder 10-6)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission, 1993 (folder 10-7)
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1984-1993 (folder 10-8)
  • Organizational Chart, 1988, 1989 (folder 10-9)
  • Progress Report to the IJC, November 1984 (folder 10-10)

Box 11

  • Review of the Research Board/Science Advisory Board Recommendations and Supporting Reports with IJC and Government Responses, 1973 through 1985, 1987 (folder 11-1)
  • Secretariat Assignments during Upcoming Interim Period, February 1990 (folder 11-2)
  • Summary of Record from the November 30, 1989 Meeting of the Parties to the 1987 Protocol, 1990 (folder 11-3)
  • The Ecosystem Approach: Theory and Ecosystem Integrity, June 1993 (folder 11-4)
  • Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study, Volume 1, Executive Summary, December 1988 (folder 11-5)
  • Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study, Volume 2, Final Report, December 1988 (folder 11-6)
  • Work Plan, 1990/1991 - 1991/1992 (folder 11-7)
  • Work Plan and Project Descriptions, 1989/1990 (folder 11-8)

Great Lakes Water Quality Board Reports and Meeting Materials

2 boxes
{series #472m.8}

The Great Lakes Water Quality Board, in conjunction with the Science Advisory Board, is the principal advisor to the International Joint Commission on issues of water quality, pursuant to the 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Annual reports, meeting agendas, meeting notices, various reports, and other miscellaneous files relevant to the Water Quality Board are included in this series.

Box 12

  • Pollution of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the International Section of the Saint Lawrence River, 1970 (folder 12-1)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report, 1973 (folder 12-2)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report and Appendix C Remedial Programs Subcommittee Report, 1974 (folder 12-3)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report, 1977 (folder 12-4)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report, 1978 (folder 12-5)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report and Appendix, 1980 (folder 12-6)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report and Appendix, 1981 (folder 12-7)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, A Review of the Pollution Abatement Programs Relating to the Petroleum Refinery Industry and in the Great Lakes Basin, November 1982 (folder 12-8)

Box 13

  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report and Addendum, 1982 (folder 13-1)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report Appendix, 1983 (folder 13-2)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Conference "Overcoming Institutional and Technical Constraints to Water Resources Management" and Symposium on "Options for Reaching Water Quality Goals," 1984 (folder 13-3)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report, 1985 (folder 13-4)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Meeting: "Great Lakes Reflections," 1985 (folder 13-5)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Activity Sheets, ca. 1985 (folder 13-6)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 71st Meeting Notice, 1987 (folder 13-7)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 73rd Meeting Agenda, 1987 (folder 13-8)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Summary of the Second Remedial Action Plan Forum, 1987 (folder 13-9)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 77th Meeting Minutes, 1988 (folder 13-10)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 78th Meeting Agenda, 1988 (folder 13-11)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 82nd Meeting Record of Agreement and Action, 1989 (folder 13-12)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 83rd Meeting Agenda, 1989 (folder 13-13)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, A Critique, 1989 (folder 13-14)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Executive Summary, 1989 (folder 13-15)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, A Shared Policy Vision for the Great Lakes, 1991 (folder 13-16)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Annual Report, 1993 (folder 13-17)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1983-1996 (folder 13-18)
    • Correspondence:
      • J. B. Seaborn to Lyon, Feb. 24, 1983 re: Water Quality Board representation on the International Joint Commission
      • Marty Bratzel to Carol Finch and Ron Shimizu, Oct. 15, 1987 re: "Scoping the Future for the Water Quality Board;"
      • Lyon to James G. Chandler, April 19, 1996 re: first draft of the Report on Conventional Pollutants.
    • Minutes:
      • Workshop on Scientific Challenges for Regulatory Decision Making, Feb. 22, 1993
    • Reports:
      • Great Lakes United, "The International Joint Commission under Threat: A Time for Action," March 1992
      • Leonard Dworsky and David J. Allee, "The State of the Great Lakes: Toward an Ecosystem Definition and Supporting Commentary," August 1994
    • Publication:
      • Dialogue on Hamilton Harbour, Issue #2, March 1987

Land Use Reports

1 box
{series #472m.9}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Seven reports, all in one way or another discussing the impact of land use on the water quality of the Great Lakes, are included in Series 9.

Box 14

  • A Study Proposal for Assess ing Potential for Great Lakes Contamination via Groundwater, 1985 (folder 14-1)
  • Flathead River International Study, Board Report, July 1988 (folder 14-2)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Annual Report, Appendix II, Groundwater Contamination, 1983 (folder 14-3)
  • Great Lakes Wetlands, Volume 4, Number 3, 1993 (folder 14-4)
  • International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities, Annual Progress Report, 1975 (folder 14-5)
  • Management Programs, Effects of Research and Present Land Use Activities on Water Quality of the Great Lakes, 1974 (folder 14-6)
  • The Management of Land Use Activities, which affect Water Quality in the Great Lakes Basin, 1974 (folder 14-7)

Toxic Substance Files

2 boxes

{series #472m.10}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 10 consists of various reports, articles and correspondence pertaining to toxic substances in the Great Lakes. Management policy statements, reports discussing the amount of toxics present in the Lakes, plans to reduce them and other toxics-related materials are present.

Box 15

  • A Strategy for Virtual Elimination of Persistent Toxic Substances, Volumes 1 and 2, 1993 (folder 15-1)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board, First Report of the Toxic Substances Committee, 1980 (folder 15-2)
  • Guidance on Characterization of Toxic Substances Problems in Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin, March 1987 (folder 15-3)
  • Mass Balancing of Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes: The Role of Atmospheric Deposition, 1988 (folder 15-4)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence and Reports, 1984-1995 (folder 15-5)
    • Correspondence:
      • Bob Frey to Jim Rozakis, Oct. 9, 1992 re: comments on the International Joint Commission bioindicators report
      • William A. Steggles to Douglas W. Alley, Jan. 20, 1993 re: toxics implementation evacuation report:
    • News clippings:
      • "Boil Water, Mayor Says," Milwaukee Sentinel, April 8, 1993
    • Publications:
      • "Toxic Substances in the Great Lakes Basin," by D. J. Williams, Environmental Health Review, Sept. 1984
      • "Levels of Organochlorine Chemicals in Tissues of Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Qu�bec, Canada," by D. Martineau et al., Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology vol. 16 (1987)
      • "Pathology of Stranded Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Qu�bec, Canada," by D. Martineau et al, Journal of Comparative Pathology vol. 98 (1988)
      • "The IJC and Toxics," by Walt Lyon, Oct. 21, 1991
      • "City's Water System serves 10 Other Communities," by Crocker Stephenson, Milwaukee Sentinel, April 8, 1993
      • "Experts Are at a Loss How to Stem Toxic Flow Intake into Great Lakes," Washington Post, Oct. 5, 1995
      • Persistent Toxic Substances: Virtually Eliminating Inputs to the Great Lakes, 1991 (folder 15-6)
      • Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes and Associated Effects, Volume 1 - Contaminant Levels and Trends, March 1991 (folder 15-7)

Box 16

  • Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes and Associated Effects, Volume 2 - Effects, March 1991 (folder 16-1)
  • Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem: Some Observation, 1987 (folder 16-2)
  • Toxic Substances Control Programs in the Great Lakes Basin, 1981 (folder 16-3)
  • Toxic Substances Management Policy, Government of Canada, 1995 (folder 16-4)
  • Toxic Substances Management Policy, Persistence and Bioaccumulation Criteria, Government of Canada, 1995 (folder 16-5)
  • Toxic Substances Management Policy, Report on Public Consultants, Government of Canada, 1995 (folder 16-6)

Political and Social Files

16 folders
{series #472m.11}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 11 contains articles, correspondence and a number of reports concerning the political and societal ramifications of the Great Lakes, specifically issues related to their clean-up. Titles such as "Environmental Assessment and Aboriginal Claims: Implementation of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement," "Managing the Great Lakes Basin as a Home," "Pollution Abatement: Some Observations on Political and Legal Realities" and "The Debate is Over! It is Time to Act! Citizen's Presentation to the IJC 1993 Biennial Meeting," are included.

Box 17

  • Environmental Assessment and Aboriginal Claims: Implementation of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, ca. 1986 (folder 17-1)
  • Executive Summary: Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, 1977 (folder 17-2)
  • Great Lakes Basin Framework Study: Appendix S20, State Laws, Policies and Institutional Arrangements, 1976 (folder 17-3)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality: A Study in Environmental Politics and Diplomacy, 1980 (folder 17-4)
  • Managing the Great Lakes Basin as a Home, 1986 (folder 17-5)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Correspondence and Reports, 1982-1994 and undated (folder 17-6)
    • Correspondence: Robert E. Stein to Lyon, August 4, 1983 re trans-border relations between states and provinces in the U.S. and Canada as they address natural resource and environmental activities
    • Report: Michael Rozenguet et al, "The Role of Water Diversions in the Decline of Fisheries of the Delta-San Francisco Bay & Other Estuaries," Sept. 1987
    • News clippings: "Great Lakes States Seek to Keep Their Water," by Andrew H. Malcolm, New York Times, June 13, 1984
  • National Geographic, Vol. 144, No. 2, August 1973 (folder 17-7)
  • Point Sources, New Economic Mechanisms, 1977 (folder 17-8)
  • Pollution Abatement: Some Observations on Political and Legal Realities, 1977 (folder 17-9)
  • Proceedings of the Workshop on Cause-Effect Linkages, March 1989 (folder 17-10)
  • Public Participation and Remedial Action Plans: An Overview of Approaches, Activities and Issues Arising from RAP Coordinator's Forums, 1990 (folder 17-11)
  • Public Perceptions of Water Quality in the Great Lakes, 1981 (folder 17-12)
  • Restoring and Conserving the Great Lakes, 1982 (folder 17-13)
  • The Debate is Over! It is Time to Act! Citizen's Presentation to the IJC 1993 Biennial Meeting, 1993 (folder 17-14)
  • The Ecology of the Coastal Marshes of Western Lake Erie: A Community Profile, 1987 (folder 17-15)
  • The IJC: Continuing Paradoxes, Future Prospects, 1979 (folder 17-16)
  • The Political Roles of the International Joint Commission, 1979 (folder 17-17)

Aquatic Ecosystem and Phosphate Materials

2 boxes
{series #472m.12}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Two topics, the aquatic ecosystem of the Great Lakes and the role of phosphates as pollutants in the Lakes and other bodies of water, are discussed in this series. A number of reports from the Aquatic Ecosystems Objectives Committee are present, as well as a paper entitled "Phosphorus Management for the Great Lakes, Final Report of the Phosphorus Management Strategies Task Force."

Box 18

  • Aquatic Ecosystem - A Conceptual Approach for the Application of Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Quality in the Great Lakes Basin, A Joint Effort of the International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, March 1985 (folder 18-1)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Biological Surrogates of Mesotrophic Ecosystem Health in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1990 (folder 18-2)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, December 1984 (folder 18-3)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Exotic Species and the Shipping Industry: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Ecosystem at Risk, 1990 (folder 18-4)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in Law: Some Proposals for Reform in Terms of the Bilateral Dimension (Draft), 1992 (folder 18-5)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1984-1985 (folder 18-6)
    • Correspondence:
      • John E. Gannon to Science Advisory Board Members, Dec. 3, 1984 re: specimen banking
      • Uri Marinov to Lyon, August 15, 1985 and Lyon to Marinov, Sept. 11, 1985 re: environmental master plan
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Project Hypo... An Intensive Study of the Lake Erie Central Basin Hypolimnion and Related Surface Water Phenomena, 1972 (folder 18-7)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee, 1981 (folder 18-8)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee, 1982 (folder 18-9)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee, 1983 (folder 18-10)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - Report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee, 1987 (folder 18-11)
  • Aquatic Ecosystem - The Ecosystem Approach, Initial Report of a Multi-Year Project of the Ecological Committee, 1991 (folder 18-12)
  • Phosphates - Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Ecological Effects of Non-Phosphate Detergent Builders, Final Report of Inorganic Builders, 1983 (folder 18-13)
  • Phosphates - Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Ecological Effects of Non-Phosphate Detergent Builders, Final Report on Organic Builders other than NTA, 1980 (folder 18-14)

Box 19

  • Phosphates - Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Health Implications of Non-NTA Detergent Builders, 1980 (folder 19-1)
  • Phosphates - Miscellaneous Reports, 1987, 1996 & No Date (folder 19-2)
  • Phosphates - Phosphorus: A Summary of Information Regarding Lake Water Quality, 1986 (folder 19-3)
  • Phosphates - Phosphorus Management for the Great Lakes, Final Report of the Phosphorus Management Strategies Task Force, 1980 (folder 19-4)

Health and Atmospheric/Climatic Issue Files

10 folders
{series #472m.13}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Reports dealing with air pollution and other climatic subjects are contained in this series. The bulk of the materials were created by the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, a subunit of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board.

Box 20

  • Air Quality in the Detroit-Windsor/Port Huron-Sarina Region, 1992 (folder 20-1)
  • Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Annual Report, Appendix I, Atmospheric Pollution Indicators, 1983 (folder 20-2)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Committee on the Assessment of Human Health Effects of Great Lakes Water Quality Annual Report, 1980 (folder 20-3)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Committee on the Assessment of Human Health Effects of Great Lakes Water Quality Annual Report, 1983 (folder 20-4)
  • Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Report to the IJC, Committee on the Assessment of Human Health Effects of Great Lakes Water Quality Annual Report, 1985 (folder 20-5)
  • Impacts of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Basin, Report of the First U.S.-Canada Symposium, 1988 (folder 20-6)
  • Miscellaneous, 1990 (folder 20-7)
  • Report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board - A Plan for Assessing Atmospheric Deposition to the Great Lakes, 1988 (folder 20-8)
  • Report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Committee on the Assessment of Human Health Effects of Great Lakes Water Quality, 1981 (folder 20-9)
  • Report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Committee on the Assessment of Human Health Effects of Great Lakes Water Quality, 1982 (folder 20-10)
  • Report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Proceeding of the Roundtable on the Surveillance and Monitoring Requirements for Assessing Human Health Hazards Posed by Contaminants in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, 1982 (folder 20-11)

Organization Files: Interstate Commissions

Coalition of Northeastern Governors (CONEG) Records

3 folders
{series #472m.14}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The Coalition of Northeastern Governors (CONEG) serves as a non-partisan association of the Governors of the eight Northeastern states, which include Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. CONEG encourages intergovernmental cooperation in the Northeast on issues relating to the economic, environmental and social well-being of the Northeast states. Included in Series 14 are CONEG Water Subcommittee meeting minutes, agendas, reports and correspondence, as well as correspondence relative to Jared L. Cohen.

Box 20

  • CONEG Correspondence relative to Jared L. Cohen, 1982, 1983 (folder 20-12)
  • CONEG Water Subcommittee Meeting Minutes, Agendas, Reports and Correspondence, 1982, 1983 (folders 20-13 & 14)

Society for Risk Analysis File

1 folder
{series #472m.15}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

One folder pertaining to the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, scholarly, international society that provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis, is contained in this series.

Box 20

  • Society for Risk Analysis, 1988 (folder 20-15)

Organization Files: Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Pesticide Board Files

1 box
{series #472m.16}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Correspondence, news clippings and reports relative to pest management and pesticide safety comprise Series 16. Titles include "Citizen's Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety," "School Issues related to Pesticides" and "The Changing Face of Integrated Pest Management."

Box 21

  • Citizen's Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety, 1995 (folder 21-1)
  • General Correspondence, 1991-1999 (folder 21-2)
    • 1991
      • Christine Weidner to Lyon, Dec. 18, 1991 re "Good Neighbor" pesticide legislation favored by Grass Roots the Organic Way (GROW)
    • 1993
      • Florence A. Neilson to Lyon, Oct. 11, 1993 re "Pesticide Notification Act" promoted by the group Clean Water Action
      • Lyon to William H. DeWeese, Feb. 7, 1994 re: House Bill 988 and its ramifications for the existing state pesticide program
    • 1994
      • Robert Wendlgass to Herbert Cole, March 8, 1994 re: Pesticide Advisory Board subcommittee on pesticide use in schools
      • Boyd Wolff to Donald M. Carroll, Jr., July 29, 1994 and Wolff to David L. Jannetta, Sept.7, 1994 re "Integrated Pest Management" (IPM)
    • 1995
      • Lyon to Terry R. Bossert, March 8, 1995 re water pollution in Peach Bottom Township, Lancaster County
      • Sharon Sowers to Lyon, March 25, 1995 and Lyon to Herbert Cole, April 19, 1995 re: use of pesticides in public parks
      • Lyon to Herb Cole, June 8, 1995 re: new vs. existing state laws regulating use of pesticides
  • Legislation Changes relative to Pesticides, 1990-1995 (folder 21-3)
    • "Rules and Regulations, Title 7-Agriculture, Dept. of Agriculture (7 Pa. Code Chs. 75, 128 and 129) Pesticides;"
    • "Proposed Rulemaking, Dept. of Agriculture (7 Pa. Code Ch. 128) Pesticides;" "Regulations guide parental notification of pesticide use," by John Luciew, Harrisburg Patriot-News, Feb. 10, 1995;
    • "Highlights of Pesticide Regulation Changes (effective November 1995)"
  • Legislation relative to pesticides, 1987-1996 (folder 21-40)
    • Pamphlet, "Pennsylvania Pesticide Applicator Certification," undated; "Unofficial copy, Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973, Act of 1973, P. L. 90, no. 24;"
    • "Senate Bill no. 512, Session of 1991;" "Senate Bill no. 1071, Session of 1993;" "Senate Bill no. 1088, Session of 1993;" "Senate Bill no. 1321, Session of 1993;" "Senate Bill no. 949, Session of 1995;"
    • House Bill no. 570, Session of 1991;" "House Bill no. 988, Session of 1993;" "House Bill no. 1521, Session of 1995;"
    • "Title 7-Agriculture, Dept. of Agriculture, Part V. Bureau of Plant Industry [7 Pa. Code Ch. 128] Pesticide Rules and Regulations (as amended Dec. 23, 1995);" "Title 7-Agriculture, Dept. of Agriculture, Part V, Bureau of Plant Industry [7 Pa. Code Ch. 128] Pesticides Rules and Regulations (as approved by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission on October 5, 1995"
    • "Highlights of Pesticide Regulation Changes (which became effective on Dec. 23, 1995)"
  • News clippings & publications, 1987-96, 1997 (Folder 21-5)
    • Abba I. Terr, "Clinical Ecology," Annals of Internal Medicine 111, no. 2, July 15, 1989
    • Robert Reinhold, "When Life Is Toxic," The New York Times Magazine, Sept. 16, 1990
    • Jeff Lee, "One city's response to problem of law chemical pollution," U.S. Water News, vol. 9, no. 1, July 1992
    • Marilyn Chase, "Scientists Term Food-Pesticide Cancer Risk Overrated," The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 9, 1992
    • "Rules Aim to Shield Workers From Pesticides," New York Times, August 16, 1992
    • Debora MacKenzie, "Germany defers pesticide ban," New Scientist, March 13, 1993
    • Alan B. Nichols, "A Market in the Fields," Environmental Protection, May 1993
    • Susan Snyder, "School's pesticide use worries parents," Allentown Morning Call, Jan. 20, 1994
    • "Regulating Pesticides," CQ Researcher, vol. 4, no 4, Jan. 28, 1994
    • John K. Stamer and Ronald B. Zelt, "Organonitrogen herbicides in the lower Kansas River basin," Journal AWWA, January 1994
    • "Air tests fail to end debate over pesticides," Montgomery Inquirer, (Montgomery County) Feb. 17, 1994
    • "State enters school pesticide debate," The Reporter, March 8, 1994
    • Scott Kraus, "Parents want better pest-control system," The Reporter, March 18, 1994
    • Wendy Greenberg, "A pesticide issue draws attention," Philadelphia Inquirer, March 20, 1994
    • Timothy Noah, "Golf Course Are Denounced as Health Hazards," The Wall Street Journal, May 2, 1994
    • "Surra deserves credit for backing pesticide notification," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, June 22, 1994
    • National Water Quality Assessment Program, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, "Do the pesticides I use contaminate the rivers EVERYONE uses?" ca. 1994
    • Pa. Dept. of Agriculture, Pesticide Newsletter, Special 1995 Private Applicator Edition
    • "Pesticide Risk From Produce Is Called Slight," New York Times, Sunday Nov. 16, 1997
  • Pesticides and Groundwater Strategy Final Draft, 1997 (folder 21-6)
  • Pesticide Use Practices in the Pequea-Mill Creek Watersheds, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1994 (folder 21-7)
  • Reference Materials, 1991-1994 & undated (folder 21-8)
    • U.S. General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, "Pesticides: EPA Could Do More To Minimize Groundwater Contamination," April 1991
    • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Joint Legislative Air & Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, Environmental Synopsis, August 1991
    • Bob Hall and Mary Lee Kerr, 1991-1992 Green Index: A State-By-State Guide to the Nation's Environmental Health, (Washington DC & Covelo, California: Island Press, ca. 1991-1992)
    • Usha Natarajan and R. Rajagopal, "Economics of Screening for Pesticides in Ground Water," Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 4, August 1994
    • Advertisement flyer for Pesticides in Groundwater: Occurrence, Behavior, and Regulation, Richard C. Honeycutt & Daniel J. Schabacker eds. (Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, 1994)
    • Report, Pa. Dept. of Agriculture, "Chemsweep" Update," undated
    • Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, "A Farmer's Guide to Pesticide Management," June 1991
    • Pennsylvania State University, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension, "Safe Use of Pesticides Around the Home" (Agrichemical Fact Sheet 3) undated
    • Pennsylvania State University, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension, "The Fate of Pesticides in the Environment and Ground Water Protection (Agrichemical Fact Sheet 8)
  • School Issues related to Pesticides, 1993-1995 & undated (folder 21-9)
  • The Changing Face of Integrated Pest Management (folder 21-10)
  • Pa. Dept. of Agriculture and Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Services, The Changing Face of Integrated Pest Management: IPM in Pennsylvania 1994-1995.
  • Joe Wagus Correspondence, 1996 (folder 21-11)
    • David Burke to Steven O'Neil, Robert Bauer and Joseph Feola, May 8, 1996 re: fish kill in Saw Mill Run, Lower Merion, Montgomery County
    • Lee Park to Michael Baessler, March 15, 1996 re: fish kill and pollution in Saw Mill Run, Lower Merion, Montgomery County
    • News clipping: "Toxic spill source investigated after calamity strikes local creek," by Jim McCaffrey, Main Line Life, May 2, 1996
    • "Pesticide leak kills aquatic life in Lower Merion," by Anne Barnard, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 12, 1996
    • "Tainted creek to be restocked," by Justin Pritchard, Philadelphia Inquirer, Suburban West edition, May 23, 1996. About pollution in Darby Creek.

Dept. of Environmental Resources (DER)/Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) Files

2 boxes
{series #472m.17}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Files pertaining to the Department of Environmental Resources (DER) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which was created when the DER was split into the DEP and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in 1995, are discussed in this series. Lyon worked for the DEP for twelve years, first as Director of the Bureau of Water Quality Management from 1971-1979, then as Deputy Secretary for Planning from 1979-1983. The series contains general files from both agencies, annual reports, permit guides, various publications and news clippings.

Box 22

  • Department of Environmental Protection First Year Report, 1996 (folder 22-1)
  • Department of Environmental Protection General File, 1997-1999 (folder 22-2)
  • Department of Environmental Resources, 1973 Annual Report (folder 22-3)
  • Department of Environmental Resources, 1974 Annual Report (folder 22-4)
  • Department of Environmental Resources, 1977 Annual Report (folder 22-5)
  • Department of Environmental Resources, 1978 Annual Report (folder 22-6)
  • Department of Environmental Resources General File, 1957-1979 (folder 22-7)
  • Department of Environmental Resources General File, 1981-1999 (folder 22-8)
  • Department of Environmental Resources Progress Report for 1987 and 1988 (folder 22-9)
  • Department of Environmental Resources Regulations, An Analysis, 1982 (folder 22-10)

Box 23

  • Environmental Insight, Vol. 1, Nos. 2 & 3, 1994 (folder 23-1)
  • Governor's Timber Conference, Penn's Woods - 300 Years Later, 1983 (folder 23-2)
  • Guide to DER Permits, 1994 (folder 23-3)
  • Guide to Sewage Facilities Plan Updates (DER), 1994 (folder 23-4)
  • Internal Affairs Committee, 1970-1994 (folder 23-5)
    • Correspondence
      • Lyon to Clifford L. Jones, Dec. 31, 1980 re: federal legislation on the environment and the 96th Congress.
      • Eric R. Conrad to Lyon, April 22, 1987 re Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program
      • Lyon to Franklin L. Kury, Sept. 10, 1990 and Kury to Lyon, Sept. 27, 1990 re: Payne v Kassab.
  • Miscellaneous Publications & Reports, 1980-1989 & undated (folder 23-6)
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Inside DER, June 1989
    • Pennsylvania State Parks, Dept. of Environmental Resources, Dedication Ceremony for Waterville Bridge, Swatara State Park, Lebanon/Schuylkill Counties.
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Pathfinder, vo1. 1, no. 10, special edition, December 1980.
  • News clippings, 1970-1992 (folder 23-7)
    • 1970
      • "Shafer Backs Bill to Create New Environment Agency" by Gary Brooten, Philadelphia Bulletin, Sept. 17, 1970
      • "New State Unit May Be Hard to Organize" by Gary Brooten, Philadelphia "Sunday Bulletin, Nov. 22, 1970
      • "Environment Agency Bill Is Signed by Shafer," Philadelphia Bulletin, Dec. 3, 1970
    • 1971
      • "Shapp Picks Wilcox, Goddard for Cabinet," by Joseph P. Lowry, Philadelphia Bulletin, Jan. 15, 1971
      • "Passage of Years Heightens Harrisburg Ecology Role" by Gary Brooten, Philadelphia Bulletin, Jan. 17, 1971
      • " Bureaucracy Thwarted Shafer Aims, Lame-Duck Environment Chief Says," by Gary Brooten, Philadelphia Bulletin, Jan. 26, 1971
      • "State Environment Unit Too Unwieldy, Goddard Says," Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 7. 1971
      • "Shapp Wants Four Legislators Removed From Policy Role on Environmental Board," Philadelphia Bulletin, March 17, 1971
      • "State Ecology Watchdog Unit Names Chairman" by Gary Brooten, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, June 8, 1971
      • "Ecology Chief Has Uphill Climb" by Mike Clark, Philadelphia Inquirer, August 7, 1971
      • Goddard Wins Ecology Post After 7 Months" by Duke Kaminski, Philadelphia Bulletin, Nov. 9, 1971
    • 1974
      • "Ecology Movement Is Stalled" by Warren Froelich, Philadelphia Bulletin, May 5, 1974
    • 1977
      • "Goddard Raps Cuts In Budget," Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin, May 22, 1977
    • 1978
      • "DER faces budget cutbacks" by Sarah Forth, Harrisburg: The Monthly News Magazine, July 1978
    • 1979
      • "Business leader in Pa. post" by Mark Manoff, Philadelphia Bulletin, Jan. 4, 1979
      • "Iacavazzi Ruling Based on Drivers' Story, Secret Loads" by Lew Marcus, Scranton Tribune, May 14, 1979
      • "Thornburgh 'Assured' on Water Dump," Lancaster New Era, May 15, 1979
    • 1981
      • "350 apply for DER waste sites," Harrisburg Evening News, Oct. 23, 1981
    • 1982
      • "DER chief expected to resign" by David Morrison and Walter F. Roche Jr., Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 17, 1982
    • 1983
      • "Shake-Up Shocks Environmentalists," Harrisburg Patriot-News, Feb. 3, 1983
      • "DER cloud: Environmentalists charge favoritism" by James O'Toole, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 11, 1983
      • "Naturalists angered by DER purge" by Frederick Cusick, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 11, 1983
      • "New Jersey plans cleanup of 132 toxic sites" by James Asher, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 11, 1983
  • "Ozone Stakeholder's Group, 1998-2000 (folder 23-8)
  • Permit Guide to Sewage Sludge Permits (DER), 1994 (folder 23-9)
  • Permit Guide to Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activities (DER), 1994 (folder 23-10)
  • Permit Process (DER), 1981-1994 (folder 23-11)
  • Prince George's County's Department of Environmental Resources, A Guide to Services, 1991 (folder 23-12)
  • Process Improvement Files, 1994, 1995 (folder 23-13)
  • Report of the Pennsylvania 21st Century Environment Commission, 1998 (folder 23-14)
  • Salvaggio, James, 1993 (folder 23-15)
  • Sewage Facilities Planning, A Guide for Preparing Act 537 Update Revisions (DEP), 1998 (folder 23-16)

Bureau of Water Quality Management (BWQM) Files

3 boxes & 4 folders
{series #472m.18}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

As stated in the previous series description, Walter Lyon served as the Pennsylvania DER's Director of the Bureau of Water Quality Management from 1971-1979. Series 18 includes correspondence, newsletters, publications, reports and numerous other types of files concerning the Bureau and Lyon's time with it. A history file of the Bureau, which includes a few photocopies of materials dating from 1902, is present.

Box 24

  • A Report to the People of Pennsylvania: Your Clean Streams Programs, 1960 (folder 24-1)
  • Annual Reports, 1970-1981 (excluding 1979) (folder 24-2)
  • Clean Streams Newsletter, Nos. 71 & 79, 1966, 1968 (folder 24-3)
  • Clean Streams Program and Laws, 1957-1990 (folder 24-4)
  • Clean Streams Program Chronology of Milestones, 1905-1977 (folder 24-5)
  • Clean Water is Wealth Brochure, 1969 (folder 24-6)
  • Delegation of Authority File, 1967-1977 (folder 24-7)
  • Department of Health, Division of Sanitary Engineering Annual Reports, 1958-1969 (excluding 1968) (folder 24-8)
  • Department of Health Annual Report, 1969 (folder 24-9)

Box 25

  • Governor's Citizens' Advisory Committee to the Public Health Survey, 1960, 1961, 1976 (folder 25-1)
  • Governor's Conference on Water Pollution Control, Proceedings of the Conference Held at Camp Hill, Pa., October 1-3, 1969 (folder 25-2)
  • History File of the Bureau, 1902-1977 (folder 25-3)
    • Report:
      • "Tentative Rules and Regulations of the Sanitary Water Board," May 13, 1950 Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, "Final Report of the Pennsylvania Sanitary Water Board, 1923-1971" (Publication no. 29)
    • Publications:
      • Central Pennsylvania Open Pit Mining Association Bulletin No. 166
      • Clean Streams No. 75, 4th Quarter (fall) 1967
      • Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania Magazine vol. 10, no.1, Jan.-Feb. 1977
    • News clippings:
      • "Paxton Creek Is Polluted by Sewage," Harrisburg Patriot, Jan. 2, 1902
      • "Harrisburg Must Have Filtration," Harrisburg Patriot, Jan. 6, 1902
      • "Not a Cent to Be Spent For Improvement of Front Street," Harrisburg Patriot, Jan. 10, 1902
      • "Much Coal in River," Harrisburg Patriot, August 19, 1902
      • "Plans To Clean Paxton Creek," Harrisburg Patriot, Dec. 24, 1902
      • "Dr. Dixon's Campaign Against Pollution," Harrisburg Patriot, August 5, 1905
      • "Urges Keeping Streams Pure," Harrisburg Telegraph, April 14, 1924
      • "U.S. Isn't Passing the Acid Test," Washington Post, Jan. 10, 1965
    • Speech:
      • W. L. Stevenson and H. E. Moses, "The State's Effort to Protect Public Water Supplies," at 32nd annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Water Works Association, Atlantic City, NJ, Oct. 20, 1927
  • Legislation File, 1971, 1984 (folder 25-4)
    • Publications:
      • Edward R. Paul and Michael J. Shepard, "Statutory Pollution Control in Pennsylvania," Villanova Law Review vol. 16, May 1971
      • Pennsylvania Bulletin, Vol. 14, no. 38, Saturday, September 22, 1984, Harrisburg, Pa., Part II. This part contains the Environmental Quality Board's proposed water quality standards.
  • Miscellaneous Reports, 1970-1982 (folder 25-5)
    • Pa. Dept. of Health annual report, 1970
    • Pa. Dept. of Health, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, "Report on Comprehensive System Design for Water Quality Management Information System, June 1970"
    • "Final Report of the Pennsylvania Sanitary Water Board, May 1971"
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, "Annual Statistical Summary Report, 1978"
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, 1978 Annual Highlights Report"
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, "Monthly Report, March 1979"
  • Miscellaneous Reports, 1970-1982 (folder 25-6)
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, Publication no. 42: "1980 Water Quality Inventory"
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, "1982 Water Quality Inventory"
  • News clippings, 1971-1987 (folder 25-7):
    • "State Raps Stream Program" by Fred Jones, Pittsburgh Press, Oct. 1, 1971
    • "Water Treatment Concern Grows" by Fred Jones, Pittsburgh Press, May 27, 1973
    • "EPA guidelines hinder progress, officials complain," Harrisburg Evening News, Oct. 8, 1974
    • "Clean-air 'disaster' seen," Harrisburg Evening News, Feb. 27, 1974
    • "Cleanup Not Impossible After All," (editorial) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Nov. 27, 1974
    • "Clean Stream law-not as tough as rumored," Pennsylvania Farmer, March 22, 1975
    • "State Makes Headway on Cleanup of Waterways," Harrisburg Patriot, May 6, 1975
    • "An 'Environmental Cop' Helps Keep Waters Near Pittsburgh Clean," Wall Street Journal, August 7, 1975
    • "Pa. Tries New Water Quality Management Plan" by Betty J. Kampschroer, Water and Sewage Works, Jan. 1976
    • "State Seeks Lagoons' Draining to Prevent Oil Spills," Allentown Call-Chronicle, Nov. 18, 1976
    • "Waterways Due Costly Cleanup" by Ralph Haurwitz, Pittsburgh Press, Dec. 9, 1979
    • "Environmental protection: Whom do we believe? By Randy Kraft, Allentown Call-Chronicle, April 4, 1982
    • "Don't dilute water law" (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, Nov. 19, 1984
    • "Pa.'s giant step backward on water-quality efforts," Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 13, 1984

Box 26

  • News clippings and Miscellaneous Reports, 1957-1980 & undated (folder 26-1)
    • "Cleaning Up the Watershed," by Fred Jones, Pittsburgh Press Roto Magazine, Sunday July 31, 1966. On the Slippery Rock Creek Watershed
    • Pa. Dept. of Health, Bureau of Environmental Health, 1957 annual report
    • "New Zealander Studies State Streams Setup," Harrisburg Evening News, Dec. 3, 1960
    • "State Plans Plants to Treat Mine Water," Pittsburgh Press, March 17, 1967?
    • Collection of political cartoons relating to pollution
  • Newsletters, 1980-1989 (folder 26-2)
    • League of Women Voters of Pa., Water Quality Management in Pennsylvania: Problems and Solutions, 1979-1980
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Insight, vol. 1, no. 2, Spring 1988; vol. 1, no. 3, summer 1988; vol. 1, no. 4, fall 1988; vol. 2, no. 1, winter 1989; vol. 2, no. 2, spring 1989; vol. 2, no. 4, fall 1989
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, Clean WaDER, vol. 2, nos. 1-4, 1987; vol. 3, nos. 2-4, 1988; vol. 4, no. 1, March 1989; vol. 5, nos. 1-2, 1990
    • The Great Lakes Reporter, vol. 6, no. 1, Jan-Feb. 1989
  • Pennsylvania Water Resources Coordinating Committee, 1975 Annual Meeting Packet (folder 26-3)
  • People and Water, A Lesson from History, ca. 1971 (folder 26-4)
  • People and Water and People, 1961 (folder 26-5)
  • Personnel Rosters, 1974-1978 (folder 26-6)
  • Personnel Rosters, Other Agencies, 1960-1981 (folder 26-7)
  • Position Paper on Governor Raymond P. Shafer's Message on Conservation, 1967 (folder 26-8)
  • Report to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Comprehensive Review of the Water Pollution Enforcement Program, 1970 (folder 26-9)
  • Walter Lyon Personal File (Includes Photographs), 1970-1977 & undated (folder 26-10)
    • 4 images, including one of Governor Scranton signing a piece of legislation, which also includes Governor Shafer, which have been removed to Series 97, Box 124
  • Water Quality and Pollution Files, 1963 (folder 26-11)
    • Testimony: Charles L. Wilbar to the House Committee on Public Works Concerning Senate Bill 649, Dec. 5, 1963; Karl M. Mason before the Natural Resources and Power Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives, June 6, 1963
    • Speech: Charles L. Wilbar to Pa. Water Pollution Control Association, August 8, 1963, State College, Centre the County
  • Water Quality & Pollution Files, 1971-1996 & undated (folder 26-11)
    • Correspondence: Wesley E. Gilbertson to Edward M. Seladones, March 27, 1972 re: program policy guidelines for environmental protection; Gilbertson to Lyon, April 26, 1973 re: proposed water quality planning studies; Lyon to Gilbertson, July 25, 1975 re: sewer connection ban information; Charles J. Kulp to Ralph W. Abele, Nov. 4, 1984 re: proposed water quality standard amendments; Abele to the Environmental Quality Board, Nov. 20, 1984 re: proposed changes in water quality standards; John E. McSparran to Lyon, July 26, 1990 re: historic water resource conflicts;
    • Minutes and proceedings: First Conference of Sewage Works Operators, July 13-14, 1926, State College; Second Conference of Sewage Plant Operators, July 14-15, 1927, State College.
    • Speech: Richard Boardman at the 47th annual meeting of the Water Pollution Control Association, August 6-9, 1975
    • Testimony: Statement on behalf of Governor Milton Shapp, Governor of Pennsylvania by Wesley E. Gilbertson on Water Pollution
  • Control Legislation before the House Committee on Public Works, August 4, 1971; Charles L. Wilbar Jr., before the Pa. House Special Committee to Investigate the Clean Streams Program and the Division of Sanitary Engineering, date? Water Quality and Pollution Files, 1963 (folder 26-11)
  • Water Quality and Pollution Files, 1971-1996 & undated (folder 26-12)

Box 27

  • Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania Magazine, March-April 1981 & May-June 1987 (folder 27-1)
  • Water Quality Inventory of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (DER), 1976 (folder 27-2)
  • Water Quality Management, Joint Committee and Enforcement, 1969-2000 & undated (folder 27-3)
  • Roll of Microfilm, moved to series 96, Box 123

Benjamin Franklin Fund File

1 folder
{series #472m.19}

In his will of 1790, Benjamin Franklin bequeathed to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia �1,000 each for the establishment of a fund that would gather interest over a period of 200 years. After that time, the money would be split between the city and the commonwealth to be used as each saw fit. By 1990, the Fund had accumulated to over $500,000. This file includes correspondence, news clippings and other general files related to the Fund's history, and also Lyon's proposal that the state's portion be used to establish a "Benjamin Franklin Center for the History of Pennsylvania's Natural Resources."

Box 27

Bills and Reports, 1974-1990 & undated (folder 27-4)

Friday Group File

1 folder
{series #472m.20}

The Friday Group was established by the Pennsylvania Utilities Commission as a working group charged with examining issues related to the water industry. Composed of government and industry representatives, it worked to develop strategies and recommendations regarding water issues. Meeting reports, surveys and correspondence are included.

Box 27

Friday Group, 1996-1997 (folder 27-5)

Karl Mason Fund File

1 folder
{series #472m.21}

Files relative to the Karl M. Mason Memorial Fund and the Mason Award. The award, given each year to an individual or group from Pennsylvania who "made a unique and creative contribution to the field of environmental management in Pennsylvania," was initiated in 1971, with Thomas J. Foerster receiving the bronze medallion that was presented to the winner. Correspondence, reports and other related items are included.

Box 27

Karl Mason Fund, 1987-2002 (folder 27-6)

Advisory Health Board Files

2 folders
{series #472m.22}

Arranged chronologically.

Reports, correspondence, agendas, and other materials relative to the Advisory Health Board of the Pennsylvania Department of Health are contained in Series 22. Lyon was appointed a member of the board in 1997 and as of that year, it consisted of thirteen members: five of which were physicians, one a dentist, one a pharmacist, one a registered nurse, and one engineer experienced in sanitary engineering. The Board was charged with advising the Department of Health on a number of different topics, including prevention of disease, making and revising a communicable disease list, regulations to carry out the provisions of the Pennsylvania Cancer Law, etc.

Box 28

Advisory Health Board, 1997-2002 (folders 28-1 & 2)

Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA) Correspondence

1 folder
{series #472m.23}

Arranged chronologically.

Series 23 includes correspondence relative to an appointment Lyon received to sit on the Government Affairs Committee of the PWEA.

Box 28

Pennsylvania Water Environment Association, 1996 (folder 28-3)

Pennsylvania Chamber of Businesss and Industry (PCBI) Files

3 folders
{series #472m.24}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Correspondence and reports relative to the Water Advisory Council/Water-Great Lakes Initiative Work Group and the Programs Process Improvement Task Force of the PCBI comprise this series.

Box 28

  • Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry's Response to the Regulatory Basics Initiative, 1995 (folder 28-4)
  • Programs Process Improvement Task Force, 1990-1995 (folder 28-5)
  • Water Advisory Council/Water-Great Lakes Initiative Work Group, 1994, 1995 (folder 28-6)

Harrisburg Water-Related Materials

1902, 1978-1998
1 box
{series #472m.25}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Reports, news clipppings and correspondence relative to the water supply of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and a proposed hydro-electric plant on the Susquehanna River at the city are included in Series 25.

Box 29

  • Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project, 1995-1998 (folder 29-1) The folder contains publications about the Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project by the City of Harrisburg from ca. 1985-1986, 1988, 1995, company information about the Acres International Corporation, a consulting firm and a diagram plan of the Harrisburg Sewage Treatment plant.
  • Harrisburg Metropolitan Area Regional Water Supply Study, 1992 (folder 29-2) The report was prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
  • News clippings, 1902, 1978-1993 (folder 29-3)
    • 1902:
      • "No More Dirt or Bad Water For This City," Harrisburg Patriot, Jan. 18, 1902
    • 1978:
      • "City May Have to Filter Its Water," by Richard Roberts, Harrisburg Patriot, Feb. 3, 1978
      • "Water Supply Woes Aren't New For Harrisburg," by Walter A. Lyon, Harrisburg Evening News, August 25, 1978
      • "Reed Aims For Water Plant Land," Harrisburg Sunday Patriot, Sept. 24, 1978
      • "Federal Officials Worry About Falling Quality of Water for Drinking: Pa. Leads In Rate of Waterborne Disease; But It Won't Police Rules," by John L. Moore, Wall Street Journal, Oct. 9, 1978
      • "Drinking Water: State Leads Nation With Worst," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot, Oct. 15, 1978
      • "Improve Water, Council Advised," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot, Oct. 29, 1978
      • "Maze of Systems Seen As Water Quality Bane," by John Troutman, Harrisburg Sunday Patriot, April 29, 1979
    • 1979:
      • "Greed on 'Clean and Green'," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 20, 1979. About the "Clean and Green" constitutional amendment of 1973 intended to preserve Pennsylvania farmland
      • "From Creek to Kitchen Tap: How Water Is Treated," by John Troutman, Harrisburg Sunday Patriot-News, April 29, 1979
    • 1987:
      • "Old Filtration Plant Being Demolished on City Island," Harrisburg Evening News, Feb. 5, 1987
    • 1988:
      • "Harrisburg Dam Project Still Treading Water," by David Stellfox, Harrisburg Patriot-News, Dec. 26, 1988
    • 1989:
      • "Harrisburg Report," by Karen Atwood and Jeff Schmidt, Sylvanian, Nov.-Dec. 1989. Article describes proposal to remove water quality and sewage regulation functions from the state Department of Environmental Resources.
    • 1993:
      • "Suburban sprawl forcing ugly land-use changes in state," by Walter A. Lyon (Letter to the Editor), Harrisburg Patriot-News, Feb. 7, 1993

Miscellaneous Files

1 box
{series #472m.26}

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains miscellaneous materials, pertaining in some way to Pennsylvania, water issues, or the environment.

Box 30

  • American Forests Magazine, 1959 (folder 30-1)
  • Choices for Pennsylvanians, Citizen's Edition, ca. 1980 (folder 30-2)
  • Correspondence, 1984-1994 (folder 30-3)
  • Miscellaneous Publications, Reports, Agendas, etc., 1984-1997 (folder 30-4 & 5)
    • Pa. Governor Dick Thornburgh, "Pennsylvania's Economic Development and Community Conservation Strategy: 1984-85 Budget and Policy Brief."
    • Program, 60th Annual Conference of the Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania, August 7-10, 1988, King of Prussia.
    • Program, Annual Dinner Dance Featuring Award Presentations, Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania, June 20, 1989, Pittsburgh.
  • New Growth...New Jobs for Pennsylvania by Milton J. Shapp and Ernest H. Jurkat (A Shapp Foundation Report) 1962. (folder 30-5) There is a section dealing with development of natural resources in this report.
  • News clippings, 1970-1994 (folder 30-6)Among the news clippings of interest to environmental history are the following:
    • Robert Broughton, "The Proposed Pennsylvania Declaration of Environmental Rights, Analysis of HB 958," Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly, June 1970.
    • "Angry Legislators Fight For A Say In State Air Pollution Policy," by Mark Jaffe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 5, 1994
  • Pa. Municipal Authorities Association: 50 Years of Service, 1942-1992," (folder 30-7)
  • Pa. Wildlife Federation, First Environmental Quality Index, 1988. (folder 30-8)

Subject File

Air Pollution Files

1 box
{series #472m.27}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Correspondence, reports and news clippings which relate to air pollution in the United States and Canada are present in this series

Box 31

  • General File, 1973-2002 & undated (folder 31-1)
    • Pa. Air Pollution Control Act of 1960
    • Publication:
      • Joel A. Tarr and Bill C. Lamperes, "Changing Fuel Use Behavior and Energy Transitions: The Pittsburgh Smoke Control Movement, 1940-1950," Journal of Social History, vol. 14, no. 4, summer 1981
    • Agenda:
      • "Tentative Agenda, 2nd Conference on Air Quality Modeling," August 10-12, 1981, Wash. DC
    • Reports:
      • Environmental Protection Agency, Research Outlook, 1982.
      • Report: Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "The Regulation of Municipal Waste Incinerators: Air Emissions and Ash Residue Management," Dec. 1987
  • Air Pollution General File, 1973-2002 & undated (folders 31-1 & 2)
    • Publication:
      • U.S. General Accounting Office, "Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives: Air Pollution-EPA May Not Fully Achieve Toxic Air Deposition Goals," May 1991
    • Report:
      • Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM), "NESCAUM Stationary Source Committee Recommendations on NOx RACT for Utility Boilers," August 12, 1992
    • Press releases:
      • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Sept. 12, 1992 re: "Pennsylvania Sues Federal Agencies over Clean Air Regulations."
      • Memo, Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Operating Permit Program Issues," Feb. 23, 1993
      • Memo, Pa. Chamber of Business and Industry, "Comments to Proposed Rulemaking 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121 and 127, New Source Review Provisions, Feb. 24, 1993."
    • News clippings:
      • "In 1948, a killer fog spurred air cleanup," Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 28, 1998
      • "Study: Dirty air kills 176 mid-staters a year," by Garry Lenton, Harrisburg Patriot-News, May 9, 1996
  • Clean Air Act, 1990-1994 (folder 31-3)
  • Correspondence, 1990 (folder 31-4)
  • Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters, Second Report to Congress, June 1997 (folder 31-5)
  • Miscellaneous Reports, 1963-1982 (folder 31-6)
    • Reports:
      • U.S. General Accounting Office, "A Market Approach to Air Pollution Control," March 23, 1982
      • Comptroller General of the United States, "Delays in EPA's Regulation of Hazardous Air Pollutants," August 26, 1983
      • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Air Quality Report, 1981"
      • U.S. Dept. of the Interior and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Coal Cleaning with Scrubbing for Sulfur Control: An Engineering/Economic Summary," August 1977
      • 88th Congress, 1st Session, "A Study of Pollution-Air: A Staff Report to the Committee on Public Works, U.S. Senate, Sept. 1963."
    • Testimony:
      • Hearing before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, April 14, 1982-"Lead in Gasoline: Public Health Dangers."
    • Legislation:
      • City of Philadelphia Dept. of Public Health Air Pollution Control Board, "Air Management Regulation VI, Control of Emissions of Toxic Air Contaminants, ca. 1981.
  • News clippings, 1976-1999 (folder 31-7) The following are representative of articles found in this folder:
    • 1976: "The Great Lakes Have a New Enemy: the Air," by Gladwin Hill, New York Times, Oct. 10, 1976
    • 1981: Armin Rosencranz, "The ECE Convention of 1979 on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution," American Journal of International Law, vol. 75, no. 4, October 1981
    • 1986: "3 States Seek Tighter Limits on Emissions From Incinerators," New York Times, August 17, 1986
    • 1987: "The Pollution Hounds Get Ready to Pounce," by Claudia H. Deutsch, New York Times, Sept. 6, 1987
    • 1988: "The Environment's Gains and Losses," New York Times, Dec. 4, 1988
    • 1989: "Testing the Limits," by Ronald Brownstein, National Journal, July 29, 1989
    • 1990: "A passable Clean Air Bill," (editorial) Harrisburg Patriot-News, April 10, 1990
  • United States/Canada Environmental Reports, 1983-1991 (folder 31-8)

Acid Rain and Biology Files

10 folders
{series #472m.28}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Printed materials and some correspondence pertaining to acid rain, as well as the biological effects of acid rain and other types of pollution on the environment are discussed in Series 28.

Box 32

  • Acid Deposition and its Effects on Forest Productivity - A Review of the Present State of Knowledge, Research Activities, and Information Needs - Second Progress Report, Technical Bulletin #392, 1983 (folder 32-1)
  • Alliance for Acid Rail Monitoring (ALLARM), 1992-1996 (folder 32-2)
  • Biology, 1958, 1995 & undated (folder 32-3)
  • Correspondence, 1984-1990 (folder 32-4)
    • Letter, James C. Cleveland to Lyon, Feb. 15, 1990, re: Wall Street Journal article of Feb. 9, 1990
    • News clipping: "EPA Battles States Over Clean Air," Wall Street Journal, Feb. 9, 1990
    • Letter: Clifford L. Jones to "Entire Congressional Delegation and Two U.S. Senators," August 15, 1990 re: Pa. Chamber of Business and Industry Comments on Senate Bill #1630.
    • Letter: Congressman Bill Goodling to Lyon, Sept. 4, 1990 re: Clear Air Act.
  • National Acid Rain Precipitation Assessment Program, Annual Report, 1982 (folder 32- 5)
  • National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1993 (folder 32-6)
  • News clippings, 1981-1987 & undated. (folder 32-7)
    • "Acid rain-silver clouds can have black linings," by Don Munton, International Perspectives, Jan.-Feb. 1981
    • "Acid Rain Study Leaves Scientists Uncertain," New York Times, Nov. 4, 1984
    • "New Stringent Acid-Rain Proposals Irritate Utilities Industry," New York Times, Sunday Metro Edition, Dec. 19, 1993
    • "Acid rain control strategies," by J. Hugh Ellis, Environmental Science Technology, vol. 22. no. 11, 1988
    • "Acid Rain and Fish-the evidence mounts," by Ron Baynes, International Angler, vol. 43, no. 5. Sept.-Oct. 1981
  • Oxygen Relationships in Streams, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center Technical Report W58-2, 1958 (folder 32-8)
  • Polluted Coastal Waters: The Role of Acid Rain, 1988 (folder 32-9)
  • The Acid Rain Story, 1985 (folder 32-10)
  • United States-Canada Reports, 1981-1985 (folder 32-11)

Environmental Engineering Files

1 box
{series #472m.35}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series contains a number of important documents relative to the sanitary engineering profession, as well as the education of its prospective members. A number of papers and reports, which date from the early 1950s (during which time Lyon served as Assistant Chief, Planning and Development Branch, Division of Engineering Resources, U.S. Public Health Service in Washington, D.C.), detail the aforementioned topics. Highlights include an interesting report titled "Water Closets - Past, Present & Future," which documents the story of the water closet, and a report from 1924 entitled "Sanitary Engineering Courses of Engineering Colleges in the United States."

Box 38

  • Education, 1924-1993 & undated (folders 38-1 & 2)
  • Environmental Engineering Newsletter (folder 38-3)
  • Privies and Water Closets, 1975, 1981 (folder 38-4)
  • Profession, 1924, 1946-1949 (folder 38-5)
  • Profession, 1950-1958 (folder 38-6)
  • Profession, 1960-1998 (folder 38-7)

Science and Technology Files

1 box
{series #472m.59}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 59 includes various publications, papers, articles and news clippings relative to advances in science and technology. One of the files relates to the Pennsylvania School for the Sciences, an initiative that Dr. Lyon was involved in.

Box 61

  • Forecasting Needs for the High Technology Industry - Hearing before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, 97th Congress, 1st Session, November 1981 (folder 61-1)
  • Harvard University Program on Technology and Society, Sixth Annual Report, 1969-1970 (folder 61-2)
  • Magazines and Newsletters, 1969-1984 (folders 61-3 & 4)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, Papers and Reports, 1958-1996 (folders 61- 5 & 6)
  • Pennsylvania School for the Sciences, 1981, 1982 (folder 61-7)
  • People, Food, Machines - Bold New Program Series No. 5, 1950 (folder 61-8)

Swimming Places

9 folders
{series #472m.60}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 60 contains numerous publications and other types of materials which relate to various swimming-related topics. Water quality in swimming pools, swimming pool construction standards (both public and private), safety codes and course guides for swimming pool operation and construction are some of the topics covered.

Box 62

  • Bathing Water Quality and Health - A Study of Bathing Water Quality on the Chicago Lake Front and its Relation to Health of Bathers, 1951 (folder 62-1)
  • Design, Equipment and Operation of Swimming Pools and Other Public Bathing Places (2 editions), 1942, 1957 (folder 62-2)
  • Miscellaneous Articles, News clippings and Reports, 1955-1992 (folder 62-3)
  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health Swimming Pool Course Guides, 1957 (folder 62-4)
  • Sanitary Requirements for Swimming Pools, State of Illinois Circular Number 126, 1951 (folder 62-5)
  • Standard Number 50 - Circulation System Components for Swimming Pools, Spas, or Hot Tubs (National Sanitation Foundation), 1984 (folder 62-6)
  • Suggested Minimum Standards for Residential and Public Swimming Pools, 1969 (folder 62-7)
  • Suggested Ordinance and Regulations Covering Private Swimming Pools, 1970 (folder 62-8)
  • Suggested Ordinance and Regulations Covering Public Swimming Pools, 1964 (folder 62-9)

Economics, Demography and Geography Materials

2 boxes
{series #472m.88}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Reports, papers, articles, news clippings and various other materials relative to the disciplines of economics, demography and geography are housed in Series 88. Most of the documents pertain to water issues and the environment, although a few discuss broader societal issues. A number of the papers range back into the 1950s, with one report, entitled "Report on Economic Conditions of the South," dating from 1938.

Box 106

  • A Proposal for Achieving Balanced National Growth and Development (U.S. Joint Economic Committee), 1973 (folder 106-1)
  • Articles and News clippings, 1971-1996 (folder 106-2)
  • Demographic, Economic and Social Trends and Developments that will Shape the Organizational Operating Environment during the 1980s, ca. 1982 (folder 106-3)
  • Economic Growth vs. The Environment, 1971 (folder 106-4)
  • Economic Models of Global Environmental Impacts, April, 1983 (folder 106-5)
  • Economics and Resource Engineering, July 1967 (folder 106-6)
  • Economics of Including Recreation as a Purpose of Water Resource Projects, January 1960 (folder 106-7)
  • Facing the Global Environment Challenge: A Progress Report on World Bank Global Environment Operations, August-September 1994 (folder 106-8)
  • Lycoming County - A Place in Which to Live, June 1976 (folder 106-9)
  • Miscellaneous Papers and Reports, 1953-1996 (folder 106-10)
  • Partnership for Pennsylvania's Development :A 10 Year Economic Strategy, 1996 (folder 106-11)
  • Report on Economic Conditions of the South, 1938 (folder 106-12)
  • Science, Scientists and Politics, 1963 (folder 106-13)

Box 107

  • Some Economic Implications of Water Quality Management, July 1966 (folder 107-1)
  • Study on Economic and Policy Instruments for Water Management - Water Management in Japan, 1976 (folder 107-2)
  • The Economics of Clean Water, Volume 1 and Summary (U.S. Department of the Interior), March 1970 (folder 107-3)
  • The Quantitative Society or, What Are You to Do With Noodle?, 1964 (folder 107-4)
  • The United States in the Changing World Economy - Volume 1: A Foreign Economic Perspective and Volume II: Background Material, 1971 (folder 107-5)
  • User Charge Revenues for Wastewater Treatment Plants - Insufficient to Cover Operation and Maintenance (Report to Congress by the Comptroller General), December 1981 (folder 107-6)


2 boxes
{series #472m.89}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This series contains biographies of individuals, the bulk of which concern persons in the environmental engineering field, water quality management, or various other types of related fields. The files include resumes or biographical articles, with most dating from the 1990s, a few ranging back into the 1980s.

Box 108

  • Adamkus, Vladus, 1998 (folder 108-1)
  • Alphabetical File, Alapas - Connor (folder 108-2)
  • Alphabetical File, Dash - Imhoff (folder 108-3)
  • Alphabetical File, Johnson - Lupo (folder 108-4)
  • Alphabetical File, Mackay - Musto (folder 108-5)
  • Alphabetical File, Nelson - Rolph (folder 108-6)

Box 109

  • Alphabetical File, Saltzer - Zimmerman (folder 109-1)
  • Goddard, Maurice, 1990-1998 (folder 109-2)
  • Groups File, 1984-ca. 1998 (folder 109-3)
  • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, 1994 (folder 109-4)
  • Resumes, Abele - Woelfling (folder 109-5)
  • Wolman, Abel, 1999 (folder 109-6)

Subject File, Pennsylvania Solid Wastes

Biosolids Correspondence and Reports

1 folder
{series #472m.29}

Arranged chronologically.

Series 29 includes reports and correspondence pertaining to biosolids in Pennsylvania

Box 32

Biosolids, 1983-1997 (folder 32-12)

Subject File, Pennsylvania Solid Wastes

Legislation Materials

9 folders
{series #472m.30}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Copies of legislation, correspondence, reports and other related materials concerning the passage of solid waste legislation in Pennsylvania comprise Series 30.

box 33

  • Application Packet for Act 97 Municipal Waste Planning Grants, Second Round (DER), October 1987 (folder 33-1)
  • Bill Analysis, Senate Bill #1211, 1986 (folder 33-2)
  • Existing and Proposed Facilities for the Disposal of Municipal Solid Wastes in Pennsylvania, "A Status Report," 1987 (folder 33-3)
  • Marginal Cost Pricing and Tipping Fees for Sanitary Landfills, 1987 (folder 33-4)
  • Miscellaneous Correspondence, Fact Sheets, Legislation Copies and Reports, 1968-1993 & undated (folder 33-5)
  • Solid Waste, 1975-1988 (folder 33-6)
  • Solid Waste - A Most Serious Problem Facing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (preliminary draft), undated (folder 33-7)
  • The Solid Waste Management Act (Act 97), 1980 (folder 33-8)
  • Toward A Comprehensive Municipal Waste Management Policy for Pennsylvania: Consensus and Dissent, 1986 (folder 33-9)

Subject File, Pennsylvania Solid Wastes

Recycling News Clippings and Reports

7 folders
{series #472m.31}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Reports and news clippings pertaining to recycling in Pennsylvania are housed in this series.

Box 33

  • An Analysis of the Municipal Waste Planning and Resource Recovery Act, 1985 (folder 33-10)
  • News clippings, 1987-1993 (folder 33-11)
  • Pennsylvania Curbside Recycling Primer, 1987 (folder 33-12)
  • Recycling/Composting, 1983-1990 (folder 33-13)
  • Recycling Lesson Plans, Pennsylvania Recycling Month, undated (folder 33-14)
  • The Guide to Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Planning and Recycling, 1988 (folder 33-15)
  • Waste Disposal for the City of Philadelphia and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (DER Publication No. 39), ca. 1972 (folder 33-16)

Subject File, Pennsylvania Solid Wastes

Toxics File

3 folders
{series #472m.32}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 32 contains reports and news clippings pertaining to toxic wastes in Pennsylvania and also New York State, specifically one folder of materials relative to the Love Canal episode of the early 1980s.

Box 33

  • Love Canal, 1979-1981 (folder 33-17)
  • News clippings, 1988, 1994 (folder 33-18)
  • Reports and Correspondence, 1990-1994 & undated (folder 33-19)
    • Article by John C. Dernbach, "The Unfocused Regulation of Toxic and Hazardous Pollutants," Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol. 21:1, 1997;
    • Pres release by "Citizen Action," July 25, 1990,
    • Coies of Pa. legislation, session of 1993,
    • Correspondence of Pa. Chamber of Business and Industry
    • Fact sheet on tricholoroethylene.

Subject File: Drinking Water

General File

3 boxes
{series #472m.33}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

A plethora of materials related to drinking water in the United States and abroad is covered in Series 33. A large section of publications, news clippings, correspondence, reports and maps are contained in the series. Of particular note is a file pertaining to the drinking supply of New York City, as well as a number of older reports concerning wells, drinking water, and other related topics.

Box 34

  • Articles and News clippings, 1965-1995 (folder 34-1)
  • Backflow Prevention, July 1984 (folder 34-2)
  • Chlorination, 1960-1994 (folder 34-3)
  • Costs, 1940, 1970-1993 (folder 34-4)
  • Filtration, 1966-1994 (folder 34-5)
  • Groundwater, 1937, 1986-1996 (folder 34-6)
  • Health and Safety, 1960-2002 (folder 34-7)
  • International, 1981-1984 (folder 34-8)
  • Lead, 1975-1992 (folder 34-9)
  • Microbes, 1943-1994 (folder 34-10)
  • New York City Water Supply, 1993-1997 (folder 34-11)

Box 35

  • Planning and Management, 1944, 1979-1995 (folder 35-1)
  • Publications:
    • 21st Century Water Management-the Pieces and How They Fit, 1992 (folder 35-2)
    • Additional Federal Aid for Urban Water Distribution Systems Should Wait until Needs are Clearly Established, 1980 (folder 35-3)
    • Citizen's Guide to Home Drinking Water Treatment Devices, 1998 (folder 35-4)
    • Conference on Water Conservation and Sewage Flow Reduction with Water-Saving Devices, Proceedings, 1975 (folder 35-5)
    • Drinking Water, Compliance Problems Undermine EPA Program as New Challenges Emerge, June 1990 (folder 35-6)
    • Drinking Water and Cancer: Review of Recent Findings and Assessment of Risks, 1980 (folder 35-6)
    • Drinking Water Turbidity and Pediatric Hospital Use for Gastrointestinal Illness in Philadelphia, 1997 (folder 35-7)
    • Eaux Vives, Lyonnaise des Eaux-Dumez: L'evenement, 1990 (folder 35-8)
    • Environmental Synopsis, publication of the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, July 2002 (folder 35-9)
    • Maximum Contaminant Level Recommendations for Hazardous Contaminants in Drinking Water, New Jersey Drinking
    • National Water Information Clearinghouse Workshops, Executive Report, May 1992 (folder 35-11)
    • Nor Any Drop to Drink!: Public Policies Toward Chemical Contamination of Drink Water, June 1982 (folder 35-12)
    • Opflow, American Water Works Association, July 1996 (folder 35-13)
    • Policy Analysis of Water Management Methods for the Netherlands, Vol. VII, Assessment of Impacts on Drinking
    • Preventing Waterborne Disease: Is Your System at Risk?, 1994 (folder 35-15)
    • Proceedings of Public Works and Society, the 1972 Joint Conference American Society of Civil Engineers and The Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) (folder 35-16)
  • Water Quality Institute, March 26, 1987 (folder 35-10)
  • Water Companies and Their Customers, December 1981 (folder 35-14)

Box 36

  • Publications:
    • Pumps and Plumbing for the Farmstead, 1948 (folder 36-1)
    • Safe Drinking Water Is In Our Hands, E.P.A. 1998 (folder 36-2)
    • The Crypto Collection, Quick Access to the Latest Information on Cryptosporidium, 1994 (folder 36-3)
    • Think Before You Drink, July 1994 (folder 36-4)
    • Water, Our Precious Resource, Undated (folder 36-5)
    • Water Supply-Wastewater Treatment Coordination Study, 1978 (folder 36-6)
    • Water International Journal, June 1992, June 1993, March 1994 (folder 36-7)
    • You Are What You Drink... Cryptosporidium and Other Contaminants Found in the Water Served to Millions of Americans, June 1995 (folder 36-8)
  • Rural and Small Systems, 1945, 1991-1993 (folder 36-9)
  • Safe Drinking Water Act, 1985-1996 & undated (folder 36-10)
  • Washington, DC Water File, 1993, 1994 (folder 36-11)
  • Water Quality, 1947, 1962, 1978-1998 (folder 36-12)

Subject File, Drinking Water

Pennsylvania Materials

1 box
{series #472m.34}

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

A plethora of materials related to drinking water in the United States and abroad is covered in Series 33. A large section of publications, news clippings, correspondence, reports and maps are contained in the series. Of particular note is a file pertaining to the drinking supply of New York City, as well as a number of older reports concerning wells, drinking water, and other related topics.

Box 37

  • A Special Report of the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee on Watershed Protection and Senate Bill 1012 of the Session of 1989, June 1990 (folder 37-1)
  • Evaluation of the Public Water Supply Program of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, A Project Memorandum, June 13, 1973 (folder 37-2)
  • General Pennsylvania Drinking Water File, 1972-1998 & undated (folder 37-3)
  • Preliminary Report on Water Main Break Investigations, Pilot Area V, to the Philadelphia Water Department {draft}, 1982 (folder 37-4)
  • Research/Penn State Magazine, June 1988 (folder 37-5)
  • Small Water Systems, Reports, 1982, 1992 (folder 37-6)
  • Statistics for Water Utilities in Pennsylvania, U-4-71, 1971 (folder 37-7)

Subject File, Energy and Environment

Earth Day File

1 folder
{series #472m.36}

Arranged chronologically.

Series 36 encompasses news clippings, magazine articles and reports relative to Earth Day and the general state of the environment, dating from roughly 1970 through 1990.

Box 39

  • General File, 1966-1990 (folder 39-1)
    • News clippings from Harrisburg newspapers, Washington Post, New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times, Earth Day flyers, publications featuring articles on the environment including Chemical Week, Center Magazine, Time Magazine, US News and World Report, Wall Street Journal,
    • Correspondence of the Pa. Rainforest Action Committee, minutes of the meeting of the Pa. Rainforest Action Committee meeting of June 11, 1991, literature about "The Greens,"
    • Global and National Planning Files, 1952-1995
    • History File, 1966, 1993 & undated (folder 39-4)
    • Speech, Robert M. White to the National Academy of Engineering, Feb. 11-12, 1993 "Environmental Regulation and Changing Science and Technology,"
    • Excerpt from the book An Environmental Odyssey by Merril Eisenbud, article by Joel A. Tarr, "The Search for the Ultimate Sink: Urban Air, Land and Water Pollution in Historical Perspective,"