Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Group 309 - Part 2

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Group 309, Part 2

MG-309 Milton J. Shapp Papers

[ca. 1971-1979]
1043 cu. ft.

Subject File

1st Term, 1971-1974

Air Pollution

Carton 9, folders 9/9

  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Suzanne C. Holdren, Maurice K. Goddard and others re air pollution in Phillipsburg, Centre County, in folder 9/9.
    • William M. Eichbaum to Shapp, Oct. 14, 1971 re Oct. 19, 1971 meeting with United States Steel and Crucible Steel in folder 9/14.
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Norval D. Reece, Thomas B. Yost, Christian A. Herter Jr. re air pollution on American-Canada international border, in folder 9/19
  • Correspondence 1971-1972:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Paul R. Boone, Victor H. Sussman, Maurice K. Goddard, and Borough of Bellefonte re air pollution in Bellefonte, Centre County, in folder 9/8.
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Lackwaxen Township Civic Association, Dept. of Environmental Resources, Dept. of Health and others re air pollution in Lackwaxen Twp, Pike County; in folder-9/21.
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Dept. of Environmental Resources, Charles E. Lindberg, Maurice K. Goddard re air pollution in Bucks County, in folder 9/21.
  • Correspondence 1971-1973:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Dana Corporation and others re Dana Corporation's retrofit system for reducing automobile exhaust pollutants, in folder 9/11.
  • Correspondence 1971-1974:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Delaware Valley Citizens' Council for Clean Air and others re air pollution, in folder 9/11.
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Maurice K. Goddard, Environmental Protection Agency et al re Pennsylvania compliance with the 1970 federal Clean Air Act, in folder 9/13.
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Group against Smog and Pollution (GASP), Environmental Protection Agency and others regarding air pollution control, in folder 9/17.
  • Correspondence 1972:
    • Shapp to Russell E. Train, March 30, 1972 re air pollution control agenda of Shapp administration, in folder 9/6.
    • Don L. Kerstetter to Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Denison, May 26, 1972 re lack of Commonwealth legislative authority for noise pollution control regulations, in folder 9/11.
  • Correspndence 1973:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Sarah S. Brown, Shirley T. Kravitz, and Frank J. Willard Jr. re air pollution in Trainer, Delaware County, in folder 9/8.
    • Shapp to Daniel J. Snyder III, May 2, 1973 re Commonwealth cannot meet July 30, 1973 deadline to develop state's National Secondary Air Quality Standards for sulfur dioxide and particulate matter in folder 9/14.
  • Correspondence 1974:
    • G. B. Jacobs to Shapp, May 24, 1974 and Norval D. Reece to Jacob, July 9, 1974 re air pollution in Chambersburg, Franklin County; William A. Thompson to John L. Bundy, June 13, 1974 re air pollution in York, York County, in folder 9/8.
    • William A. Thompson to John L. Bundy, June 13, 1974 re air pollution in York County, in folder 9/8.
    • Allen L. Cohen to Shapp, May 13, 1974, Shapp to Cohen, June 6, 1974 and John E. McGrogan to Cohen, June 17, 1974 re air pollution along the Appalachian Trail, all in folder 9/9.
    • James H. Falk to Shapp, April 4, 1974 and Shapp to Falk, April 16, 1974 re White House's proposed amendment to the Clean Air Act, in folder 9/11.
  • Reports:
    • Department of Environmental Resources, "Environmental Progress Report: Accomplishments in south central Pennsylvania covering the Counties of York, Adams, Lancaster, Cumberland and Dauphin," June 28, 1971, in folder 9/6.
    • Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Air Quality and Noise Control, "Implementation Plan, December 10, 1971," in folder 9/14.
    • Background Information for Report to Be Presented at the January 12, 1972 meeting of the Environmental Quality Board;" in folder 9/14.
    • Group against Smog and Pollution (GASP) "Summary, GASP Task Force Report [on] Clairton Coke Works, U.S. Steel," c. May 1972, in folder 9/17.
  • Speeches:
    • Speech about Combustion Engineering Inc.'s role in air pollution control by James Jonakin to the Pittsburgh Society of Security Analysts, Dec. 8, 1971.
    • Shapp at a Gulf Oil Corporation news conference, Feb. 4, 1972, in folder 9/6.
    • Shapp to the Combined Environmental Council/Environmental Planning Center, Harrisburg, April 7, 1972, in folder 9/6.
    • Shapp at the Energy Conference at the White House, Sept. 19, 1973, in folder 9/6.
    • Shapp before the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission, Pittsburgh, Sept. 9, 1969, in folder 9/6.
  • Press releases, 1971: (From Office of the Governor unless otherwise noted)
    • June 21, 1971 re Shapp speech on preservation of the Poconos, in folder 9/6.
  • Press releases, 1972: (From Office of the Governor unless otherwise noted)
    • Allegheny County Health Dept., Feb. 11, 1972 re Allegheny County & Commonwealth in suit against US Steel, in folder 10/2.
    • Feb. 25, 1972 re consent order for Bethlehem Steel to eliminate air pollution at its plants in folder 9/6.
    • March 12, 1972 re Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Air Monitoring System (COPAMS), in folder 9/6.
    • June 7, 1972 re approval of air pollution control regulations, in folder 9/6.
    • July 1, 1972 re winning the war on pollution; in folder 9/6.
    • Oct. 26, 1972 re Shapp signs two environmental control bills, in folder 9/6.
  • Press releases, 1974: (From Office of the Governor unless otherwise noted)
    • Citizens' Environmental Task Force of Squirrel Hill, May 6, 1974 re Clean Air Act, folder 9/9.
  • Publications, 1971:
    • Federal Register, vol. 36, no. 84, Friday, April 30, 1971, "Environmental Protection Agency: National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards," in folder 9/6.
    • Alexander Rihm, Jr., Automobile Pollution and the Great Credibility Gap, (Automobile Manufacturers Inc.: Detroit, MI, 1971), in folder 9/7.
    • Tax Incentives Don't Stop Pollution," by Arnold W. Reitze and Glenn Reitze, American Bar Association Journal, vol. 57, Feb. 1971, in folder 9/14.
    • Combustion Engineering Inc. environmental control products information kit, Dec. 30, 1971, in folder 9/10.
    • GASP Hotline, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1974 and vol. 1, no.4, July 1971, in folder 9/17.
  • Publications, 1972:
    • "Our Environment...Nature's Fragile Balance, A Special Issue," Pittsburgh Press Roto Magazine Sunday, August 20, 1972, in folder 9/17
  • News clippings, 1972:
    • "Standards Will Further Control Emissions of Sulphus Dioxide," Hazelton Standard-Speaker, Jan. 29, 1972, in folder 9/14.
    • Air Pollution Prosecution Stalls under Rizzo," by Mike Clark and Joel N. Shurkin, Philadelphia Inquirer, c. May/June 1972, in folder 9/19.
    • Help Asked for Clairton," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 31, 1972.
    • "Clean Up Air, USS Urged," Pittsburgh Press, July 29, 1972, in folder 9/17.
    • "Residents Assail Dump Fire Smell," Easton [Lehigh County] Express, August 12, 1972 in folder 10/4.
    • Family Says Asphalt Plant Causing Pollution of Air," Connellsville [Fayette County] Daily Courier, Sept. 18, 1972, in folder 9/7.
  • News clippings, 1974:
    • "EPA Urges Power Industry Commitments to Install Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems," Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, vol. 24, no. 3, March 1974, in folder 9/9.
    • "Bethlehem Backing Off?" Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, Sept. 16, 1974, in folder 9/11.
  • Legislation:
    • The [Nixon] Administration's Proposed Clear Air Act Amendments," March 22, 1974, in folder 9/11.
  • Litigation:
    • Court of Common Pleas of Butler County, Pa., Equity, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. United States Steel Corporation, c. 1971, in folder 9/14.

Carton 10

  • Correspondence, 1971-1974:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Natural Resources Defense Council, Maurice K. Goddard, Gary L. Triplett et al. re Clean Air Act, in folder 10/1.
    • Pennsylvania Environmental Council to Shapp, Nov. 17, 1972 re Tocks Island Dam, in folder 10/3.
    • I. W. Kramer to Shapp, March 18, 1972 and Maurice K. Goddard to Kramer, April 14, 1972 re air pollution in Phillipsburg, Centre County, in folder 10/5.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Environmental Protection Agency and Pennsylvania Electric Co. re compliance with Clean Air Act; in folder 10/3.
  • News clippings:
    • Residents Assail Dump Fire Smell," Easton [Lehigh County] Express, August 12, 1972 in folder 10/4.

Appalachia and Appalachian Regional Commission

Carton 10

  • Minutes:
    • Appalachian Regional Commission meeting of Oct. 19-21, 1971 Washington DC, in folder 10/16.
    • Appalachian Regional Commission meeting, April 26-27, 1972, in folder 10/15.
  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda for Council of Appalachian Governors' Meeting, Atlanta, Nov. 11, 1971, in folder 10/16.
    • Agenda, 1974 Council of Appalachian Governors meeting, March 4, 1974, Washington, DC, in folder 10/13.
  • Reports:Reports:
    • Charles Rivers Associates, "Draft Staff Summary: The Economic Impact of Public Policy of the Appalachian Coal Industry and the Regional Economy," April 16, 1973, in folder 10/13.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to the Appalachian Regional Commission meeting, Sept. 11, 1973, Wilkes-Barre, in folder 10-14.

Carton 11

  • Correspondence, 1971 - all pertaining to Revloc Mine Waste Project, Cambria County, in folder 11/3:
    • Carl A. Peterson to Clifford H. McConnell, May 24, 1971.
    • A. E. Molinski to Peterson, May 7, 1971.
    • E. S. Hochstetter to McConnell, May 14, 1971.
    • Donald W. Whitehead to Norval D. Reece, April 29, 1971.
    • J.A. Corgan to Whitehead, April 14, 1971.
  • Minutes:
    • Water Resources Study meeting of ARC, June 23, 1971, in folder 11/1.
  • Reports:
    • ARC, "Budget Estimates, Fiscal Year 1973 for Submission to Office of Management and Budget," Sept. 22, 1971, in folder 11/1.

Carton 12

  • Correspondence, 1970:
    • Correspondence of 1970 from governors of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia re document "Development of Water Resources in Appalachia,." In folder 12/7.
  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • Carl A. Peterson to M. B. Gutshall, Jan. 22, 1971 re public policy and the Appalachian region's fuel industry, in folder 12/5.
  • Correspondence, 1971-1972:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Harborcreek Township Supervisors, Norval D. Reece, E. S. Hochstetter, Ned V. Collander and other re sanitary sewer system project in Harbor Creek Township, Erie County, in folder 12/16.
  • Reports:
    • Pennsylvania Appalachia Development Revision Plan for 1972" in folder 12/21.
  • Press release:
    • US Dept of Interior, Bureau of Mines, March 9, 1971 re energy use by American consumers. The release includes tables showing preliminary 1970 energy balance in detail, i.e. energy sources, use categories and major producing and consumer sectors of the economy. In folder 12/5.

Atomic Energy

Carton 15

  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • The Philadelphia Electric Company-operated nuclear reactor on the Susquehanna River is discussed in the following letters: Frank E. Romano to Shapp, August 3, 1971 Wesley E. Gilbertson to Romano, August 18, 1971; Romano to Shapp and Romano to Glen T. Seaborg, June 4, 1971.
    • Recent and pending legislation concerning atomic energy is the subject of 1971 correspondence between Shapp and the Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., in folder 15/18.
    • The Shippingport nuclear power plant is the subject of correspondence between Shapp, Katherine B. Bartholomew and Leonard Bachman, July 10 and 22, 1971.
    • State Representative Milton Berkes to Shapp, August 5, 1971 re Newbold Island nuclear plant.
    • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blood to Shapp, July 8, 1971 and Shapp to Blood, July 20, 1971 re Delaware Valley Committee for Protection of the Environment opposes a proposed fast-breeder nuclear reactor in Wyoming County.
    • Wesley E. Gilbertson to Buffalo Creek Conservation Group, May 7, 1971 re Shapp's proposed legislation: "The Power Plant Siting and Approval Act (H.B. 760).
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Georgia Marth, June 10, 1971 re power plant siting bill, protocol for state approval of Buffalo Creek Dam and erection of public reservoirs. All in folder 15/19
    • G. Dodson to Shapp, May 7, 1971 and Shapp to Dodson, May 21, 1971 re Pennsylvania Electric Co. and nuclear energy, in folder 15/22.
    • Congressman Joshua Eilberg to Harold L. Price, July 14, 1971 re nuclear power plants, in folder 15/24.
    • Judith H. Johnsrud to Frederick Cox, April 10, 1971 re Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power's criticism of report linking infant mortality and nuclear power, in folder 15/24.
  • Correspondence, 1971-1972:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, "Citizens for a Safe Environment," and Leonard Bachman re nuclear power stations especially Three Mile Island, in folder 15/21.
  • Correspondence, 1972:
    • Judith H. Johnson to Shapp, Nov. 2, 1972 re Central Pennsylvania Committee on Nuclear Energy; in folder 15/21.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to John M. Elliott, July 5, 1972 re flood protection measures at Three Mile Island (TMI) and Peach Bottom [Peach Bottom Township, York County] nuclear plants, in folder 15/22.
  • Correspondence, 1973-1974:
    • Correspondence between Shapp, Leonard Bachman, and "Citizens Against Nuclear Dangers" re hazards of nuclear power; in folder 15/21.
  • Correspondence, 1973:
    • Thomas N. Gerusky to Howard W. Chapman, Nov. 3, 1973 re investigation of Shippingport nuclear plant resin spill, in folder 15/20.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Shapp to Congressman Ray J. Madden, August 5, 1974 re support for H.R. 13565, the federal Non-Nuclear Energy and Research Development Act of 1974 in folder 15/20
    • Douglas E. Baker to Shapp, June 30, 1974 and Leonard Bachman to Baker, July 31, 1974 re call for nuclear moratorium on nuclear plant construction by the "Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power;" in folder 15/24.
    • Shapp to John J. Bowman, Jr., Oct. 29, 1974, Shapp says that major problem of nuclear facilities is disposal of the by-product radioactive waste, in folder 15/19.
  • Minutes:
    • Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Congress of the United States Ninety-first Congress, Second Session," March 19, 1970, Part 4 (Washington DC: GPO, 1970), in folder 16/21.
    • Shapp news conference on the Shippingport nuclear power station report, June 26, 1974, in folder 15/20.
    • Dr. Ralph E. Lapp on the Newbold Island Generating Station, before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of the Atomic Energy Commission, Oct. 3, 1973, in folder 15/18.
    • Herbert S. Denenberg before the Atomic Energy Commission re risk and insurability of nuclear plants in Pennsylvania, 1973? in folder 15/22.

Carton 16

  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel to Shapp, Nov. 24, 1971 re Maryland legislation on power plants, in folder 16/12.
    • W. F. Rockwell, Jr. to Shapp, July 30, 1971 re support for fast breeder demonstration nuclear plant in Wyoming County, in folder 16/13.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Vincent S. Boyer, Oct. 26, 1971 re siting high temperature gas cooled reactors, in folder 16/15.
    • J. Palladino to Shapp, Nov 13, Dec. 30, 1971 March 22 and July 14, 1971 re Pennsylvania Advisory Committee on Atomic Energy Development and Radiation Control; in folder 16/17.
    • John W. McFarlane to Tony May, Nov. 30, 1971 re power plant cooling towers at Three Mile Island, in folder 16/19.
    • Wesley E. Gilbertson to Ethel J. Smith, Nov. 3, 1971 and Fred Jones, Nov. 10, 1971 re power plant cooling towers at Three Mile Island, in folder 16/19.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, Dec. 10, 1971 re Shippingport Reactor Breeder Core, in folder 16/21.
    • Lester R. Rogers to Shapp, Dec. 6, 1971 re implications of US Court of Appeals case Calvert Cliffs' Coordinating Committee, et al. v. US Atomic Energy Commission, et al., in folder 16/21.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to James R. Schlesinger, Dec. 13, 1971 re replacement of core at Shippingport plant reactor, in folder 16/21.
    • R.J. Hollingsworth to Shapp, Sept. 7, 1971 re proposed nuclear plant near Meshoppen, Pennsylvania, in folder 16/21.
    • Glenn T. Seaborg to Shapp, May 25, 1971 re regulations for private use of atomic energy, in folder 16/21.
    • Shapp to Harold L. Price, May 7, 1971 and to Glenn T. Seaborg, June 21, 1971 re Atomic Energy Commission's draft guide on environmental reports, in folder 16/21.
  • Correspondence, 1972:
    • E.J. Sternglass to Shapp, Feb. 14, 1972 re alleged correlation between increase in infant mortality and discharges of radioactive waste into the Ohio River in folder 16/6.
    • John P. Sensenig to Shapp, March 16, 1972 re Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy hearings, in folder 16/9.
    • US Senator Hugh Scott to Shapp, March 23, 1972 re Joint Atomic Energy Committee hearings, in folder 16/9.
    • Edward J. Bauser to Shapp, March 18, 1972 re list of witnesses testifying at Joint Atomic Energy Committee hearings, in folder 16/9.
    • Telegram from Shapp to US Senators John Pastore, Hugh Scott and others, March 17, 1972 re Shapp request to postpone hearings on Congressional bills about nuclear power; in folder 16/9.
    • W. W. Anderson to J. Shane Creamer, Nov. 13, 1972 re nuclear power plants, in folder 16/9.
    • Joan Matheson to Shapp, Oct. 9, 1972 re Delaware Valley Conservation Association call for public hearings on energy policy, in folder 16/12.
    • W. W. Anderson to J. Shane Creamer, Oct. 5, 1972 re hearings on proposed plants at Limerick, Newbold Island, & Three Mile Island, Susquehanna and Peach Bottom [York County], in folder 16/13.
    • Joseph F. Brown to Shapp, April 25, 1972 re. Nuclear Transportation Division of NL Industries, Wilmington, Delaware requests information on transport of hazardous materials in Pennsylvania, in folder 16/13.
    • George F. Gushue to Shapp, Jan. 14, 1972 re Philadelphia Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council's desire to testify at Atomic Energy Commission hearings, in folder 16/17.
    • Manning Muntzing to Robert L. Smith Oct. 5, 1973 and Shapp to Smith, Oct 12, 1973 re Public Service Electric & Gas of New Jersey's plan to build nuclear power station at Salem, New Jersey, in folder 16/17.
  • Correspondence, 1973:
    • Goddard to Shapp, Dec. 17, 1973 re investigation of Shippingport resin spill in folder 16/2.
    • Herbert S. Denenberg to Thomas Gerusky, Nov. 1, 1973 re Shippingport resin spill in folder 16/2.
    • W. W. Anderson to Norval D. Reece, August 27, 1973 re Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in folder 16/9.
    • Anderson to Frank R. Clokey, June 21, 1973 re present or potential nuclear power stations at Beaver Valley, Newbold Island, Limerick, Three Mile Island, and Peach Bottom [York County];in folder 16/9.
    • Edward B. Bauer, Jr. to Shapp, June 29, 1973 re Philadelphia Electric Company interest in constructing nuclear plant in Fulton Township, Lancaster County; in folder 16/15.
    • Manning Muntzing to Robert L. Smith Oct. 5, 1973 and Shapp to Smith, Oct 12, 1973 re Public Service Electric & Gas of New Jersey's plan to build nuclear power station at Salem, New Jersey, in folder 16/18.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Shapp to Russell Train, Oct. 16, 1974 re environmental radiology surveillance function of the Atomic Energy Commission, in folder 16/1.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, June 21, 1974 re need for comprehensive state environmental monitoring program, in folder 16/2.
    • Lawrence L. Lawyer to Joseph H. Scheitman, June 5, 1974 re Three Mile Island (TMI) Nuclear Station No. 1 now has operating license. In folder 16/5.
    • Shapp to Carey McWilliams, Sept. 11, 1974 re report filed by Fact Finding Committee to investigate Shippingport accident, in folder 16/13.
  • Testimony, 1970:
    • John M. Elliott before Special Pennsylvania Senate Committee Studying Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power, Sept. 16, 1970, in folder 15/24.
    • Ernest J. Sternglass on infant mortality and nuclear power generation," before the Pennsylvania Senate Select Committee on Reactor Siting, Oct. 21, 1970, in folder 16/18.
  • Testimony, 1971:
    • Affidavits of Brian L. Joiner, William L. Harkness, and Warren Witzig before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board, Atomic Energy Commission, Nov. 16, 1971, in folder 16/6.
  • Testimony, 1972:
    • Dr. Walter H. Graf before the Atomic Energy Commission on the hydrological impact of proposed Newbold Island Generating Plant, June, 1972, in folder 16/4.
    • James R. Schlesinger, William D. Ruskelshaus and Russell E. Train before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, March 16, 1972, in folder 16/9.
  • Testimony, 1974:
    • Pat Hoffman before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 and 2," Jan.8, 1974, Pittsburgh, in folder 16/7.

Carton 17

  • Correspondence, 1972:
    • Michael H. Malin to Shapp, August 16, 1972 re water supplies for new power plants, in folder 17/2.
    • Malin to Shapp, August 16, 1972 re oil-fired electric generating plants, in folder 17/2.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Shapp to Russell Train, Oct. 16, 1974 re environmental radiology surveillance function of the Atomic Energy Commission, in folder 16/1.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, June 21, 1974 re need for comprehensive state environmental monitoring program, in folder 16/2.
    • Lawrence L. Lawyer to Joseph H. Scheitman, June 5, 1974 re Metropolitan Edison official says Three Mile Island (TMI) Nuclear Station No. 1 now has operating license. In folder 16/5.
    • Shapp to Carey McWilliams, Sept. 11, 1974 re report filed by Fact Finding Committee to investigate Shippingport accident, in folder 16/13.
  • Testimony
    • Dr. Ralph E. Lapp on the Newbold Island Generating Station, before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of the Atomic Energy Commission, Oct. 3, 1973, in folder 15/18.
    • Herbert S. Denenberg before the Atomic Energy Commission re risk and insurability of nuclear plants in Pennsylvania, 1973? in folder 15/22.
  • Reports, 1970:
    • Subcommittee on Atomic Energy Development, "Report on Atomic Energy Development for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," Dec. 1970, in folder 16/17.
  • Reports, 1971:
    • Environmental Protection Agency, "Radiological Engineering Aspects of Power Plant Siting," June 15, 1971, in folder 16/1.
    • Delaware River Basin Electric Utilities Group, "Report to the Delaware River Basin Commission: Proposed Major Transmission Systems, Delaware River Basin, 1972-1986,"December 1971.
    • Delaware River Basin Electric Utilities Group, "Report to the Delaware River Basin Commission: Master Siting Study, Major Electric Generating Projects, Delaware River Basin, 1972-1986," December 1971, all in folder 15/23.
    • Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Review of Atomic Energy Electric Generating Plants," June 2, 1971, in folder 16/2.
    • Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Radioactive Effluent Considerations and Policy, April 30, 1971," in folder 16/7.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "Light Water Breeder Reactor Program," circa 1971, in folder 16/21.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "Draft, Guide to the Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," Feb. 1971, in folder 16/21.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "Title 10, Atomic Energy, Chapter 1, AEC, Part 50, Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969," 1971, in folder 16/21.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "Light Water Breeder Reactor Program," circa 1971, in folder 16/21.
  • Reports, 1972:
    • Staff Analysis Report on Master Siting Study, Major Electric Generating Projects, Delaware River Basin, 1972-1986," Jan. 14, 1972 in folder 16/2.
    • Met Edison Co., Jersey Central Power & Light Co. and Pa. Electric Co., "Final Analysis Report, Amendment No. 32, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1," Oct. 24, 1972; in folder 16/5.
    • Met Edison Co., Jersey Central Power & Light Co. and Pa. Electric Co. Same authors, "Final Analysis Report, Amendment No. 28, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station No. 1," Sept. 1, 1972 in folder 16/5.
    • Met Ed. Co. & Jersey Central Power & Light Co., "Supplement I, Environmental Report, Operating License Stage, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 and Unit 2," August 9, 1972, in folder 16/5.
    • Philadelphia Electric Company, Annual Report for 1972, in folder 16/15.
    • AEC, "Guide to the Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," August 1972, in folder 16/21.
    • "Guide for Submission of Information on Costs and Benefits of Environmentally Related Alternative Designs for Defined Classes of Completed and Partially Completed Nuclear Facilities," May 1972, in folder 16/21.
  • Reports, 1973:
    • Metropolitan Edison Company, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, "Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment No. 36, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1," Feb. 9, 1973, in folder 17/1.
  • Litigation, 1972-1973:
    • Delaware River Basin Commission, Draft of Docket No. D-69-210 CP, Philadelphia Electric Company, Limerick Nuclear Generating Station, Limerick Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania," Dec. 1, 1972, in folder 15/23.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, In the Matter of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (Newbold Island Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2) Docket Nos. 50-354 & 50-355, June 23, 1973 [Note: Newbold Island is in the Township of Bordentown, Burlington County, New Jersey], in folder 15/18.
    • Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Docket No. 50-289, "In the Matter of Metropolitan Edison Company, et al (Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1) Stipulation, circa Nov. 13, 1973, in folder 16/9.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "In the Matter of Public Service Electric & Gas Company, (Newbold Island Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 &2) Dockets Nos. 50354 & 355, May 10, 1973, in folder 16/20.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "In the Matter of Philadelphia Electric Company (Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 & 2) Docket Nos. 50-352 & 50-353, May 10, 1973, in folder 16/20.
  • Speeches:
    • Andrew P. Hull and Ferdinand J. Shore, "Standards, Statistics, and Sternglass: Guilt by Association," before the 6th Annual Health Physics Society Topical Symposium, Richmond, Washington, Nov. 2-5, 1971, in folder 16/6.
    • J. L. Everett, President, Philadelphia Electric Company, "The Engineer and the Environment," at Proclamation Luncheon, Feb. 18, 1972, in folder 16/15.
  • Legislation, 1966, 1971, 1972:1, 1972:
    • S.B. 295, no. 578 "An Act providing for atomic energy development and radiation control," Jan. 28, 1966, in folder 15/20.
    • Maryland Senate Bill No. 540, c. 1971, to amend Annotated Code of Maryland article relating to Natural Resources with subtitle "Power Plant Siting," in folder 16/12.
    • H.R. 13732, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, "A Bill to Amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954," March 9, 1972, in folder 16/9.
    • H.R. 13568, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, "A Bill to assure protection of environmental values while facilitating construction of needed electric power supply facilities, and other purposes," in folder 16/18.
  • Press releases, 1971: (Mainly from the Office of the Governor)
    • June 21, 1971 re Shapp opposes demonstration-type fast breeder reactor in Meshoppen, Wyoming County, in folder 15/20.
    • Philadelphia Electric Co., August 30, 1971 re company plans to build a 2,300,00-kilowatt nuclear power station, in folder 16/15.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, Sept. 14, 1972 re notice of meeting.
    • Nov. 29, 197l, re public hearings.
    • June 7, 1971 re light water cooled nuclear power reactors, in folder 16/21.
  • Press releases, 1972: (Mainly from the Office of the Governor)
    • March 29, 1972 re Shapp opposes changing Pennsylvania's Atomic Energy Act of 1954, in folder 15/20.
  • Press releases, 1973: (Mainly from the Office of the Governor)
    • Dec. 18, 1973 re "no significant radioactivity" released into the environment by Shippingport plant spill.
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 16, 1973 re potential heating and industrial energy shortage.
    • Philadelphia Electric Company, July 3, 1973 re company application to Atomic Energy Commission to build nuclear plant in Fulton Township, Lancaster County; in folder 16/15.
  • Press releases, 1974: (Mainly from the Office of the Governor)
    • "Summary, Report of the Governor's Fact-Finding Committee on the Shippingport Nuclear Power Station and the Governor's Response to the report," June 16, 1974 in folder 15/20.
  • News clippings, 1971:
    • "Power Plant Airport Peril in Harrisburg," Pittsburgh Press, Sunday Oct. 10, 1971, in folder 16/19.
  • News clippings, 1972:
    • "Energy Plant Crisis," editorial, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Dec. 27, 1972, in folder 15/20.
    • Several articles in Science, vol. 177, Sept. 8, 1972; "Nuclear Safety" by Daniel F. Ford and Henry W. Kendall, Environment, vol. 14, no. 7, Sept. 1972, in folder 15/21.
    • Electric Co. Buys Land in County," Lancaster Intelligencer Journal, Dec. 22, 1972, in folder 16/18.
  • News clippings, 1973:
    • Atomic Workers Are Paying a High Price for their Jobs," by Dr. Jeanne Stellman, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Union News, March 1973, in folder 15/19.
    • LEAF Plans 1st Annual Meeting," Lancaster Pa. New Era, March 1, 1973. About the Lancaster Environmental Action Federation (LEAF), in folder 16/18.
    • "Boomsma Asks Moratorium on A-Plant Sites," Lancaster Pa. New Era, March 15, 1973, in folder 16/18.
  • News clippings, 1974:
    • "Nuclear Plant Stand Is Protested," Philadelphia Bulletin, July 9, 1974, in folder 15/19.
    • State Panel Questions Radiation Safety," Beaver County Times, June 7, 1974 in folder 16/7.
    • "AEC Spreads Myths of Atomic Energy," Beaver County Times, June 5, 1974, in folder 16/7.
    • "Is It A Question of Faith?" by James D. Sneddon, Beaver County Times, Feb. 11, 1974, in folder 16/18.
  • Publications, 1970s or undated:
    • Philadelphia Electric Company, Power on the Susquehanna: Conowingo, Peach Bottom, and Muddy Run. Undated.
    • Booklet describing the nuclear plants Conowingo in Maryland, Peach Bottom, York County and Muddy Run, Lancaster County, circa 1970s, in folder 16/15.
    • Philadelphia Electric Company, Environment, Undated; Delaware Valley Section, American Nuclear Society, Nuclear Power and the Environment, circa 1970s, in folder 16/15.
    • Westinghouse Electric Company, Energy Equivalents, undated, in folder 17/2.
    • Tour Guide,[Waltz Mill complex], undated; Questions About the Liquid-Metal Fast-Breeder Reactor & Answers from Westinghouse Electric Corporation, undated, in folder 17/2.
    • Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems, undated.
    • Westinghouse Nuclear Center [about the Westinghouse complex at Monroeville, Pennsylvania], in folder 17/2.
  • Publications, 1971:
    • "The Electric Power Crisis in America," Look Magazine, August 10, 1971, in folder 16/11.
    • Walter Mitchell III and Stanley E. Turner, Breed Reactors, (Wash. DC, Atomic Energy Commission, August 1971), in folder 16/21.
    • Federal Register, vol. 36, no. 11, Wednesday, June 9, 1971, in folder 16/21.
    • "Atomic Energy Commission, Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities;" Federal Register, vol. 36, no. 190, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1971 in folder 16/21.
    • Atomic Energy Commission, "Title 10-Atomic Energy, Chapter 1-Atomic Energy Commission, Part 350, Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," circa 1971, in folder 16/21.
    • James H. Wright, The Role of Electric Power in Minimizing Total Pollution from Energy Use, 3rd edition, 1971, in folder 17/2.
    • James H. Wright, The Environment and Nuclear Power, undated.
    • Liquid-Metal Fast-Breeder Reactor, Fast Breeder Facts, August 1971, in folder 17/2.
    • Nuclear Energy Digest, nos. 2, 3, 4, 1971, in folder 17/2.
  • Publications, 1973:
    • Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc. Newsletter, April 1973, in folder 15/22.
    • George L. Weil, Nuclear Energy: Promises, Promises." (By the Author: Washington DC, circa 1973, in folder 16/10.
    • Federal Register, vol. 38, no. 21, Thursday, Feb. 1, 1973, "Nuclear Power Plants: Notice of Intent to Develop General Siting Criteria," in folder 17/1.
  • Publications, 1974:
    • McKinley C. Olson, "The Hot River Valley," The Nation, vol. 219 no. 3, August 3, 1974. About nuclear power stations in Pennsylvania, in folder 16/13.
    • Save Solanco Environment Newsletter, Sept 1973, May 1974, in folder 16/18.
  • Photographs:
    • "Aerial view of artist's concept of Fulton Generating Station," Fulton Township, Lancaster County; Ground level concept of plant, in folder 16/15.
  • Map:
    • Philadelphia Electric Company, "Recreation Areas on Conowingo Lake," August 1971, in folder 16/15.

Energy Crisis

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  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • Robert Sidman to Shapp, June 22, 1971 re the natural gas shortage in Pennsylvania, in folder 41/12.
  • Correspondence, 1973:
    • Edward Mitchell to Joseph H. Schneitman, Jan. 22, 1973 regarding the Governor's Executive Order 1973-2, Fuel Oil Shortage, in folder 4/6.
    • Correspondence, Ray S. Walker to Shapp, Nov. 27, 1973 re principle of "energy leverage," in folder 41/7.
    • Lamer F. Hawn to Maurice K. Goddard, Dec. 12, 1973 re oil and gas reserves in Pennsylvania portion of Lake Erie; in folder 41/7.
    • Robert W. Freedman to Shapp, Dec. 17, 1973 re position paper of the Citizens Environmental Task Force on the energy crisis;, in folder 41/9.
    • Clifford Dillman to President Richard M. Nixon, Nov. 8, 1973 re Coalition Against Ruining the Environment's criticism of government's handling of the energy crisis, in folder 41/9.
    • Eric H. Reichl to Shapp, Jan. 27, 1973 re stack gas scrubbing, in folder 41/9.
    • Shapp to Goddard, April 12, 1973 re Shapp disagreement with decisions of the Environmental Quality Board, in folder 41/11.
    • Frederick Dent to Shapp, Oct. 24, 1973 re US Dept. of Commerce workshop on energy conservation in buildings, in folder 41/12.
    • Shapp to Walter Arader and Norval D. Reece, Jan. 22, 1973 re use of coal within environmental standards, in folder 41/12.
    • William Wilcox to Shapp, Nov. 9, 1973 re Commonwealth lacks authority to contact oil distributors, wholesalers or others in the oil delivery system, folder 41/13.
    • Wilcox to Charles G. Simpson, Nov. 2, 1973 re schedule for regional public meetings on energy with map showing meeting sites, folder 41/13.
    • Wilcox to Shapp, Feb. 14, 1974 re emergency fuel office activities status report, folder 41/13.
    • Wilcox to Shapp, Dec. 14, 1973 re regional public meetings on the energy crisis, folder 41/13.
    • Wilcox to Charles G. Simpson, Oct. 23, 1973 re lessons for Pennsylvania. from Colorado's energy shortage, in folder 41/13.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Shapp and US Senator Richard S. Schweiker to William Simon, Feb. 22, 1974 re keeping gas stations open in Pennsylvania, in folder 41/5.
    • Shapp to Schweiker, March 1, 1974 and Schweiker to Shapp, March 18, 1974 re settlement of service station dealers' strike, in folder 41/5.
    • Edison W. Osborne to Norval D. Reece, April 8, 1974 re agri-businesses purchasing fuel from the pump, in folder 4/6.
    • M.T. Lego to Robert Sidman, Feb. 22, 1974 re Amoco Oil is increasing Pennsylvania's gas volume allowance for February 1974, in folder 41/6.
    • T. J. McJoynt to Shapp, May 9, 1973 and Reece to McJoynt, May 25, 1973 re Amoco Oil Co.'s efforts to meet consumer gasoline demand, in folder 41/6.
    • Robert E. Yancey to Shapp, Feb. 28, 1974 re Ashland Oil Inc. criticism of Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, in folder 41/6.
    • Atlantic Richfield Company to Shapp, March 9, 1974 re increase in company's allocation fraction for gasoline, in folder 41/6.
    • William H. Wilcox to Rogers Morton, Nov. 8, 1974 re anthracite coal shortage in Pennsylvania in folder 41/13.
    • Shapp to Wilcox, March 12, 1974 re need for Commonwealth to monitor amount of gasoline coming into Pa. gas stations weekly, in folder 41/13.
    • Robert Rafsky to Wilcox, Feb. 19, 1974 re why gasoline service stations are not getting gas, folder 41/13.
    • Wilcox to Shapp, Feb. 11, 1974 re proposed voluntary motor gasoline rationing plan, folder 41/13.
  • Proceedings:
    • Pennsylvania Coal Conference (Governors' Coal Conference), April 4, 1973, Pittsburgh, in folder 41/11.
  • Reports:
    • Federal Trade Commission, "An Evaluation of the Mandatory Petroleum Allocation Program, January 15-February 28, 1974," March 15, 1974, in folder 41/9.
    • Executive Office of the President, Office of Emergency Preparedness, "The Potential for Energy Conservation: Substitution for Scarce Fuels, A Staff Study," Jan. 1973, in folder 41/9.
    • Steven O. Spelman, "The Catalytic Heating Situation in the United States, October 1973, in folder 41/10.
    • Robert Sidman to Shapp, April 2, 1973 re meeting of coal mine operators and owners in Clearfield County and the Koppers-Totzek conversion method which turns coal into a pipeline liquid, in folder 41/11.
    • Dept. of Commerce, "Economic Analysis: Some Observations on Fuels and Electric Energy for Pennsylvania Industry" by Albert E. Smigel, Nov. 1973, in folder 41/12.
    • Pa. Dept. of Community Affairs, "A Public Official's Guide for Conserving Fuel Oil and Gasoline," Nov. 1973, folder 41/13.
    • Anthony J. Carabello to Wilcox, August 21, 1974 re corrections to statistical report on house heating by coal or coke by Pennsylvania counties, folder 41/13.
    • Consultronic Associates, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, "Preliminary Study of Supply and Demand Factors of Coal in the State of Pennsylvania," July 25, 1974, folder 4/13.
    • Anthony J. Carbello to Wilcox, April 25, June 6, 13, July 3,11, 25, August 8, 1974 re gasoline situation report by counties, folder 41/13.
    • Carabello to Wilcox, July 17, 25, August 6, 1974 re coal reports from selected counties, folder 41/13.
    • Dept. of Community Affairs, "Pennsylvania Federal Energy Office Report, April 1, 1974. Report lists prime suppliers of gasoline and amount of available supplies, folder 41/13.
    • David W. Binkley to Alan L. Herd, March 4, 1974 re gasoline distribution information. The report lists each oil company's Federal Energy Office gasoline allocation and the areas where gasoline was distributed, in folder 41/13.
  • Litigation:
    • Federal Power Commission, Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation, Docket No. RP74-39-3, Order granting temporary emergency relief, issued November 30, 1973. in folder 41/9.
    • The Carnegie Natural Gas Company's petition that restrictions be lifted on its gas supplier, Texas Eastern, is granted by the Federal Trade Commission and ruled "in the public interest," in folder 41/9.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp at the Pennsylvania Coal Conference ("Governors' Coal Conference), April 4, 1973, in folder 41/11.
    • Wesley E. Gilbertson on "Improved Coal Technology & Environmental Quality," at same conference, in folder 41/11.
    • Albert E. Smigel, "Energy Requirements for Pennsylvania's Growth," at the Pennsylvania Power Conference, May 10, 1973, Harrisburg, in folder 41/12.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, 1972-1973 re energy crisis, in folder 41/4.
    • Office of the Governor, Jan.16, 1973. The Governor issues an executive order directing that all Commonwealth offices conserve energy, in folder 41/13.
  • News clippings:
    • "Truckers Go Too Far," Philadelphia Inquirer, December 5, 1973, in folder 41/7.
    • "Natural Gas Crisis Predicted to Linger for 4 More Years," Philadelphia Inquirer, May 27, 1971, in folder 41/12.
    • Utilities Warn on Natural Gas," Philadelphia Inquirer, July 24, 1974, folder 41/13.
    • "5-State Energy Czar Admits He Needs Illuminating Himself," Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Dec. 11, 1973, folder 41/13.
    • News clippings of December 1973 from Scranton, Allentown, Harrisburg, Oil City and Altoona newspapers about the regional meetings on energy, folder 41/13.
    • "New Chance for Pennsylvania Coal," Erie Times, Feb. 18, 1973, folder 41/13.
  • Publications:
    • "How to Create an Oil Shortage," Consumer Reports, March 1974, in folder 41/9.
    • "Snake Oil from the Oil Companies," Consumer Reports, Feb. 1974, in folder 41/9.
    • Pennsylvania Petroleum Association, Gas and Electricity Utilities Starting Creating the Energy Crisis Back in the 60s, poster, 1973, in folder 41/9.
    • Pa Dept. of Commerce, Energy Savers, circa 1974, in folder 41/12.
    • Pa. Dept. of Community Affairs, "A Public Official's Guide for Conserving Fuel Oil and Gasoline," Nov. 1973, folder 41/13.
    • Pa. Dept. of Community Affairs, Reports vol. 4, no. 7, July-August 1974, in folder 41/13.
    • "The Gasification of Coal" by Harry Perry, Scientific American vol. 230, no. 3, March 1974, in folder 41/13.
    • Pa. Dept. of Community Affairs, A Homeowner's 12-Point Guide for Conserving Fuel Oil and Gasoline (and money, too), Oct. 1973, in folder 41/13.
    • "The Arabian Fantasy" by Christopher T. Rand, Forbes Magazine, Jan. 1974, folder 41/14.
    • San Diego Section, American Nuclear Society, Questions & Answers: Nuclear Power and the Environment, 1972, folder 41/14.
    • "Progress Report: Beaver Valley Power Station," Pittsburgh Press Roto Magazine Sunday Jan. 12, 1972, folder 41/14.

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  • Correspondence, 1973:
    • Correspondence between Shapp and Russell E. Train re Environmental Protection Agency and oil-to-coal conversion program, folder 42/1.
    • William H. Wilcox to Shapp, Dec. 14, 1973 re regional public meetings on the energy crisis, folder 42/1.
    • Wilcox to Charles G. Simpson, Oct. 23, 1973 re lessons for Pa. from Colorado's energy shortage, folder 42/1.
    • Louise C. Dunlap to Bruce Terrence, Dec. 18, 1973 re Environmental Policy Center's position on coal strip mines, folder 42/1.
    • Goddard to Norval D. Reece, Sept. 6, 1973 re proposed federal order for fuel conversion, folder 42/1.
    • Goddard to Shapp, March 22, 1973 re trash and waste products as a fuel, folder 42/1.
    • Shapp to Congress, June 1, 1973 re oil-to-coal conversion at Cumberland County military sites, folder 42/1.
    • Shapp to Washington Governor Daniel J. Evans, Oct. 12, 1973 re difficulty of the Commonwealth working with utilities to meet energy needs, folder 42/1.
    • Ralph W. Abele to Shapp, Nov. 19, 1973 re Fish Commission energy conservation plan, folder 42/4.
    • William H. Wilcox to Governor's Task Force on Energy, Oct. 25, 1973 re bibliography on energy, folder 42/4.
    • US Senator Hubert H. Humphrey to Shapp, June 1, 1973 and Shapp to Humphrey, July 25, 1973 re conservation of energy, folder 42/12.
    • Shapp to Admiral Eli T. Reich, Dec. 5, 1973 re Commonwealth reaction to revision of Energy Policy Office Regulations, folder 42/12.
    • Shapp to Rogers B. Morton, July 12, 1973 re lack of information about availability of fuel, folder 42/12.
    • Oscar Jager and Jack Sensenig to Shapp, Nov. 28, 1973 re Office of Petroleum Allocation, folder 42/13.
    • Jager to Shapp, March 21, 1973 re status of coal conversion to gas and oil, folder 42/3.
    • Cornell C. Maier to Shapp, Sept. 25, 1973 re Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp.'s opposition to mandatory fuel allocation, folder 42/14.
    • William B. Harral to Lieutenant Governor Ernest P. Kline, Oct. 30, 1974 re role of the States in a National Energy System, folder 42/14.
    • Eugene F. Knopf to Lt. Governor Kline, Nov. 20, 1973 re National Energy Emergency Act of 1973, folder 42/14.
    • Fredrick Forscher to US Senator Henry Jackson and Governor Shapp, May 9, 1973 re President Nixon's Energy Message of 18 April 1973, folder 42/14.
    • Virginia H. Knauer to Shapp, Oct. 23, 1973 re President Nixon's "energy conservation ethic;" folder 42/14.
    • Harold E. Kohn to Shapp, Oct. 18, 1973 re coal liquefaction program, folder 42/14.
    • Cornell C. Maier to Shapp, Sept. 25, 1973 re Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp.'s opposition to mandatory fuel allocation, folder 42/14.
    • Eugene F. Knopf to Lt. Governor Kline, Nov. 20, 1973 re National Energy Emergency Act of 1973, folder 42/14.
    • Fredrick Forscher to US Senator Henry Jackson and Governor Shapp, May 9, 1973 re President Nixon's Energy Message of 18 April 1973, folder 42/14.
    • Virginia H. Knauer to Shapp, Oct. 23, 1973 re President Nixon's "energy conservation ethic;" folder 42/14.
    • Harold E. Kohn to Shapp, Oct. 18, 1973 re coal liquefaction program, folder 42/14.
    • Shapp to John A. Love, July 17, 1973 re conversion of coal into natural gas and low sulfur oil will solve the air pollution problem, folder 42/15.
    • James K. Hambright to Howard W. Chapman, Nov. 9, 1973 re fuel conversion at Mechanicsburg Naval Depot, Cumberland County, folder 42/16.
    • Robert A. Harris to Eugene Frund, Nov. 20, 1973 re hydrocarbon exploration in Lake Erie, folder 42/16.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Correspondence between Shapp and Russell E. Train re Environmental Protection Agency and oil-to-coal conversion program, folder 42/1.
    • William H. Wilcox to Shapp, Feb. 14, 1974 re emergency fuel office activities status report, folder 42/1.
    • Congressman Joshua Eilberg to Shapp, Feb. 27, 1974 re use of state funds to purchase gasoline, folder 42/1.
    • Joe Browser to Douglas Johnson, Feb. 6, 1974 re American Mining Congress comment on coal supplies, folder 42/1.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Lieutenant Governor Ernest P. Kline, Nov. 26, 1974 re pollution relating to coal operations in Somerset County, folder 42/1.
    • Shapp to John C. Sawhill, June 18, 1974 re call for Federal Energy Administration to investigate Pa. coal supply and demand, in folder 42/3.
    • Shapp to John N. Nassikas, Oct. 21, 1974 re natural gas shortage in Pa., folder 42/3.
    • Anthony J. Carabello to William H. Wilcox, June 20, 1974 re gasoline situation report by counties, folder 42/3.
    • Ohio Governor John J. Gilligan to George P. Shultz, Dec. 17, 1973, Gilligan to Shapp, Jan. 15, 1974, and Shapp to Gilligan, Jan. 31, 1974 re funding for air or water pollution control facilities, folder 42/4.
    • Frank S. Beal to Charles Simpson, Nov. 14, 1973 re burning high sulfur coal without air pollution, folder 42/4.
    • William B. Harral to the Federal Energy Administration, April 12, 1974 re lack of lubricating or hydraulic oils for machinery used in coal mining operation, folder 42/4.
    • Harral to Richard Doran, March 15, 1974 re energy data bank, folder 42/4.
    • Raymond Holst to Lt. Governor Ernest P. Kline, March 11, 1974 re energy data bank, folder 42/4.
    • Robert Sidman to Members of Governor's Task Force on Energy, Feb. 7, 1974 re executive summary report, folder 42/4.
    • Philip H. Svanoe to Shapp, July 1974 re solar heating auxiliary furnace, folder 42/12.
    • Israel Packer to Shapp, Feb. 1, 1974 re Dept. of Justice investigation of petroleum marketing, folder 42/13.
    • William B. Harral to Lieutenant Governor Ernest P. Kline, Oct. 30, 1974 re role of the States in a National Energy System, folder 42/14.
    • Governor George M. Leader to Shapp, March-April 1974 re Commonwealth's energy policy, folder 42/15.
    • Edward T. Snyder II to Betty L. Burston, Sept. 13, 1974 re his theory that federal regulations shut down small mine operations causing bituminous coal shortage for homeowners, folder 42/15.
  • Minutes:
    • Pa. General State Authority board meeting, Jan. 24, 1973, in folder 42/1.
    • Federation of Economic Organizations, Keidanren Kaikan, "The Energy Policies of the Industrialized World-Cooperation or Rivalry," Oct. 29-30, 1973, Tokyo, Japan, folder 42/3.
    • Governor's Task Force on Energy meeting of Dec 28, 1973, folder 42/4.
  • Reports:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, "Report on Energy Situation," Jan. 17, 1974, folder 42/1.
    • Governor's Science Advisory Committee, Energy Management Subcommittee, "Energy for Pennsylvania: A Plan for Action, Draft II," August 28, 1973, folder 42/2.
    • Mobil Oil Corp., "Energy Policy Project Preliminary Report," March 12, 1974, folder 42/3.
    • Governor's Science Advisory Committee to Shapp, "Energy for Pennsylvania: An Action Plan, Executive Summary Report, Sept. 1973", folder 42/4.
    • Robert L. Schulz/Program Associates, "Toward A New Resources Recovery Program for Ohio," Oct. 10, 1973, folder 42/4.
    • Gulf Oil Corp., "Actions Taken by the Operating Elements of the Gulf Oil Corporation to Conserve Energy, November 1, 1973 to March 1, 1974,"April 8, 1974, folder 42/4.
    • Gulf Oil Corp. to Shapp, Feb. 6, 1974 re Gulf protests government fuel allocation system, folder 42/4.
    • T. R. Hopkins to Shapp, Feb. 15, 1973 re Gulf Research's "PAMCO process," a method of removing ash from coal to produce a low-sulfur, solid fuel, folder 42/4.
    • US Dept. of Interior, Office of Coal Research, Annual Report for 1973, folder 42/13.
    • W. R. Schnicke and W. J. Douglas, "Energy and Government Policy: A Concept Paper," 1974, folder 42/14.
    • Ketron Inc., "Ketron, Inc, Capabilities in Energy Systems Analysis," Jan. 18, 1974, folder 42/14.
    • Ketron Inc., "Fuel Oil Policy Analysis Utilizing the CMIC Emergency Allocation System," Feb. 22, 1974, folder 42/14.
  • Testimony:
    • Testimony of GASP (Group Against Smog and Pollution) before the US House of Representatives Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Nov. 27, 1973, folder 42/4.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to Coal Conversion Meeting, Jan. 25, 1973;, folder 42/1.
    • Shapp at Governor's Coal Conference, April 4, 1973, Pittsburgh, folder 42/1.
    • Randall Meyer, "Developing Western Energy Resources," to the Federation of Rocky Mountain States, Sept. 4, 1974, E. Glacier Park, Montana, folder 42/1.
    • George R. Hill, "Energy Conversion," before the Conference on Research for the Electric Power Industry, Dec. 11-14, 1972, Washington DC, folder 42/13.
    • George H. Hill, "Status of Processes for Utilization of High Sulfur Coal In Conversion and Power Generation Systems," before the Electrical World's Technical Conference, Oct. 25, 1972, Chicago, folder 42/13.
  • Publications:
    • William A. Egan, Governor of Alaska, Alaska oil series, Hearst Publications, 1973, folder 42/1.
    • West Virginia Legislature, West Virginia Coal As An Alternative to the Energy Crisis, Undated, folder 42/1.
    • Congressional Record, Senate, Feb. 7, 1974 re comments of US Senator Mike Manfield on S.425, the Surface Mine Reclamation Act of 1973, in folder 42/1.
    • James A. Noone, "Energy Report/Strip Mining Lobby Groups focus on House Interior Committee," National Journal Reports, Jan. 26, 1974, folder 42/1.
    • \The Independent Coal Operator, vol. 17 no. 1, Sept. 1973, folder 42/4.
    • Russ Noble, "The Answer to the 'Energy Crisis' Lies Buried Right Here in Canada," Canadian Consulting Engineer, Dec. 1973, folder 42/12.
    • US Dept. of the Interior, Office of Oil and Gas, Summary: Current Petroleum Industry Operations, Nov. 16, 1973, folder 42/12.
    • International Solarthermics Corporation Introduces the Sungazer solar furnace, 1974, folder 43/12.
    • Federal Energy Office: Petroleum Allocation and Price Regulations," Federal Register vol. 39, no. 10, Jan. 15, 1974, folder 42/14.
    • Ecology Newsletter, Jan. 31, 1973, folder 42/16.
    • "The Energy Crisis As a Coal Miner Sees It," The Center Magazine, November-December 1973, folder 42/16.
    • "Drilling Spree Hits Pennsylvania," Oil and Gas Journal, Nov. 26, 1973, folder 42/16.
    • "Amoco slates offset to first major Pennsylvania gas find," Oil and Gas Journal, Nov. 26, 1973, folder 42/16.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, May 11, 1973 re Shapp letter to President Nixon on energy crisis, folder 42/1.
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 16, 1973 re potential shortage of heating and industrial energy, folder 42/1.
    • US Dept. of Interior, Energy Policy Office, Oct. 14, 1973 re "mandatory middle distillate fuel allocation program;" folder 42/15.
    • Office of the White House Press Secretary, August 9, 1973 re "mandatory fuel allocation," folder 42/15.
  • News clippings:
    • News articles of Feb. 1974 from the Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, New York Times, & Washington Post on strip mine regulations, folder 42/1.
    • "U.S. Proposes Curbs To Conserve Supply of Petroleum Fuels," Wall Street Journal, August 28, 1973, folder 42/1.
    • William E. Hawkins, "Shapp Takes 2 Big Steps to Revive Coal Industry," Harrisburg Sunday Patriot-News, c. 1973, folder 42/1.
    • "In Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Weekend Gas Shortage Seen," Harrisburg Patriot-News, June 1, 1974, folder 42/4.
    • Fuel for Thought: Now We're Cooking with Gas," by Nicholas von Hoffman, Washington Post, Jan 17, 1973. About strip mining, in folder 42/13.
    • "Gas Prices Stirring Fears for Dealers," by David Bird, New York Times, April 25, 1974, folder 42/13.
    • "US Proposes Curbs To Conserve Supply of Petroleum Fuels," Wall Street Journal, August 28, 1973, folder 42/13.

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  • Correspondence:
    • Carl E. Bagge to Shapp, Feb. 6, 1973 re temporary suspension of sulfur limits on fuels, folder 43/4.
    • Shapp to President Richard M. Nixon, May 8, 1973 and Charles J. DiBona to Shapp, June 1, 1973 re White House committee to study use of coal, folder 43/6.
    • Darrell M. Trent to Shapp, May 16, 1973 re possible gasoline conservation measures and new federal Office of Energy Conservation, folder 43/8.
    • Thomas R. Byrley to Shapp, August 28, 1973 and Goddard to Byrlery, Sept. 25, 1973 re Commonwealth sulfur dioxide emission regulations, folder 43/8.
    • Robert H. Essenhigh to Robert Sidman, Jan. 29, 1973 and Sidman to Shapp, Feb. 7, 1973 re fuel emergency procedures, folder 43/9.
    • Sidman to Shapp, Feb. 5, 1973 re list of states and countries with gasification or liquefaction plants, folder 43/9.
    • Edward Michaels to Shapp, Nov. 13, 1973 and Norval D. Reece to Michaels, Jan. 15, 1974 re full roof support in mines, folder 43/10.
    • William H. Moore to US Senators Richard S. Schweiker, Hugh Scott and Governor Shapp, Jan. 17, 1973 re Penn Central Railroad plan to reconvert utility plants to coal, folder 43/10.
    • F. Neal Smith to Robert K. Peffer, Feb. 11, 1974 re Exxon Company and Pa. Turnpike, folder 43/11.
    • E.C. Wilson to Robert K. Peffer, Feb. 8, 1974 re Gulf Oil Company and Pa. Turnpike, folder 43/11.
    • E. D. Smyth to Peffer, Feb. 7, 1974 re Atlantic Richfield and diesel fuel allocation program, folder 43/11.
    • Jacob G. Kassab to Shapp, Dec. 10, 1973 re Pa. Turnpike policy of limiting fuel sales to truckers, folder 43/11.
    • Philip P. Kalodner to Shapp, Feb. 14, 1973 re Public Utility Commission and energy crisis, folder 43/12.
    • Shapp to George I. Bloom, March 30, 1972 re Shapp suggestion of a state energy conference, folder 43/12.
    • New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller to Shapp, August 15. 1973 and Shapp to Rockefeller, August 29, 1973 re energy conservation in New York State, folder 43/13.
    • Edward J. Sheridan to Congressman Thomas E. Morgan, June 20, 1973 re heating plant fuel conversion at New Cumberland Army Depot (Cumberland County) and the Navy Ships Parts Control Center in Mechanicsburg (Cumberland County), folder 43/4.
    • Shapp to Scott, and Scott to Shapp, March-April re fair quota of gasoline for Pennsylvanians, folder 43/14.
    • Schweiker to Shapp, May 29, 1973 re Schweiker to query Pentagon about conversion from anthracite coal to oil at Cumberland County military installations, folder 43/14.
    • Schweiker to Shapp, August 13, 1973 re more coal research funds for coal conversion, folder 43/14.
    • John W. Warner to Schweiker, August 9, 1973 re proposed fuel conversion project in Cumberland County and air quality control, folder 43/14.
    • Schweiker to Shapp, August 24, 1973 re disappointment that the 342 Navy will not utilize coal because of costs, folder 43/14.
    • Mary M. Rawlins/Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter to Shapp, Jan. 29, 1973 and Wesley E. Gilbertson to Rawlins, Feb. 14, 1973 re energy problem, folder 43/16.
    • A. Edward Simon to Shapp, Nov. 26, 1973 re energy crisis, folder 43/16.
    • Congressman E. G. Shuster to Shapp, Jan. 26, 1973 re suspending state pollution standards, folder 43/16.
    • Robert Sidman to Shapp, Jan. 13, 1974 re Energy Policy Organization, Baltimore, Maryland, folder 43/17.
    • Sidman to Shapp, Nov. 15, 1973 re "over 1,000,000 gallons of fuel oil annually is mixed with chemicals and sprayed on foliage to kill or restrict plant growth on power line right-of-ways and along State highways." In folder 43/17.
    • William L. Harger to Shapp, Oct. 4, 1973 and Robert Sidman to Harger, Oct. 19, 1973 re energy needs of the Sunbeam Coal Corp, Boyers, Pennsylvania, in folder 43/18.
    • Walter G. Arader to Shapp, Dec. 21, 1972 re comments on the energy problem, in folder 43/18.
  • Minutes:
    • Governors' meeting on energy, Dec. 13, 1973, folder 43/15.
  • Reports:
    • Ivan Maple, "Economics of the Fuel Industry," Oct. 25, 1973, folder 43/1.
    • National Governors' Council on Science and Technology, "Energy Committee Report," Sept. 1973, folder 43/4.
    • Pa. Office of State Planning & Development, "Consumption of Primary Mineral Fuels and Energy by Pennsylvania Manufacturers During the Year of 1971," Jan. 25, 1974, folder 43/9.
    • F.D. Grundeman and Greta M. Line, "Special Energy Studies Relating to the Comprehensive Investment Plan for Pennsylvania," Oct. 31, 1973, folder 43/9.
    • Pa. Dept. of Property and Supplies, "Report to the Governor's Task Force on Energy," Oct. 31, 1972, folder 43/10.
    • Papers presented at the Pennsylvania Industrial Fuel Efficiency Seminar, August 23, 1973 by A. Edward Simon, Howard W. Chapman, T. L. Nabors, Thomas J. Law, Stuart E. McMurray, Robert H. Essenhigh, Norval D. Reece and Robert Dickey III, folder 43/11.
    • Shell Oil Company, "The National Energy Outlook," 1973, in folder 43/16.
  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda for Methane Meeting, Dec. 11, 1974, Pittsburgh, folder 43/3.
    • Proceedings of the Governor's Briefing on Coal Conversion Processes, Jan. 25, 1973, Harrisburg; Agenda for Governor's Meeting on Coal Conversion, Jan. 22, 1973, folder 43/9.
  • Testimony:
    • Edward Simon before the US Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, June 7, 1973, folder 43/9.
    • Donald K. Holtzman before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, June 16, 1972, folder 43/11.
  • Speeches:
    • Oregon Governor Tom McCall at a news conference, March 5, 1974, Salem, Oregon, folder 43/2.
    • Congressman Mike McCormack, "Energy Crisis and National Policy," to the Pennsylvania Power Conference, May 10, 1973, Harrisburg, folder 43/9.
    • "The Consumer's Stake in the Energy Crisis," by S. David Freeman to the Consumer Federation of America, Jan. 25, 1973, folder 43/16.
    • "The Energy Crisis: Are New Institutional Structures Needed to Serve Public and Private Interests?" by Philip Sporn before the National Academy of Sciences Forum on Energy, Jan. 29-30, 1973, Washington, DC, in folder 43/18.
  • Proclamations:
    • State of Maryland Executive Dept/Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel, Nov. 14, 16, 30, 1974 re executive orders regarding energy use, in folder 43/17.
  • Legislation:
    • 93rd Congress, 1st Session, H.R. 11450, Nov. 13, 1973, "A Bill to direct the President to take action to assure...that the energy needs of the United States are met," folder 43/15.
    • 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, Nov. 10, 1973, folder 43/15.
    • 93rd Congress, 1st Session, S. 2589, Nov. 13, 1973, energy bill; 93rd Congress, 1st Session, "National Energy Emergency Act of 1973," folder 43/15.
    • Report of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, US Senate to accompany S. 2589, folder 43/15.
  • Publications:
    • Federal Energy Office, Mandatory Petroleum Allocation Summary, circa 1974, folder 43/7.
    • 93rd Congress, First Session, US Senate, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Factors Affecting the Use of Coal in Present and Future Energy Markets (GPO: Washington DC: 1972), folder 43/9.
    • Consolidated Natural Gas System, "Hassi R' Leidy," Oct. 1973, folder 43/10.
    • Congressional Record-House, Dec. 13, 1973, page H192 re Pennsylvania congressman George A. Goodling's remarks about the Mechanicsburg Naval Depot's conversion from coal to oil, folder 43/14.
    • US Oil Week, Feb. 26, 1973, in folder 43/14.
    • Congressional Record-Senate, Oct. 18, 1973, pages S19342-S19346 re energy bill, folder 43/15.
    • "Liquefied Natural Gas Imports and the US Energy Crisis: A Regulatory Response," by Carl E. Bagge and William E. Hynan, Law and Policy in International Business, vol. 4, no. 2, 1972, in folder 43/17.
    • Sun Oil Company (Sunoco), How You Can Help America Save Energy...and Help Yourself Save Money," Undated, in folder 43/18.
    • Sun Oil Company, Petroleum and the Capital Crunch, Dec. 1972, in folder 43/18.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, Dec. 2 & 10, 1974 re methane gas conference in Pittsburgh, folder 43/3.
    • Executive Office of the President, Office of Emergency Preparedness, Dec. 8, 1972 re relaxation of foreign oil import regulations, folder 43/9.
    • Office of the Governor, June 7, 1973 re testimony of A. Edward Simon to a congressional committee, folder 43/9.
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 29, 1974. Governor Shapp addresses concern of truck operators about diesel fuel shortage on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, folder 43/11.
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 28, 1973 re Shapp criticism of Public Utility Commission energy policy, folder 43/12.
    • Office of US Senator Richard S. Schweiker, Feb. 22, 1974 re Schweiker calls for federal action to avert gas station shutdown., folder 43/14.

Carton 45

  • Correspondence:
    • Mississippi Governor Bill Waller to Shapp, June 19, 1973 re need for one single federal energy agency, folder 45/10.
    • Patrick D. Lynch to Shapp, April 22, 1974 re conversion of coal burning power generators at West Penn Power Co., Milesburg, folder 45/10.
  • Testimony:
    • Mississippi Governor Bill Waller before the Oil Policy Hearing Committee, June 13, 1973, folder 45/10.
  • News clippings:
    • U.S. Firms Reduce Oil Flow to U.S.," Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 12, 1974, folder 45/9.
    • "How long till neighbor fights neighbor over gasoline?" by Stephen E. Nordlinger, Baltimore Sun, Jan. 13, 1974, folder 45/10.
    • "Local refineries at peak on fuel oil," Franklin & Oil City News-Herald, Nov. 26, 1973, folder 45/10.
    • "State Finds U.S. promise of gas 'empty'," by John Baer, Harrisburg Evening News, March 28, 1974, folder 45/11.
  • Publications:blications:
    • Weekly Energy Report, vol. 2, no. 12, March 23, 1974, folder 45/10.
  • Press releases:s releases:
    • State of New York, Executive Chamber, Feb. 6-10, 1974 re decisions by New York Governor Malcolm Wilson relating to energy crisis, folder 45/10.


Carton 49

  • Correspondence:
    • Notes, itinerary, and memos relating to Governor Shapp tour of Pennsylvania one year after Hurricane Agnes, June 22-23, 1973, folder 49/2.
    • James H. McHale, August 9, 1972, "preliminary rural damage appraisal," in folder 49/15.
  • Reports:
    • American Friends Service Committee, "The Agnes Disaster and the Federal Response," Nov. 1972, folder 49/14.
    • Pa. Dept. of Agriculture, "Agricultural Community Recovery Effort," Nov. 21, 1972. A scrapbook of b/w & color photographs, in folder 49/15.
  • Litigation:>Litigation:
    • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Council of Civil Defense, in the Matter of Winburne Water Company, J.A. Dietrick, President, June 20, 1972. Company must repair water pipeline damaged by floods, in folder 49/6.
    • Proclamation:
      • Office of the Governor, June 1972-May 1974, re emergency proclamations relating to Hurricane Agnes, in folder 49/10.
    • Press releases:ss releases: Office of the Governor, March 29, 1973 re flood conference in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, folder 49/3.
  • Publications:
    • Invitation, 5th Annual Regional Flood Conference, April 28, 1973, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, in folder 49/3.
    • Pa. Dept. of Community Affairs, Courier, vol. 3, no. 16, July 17, 1972. Features article: "Flood Relief Information for Local Governments," in folder 49/6.
    • Wyoming Observer, July 2-8 1972, contains 64 pages of flood scenes, in folder 49/7.
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, Guidelines for Reducing Flood Damage, (Vicksburg, MS: May 1967), in folder 49/8.
    • Ken Feeney and Curtis Salowick, Photograph Collection of Wyoming Valley Disaster, June 1972, (York, Pa.,: William J. Schintz, Publisher, 1972) in folder 49/8.
    • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Military and Veteran Affairs, Office of the Adjutant General, After Action Report: The Pennsylvania National Guard, Tropical Storm Agnes, Sept. 22, 1972, in folder 49/9.
    • US Corps of Engineers, Tropical Storm Agnes, 1972, in folder 49/9.
    • Carl J. Romanelli and William M. Griffith eds, The Wrath of Agnes: A Complete Pictorial and Written History of the June 1972 Flood in Wyoming Valley (Wilkes-Barre: Media Affiliates, 1972) in folder 49/9.
    • Pa. Dept. of Agriculture, Weekly News Bulletin, July 6, 1972, re "Flood Devastates State," in folder 49/15.
  • News clippings:
    • Various Pa. newspapers, "Governor Shapp's Flood Anniversary Tour Clips, June 1973," in folder 49/4.
    • "Shapp Rips U.S. on Flood Tour," by Wally Hudson, Reading (Berks County)Eagle, June 23, 1973, folder 49/4.
    • "Shapp Tours Borough On Flood Inspection," by Thomas Hylton, The Mercury (Pottsville, Berks County), June 23, 1973, in folder 49/4.
    • "Stalled NY State Flood Projects Could Have Saved Valley from Disaster," Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independent, July 23, 1973; "Flood-Hit Farms in Sate Facing Prospects of Empty Barns in fall," Harrisburg Sunday Patriot-News, July 23, 1972, in folder 49/15.
  • Speeches:
    • Remarks of Governor Shapp at the first flood anniversary observance, Wilkes-Barre.
  • Photographs:
    • Five 2x3 color snapshots of flooding in Fishing Creek Township, Columbia County, June, 1972, in folder 49/9.

Carton 50

  • Reports:
    • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, "Disaster Preparedness Study Based on Events of Tropical Storm Agnes," Review draft, Feb. 1973, in folder 50/18.

Carton 51

  • Photographs:
    • 36 b/w photographs of temporary housing sites in Harrisburg and Wilkes-Barre, August 21, 1972, unknown photographer, in folder 51/33.


Carton 86, folder 86/3

  • Testimony:
    • 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Committee on Merchant Marine & Fisheries, US House of Representatives, "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceanography, Coastal Zone Management," (Washington: 1972).
  • Legislation:
    • 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, House of Representatives, H.R. 14146, March 28, 1972, "A Bill to establish a national policy...for land and water resources of the nation's coastal zone."
    • 92nd Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Jan. 29, 1971, "A Bill to provide for the effective management of the Nation's coastal and estuarine areas."

Pennsylvania Land Policy Conference

Carton 86, folder 86/14

  • Speech:
    • Shapp at the Pennsylvania Conference on Land Policy, Sept. 13, 1973.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, Sept. 13, 1973 re Shapp's speech at the conference.
  • Publication:
    • Program, Pennsylvania Conference on Land Policy, Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 13-14, 1973.

South Mountain Park

Carton 97, folder 97/3

  • Correspondence:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, March 6, 1973 re proposal for "South Mountain State Park" in Lehigh County. There is additional correspondence of 1973 between Shapp, state officials, preservationists and citizens concerning the park proposal.

Spray Program

Cartons 97 & 98

  • Correspondence:
    • James H. McHale to Shapp, Jan. 17, 1972 re Dept. of Agriculture forest pest control program, in folder 97/10.
    • McHale to Catherine D. Boyd, Nov. 29, 1971 re spread of gypsy moth into 47 Pennsylvania counties, in folder 97/10.
    • Ellis R. Kunkel to Shapp, Jan. 18, 1972 and Maurice K. Goddard to Kunkel, March 9, 1972 re Berks County Farmers Association, in folder 97/10.
    • Ben W. Moore to Shapp, April 11, 1972 and Goddard to Moore, April 17, 1974 re Ecological Protection Society, Bethlehem, Lehigh County, in folder 97/12.
    • Goddard to Shapp, March 9, 1972 re gypsy moth control, in folder 97/12; Samuel S. Cobb to Ralph Abele, May 6, 1972 re use of chemicals, in folder 97/12.
    • Congressman Joseph M. McDade to Ronald T. Logan, Dec. 18, 1973 re use of carbonyl and BT in sprays, in folder 97/12.
  • Minutes:
    • Shapp news conference Oct. 27, 1972 re Gypsy Moth program, in folder 97/9.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp at the dedication of the Dept. of Environmental Resources forest pest management lab in Middletown, Dauphin County, April 23, 1972, in folder 97/9.
    • Shapp at press conference in Harrisburg re gypsy moth, July 7, 1971, in folder 97/9.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, July 22, 1971 re Shapp administration set to have Health, Agriculture, Environmental Resources to join forces in gypsy moth battle, in folder 97/9.
    • Office of the Governor, March 7, 1972 re spray program, folder 97/9; Dept. of Environmental Resources, May 20, 1974 re spray program halted in Berks County, in folder 97/11.
  • News clippings:
    • "State Blamed for Lack of Moth Fighting Funds," Sunbury Daily Item (Northumberland County), July 26, 1973, folder 97/9.
    • Dept. of Environmental Resources, May 20, 1974 re halt to spray program in Berks County, in folder 97/11.
  • Publications:
    • James O. Nichols, "Pennsylvania: Future Battleground of the Gypsy Moth," Pennsylvania Forests (fall 1970), in folder 97/12.
  • Litigation:
    • Pa. Environmental Hearing Board, Docket No. 72-198, re Ecological Protection Society, Inc. and Haydon Pritchard Appeal from decision of Dept. of Environmental Resources, May 24, 1972. Case is about use of aerial pesticide spray over private wooded land in Northampton County, in folder 97/12.

Carton 98

  • Correspondence:
    • Carole S. Ludwig to Shapp, Jan. 19, 1973 and Norval D. Reece to Ludwig, Jan. 25, 1973 re concerns of Monroe County Environmental Action Group, in folder 98/1.
    • Henry F. Nixon to James McHale, June 29, 1973 re route of the Pocono Mountain area ravished by the gypsy moth, in folder 98/1.
  • News clippings:
    • Edward D. Miller, "Gypsy Moth Spraying Irresponsible," Sunday Call-Chronicle (Allentown, Lehigh County), April 2, 1972, in folder 98/1.
    • "Defoliation by Gypsy Moths Stirs Fear of Forest Fires," Allentown Morning Call, June 28, 1973, in folder 98/1.
    • "Seeks Volunteers For All-Out War On Gypsy Moth Egg Masses Now," The Pocono Record (Stroudsburg, Monroe County). Feb. 3, 1972, folder 98/1.

Water Conservation and Purification

Cartons 120-125

(Substantial information can be found within these cartons on topics such as the Allegheny, Delaware, Monongahela, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Potomac and Ohio Rivers, Skippack and Swatara Creeks as well as Tinicum Marsh)

Carton 120

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Russell E. Train, March 31, 1972 re water quality management, in folder 120/34.
    • Shapp to US Senator Edmund S. Muskie, June 24, 1971, re Clean Streams Law, in folder 120/34.
  • Reports:
    • US Dept. of Interior, "Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study," July 1966, in folder 120/34.
    • Delaware River Basin Commission, 1971 Annual report, in folder 120/34.
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Accomplishments in south central Pa. covering the counties of York, Adams, Lancaster, Cumberland and Dauphin," June 28, 1971, in folder 120/34..
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, "Progress Report: Status of Construction of Sewage Facilities under Land and Conservation and Reclamation Act No. 443," Jan. 14, 1972, in folder 120/34.
  • Speeches, all in folder 120/34:
    • Shapp to Citizens' Advisory Council of the Dept. of Environment Resources, June 7, 1971.
    • Shapp at a Gulf Oil Co. news conference, Feb. 4, 1971.
    • Shapp to the Environmental Council, April 7, 1972.
    • Shapp to the Delaware River Basin Commission, May 10, 1972.
    • Shapp on signing the Scenic Rivers Bill, Dec. 5, 1972.
  • Press releases (Office of the Governor):
    • 1971: Topics include pollution in Bucks County, water pollution in the Poconos, a proposed ban on sale of high phosphate detergents, removal of metal pollutants from coal mine waste water, Ohio Rive pollution, and certification for sewage treatment plant operators. In folder 120/34.
    • 1972: Topics include state grants for sewage treatment plants, sewage problems in the Monongahela River etc. In folder 120/34.
    • 1973: Topics include temporary dikes in flood plains, federal funds for water pollution control, mapping of flood areas by the US Geological Survey and the federal Water Pollution Control Act. In folder 120/34.
  • Publications:
    • Environmental Protection Agency, Who Me? Undated, in folder 120/34.
    • Delaware Basin Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 1, Sept./Oct. 1971, folder 120/34.
    • Rural Water News, no. 3, Oct. 1972, in folder 120/34.
    • Potomac Basin Reporter, vol. 18, July 1972 and vol. 29, no. 4, April 1973, folder 120/34.

Carton 121

  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • James F. Wright to Irving Hand, Feb. 17, 1971 re Skippack Creek Watershed, folder 121/9.
    • Shapp to William D. Ruckelshaus, April 13, 1971 re anti-degradation concept in water quality programs, in folder 121/1.
    • Goddard to Shapp, June 14, 1971 re Gaeton Fonzi article in Philadelphia Magazine, folder 121/7.
    • Goddard to Shapp, June 23, 1971 re Evansburg Park, Montgomery County, in folder 121/5.
    • Shapp to Ruckelshaus, Sept. 28, 1971 re comparison of new federal law with Pa. Refuse Act of 1899, folder 121/1.
    • Edward W. Furia to Maurice K. Goddard, Oct. 26, 1971 re water quality in Pennsylvania, folder 121/1.
    • Goddard to Shapp, Nov. 12, 1971 re Skippack Creek Watershed, folder 121/11.
    • Shapp to Ruckelshaus, Nov. 30, 1971 re proposed water quality standard revisions for the Shenango, Mahoning, and Beaver Rivers; folder 121/1.
    • E.S. Scheider/Citizens to Save the Skippack Valley to the Delaware River Basin Commssion, March 3, 1971 and to State Senator Edwin G. Holl, July 12, 1971 re Skippack Creek, in folder 121/4.
    • Marion W. Masland/Delaware Valley Conservation Association to Shapp, August 6. 1081 and Norval D. Reece to Masland, August 16, 1971 re Evansburg dam, in folder 121/4.
    • Correspondence of 1971 between Shapp, Pa. Game Commission, Pa. Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs et al re Middle Creek Wildlife Area in Lebanon and Lancaster Counties, in folder 121/15.
    • Leonard J. Goodsell to Shapp, Dec. 10, 1971 re federal legislation for Great Lakes Commission, in folder 121/17.
    • Shapp to Ruckelshaus and Goodsell to Shapp, July 22, 1971 re marine sanitation devices, in folder 121/17.
  • Correspondence, 1972:
    • Edward W. Furia to Shapp, August 3, 1972 re the Environmental Protection Agency's approval of state's water pollution control program, in folder 121/1.
    • William H. Wilcox to Goddard, Nov. 8, 1972 re flood problems in Bradford County, in folder 121/2.
    • Goddard to Shapp, August 4, 1972, re flood control in the upper Ohio, Susquehanna and Delaware River Basins, in folder 121/2.
    • Goddard to Shapp, Nov. 24, 1972 re New Jersey's position on the Tocks Island Project, in folder 121/2.
  • Correspondence, 1973:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Daniel J. Snyder III, April 13, 1973 re state compliance with Environmental Protection Agency rules, in folder 121/1.
    • Snyder to Shapp, June 29, 1973 re waste load analyses of waterways.
    • Snyder to Shapp, Nov. 7, 1973 and Shapp to Snyder, Dec. 11, 1974 re Walter A. Lyon and the Environmental Protection Agency. All in folder 121/1.
    • Goddard to Norval D. Reece, Jan. 17, 1973 sand & gravel dredging in the upper Allegheny River.
    • Goddard to Jacob G. Kassab, May 20 re Chartiers Creek in Allegheny County.
    • Snyder to Shapp, August 10, 1973 re Pa. water quality standards. All in folder 121/2.
  • Correspondence, 1974 (All in folder 121/1):
    • Shapp to Russell E. Train, Jan. 30, 1974 and Train to Shapp, March 4, 1974 re amending Clean Streams Act.
    • Shapp to Train, March 11, 1974 re the Commonwealth's "Comprehensive Water Quality Management Planning Project" (COWAP).
    • Snyder to Shapp, June 28, 1974 re water quality standards for the upper Allegheny-Genesee River Basins.
    • Snyder to Shapp, Oct. 30, 1974 re water quality standards for the Delaware River.
  • Reports:
    • Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Engineering, "Scranton, Meadow Brook Flood Protection Study, Lackawanna County, Dec. 1972, in folder 121/2.
    • Robert E. Southworth, "Status Report, Evansburg State Park, Montgomery County, in f older 121/9.
    • Wallace, McHarg, Roberts, & Todd, "An Ecological Study of Skippack Watershed, Montgomery County, Pa.," Nov. 1970, in folder 121/9.
    • Anthony N. B. Gaven et al, "Historical Survey of the Skippack Valley With Special Reference to a Proposed State Park," Feb. 1970, in folder 121/11.
    • Walter A. Lyon, "Water Quality Management in the Monongahela River Basin," Feb. 1970, in folder 121/6.
    • Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Programs & Plans for the Management of Water Resources of Pa.," Nov. 1971, in folder 121/6.
    • Goddard to Shapp, June 15, 1971 re Westinghouse contract for mine water demineralization plant, in folder 121/6.
    • Westinghouse Electric Company, "The Wilkes-Barre Mine Water Demineralization Plant, Part of Operation Scarlift," undated, in folder 121/6.
    • Great Lakes Commission, "Report to the States,1967-1968, 1969-1970," folder 121/17.
    • Great Lakes Commission, Report on the Genesee River Basin," Feb. 1971, in folder 121/17.
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, "Great Lakes Institutions," June 1969, in folder 121/17.
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, Annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, in folder 121/17.
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, Annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1970, in folder 121/17.
  • Minutes:
    • Commonwealth officials meeting with representatives of Westinghouse Electric Corp., Sept. 17, 1971, folder 121/6.
  • Testimony:
    • Shapp before the US House of Reps. Public Works Subcommittee on Appropriations, May 10, 1972, in folder 121/2.
  • Speech:
    • H. McConnell before the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Water Management Research Group meeting of July 20, 1970, St. Clair, Michigan, in folder 121/17.
  • Press releases:
    • Dept. of Environmental Resources, July 27, 1971 re Commonwealth terminates contract of Westinghouse to build water treatment plant in Wilkes-Barre, in folder 121/6.
  • News clippings:
    • "Advancing Evansburg Dam," Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, May 4, 1971, in folder 121/11.
    • "State Planning Board on Evansburg," (editorial) Norristown Times Herald, March 15, 1971, in folder 121/8.
    • Ted Radke, "Scandal on the Skippack," Clear Creek: The Environmental Viewpoint, no. 5, August 1971, in folder 121/4.
    • "Letters Exchanged by Gov. Shapp and Game Commission," The Ephrata Review, May 20, 1971, in folder 121/15.
    • "An Injustice," (editorial) The Ephrata Review, Jan. 20, 1972, in folder 121/15.
  • Publications:
    • Gaeton Fonzi, "Up the Skippack Creek Without a Paddle," Philadelphia Magazine, vol. 62, no. 11, Nov. 1970, in folder 121/7.

Carton 122

  • Correspondence, all in folder 122/9:
    • Shapp to William D. Ruckelshaus, July 22, 1971 re Ohio River pollution.
    • Edward W. Furia to Shapp, April 17,1972 re water quality standards for Ohio River Basin.
    • Fred E. Morr to Shapp, May 23, 1973 re Ohio River Basin Commission.
  • Minutes:
    • Acid Mine Drainage Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 15, 1972, in folder 122/11.
  • Testimony:
    • Maurice K. Goddard at a public meeting in Sewickley re the Ohio River, in folder 122/9.
  • Reports:
    • Larry E. Millenger, "A New Methodology in Preparing Environmental Impact Studies," July 1972, in folder 122/9.
    • Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, "1973 Yearbook," in folder 122/9.
    • Ohio River Basin Commission, "Priority Assignments for Wabash River Basin Projects," June 1972, in folder 122/11.
    • Ohio River Basin Commission, "Methodology for Establishment of Basin-wide Project Priority Assignments," June 1972, in folder 122/11.
    • Ohio River Basin Commission, "Preliminary Plan of Study: Level B Regional Study, Lower Ohio River, Revised, June 1972," in folder 122/11.
  • News clippings, all in folder 122/11.:
    • Richard Gibeau, " River Basin States Plan Drive on Mine Drainage," Cincinnati Post, July 16, 1972.
    • "Mine Acid Testimony Is Heard," [Huntingdon, W. Virginia] Herald-Dispatch, June 13, 1972.
    • "River Group Topic Mine Run-off," Herald-Dispatch, June 15, 1972.
    • "Basin Group Seeks Action on Drainage," [Portsmouth, Ohio] Times, June 8, 1972.
    • "Abandoned Mines Big Acid Problem, Group Told," [Charleston,. W. Virginia] Gazette, June 16, 1972.

Carton 123

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1971-1972 between Shapp and Maurice K. Goddard, US Senators J. Glenn Beall Jr. and Richard S. Schweiker, Congressmen Frank M. Clark, Lawrence Coughlin, Daniel J. Flood, Fred B. Rooney, and Lawrence G. Williams re Pa. ratification of the Potomac River Basin Compact, in folder 123/4.
    • Edward L. Gruber to Shapp, Feb. 25, 1971 re Schuylkill River Advisory Committee, in folder 123/7.
    • Lee E. High to Shapp, April 1972 and Joseph P. Smurda to High, June 7, 1972 re chemical spill in Reading, Berks County, in folder 123/7.
    • Joseph T. Orlowsky to Shapp, March 3, 1972 and Goddard to Orlowsky re Schuylkill County Residents Against Pollution (SCARP), in folder 123/7.
    • Carroll D. Strider to Shapp, May 31, 1972 and Goddard to Strider, June 19, 1972 re US Army Corps of Engineers work on Schuylkill River, in folder 123/7.
    • Congressman Daniel J. Flood to Shapp, June 27, 1973, Shapp to Flood, July 3, 1973 and Flood to Shapp, August 9, 1973 re waste control project on the Susquehanna River, in folder 123/10.
    • Goddard to Flood, March 1, 1971 re history of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, folder 123/10.
    • Shapp to Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel, Feb. 23, 1971 and Mandel to Shapp, March 8, 1971 re meeting of governors of the Susquehanna River Basin, folder 123/10.
    • New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller to Shapp, May 7, 1974 re Susquehanna River Basin Commission, folder 123/10.
    • Anthony Wayne Smith to Fred Hartman, Nov. 7, 1969 re number of Pa. reservoirs, in folder 123/15.
    • John P. Durr to Franklin A. Meiser, Oct. 23, 1963 re neutralizing acid mine water, in folder 123/15.
    • Charles L. Haussler to Fish Commission, Jan. 29, 1963 re aquatic life in Swatara Creek, in folder 123/15.
    • Robert J. Beilo to Clarence Reichard, Oct. 31, 1963 re fish life in Swatara Creek, folder 123/15.
    • Fred Hartman to the State Planning Board, no date, re proposed Project 70 Swatara Creek Park and Dam, in folder 123/15.
    • Goddard to Samuel K. Clark, August 21, 1962 re Goddard opposition to park, folder 123/15.
    • Albert S. Hazzard to Haussler, Feb. 4, 1963 re acid mine water pollution in Swatara Creek, in folder 123/15.
    • Robert H. Jones to Lieut.Governor Ernest P. Kline, March 25, 1971 re General State Authority approval of Swatara Park, folder 123/16.
    • Max N. Blackwell to Goddard, May 16, 1971 re group "Concerned Area Residents for Preservation of Tinicum Marsh, folder 123/18.
    • Blackwell to Shapp, March 23, 1971 re Tinicum Marsh, folder 123/18.
    • Michael Francis Finn to Shapp, Sept. 1971 re Tinicum Marsh, folder 123/18.
  • Minutes, Susquehanna River Basin Commission meetings:
    • Jan. 13, 1971 and Feb. 25, 1971, in folder 123/10.
    • Oct. 10, 1974, July 11, 1974, March 14, 1974, April 11, 1974, May 9, 1974, in folder 123/11.
    • Dec. 13, 1974, Oct. 12, 1973, Sept. 1, 1973, in folder 123/12.
    • August 9, 1973, June 26, 1973, June 13, 1974, in folder 123/13.
    • May 10, 1974, Feb. 8, 1973, Jan. 8, 1972, in folder 123/4
  • Reports:
    • Pennsylvania Water Resources Coordinating Committee, "Annual Report, August 1970-August 1971," in folder 123/2.
    • David L. Marshall, "Environment Pittsburgh" grant proposal, c. 1970, in folder 123/3.
    • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Commission, "Biennial Report for 1969-1970," in folder 123/4.
    • Publications of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission: "Comprehensive Plan," Adopted Dec. 13, 1973, in folder 123/10.
    • "Proposed Comprehensive Plan, Revised," June 4, 1972 in folder 123/12.
    • "Proposed Comprehensive Plan" Dec. 12, 1973 in folder 123/13.
    • "Annual report for 1972," in folder 123/14.
    • "Draft Proposed Statement of Objectives & Policies," Sept. 1, 1972 in folder 123/14.
    • US Dept. of Interior, "Tinicum Marsh Preservation: A Proposal," undated, Report has colored map of the marsh area in Delaware County," in folder 123/18
  • Testimony:
    • Potomac River Basin Advisory Committee before the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, Sept. 21, 1971, in folder 123/4.
    • Alan J. Sommerville before the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, in folder 123/4.
  • Publications:
    • Publications of the Potomac River Basin Advisory Committee: Potomac Basin Reporter, vol. 28, no. 6 (June 1972), vol. 28, no. 8, (August 1972); vol.29, no.7, (July 1973); vol.28, no. 9, (Sept. 1973), in folder 123/4.
    • The Potomac Compact and You. (League of Women Voters, Nov. 1970) in folder 123/4.
    • The Proposed Potomac River Basin Compact: Topical Informational Papers, revised April 1970, in folder 123/4.
    • Questions and Answers about the Proposed Potomac River Basin Compact (Nov. 1970), in folder 123/4.
    • CARP (Concerned Area Residents for Preservation of Tinicum Marsh) Newsletter, May 6, 1971, folder 123/18.
    • Publications of the Susquehanna League of Women Voters of Pa.: The Susquehanna: A Study of the River Basin, May 1962, in folder 123/10.
    • Susquehanna River Basin Compact, Rived, Jan. 1967, folder 123/11.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, July 13, 1971 re first meeting of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, folder 123/10.
    • Dept. of Forests and Waters, Aug. 6, 1969 re state park and reservoir on Swatara Creek, in folder 123/16.
  • News clippings:
    • "Pollution of Creek Threatens Lebanon County Dam Project," Sunday Harrisburg Patriot-News, August 8, 1965, in folder 123/15.
    • "Middle Creek Project Useless," (editorial) Lebanon Daily News, March 12, 1965, in folder 123/15.
    • "Pa. Forests & Waters Head Regards Swatara Proposal As Economically Unsound," Lebanon Daily News, May 1, 1963, in folder 123/15.
    • "Will Begin Immediately To Purchase Land for Project," Lebanon Daily Times, Dec. 10, 1968, in folder 123/15.
    • Gary Brooten, "State Will Realign I-95 to Protect Tinicum Marshlands," Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Nov. 18, 1970, in folder 123/18.
    • Barbara Farley, "State Strike Force Seeking to Close Folcroft Landfill," News of Delaware County, Oct. 13, 1970, folder 123/18.
    • Letter to the editor by Allston Jenkins, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 15, 1964, in folder 123/18.
    • "Time To Say Enough," (editorial) Delaware County Daily Times, March 5, 1971, in folder 123/18.

Carton 124

Cartons 124 and 125 both contain abundant material concerning the Tocks Island dam and reservoir project. Here are listed sample documents on this topic from files labeled "Pollution Control Group" and "Sierra Club."

  • Correspondence:
    • Harold A. Lockwood Jr. to Shapp, July 6, 1971 re Sierra Club and Tocks Island project, in folder 124/11.
    • Robert F. Berger of the Governor Pinchot Group, Sierra Club to Shapp, April 7, 1971, folder 124/11.
    • Russell E. Train to Robert Jordan, April 7, 1971 re Council on Environmental Quality, in folder 124/11.
    • Charles M. Pike to Thomas C. Southerland Jr., March 18, re Tocks Island and New Jersey, folder 124/11.
    • Norval D. Reecee to Samuel P. Hayes, June 19, 1974 and Lockwood to Shapp, July 16, 1974 re the Governor's opinion of project, in folder 124/11.
  • Reports:
    • Sierra Club North Jersey Group, "The Tocks Island Dam," Feb 1971, in folder 124/11.
    • Comptroller General of the US, "Report to Subcommittee on Public Works, Committee on Appropriations, US Senate, Review of Tocks Island Reservoir Project," Oct. 1, 1969, in folder 124/11.
  • Testimony:
    • Thomas Izazzi of the Pollution Control Group before the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, Oct. 29, 1971, in folder 124/8.
    • Harold A. Lockwood Jr. before the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Public Works, May 20, 1971, in folder 124/11
  • Press releases:
    • Office of US Senator Clifford P. Case (R-N.J.), April 18, 1971 re need for study of Tocks Island project, in folder 124/12.
  • News clippings:
    • "Tocks Island-Another Look," (editorial) New York Times, April 16, 1971, in folder 124/11.
  • Publications:
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, Tocks Island Dam: A Plan For Its Architecture and Development, no date, includes both illustrations and black and white and color photographs, in folder 12/11.
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, Land Acquisition Procedure for Tocks Island Dam and Reservoir and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, July 1, 1967, in folder 124/12.

Subject File

2nd Term, 1975-1979

Air Pollution

Cartons 128 & 129

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Pa. congressmen, May 6, 1978 re amendments to Clear Air Act, folder 128/16.
    • C. William Verity Jr. to Shapp, July 9, 1975 re endorsement of David M. Anderson's views on air pollution control, in folder 128/17.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Verity, April 17, 1975 re regulating industrial production of sulfur oxides, in folder 128/17.
    • Goddard to Charles Kunkle Jr., March 9, 1976 re alleged pollution by Bethlehem Steel plant in Johnstown, Cambria County, in folder 128/17.
    • Goddard to State Representatives James O. Whelan Jr., Patrick A. Gleason, Clarence E. Dietz, March 22, 1976 re noncompliance of Bethlehem Steel with environmental regulations, folder 128/17.
    • Correspondence of 1975 between Shapp, Daniel J. Snyder III, and Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., re air pollution control violation, in folder 128/17.
    • Snyder to Shapp, July 1, 1976 re state implementation of air quality standards, in folder 128/18.
    • Congressman Bill Goodling to Shapp, June 4, 1976 re Clean Air Act, in folder 128/18.
    • Lieutenant Governor Kline to US Senators Richard S. Schweiker and Hugh Scott, May 3, 1976, re Clean Air Act, in folder 128/18.
    • William B. Hartal to Shapp, March 31, 1976 re Governor's Energy Council recommendations on Clean Air Act amendments, in folder 128/18.
    • Shapp to Snyder, Sept. 15, 1976 re dispute over EPA evaluation of the Commonwealth air pollution control program, in folder 128/19.
    • US Senator Hugh Scott to Shapp, May 5, 1974 re Clean Air Act, in folder 128/19.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, Oct. 10, 1975 re sulfur oxide air pollution control regulations, in folder 129/3.
  • Reports:
    • Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Energy Administration, " An Analysis of the Impact on the Electric Utility Industry of Alternative Approaches to Significant Deterioration," Oct. 1975, in folder 128/18.
    • Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., "Significant Deterioration Effects," Dec. 5, 1975, folder 128/18.
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Sulfur Oxide Control in Pa.: Its Effect On Coal, A Status Report," Oct. 10, 1975, in folder 129/3.
  • Legislation:
    • 94th Congress, 1st Session, "Clean Air Act Amendments of 1975: Summary of the Bill H.R. 10498 as Reported by the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, US House of Representatives, Nov. 1975," in folder 128/18.
    • 94th Congress, 2nd Session, "Clean Air Act Amendments of the Bill H.R. 10498 as Reported by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 1976," in folder 128/19.
  • Litigation:
    • Environmental Protection Agency Region III in the Matter of Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Johnstown Plant, Proceeding under #1126, Clean Air Act As Amended, folder 128/17.
  • Testimony:
    • David M. Anderson before the Committee on Public Works, Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution, US Senate, April 22, 1975, in folder 128/17.
    • Maurice K. Goddard before the US House of Reps. Committee on Mines and Energy Management, Jan. 29, 1976, folder 128/17.
  • Press releases:
    • Governor's Press Office, May 17, 1978, re environmental impact of proposed steel plant in northwest Pa., in folder 128/16.
    • Governor's Press Office, May 24, 1977 re air quality control permits, in folder 128/16.
  • News clippings:
    • John McHugh, "Pfuhl's Veto Is Overridden," Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, March 11, 1976 in folder 128/17.
    • "DER Reply-Action Stressed," (editorial) Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, March 12, 1976, folder 128/17.
  • Publications:
    • Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Newsletter, March 1976, re environment legislation, folder 128/18.
    • Environmental Health Letter, vol. 15, no. 8, April 15, 1976, in folder 128/18.

Appalachia and Appalachian Regional Commission

Carton 129

  • Correspondence:
    • Kentucky Governor Wendell Ford to Shapp, Jan. 14, 1974 re Appalachian coal, in folder 129/7.
    • Northeastern Pa. Industrial Development Commission to Shapp, March 18, 1976 re coal mine subsistence, in folder 129/9.
    • Robert B. Parker Jr. to US Senator Richard S. Schweiker, Oct. 20, 1975 re Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, in folder 129/9.
  • Reports:
    • Appalachian Regional Commission, "Appalachia, A Economic Report," December 1977, in folder 129/5.
    • Appalachian Regional Commission, "Abstracts: State Appalachian Development Plans & Investment Programs for fiscal year 1978," in folder 129/5.
    • Appalachian Regional Commission, "Annual Report for 1975," in folder 129/6.
    • Report, "Request for a Corridor Designation to Supplement the Appalachian Development Highway System," by Georgia Governor George D. Busbee, Dec. 1975, in folder 129/8.
    • Appalachian Regional Commission, "Annual Report for 1977," in folder 129/10.
    • "Pennsylvania's Project Package for the Appalachian Regional Commission, Fiscal Year 1977," in folder 129/15.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, Jan. 5, 1976 re President Gerald R. Ford's support for Appalachia program, in folder 129/6.
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, Jan. 16, 1976 re Shapp is appointed states co-chair of Appalachian Regional Commission, in folder 129/6.
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, March 20, 1975 re Governor Shapp testifies before the US House of Reps. Public Works Committee, in folder 129/6.
  • News clippings:
    • Articles dated November 1976 from West Virginia newspapers re the Appalachian Regional Commission meeting in West Virginia, in folder 129/15.
  • Publications:
    • Appalachian Thruway News & Views, vol. 1, no. 1, Feb. 1977, folder 129/5.
    • James Branscome, The Federal Government in Appalachia (NY: Field Foundation, July 1977), in folder 129/5.
    • Appalachia, vol. 11, no. 1 (August-Sept. 1977), folder 129/5.
    • Appalachian Federal Resources Bulletin, March 25, 1976 issue, in folder 129/6.
    • Appalachian Educator, Oct. 1975, in folder 129/7.
    • Appalachian Federal Resources Bulletin, issues of November 2 & 22, 1976, in folder 129/15.

Carton 130

  • Correspondence:
    • Harry Teter Jr. "to all Commission members," Nov. 21, 1975 re Ohio Devonian Shale proposal, in folder 130/4.
  • Minutes:
    • Appalachian Regional Commission meeting of state's co-chair, federal co-chair, and the executive director, Jan. 21, 1976, in folder 130/3.
    • Appalachian Regional Commission regular meeting, April 22-12, 1975, in folder 130/3.
  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda for the 1975 meeting of the Council of Appalachian Governors, Feb. 17, 1975, Washington DC, in folder 130/4.
  • Reports:
    • Appalachian Regional Commission, "Fiscal 1977 Program," Jan. 1976, in folder 130/3.
    • 94th Congress, 1st Session, US Senate, "Regional Development Act of 1975, Report of the Committee on Public Works, US Senate Together with Additional Views to Accompany S.1513," July 10, 1975, in folder 130/4.
    • Appalachian Regional Commission, "Annual Report for 1974," in folder 130/4.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to a meeting of the Appalachian region governors, June 22, 1976 in Wash. DC, in folder 130/2.
  • Testimony:
    • Shapp before the US Senate Public Works Committee, March 10, 1975, in folder 130/4.
  • Legislation:
    • P.L.94-188 94th Congress, H.R. 4073, Dec. 31, 1975, "An Act to extend the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1975," in folder 130/3.
  • Publications:
    • Appalachian Federal Resources Regional Initiatives, Dec. 22, 1976, in folder 130/1.
    • Appalachian Federal Resources Regional Initiatives, June 7 and 30, 1976 in folder 130/2.

Atomic Energy

Carton 134

  • Correspondence:
    • Joseph J. Peters to James Wright, Jan. 12, 1976 and Wright to Peters, Jan. 20, 1976 re Limerick Nuclear Generating Station, in folder 134/31.
    • Herbert H. Brown to Shapp, Jan. 24, 1975 re description and organization of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in folder 134/34.
    • Judith Hurley to Shapp, May 12, 1975 and C. Gagil Rhen to Harley, May 30, 1975 re Susquehanna-Wayne Environmental Action Group and nuclear energy, in folder 134/35.
    • Betty Goetz Lall to Shapp, April 11, 1977, re the Task Force for Nuclear Ban, in folder 134/37.
  • Reports:
    • Governor's Fact Finding Committee, "Report to the Governor, Shippingport Nuclear Power Station, Alleged Health Effects," 1974. The report is about the Shippingport Nuclear Power Plant in Beaver County. In folder 134/36.
  • Press releases:
    • Governor's Press Office, August 4, 1977, re facilities handling strategic nuclear materials, in folder 134/29.
  • News clippings:
    • Les Gapay, "New Laws Are Studied to Protect Shipments of Deadly Plutonium," Wall Street Journal, Oct. 23, 1975, in folder 134/32.
  • Publications:
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., Nuclear Info, no. 13, March 1976, folder 134/29.
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., The Savings With Nuclear Power, Feb. 2, 1976, folder 134/29.
    • At the Nuclear Crossroads, A Seven Part Series Published by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Jan. 9-16, 1977, in folder 134/29.
    • Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power Newsletter, Oct. 1975, in folder 134/30.
    • Critical Mass: The Citizens Movement to Stop Nuclear Power, Special Conference Issue, vol. 1 no. 8a, Nov. 1975, in folder 134/30.
    • Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power Newsletter, in folder 134/32.
    • L. Douglas DeNike, "Radioactive Malevolence," Science and Public Affairs, 1974, in folder 134/32.
    • Poster by Friends of the Earth, If You Want to Live Here (or even on the other side), You Want Nuclear Insurance from Friends of the Earth, c. 1970s, in folder 134/32.
    • Lorna Salzman, "Burden of Proof Is on Nuclear Proponents," Newsday, Feb. 3, 1975, in folder 134/3.
    • John W. Goffman, "Nuclear Power and Ecocide: An Adversary View of New Technology," Science and Public Affairs, 1971, in folder 134/32.
    • US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, The Potential Radiological Consequences of Accidental Nuclear Criticality in a Fuel Reprocessing Plant, April 1977, in folder 134/38.
    • US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.113 Estimating Aquatic Dispersion; Regulatory Guide 3.33 Assumptions Used to Evaluation of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Release, April 1977, both in folder 134/38.

Energy Crisis

Carton 150

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to President Richard M. Nixon, Sept. 25, 1973 re conversion of boilers at Pa. military bases from anthracite coal to fuel oil, folder 150/10.
  • Publication:
    • Poster: "Gov. Milton J. Shapp Suggests Save Your Energy," 1974. Poster has b/w photograph of Shapp. In folder 150/10.
  • Minutes:
    • New Hampshire Legislative Energy Seminar, May 5, 1976, Concord, NH, folder 150/11.
  • Proceedings:
    • "Proceedings of the Governor's Briefing on Coal Conversion Process, Jan. 25, 1973, Harrisburg, Pa.," folder 150/13.
  • Reports, 1973, (folder 150/13):
    • Governor's Science Advisory Committee, "Energy for Pennsylvania: An action plan for energy management in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," Sept. 1973.
  • Reports, 1974, (folder 150/13):
    • Pa. Dept. of Community Affairs, "Preliminary Study of Supply and Demand Factors of Coal in the State of Pennsylvania," July 25, 1974.
  • Reports, 1975, (folder 150/11):
    • State of New Mexico & the Solar Energy Consortium, "Proposal for a Solar Energy Research Institute," 1975.
    • State of New Mexico & the Solar Energy Consortium, Appendix to the Proposal for a Solar Energy Research Institute, Capacities of the Consortium," 1975.
  • Reports, 1976, (folder 150/12):
    • Federal Power Commission, "Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Systems, Supplement, Part 2, Economic Analysis," Sept. 1976.
  • Speech:
    • "Energy and the Built Environment," by Leo A. Daly to the Executive Advisory Committee, National Power Survey, Federal Power Commission, Oct. 10, 1974, in folder 150/12.
  • Legislation:
    • 93rd Congress, 1st Session, S. 2806, Dec. 13, 1973, "A Bill to establish an Energy Trust establish a Federal Energy Administration." This legislation is also known as the "Energy Revenue and Development Act of 1973, in folder 150/13.
  • Press releases:
    • Governor's Press Office, 1975, 1977, 1978 re energy crisis, folder 150/8.
    • Office of the Governor, press releases Jan. 2-Dec. 10, 1974 relating to the energy crisis, folder 150/14.
  • Publications, folder 150/11:
    • Council of State Governments, Highway Transportation of Coal: the Kentucky Experience; Energy Management, Presidential Report, June 1976, fall 1976, April 1977, spring 1978.
    • Federal Energy Administration, Energy Reporter, October 1976.
    • Petroleum Independent, vol. XLVII, no. 4, July-August 1977.
    • Texas Energy Report, issues available are no. 16, March 1976; no. 17, April 1976; no. 19, June 1976; no. 28, April 1977; no. 29, May 1977; no. 30, June 1977.
    • Keystone Bituminous Coal Association, Coal in Pennsylvania: A Book of Facts, Feb. 1977.
    • Resource Recovery & Energy Review, vol. 3, no. 6, Nov/Dec. 1976.
    • Northwest Pipeline Corp, The Alcan Pipeline Project: A Realistic Solution to the Transportation of Alaskan Gas, undated; Albert E. Smigel et al, "A Study of Growth Factors of Electric Energy Production in Pennsylvania, 1956-1971," Reprinted from Eastern Economic Journal, April and August 1974, vol. 1, nos. 2 & 3.
    • Exxon Corporation, The Lamp, vol. 57 no. 2, summer 1975; vol. 58, no. 2, summer 1976.
    • Exxon Corporation, Exxon Company's USA Energy Outlook 1976-1990, Dec. 1975.
  • Publications, folder 150/12:
    • Texas Energy Report, no. 20, July 1976; no. 25, Jan. 1977.
    • Exxon Corporation, The Lamp, vol. 58, no. 4, winter 1976.
    • Governor's Energy Council, Pennsylvania's Energy Conservation Policy, undated.
    • Energy Conservation Project (ECP) /Environmental Law Institute, ECP Report, no. 6, May 1976; no. 8, Dec. 1976.
    • Charles J. Cicchetti, Alaskan Oil: Alternative Routes & Markets (Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1972).
    • Pa. Office of State Planning and Development, The Pennsylvania Methane Plan, Sept. 1975.
  • Publications, folder 150/13:
    • Federal Register, vol. 39, no. 1, Part III, "Federal Energy Office: Mandatory Fuel Allocation Regulations," Wednesday Jan. 2, 1974.
    • Federal Register, vol. 39, no. 10, Part III, "Federal Energy Office: Petroleum Allocation and Price Regulations," Tuesday, January 15, 1974.
    • Jim Fulbright and Larry G. Brown, Gas: The Inside Story, (Camden, NJ: William Thompson Enterprises, Inc., 1974).

Carton 151

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to US Speaker of the House of Representatives Carl Albert, Sept. 9, 1975 urging Congress to override President Nixon's veto of the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act. (FolShapp to Graciela Olivares, April 4, 1978 re extension of deadline to use funds granted to Pa. under the Emergency Energy Conservation Program. (Folder 151/3)
    • Congressman Joshua Eilberg to Shapp, May 19, 1978 re extension fo the deadline for the Emergency Energy Conservation Program; Richard Fernbach to Norval D. Reece, Feb. 14, 1975 re Congressional review of opposing legislation, one which allows the federal government to decide on sites for energy facilities and one which gives that power to the states. (Folder 151/8)
    • Joe Pyrdek of the Erie County Sportsmen League to Shapp, April 25, 1977 and Maurice K. Goddard to Pyredek, May 5, 1977 re drilling for natural gas in Lake Erie. (Folder 151/8)
    • Frank C. Allen to Shapp, Feb. 24, 1975 re curtailment of natural gas service to Pa. industries. (folder 151/13)
    • William B. Harral to Shapp, Dec. 9, 1975 re merits of energy proposal by Albert J. Abrams. (folder 151/13)
    • William B. Harral to Joseph A. LaSala, May 3, 1976 re Pa. participation in the federal government's state energy conservation program (folder 151/14)
    • Shapp to Frank G. Zarb, Feb. 26, 1976 re domestic oil and gas reserves and "the national energy policy." (folder 151/14)
    • Zarb to Shapp, Feb. 21, 1975 re alleged illegal price increases of residual fuel oil. (folder 151/14)
    • Zarb to Shapp, Jan. 27, 1975 re request of Federal Energy Administration for oil and gas reserve estimates for Pennsylvania. (folder 151/14)
    • Shapp to Zarb, March 12, 1975 re Jan. 27 letter. This letter includes attachments of charts recording Pa. petroleum production by county and Pa. petroleum production and reserves by district as of March 7, 1975. (folder 151/14)
    • US Senator Hugh Scott to Shapp, Nov. 1, 1974 re introduction of the Energy Disaster Assistance Act of 1974 in Congress. (folder 151/17)
  • Reports:
    • US Dept. of Commerce, "Draft, CTAB Recommendations for a National Energy Policy," Dec. 10, 1976.(folder 151/2)
    • Governor's Energy Council. "Pennsylvania Energy Extension Service Proposal," June 30, 1977. (Folder 151/11)
    • Federal Energy Administration, "1977 National Energy Outlook, Draft copy," Jan. 15, 1977. (Folder 151/11)
    • Federal Power Commission, "A Realistic View of U.S. Natural Gas Supply, Staff Report," Dec. 1974. (folder 151/13)
    • Albert J. Abrams to Pa. Speaker of the House Herbert Fineman, "Pennsylvania Coal and Electrical Energy Independence for the Northeast," 1975. (folder 151/13)
    • Nossaman, Waters, Krueger, Marsh & Riordan, "Summary, A Evaluation of the Options of the U.S. Government in its Relationship to U.S. Firms in International Petroleum Affairs. A Report Prepared for the Federal Energy Administration," Jan. 6, 1975. (folder 151/14)
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to President Ford and other state governors at White House meeting on the energy and natural gas situation, August 28, 1975, in folder 151/14.
    • "Energy: Where Do We Go From Here?" by John N. Nassikas to the Madeira School, Greenway, VA, Jan. 14, 1975, in folder 151/13.
  • Testimony:
    • Shapp and other governors before Congress re the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977, in folder 151/9.
  • News clippings:
    • Thomas O'Toole, "Gas 'Shortage' Evaporates," Washington Post, Sunday edition, Dec. 7, 1975, in folder 151/14.
  • Publications:
    • James Nathan Miller, "Is There Really a Shortage of Natural Gas? Part II," Reader's Digest, Nov. 1976, in folder 151/7.


Carton 49

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to President Jimmy Carter, Feb. 3, 1977 re federal aid for Pennsylvania disasters, in folder 156/20.
    • Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes to Shapp, Feb. 7, 1977 re call for meeting of governors of Ohio River to coordinate emergency flood planning, in folder 156/20.
    • George B. Flowers to Shapp, Dec. 3, 1975 re state acquisition of Penn Central Railroad land for widening of Quittapahilla Creek, Lebanon County, folder 156/21.
  • Minutes:
    • Southern York County Flood Control Meeting of Oct. 14, 1976, folder 156/21.
  • Proclamations:
    • Proclamation of Extreme Emergency by Governor Milton J. Shapp, July 21, 1977 because flooding in the Commonwealth, in folder 156/2.
    • Governor's Office, Executive Order 1978-4, "Flood Plain Management," March 1, 1978, in folder 156/20.
    • Proclamation, Constitutional Amendment, Article VIII, by Governor Milton J. Shapp, Feb. 22, 1978, re power of the General Assembly to enact special emergency legislation in case of disasters, in folder 156/20.
    • Termination of Proclamations of Extreme Emergency by Governor Milton J. Shapp, Dec. 10, 1977, in folder 156/20.
    • Governor's Office, Executive Order 76-107, "Flood Water Damage of October 8-9, 1976," Oct. 29, 1976, in folder 156/21.
  • Reports:
    • Michael Baker Jr., Inc., "Flood Plain, Land Use, Population and Damage Estimates for Flood Prone Communities in Pennsylvania Aggregated by Government Units," Nov. 1974, in folder 156/1.
    • "Final Report, (Pa.) House Speaker's Ad Hoc Committee on the Eight County Flood of July 19-20, 1977." Counties are Cambria, Somerset, Westmoreland, Indiana, Clearfield, Blair, Bedford and Jefferson, in folder 156/1.
    • Pa. National Guard, "After Action Report 20 July -18 August 1977, Johnstown Area Operations," August 1977, in folder 156/19.
    • Flood Recovery Task Force Inc., "Final Report, Economic Development Administration Grant Project # 01-6-09588-70," in folder 156/21.
    • William H. Wilcox, "Supportive Documentation for the Creation of a Disaster Recovery Planning Council for Wyoming County, Commonwealth of Pa., Dec. 1975," in folder 156/21.
    • Pa. National Guard, "After Action Report: Operation 'Eloise' 25 Sep.-2 Oct. 1975, in folder 156/21.
  • Press releases:
    • Governor's Press Office, 1977 releases re flooding, folder 156/2.

Carton 157

  • Correspondence:
    • L. G. O'Brien to Jacob G. Kassab, Sept. 27, 1975 re closing of roadways and bridges due to flooding, folder 156/3.
  • Proclamations:
    • Proclamation of Extreme Emergency by Governor Milton J. Shapp, Sept. 25 and 26, 1975 due to heavy rains and subsequent flooding, in folder 157/3.
    • Press releases, National Weather Service, Harrisburg, Sept. 23, 1975 re weather advisory bulletins associated with movement of Hurricane Eloise, in folder 157/3.
  • Reports:
    • State Council of Civil Defense, "Status of Flood Relief Efforts," June 21, 1973, folder 156/4.
  • Publications:
    • PPTN: A Memo from the Pennsylvania Public Television Network, vol. 1, no. 2, Nov. 1975. Issue has article on public television coverage of Pa. floods, in folder 157/1.

National Governors' Association

Carton 192

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Stuart Eizenstat, April 14, 1977 re energy crisis, folder 192/18.
  • Proceedings:
    • White House agenda for Energy Production meeting, Feb. 13, 1978, folder 192/18.

Carton 193

  • Correspondence:
    • Leonard W. McMillen, Nicholas P. Kafkalas, US Senator H. John Heinz III and Shapp, August 1978 re topsoil to repair flood damage in Tanneryville, Cambria County, in folder 193/6.
  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda of the Governors' Conference on Energy, Feb. 25, 1978, Washington DC, folde
  • Reports:
    • National Governors' Association, Committee on Transportation, Commerce and Technology, "Proposed Policy Statements: Science & Technology, Transportation of Nuclear Materials," Feb. 1978, folder 193/6.
    • National Governors' Association, Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management, "Proposed Policy Statement: Fundamental Principles for a National Water Policy," Feb. 1978, folder 193/6.
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., "Assessment of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle," Oct. 25, 1977, folder 193/10.
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., "Reprocessing-Recycle Economics," Nov. 10, 1977, folder 193/10.
  • Speeches:
    • Raymond C. Baxter to the Governors' Production Conference on Energy (also called Governors' Conference on Energy), Feb. 25, 1978, folder 193/10.
  • Publications:
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., How Nuclear Plants Work, May 1976, folder 193/10.
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., Managing Nuclear Waste, May 1976, folder 193/10.
    • Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., Electricity from Nuclear Power, c. 1977, folder 193/10.

Carton 195

  • Correspondence:
    • Edward F. Rovner "to all Governors & Governors' Energy Advisers," March 10, 1976 re the President's Energy Message & State Energy Conservation Plans, folder 195/7.
  • Reports:
    • National Governors' Conference, "Policy Positions, 1975-1976," 1976. This report includes a section on "natural resources and environmental management." In folder 195/7.
  • Press releases:
    • Press Standard Oil of Indiana, Feb. 22, 1977 re refutation of Gov. Shapp's charges that Amoco is withholding natural gas from markets, folder 195/7.
  • Publications:
    • "Oil Fuels Adequate in U.S., but Gas Situation Is Grim," The Oil and Gas Journal, Jan 31, 1977, folder 195/7.
    • Federal Register, vol. 41, no. 39, Thursday Feb. 26, 1976, "Rules and Regulations: Title 10-Energy, Chapter II-Federal Energy Administration, Part 420-State Energy Conservation Plans," folder 195/7.

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

Carton 195

  • Report:
    • Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, "Proposed Water Pollution Control Program Plan, Fiscal Year 1978 (Federal)," June 14, 1977, in folder 195/9.

Spray Program

Carton 214

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1977 between Shapp, Maurice K. Goddard and Pa. citizens re Gypsy Moth problem in Pike County, folders 214/16 and 214/17.
  • Publications:
    • US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, The Gypsy Moth and Its Natural Enemies by Robert W. Campbell, Feb. 1975, folder 214/16.

Water Conservation

Because of the volume of material contained within this sub-series, only sample citations are given for each carton.

Carton 224, folder 224/19

  • Minutes:
    • Meeting between Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, US Dept. of Interior Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and representatives from municipalities along the Youghiogheny River to discuss status of the Youghiogheny Wild and Scenic River Study, March 28, 1977.
  • Reports:
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, "1975 Annual Report."
    • Susquehanna River Basin Commission, "1975 Annual Report."
    • Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources, "Status Report on the Water and Related Land Resources of Pennsylvania," Nov. 1971.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to the Government Affairs Seminar of the Water Pollution Control Federation, April 15, 1975, Washington, DC.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, April 15, 1975 re Shapp warns against lowering ecology standards.
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, Dec. 15, 1975 re Commonwealth support for "Project 500."
    • Governor's Press Office, June 26, 1978 re Tocks Island Dam Project.
  • Publications:
    • Potomac Basin Reporter, issues for vol. 31, no. 10, Oct. 1975; vol. 31, nos. 11-12, Nov-Dec. 1975; vol. 32, no. 4, April 1976; vol. 33, no. 9, Sept. 1977; vol. 34, no. 1, Jan. 1978; vol. 34, no. 8, Aug. 1978.
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, Great Lakes Directory of University Research Institutes, Libraries and Agencies concerned with Water and Land Resources in the Great Lakes Basin, 1976.

Carton 225

  • Correspondence:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Mary C. Harris, Nov. 24, 1975 re flood conditions along Chemung River, Athens, Bradford County, folder 225/1.
    • John J. Kane to Shapp, March 22, 1978 and C. H. McConnell to Kane, March 30, 1978 re status of East Branch Coxes Creek, Somerset County, folder 225/1.
    • Richard H. Hair to Shapp, March 19, 1975 and Maurice K. Goddard to Hair, April 9, 1975 re flood problems of Mountain Creek, Mount Holly Springs Borough, Cumberland County, folder 225/5.
    • Mrs. Nina Hughes to Shapp, Oct. 15, 1975 and Goddard to Hughes, Dec. 2, 1975 re flooding of Tioga River in Tioga County, folder 225/5.
    • Ronald H. Tillis and the Interstate Legislative Committee on Lake Erie to Shapp, March 27, 1975 and Goddard to Tillis, May 21, 1975 re disposal of vessel wastes into Lake Erie, folder 225/5.
  • Reports:
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, "Great Lakes Basin Framework Study: Final Environmental Impact Statement," 1976, folder 225/4.
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, "State-Regional Great Lakes Region: 1975 National Water Assessment," July 1976, folder 225/4.
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, "Problem Identification Great Lakes Region: 1975 National Water Assessment," August 1976, folder 225/4.
    • International Joint Commission Canada-United States, annual reports for 1976 and 1977, folder 225/6.
    • International Joint Commission Canada-United States, annual report for 1975, folder 225/7.
  • Publications:
    • Great Lakes News Letter, vol. XXI, no. 3, Jan.-Feb. 1977, folder 225/3; vol. XX, no. 3, Jan-Feb. 1976, folder 225/4.
  • Press clippings:
    • Press cJohn Wislocki, "Coxes Creek Floods; Residents Worried," Somerset Daily American, March 22, 1978, folder 225/1.

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  • Correspondence:
    • Russell K. Dietrich and the Lehigh County Farmers' Association to Shapp, March 1, 1977 re proposed Trexler Dam in Lehigh County, folder 226/2.
    • Shirley Lutz to Shapp, Nov. 11, 1975 and Goddard to Lutz, Dec. 16, 1975 re flooding of Fishing Creek, Columbia County, folder 226/2.
    • Larry Sims and the Maryland Watermen's Association, Inc., to Shapp, Nov. 21, 1975 and Shapp to Sims, Jan. 21, 1976 re pollution of Chesapeake Bay, folder 226/3.
  • Proceedings:
    • The Potomac Conference, Nov. 4-5, 1976, folder 226/1.
  • Reports:
    • Interstate Commission on the Potomac, annual report for 1974, folder 226/1.
    • Ohio River Basin Commission, "Comprehensive Coordinated Joint Plans," July 1977. Plans include Scioto, Kahawha, Wabash, and Green Rivers, July 1977 in folder 226/4.
    • Great Miami, Kentucky/Licking, and Muskingum Rivers, Oct. 1976, folder 226/5.
    • Big Sandy/Guyandotte Rivers, July 1976, folder 226/6.
    • Ohio River Basin Commission, "Monongahela River Basin Water and Related Land Resources Study Report and Environmental Impact Statement...Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia," July 1975, folder 226/6.
  • Publications:
    • Potomac Basin Reporter, vol. 34, no. 6, June 1978 and vol. 32, no. 12, Dec. 1976, folder 226/1.

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  • Correspondence:
    • Carl Watts and the Clinton County Conservation District to Shapp, Dec. 26, 1974 re flood control for the West Branch of the Susquehanna River Basin, folder 227/4.
    • George B. Garlick to Norval D. Reece, July 29, 1976 and Reece to Garlick, August 16, 1976 re West Branch Valley Flood Control Association's concern about proposed Keating Dam on the Susquehanna River, 227/4.
    • Shapp to US Senator Morris K. Udall, May 11, 1978 re Tocks Island reservoir project, folder 227/8.
  • Minutes:
    • Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting of Jan. 13, 1977, folder 227/5.
    • Susquehanna River Basin Commission meetings of Dec. 5, 1974, Jan. 9, 1975, Feb. 13, 1975, March 13, 1975, April 10, 1975, May 8, 1975, Oct. 9, 1975, Nov. 13, 1975, April 8, 1976, May 13, 1976, June 10, 1976, July 8, 1976, Oct. 14, 1976, Nov. 12, 1976, Sept. 8, 1977, Nov. 10, 1977, Dec. 8, 1977 all in folder 227/6.
  • Publications:
    • Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Susquehanna River Basin Compact, May 1972, folder 227/6.
    • Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Water Resources Program, Adopted Nov. 13, 1975, folder 227/6.
    • Delaware River Basin Commission, Twelfth Water Resources Programs, Dec. 1975," folder 227/6.
  • Reports:
    • Susquehanna River Basin Commission, annual report for 1974, folder 226/6.
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, "Information Bulletin: Metropolitan Chester Creek Basin Study, Stage II Findings On Alternative Plans for Flood Control," Jan. 1977, folder 227/10.
    • US Army, North Atlantic Division, Corps of Engineers, "Water Resources Development in Pennsylvania," 1975, folder 227/11.
    • Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, "Final Report, Inspection and Appraisal of Coal Mine Refuse Banks and Associated Impoundments in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," July 1975, folder 227/11.
    • US Army Engineers District, Pittsburgh, Corps of Engineers, "Girty Run, Millvale, Pennsylvania Local Flood Protection Project: A Detailed Project Report," Feb. 1975, folder 227/11.
  • News clippings:
    • "State 'will fight' in court to keep Tocks project alive," Harrisburg Evening News, June 26, 1976, folder 227/8.