Pennsylvania State Archives

Environmental Resources - Manuscript Group 309 - Part 1

Environmental Resources, Manuscript Group 309, Part 1

MG-309 Milton J. Shapp Papers

[ca. 1971-1979]
1043 cu. ft.

Milton Jerrold Shapp (b. June 25, 1912) was Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from 1971-1979. The papers contain gubernatorial materials, 1971-1979, consisting of correspondence, nominations, appointments, biographical data, autographs, press releases, reference literature and legislative files. Some representative topics appearing in the subject and general files include welfare reform, consumer protection, labor strikes, bicentennial celebration activities, capital punishment, abortion, and the 1972 Agnes Flood emergency recovery effort. Documents concerning the Volkswagen Manufacturing Corporation of America's plant operations in Pennsylvania and minutes of diverse commissions and authorities are also found. For each gubernatorial term of Shapp, there are separate general and subject files.

General file

1st term, 1971-1974
372 cu. ft.

Documents are arranged alphabetically by subject but subjects frequently overlap multiple folders and cartons. Below documents are listed first by subject heading, then carton and folder number.

Carton 2, Agriculture, Pa. Dept. of

  • Correspondence:
    • James A. McHale to Shapp, Dec. 8, 1972 re background of rural development activities. In folder 2-8.
    • Norval D. Reece to James A. Hale, June 30, 1972 re tree nurseries donating trees for urban areas. In folder 2-10.
    • McHale to Shapp, May 16, 1972 regarding tree nurseries. In folder 2-10.
    • McHale to Shapp, and S. Howard Davis (Exec. Sec., Pa. Nurseryman's Association Inc., Feb. 15, 1972 re closing of Penndot's Bureau of Landscape Development. Both in folder 2-11.
    • Morris J. Solomon to McHale, Dec. 6, 1971 re Harrisburg Evening News article of Nov. 17, 1971 about pollution. In folder 2-12.
    • Henry E. Wilcox to James Patton, June 26, 1972 re agricultural flood damage in Wyoming and Clinton Counties. In folder 2-15.
    • Thomas L. Rowland to McHale, April 10, 1972 re "Pennsylvania Land Policy Conference. In folder 2-18
    • " James G. Patton to Loren Soth, April 9, 1973 re working paper on land use policy. In folder 2-18.
    • McHale to Shapp, March 16, 1973 re the federal Rural Environmental Assistance Program. In folder 2-19.
    • McHale to Shapp, Oct. 23, 1973 re Stump Creek, Jefferson County, a "coal patch" town. In folder 2-20.
    • McHale to Charles P. McIntosh, Sept. 25, 1973 re flood assistance project. In folder 2-2.
    • McHale to Shapp, August 22, 1973 re the federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972. In folder 2-2.
  • Reports:
    • "New Perspectives For the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture," by Better Business Government Associates, Inc. c. July 1969. In folder 2-8.
    • James A. McHale to Charles P. McIntosh, March 31, 1972 re "our views on those issues and problems which you feel will have the greatest effect upon the citizens of Pennsylvania and the environment in which they live." In folder 2-11.
    • James A. McHale, Secretary of Agriculture, "Land Use Policy: A Presentation to Milton J. Shapp, Governor of Pennsylvania." c. 1973. In folder 2-20.
  • Testimony:
    • James A. McHale before the US Senate Subcommittee on Disaster Relief, Subcommittee on Public Works, May 11, 1973. In folder 2-17.
    • McHale before the US Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Feb. 5, 1973. In folder 2-17.
    • McHale before the US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 26, 1973. In folder 2-17.
  • Speeches:
    • James A. McHale to the National Farmers Union Convention, Houston, February 28, 1972. In folder 2-12.
    • "Statement of Governor Shapp on the Signing of Act 45 (Pa. Agriculture Flood Bill) ca. July 1973. In folder 2-23.
    • Raymond J. Kerstetter to the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, March 22, 1974. In folder 2-25.
  • Press releases:
    • Dept. of Agriculture, March 22, 1973 re land use and sportsmen. In folder 2-25.
  • News clippings:
    • "Angry Upstate Farmers Post Land Charging Pollution Law 'Persecution,' Harrisburg Evening News, Nov. 17, 1971. In folder 2-12.
    • Weekly News Bulletin [a publication of the Pa. Dept. of Agriculture] issues for April 15, 1971; Feb. 1, March 20, April 15, August 10, Sept. 7, 1972 about land use, organic farming and flood relief. In folder 2-15.
    • Weekly News Bulletin issues for Jan. 11, 18, April 26, and May 17, 1973 mainly about flood relief. In folder 2-17.
    • "Rural Flood-Stricken Aide By Local ACRE Workers," New Bloomfield [Perry County] Times, May 24, 1973. In folder 2-17.
    • Weekly News Bulletin issues for May 17, 24, July 5, 31, August 7, Sept. 23, Oct. 9, 1973 re flood recovery, gypsy moth, land use policy, Hurricane Agnes.
  • Publications:
    • Peter Barnes, "The Great Land Grab," New Republic, June 1971 issue. In folder 2-8.
    • R. C. Smith, "Moving Large Trees and Keeping Them Alive," American Nurseryman, May 1, 1972. In folder 2-10.
  • Legislation:
    • H.B. 113, "An Act...creating a Weather Modification Board within the Dept. of Agriculture," Jan. 19, 1968. In folder 2-19.

Carton 3, Agriculture, Pa. Dept. of

  • Correspondence:
    • James A. McHale to Shapp, Sept. 12, 1974 re Massachusetts land use act. In folder 3-1.
    • Open Space Inc. to Shapp, Dec. 16, 1971 re founding of Open Space, a Pennsylvania environmental group. In folder 3-13.
    • Shapp to K. K. Cowden, May 20, 1971 re proposed Youth Conservations Corps. In folder 3-15.
    • Donna R. Hartle to Shapp, August 9, 1974 re Clarion County hailstorm crop damage. In folder 3-18.
    • Shapp to Earl Butz, Oct. 3 & 18, 1974 re Clarion County hailstorm crop damage. In folder 3-18.
  • Reports:
    • James A. McHale, "Proposals to Governor Milton J. Shapp for a Renaissance in Rural Pennsylvania, January 1973. The reports discusses land use planning and environmental protection among other subjects. In folder 3-10.
    • Dept. of Agriculture? "Important Questions on Fertilizer, April 29, 1974. In folder 3-11.
  • Testimony:
    • James A. McHale to US Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, chairperson and members of the Subcommittee on Rural Development of the US Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, September 24, 1971. In folder 3-3.
    • McHale before the US Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Feb. 5, 1973 and before the US House of Reps. Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 26, 1973. In folder 3-10.
  • Speeches:
    • James A. McHale before the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors, April 23, 1974. In folder 3-11.
    • McHale before the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, March 23, 1973. In folder 3-12.
    • McHale before the National Farmers Union Convention, March 24, 1974. In folder 3-12.
  • Publications:
    • Weekly News Bulletin issues for Jan. 4, May 17, June 14, July 24, August 7, Sept. 11, 23, Oct. 16, 1973. Topics include Hurricane Agnes, weather, land use, mine patch town restoration. In folder 3-9.
    • Weekly News Bulletin issues for March 5 and July 30, 1974. In folder 3-9.
    • Dept. of Agriculture, 1974 Officers of Pennsylvania Agricultural Organizations. In folder 3-12.
    • Weekly News Bulletin issue of June 1, 1972 re "McHale's Fight for Small Farms," issue of Oct. 19, 1972 re Agriculture Community Recovery Effort (ACRE).
  • Press Releases:
    • Dept. of Agriculture, Jan. 30, 1974 re generating methane gas from manure and recycling sewage sludge into fertilizer. In folder 3-11.
    • Dept. of Agriculture, April 19, 1974 re disappearance of farm land. In folder 3-11.
    • Dept. of Agriculture, April 9, 1974 re plan to designate permanent plow lands. Dept. of Agriculture, February 28, 1972 re proposal for national land reform program. In folder 3-13.

Air Monitoring/Air Products & Chemicals

Carton 3, folder 3-22

  • Publications:
    • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: "COPAMS: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Air Monitoring System." Undated.
    • "This is Air Products and Chemicals Inc." Undated.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp at the ground breaking ceremonies for the Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. factory in Trexelertown, Leigh County, October 22, 1974.
  • Report: Annual Report, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1973.

Appalachian Thruway

Carton 8, folder 8-8

  • Correspondence:
    • Appalachian Thruway Association to A. Edward Simon and Jacob G. Kassab, November 2, 1974.
    • M. Karl Smith to Antoinette S. Caswell, Nov. 26, 1974. The letter is about mine drainage pollution of North Folk, Redbank Creek near Brookville, Jefferson County.
  • Publication:
    • Newsletter of the Appalachian Thruway Association, August 15, 1974. Includes list of officers and members. The issue for Dec. 30, 1970 records changes to the association's charter.
  • Maps:
    • "Appalachian Thruway: The Valley Route of the Central Appalachians, Oct. 8, 1974."
    • "An Illustration of the Earth's Structure Showing the Relationships of Coal Seams and Other Formations, Gas Wells, Oil Wells, Bore Holes, Deep Mines and Strip Mines to Underground Water Pollution Which Eventually Becomes Our Surface Streams." By the Appalachian Watershed Corp. of New Bethlehem, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, ca. 1974.


Carton 16, folder 16-8

Press release, Office of the Governor, December 4, 1973. Shapp endorses anti-billboard legislation S.B. 726.

Coal, 1971-1974

Carton 32, folders 32/15 & 32/16

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to US Senators Richard S. Schweiker and Hugh Scott, August 14, 1974 re conference on anthracite coal in northeastern Pennsylvania. In folder 32-15.
  • Speech:
    • Shapp before the Governor's Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, April 4, 1973. In folder 32-15.
  • Reports:
    • Governor's Energy Council, "Pennsylvania Coal," Final draft to be presented to the Governor, August 2, 1974. In folder 32-15.
    • Edward T. Snyder to Betty L. Burston, "Coal Report for Week Ending August 8, 1974." Statistics are given for Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lycoming, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming Counties. In folder 32-15.
    • "Production of Coal: Material used for United Mine Workers Speech, Pittsburgh, December 11, 1973. Report cites figures for both anthracite and bituminous coal. In folder 32-16.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, August 14, 1974, "Shapp Presents Pennsylvania Coal Plan to Federal Energy Administration. In folder 32-15.
    • June 19, 1974, "Shapp Endorses Coal Research Laboratory and Energy Research Fellowship Act H. R. 14968. In folder 32-15.
    • " November 25, 1974 re Commonwealth plan to produce methane gas from bituminous coal. In folder 32-15.
    • Office of the Governor, Nov. 22, 1974 re Pennsylvania Early Warning System to handle dwindling coal supplies. In folder 32-16.
    • July 18, 1973 re Shapp proposal to create a National Coal Conversion Corporation. In folder 32-16.
    • Jan. 22, 1973 re Shapp meeting with energy leaders to discuss national energy shortage. In folder 32-16.

Compass Coal Company, 1972-1974

Carton 36, folders 36/11 & 36/12

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence dated 1974 between Shapp, Dept. of Environmental Resources, Compass Coal Co., and citizens of Clearfield County concerning the company's request to strip mine bituminous coal in Clearfield County. In folder 36-11.
    • Correspondence of 1974 between Shapp, Bennett Valley Watershed Association, Compass Coal Co. and citizens of Clearfield County. In folder 36-12.
  • News clipping:
    • "Ecology, Economy Hinge at Baker Run," (DuBois, Clearfield County) Courier Express, March 11, 1974.

Delaware Canal - Delaware River Basin Water

Carton 42, folder 42-30

  • There is a copy of the program of the 9th Annual Delaware River Basin Water Resources Conference, October 18-19, 1971, Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania.
  • A memo from Alan H. Rausin to Ralph D. Tive, November 27, 1972 mentions the Delaware River Navigation Commission.

Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), 1971-1974

Cartons 42 & 43

  • Correspondence:
    • James F. Wright to Henry G. Parry Jr., April 18, 1972 re Tocks Island (Delaware River) Reservoir Project. In folder 43-4.
    • President Richard M. Nixon to Shapp, Sept. 6, 1973 re appointment of alternate federal member of the DRBC. In folder 43-8.
    • Wright to Frank J. Bowden Jr., Nov. 8, 1974 re environmental oversight of petroleum industry in the Delaware Valley. In folder 43-11.
    • Wright to Shapp, June 21, 1974 re need for five new nuclear plants and one new fossil-fueled plant in the state. In folder 43-11.
    • Norval D. Reece to Maurice K. Goddard, May 31, 1974 re flood control legislation in New Jersey & Pennsylvania. In folder 43-11.
    • Shapp to Rogers C. B. Morton, March 18, 1974 re Delaware River and National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. In folder 43-11.
  • Minutes:
    • Commission meetings of April 7 and May 27 1971. In folder 42-35.
    • Commission meetings of September 30, November 1, and December 15, 1971. In folder 43-2.
    • Commission meeting of Jan. 26, 1973. In folder 43-9. Commission meeting of Jan. 26, 1972. In folder
  • Proceedings:
    • DRBC meeting, March 1971. Includes "Notice of Commission Action" by request of the Bucks County Commissioners who have changed plans for use of water from the Delaware River. In folder 42-35.
    • DRBC meeting. May 10, 1972. In folder 43-4.
  • Annual Reports:
    • Annual reports, 1969, 1970, 1971.In folder 42-34.
    • Annual report, 1972. In folder 43-3.
    • Annual report, 1973. In folder 43-7.
  • Reports:
    • "The Case for Delaware River Basin Commission Ownership of the Proposed Deepwater Regional Waste Water Treatment System," August 12, 1971. In folder 43-1.
    • Brown, Lund & Levin to the DRBC, Dec. 17, 1971 re Kittatinny Mountain Hydroelectric Project. In folder 43-2.
    • National Weather Service, Federal-State Forecast Center to the DRBC, June 22, 1973. A hypothetical study of what would happen if Hurricane Agnes struck the Delaware River Valley Basin. In folder 43-8.
    • "Proposed Amendments to DRBC Administrative Manual, Part III: Basin Regulations-Water Quality, Feb. 15, 1974." In folder 43-9.
  • Legal cases:
    • US Reports, Vol. 283 pp. 336-348, State of New Jersey v. State of New York et al. US Supreme Court, 1930 October term. The case involves New York's plan to divert water from non-navigable tributaries of the Delaware River for use by the City of New York. In folder 42-34.
  • Publications:
    • DRBC. "Delaware River Basin Compact," January 1967. In folder 43-34.
    • DRBC. "Administrative Manual Part II: Rules of Practice and Procedure to Include Amendments through June 1972." In folder 43-6.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to DRBC, May 10, 1972. In folder 43-4. Shapp to DRBC May 31, 1972. In folder 43-8. Shapp to DRBC May 31, 1973. In folder 43-8.
  • Press releases:
    • DRBC. March 29, 1972 regarding "fossil-fueled electric generator site in the upper Delaware River Basin." In folder 42-35.
    • DRBC, Sept. 29, 1972 concerning Commonwealth flood protection needs in the wake of Hurricane Agnes. In folder 43-5.

Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission 1971-1974

Carton 43

  • Minutes:
    • Meetings of Oct. 30 and Dec. 4, 1973. In folder 43-26.
  • Annual reports:
    • 1971. In folder 43-12.
    • 1972. In folder 43-17.
    • 1973. In folder 43-23
  • News clippings: The articles are from the Delaware Valley region for the following dates -
    • June 10-16, August 23-Sept. 9, 1971. In folder 43-13.
    • Dec. 13-27, 1971. In folder 43-14.
    • Jan. 1-March 12, 1972. In folder 43-14.
    • Jan. 28-July 27, 1972. In folder 43-15.
    • July 16-Dec. 7, 1972. In folder 43-16.
    • July 1-Dec. 14, 1972. In folder 43-17.
    • Sept. 25, 1972-Jan. 31, 1973. In folder 43-18.
    • Jan. 25-April 5, 1973. In folder 43-19.
    • April 11-Sept. 30, 1973. In folder 43-20.
    • July 25, 1973 through January 6, 1974. In folder 43-9.
    • August 29, 1973-Feb. 12, 1974. In folder 43-21.
    • Jan. 8, 1974-March 28, 1974. In folder 43-22.
    • April-May 1974. In folder 43-23.
    • March-July 1974. In folder 43-24.
    • June-August 1974. In folder 43-25.
    • June-Nov. 1974. In folder 43-26.

Delaware River Port Authority, 1971-1974

Cartons 43 & 44

  • Annual reports:
    • 1970, 1971. In folder 44-2.
    • 1972. In folder 44-6.
  • Publications:
    • Delaware River Port Authority Log. Issues for May, June & July 1971. Article on air pollution control program of Atlantic Richfield featured in June issue. In folder 44-5.
    • "The River Pirates," by Willard Randall, Philadelphia Magazine, c. 1972. The article is about a controversy concerning the Delaware River Port Authority. In folder 44-8.

Delaware River Regional Planning Commission

Carton 44, folders 44/12 throught 22/18

  • Correspondence:
    • Kaysi Farrell, president, Delaware Valley Citizens Council for Clean Air to Shapp, May 10, 1974 re elimination of federal funding to fight pollution. In folder 44-13
    • State Senator Franklin L Kury to Shapp, Oct. 17, 1973 re the Upper Delaware Valley Defense Committee. In folder 44-14.
    • Norman Leslie, chairman, Upper Delaware Valley Defense Committee to Shapp c. 1973 opposing inclusion of the Upper Delaware River under jurisdiction of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. In folder 44-14.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Bernard J. McHugh of the Delaware Valley Refuse Association, Sept. 2, 1971 and McHugh to Shapp, July 20, 1971. McHugh is secretary of an environmental group opposing closing of landfills in Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties. In folder 44-16.
  • Minutes:
    • Commission meetings of Jan. 30, June 26, 1974. In folder 44-17.
    • Commission meeting of May 24, 1974. In folder 44-12.
    • Commission meeting of July 24, Sept. 25, and Oct. 25, 1974. In folder 44-18.
    • Commission meeting of Nov. 20, 1974. In folder 44-19.
  • Annual reports:
    • Delaware Valley Planning Commission, 1971-1972. In folder 44-15.
  • Reports:
    • Preliminary Draft, "Memorandum of Understanding between the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission and DER Concerning Preparation of a Water Quality Plan for Southeastern Pennsylvania, June 19, 1972. In folder 44-12.
    • "Status Report on the Philadelphia Air Basin, Oct. 23, 1974. The DER comments on a report issued by the Delaware Valley Citizens Council for Clear Air. In folder 44-13.
  • Publications:
    • Delaware Valley Planning News, Vol. 7, no. 2, June 1973. In folder 44-13.
    • Regional Clearinghouse Manual: A Guide to Regional A-95 Clearinghouse Procedures, May, 1972, in folder 44-12.
  • Press releases:
    • Delaware Valley Citizens Council, Oct. 21, 1974 re their report on air pollution. In folder 44-13.

Earth Resources Technology Satellite, 1972-1973

Carton 50, folder 50/35

  • Correspondence:
    • Howard W. Chapman to Edward Goodstein, Feb. 23, 1972
    • Goodstein to Shapp, Feb. 4, 1972 re Earth Action Center proposal for satellite.
  • Proclamation:
    • Governor's Proclamation: "Earth Resources Satellite Day, Feb. 8, 1973." The proclamation celebrates the first ecology satellite launched by NASA to collection data on the earth's resources.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, Feb. 22, 1973 re Earth Resources Technology Satellite's mission. The satellite compiles aerial data every eighteen days during five flight passes over the state of Pennsylvania
    • General Electric Company, Feb. 8, 1973 re "Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Fact Sheet."
  • Photographs:
    • "Color composite photo of south central Pennsylvania taken by ERTS on Sept. 6, 1972
    • Color composite photo of Philadelphia/New Jersey/New York City area by ERTS on Oct. 10, 1972
    • The ERTS shown after tests at the General Electric Valley Forge Plant, May 17, 1972.
  • Publication:
    • General Electric Company, Space Division, ERTS: Earth Resources Technology Satellite, August 1972

Earth Week, 1971-1973

Carton 50, folder 50/36


  • Governor's Proclamation: Earth Week
    • April 19-25, 1971
    • April 17-23, 1972
    • April 9-15, 1973


Carton 51, folder 51/13

  • Publication:
    • The Ecology Bulletin, Vol. 1, no. 1, March 1971
  • News clipping:
    • "State Stands Firm on Ecology Laws," by Fred Jones, Pittsburgh Press c. 1971 or 1972.

Environmental Action Data

Carton 53, folder 53/28

  • Correspondence:
    • R. J. Bamford to Shapp, Oct. 22, 1973 and Norval D. Reece to Bamford, Dec. 13, 1973 re polluting by the Environmental Aid Inc Co. of New Beaver Borough, Lawrence County. In folder 53-28.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp before the Third Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Conference, Harrisburg, Feb. 22, 1972. In folder 53-28.
    • Shapp before the Intergovernmental Environmental Conference, Philadelphia, 1974. In folder 53-28.
  • Press release
    • Office of the Governor, May 10, 1974 re Shapp speech to environmentalists. In folder 53-28.
  • Publication:
    • Environmental Action Plan, Pennsylvania Dept. of Highways, Public Hearing Citizens Advisory, by Floyd R. McCullough, Jan. 30, 1973. In folder 53-28.

Environmental Defense Fund

Carton 53, folder 53/29

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1973 between Shapp, the Environmental Defense Fund, DER, Consolidated Edison of New York, Inc., Federal Highway Administration, PennDot, and HEW. Issues include federal flood control and the Susquehanna River, the Interstate Highway system and air and noise pollution, strip mining, suburban sprawl, the Tocks Island Dam, the Delaware River Basin and water supply needs of the state of New Jersey.
  • Report:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to R. A. Haines, Oct. 4, 1973 re "Draft [of] Continuing Environmental Evaluation Document for Interstate Route 78.
  • Proclamations: Governor's Proclamation, "Environmental Education Week" -
    • Oct. 17-23, 1971
    • Oct. 15-21, 1972
    • Oct. 18-24, 1973
    • Oct. 13-19, 1974.
  • News clipping:
    • "Letter to the Editor, Toward a Land Ethic," by Milton J. Shapp, Washington Post, Oct. 17, 1973.

Environmental Hearing Board

Carton 53, folders 53/30 & 53/31

  • Correspondence:
    • Gerald R. Goldberg to Norval D. Reece, April 6, 1972 re proposal for establishing local conservation commission across the Commonwealth. In folder 53-30.
    • Michael H. Malin to Shapp, August 16 1972 re mission of the Environmental Hearing Board. In folder 53-30.
    • State Representative John F. Laudadio Sr. to Shapp, August 3, 1973. Lawmaker advocated abolishing the Environmental Hearing Board. In folder 53-31.
    • Paul E. Waters to Maurice K. Goddard, Jan. 22, 1974 and Goddard to Waters, Feb. 22, 1974 re the Clivus system as possible waste disposal alternative for the state. In folder 53-31.
  • Legal case:
    • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Resources v. Warren Sand & Gravel Co. Inc., Oil City Sand & Gravel Co. Inc., and Davison Sand & Gravel Company. The case involves alleged dredging operations by the companies on the upper Allegheny River. In folder 53-31.
  • Publications:
    • "Acid Mine Drainage and the Pennsylvania Courts," by Robert Broughton, Thomas A. Koza and Gary F. Selway, Duquesne Law Review 11, no. 4, Summer 1973. In folder 53-30
    • Advertisement flyer for "Northeastern Renova Environmental Consultatnts,"1973. In folder 53-31
    • "Noise and the Law: A Survey," by Joseph L. Cohen and Leonard Sharon, Duquesne Law Review 11, no. 2, Winter 1972. In folder 53-31.
    • "Sanitation for Conservation," by Lawrence D. Hills. In unnamed and unknown publication. The article is about the Clivus system, a self-contained garbage and sewage disposal unit. In folder 53-31.
  • Press releases:
    • Environmental Hearing Board, c. 1972 re call for "Pennsylvania lawyers to assist the Commonwealth in carrying out its environmental policy by acting as volunteer hearing examiners on cases appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board." In folder 53-30.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Washington, DC

Cartons 53 & 54

  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • Shapp to William D. Ruckelshaus, April 13, 1971. DER responsible for solid waste disposal control. In folder 53-33.
    • Ruckelshaus to Shapp, August 6, 1971 re EPA survey of non-occupational noise abatement program. In folder 53-33.
    • Wesley F. Gilbertson to Col. Alvin F. Meyer, August 23, 1971 re EPA survey. In folder 53-33.
    • Ruckelshaus to Shapp, Oct. 20, 1971 re EPA approval of Pennsylvania's solid waste disposal plan. In folder 53-33.
  • Correspondence, 1972:
    • Wesley E. Gilbertson to John M. Elliott, Jan. 17, 1972 re EPA's call for solid waste research. In folder 53-34.
    • Shapp to Edward W. Furia, June 6, 1972 re the Environmental Hearing Board's debate about oxides of nitrogen regulations. In folder 53-34.
    • Robert R. Garvey Jr. to Fred B. Grant, July 21, 1972 and William J. Wewer to Grant, August 25, 1972 re proposed sewage system and waste treatment facility near Valley Forge, Chester County. In folder 53-34.
    • Daniel J. Snyder III to Shapp, April 13, 1972 re EPA approval of the state's revised water pollution control program. In folder 53-34.
    • Snyder to Shapp, April 13, 1972 regarding Mission 5000, a national program for safe disposal of solid waste. In folder 53-34.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • Daniel J. Snyder III to Shapp, March 10, 1974 re EPA sponsored legislation for pesticide control. In folder 54-2.
    • Shapp to Russell Train, Feb. 11, 1974 re Agriculture Dept.'s enforcement of the Pennsylvania Pesticide Act of 1957. In folder 54-2.
  • Reports:
    • "Mission 5000 in Pennsylvania," unknown author, December 1972. In folder 53-34.
    • "Transportation Control Strategies for Philadelphia," by Daniel J. Snyder III, Nov. 15, 1973. In folder 54-1.
    • EPA, "Title 40-Protection of Environment, Chapter 1-EPA Chapter C-Air Programs, Part 52, Pennsylvania Transportation Control Plan, Pennsylvania Portion of Metropolitan Philadelphia Plan," c. 1973. In folder 54-1.
  • Speeches:
    • Shapp to the National Governors Conference, March 7, 1974. Shapp wants federal pollution control grant program revived. In folder 54-2.
  • Legislation:
    • Pa. Senate Bill no. 678, Session of 1971, "Noise Control Act of 1971." In folder 53-33.
    • H. B. 588, no. 24, "Pennsylvania Pesticide Act of 1973." In folder 554-3.
  • Publications:
    • EPA Bulletin-Middle Atlantic Region 1, no. 2, April 5, 1972, November 1972. In folder 53-34.
    • Environmental Reporter, Dec. 17, 1971. In folder 53-34.
    • EPA, Effects of Pesticides in Water: A Report to the States, c. 1973. In folder 53-34.
    • Public Affairs Committee, The Campaign for Cleaner Air, by Marvin Zeldin, 1973. In folder 54-1.
    • EPAlert: To Alert You to Important Events, July 19 and August 2, 1974. In folder 54-3.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, June 7, 1972 re EPA approval of state's air pollution control regulations. In folder 53-34
    • EPA, Nov. 12, 1973 re new regulations for reducing auto traffic, conserving energy and reducing air pollution. In folder 54-1.

Environmental Quality Board

Carton 54

  • Minutes:
    • April 11, 1973. In folder 54-7.
    • June 21 and July 19, 1973 in folder 54-8.
  • Reports:
    • DER, "Proposed Transportation Control Strategies to Meet Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Standards in Southwest Pennsylvania Intrastate Air Quality Control Region and Metropolitan Philadelphia Interstate Air Quality Control Region," Dec. 20, 1972. In older 54-5.
    • "Sulfur Dioxide Control in Pennsylvania: A Summary Report to the Environmental Quality Board by the Bureau of Air Quality and Noise Control, May 10, 1973," In folder 54-6.

Environmental Resources, Dept. of [DER]

Cartons 54 & 55

  • Correspondence, 1971:
    • William M. Eichbaum to Shapp, May 12, 1971 re enforcement of anti-pollution laws. In folder 54-18.
    • Norval D. Reece to Wesley E. Gilbertson, June 17, 1971 re list of solid waste sites issued permits and sites denied permits. In folder 54-19.
    • Gilbertson to Reece, June 24, 1971. A list is included that names waste disposal sites closed down and those sites with permits pending. In folder 54-17.
    • Gerald H. Goldberg to Herbert Fineman et al., July 14, 1971 re the Interstate Environmental Compact.
    • C. H. McConnell to Norval D. Reece, June 16, 1971 re Public Health and Safety Project No. 2. The letter refers to the Eureka culm bank, adjacent to the Eureka Specialty Printing plant in Scranton, Lackawanna County. The plant "was used as a source for mine flushing." In folder 54-20.
    • Richard Gerstell to Goddard, Oct. 4, 1971 re flooding in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. In folder 54-22.
    • Shapp to Goddard, Oct.21, 1971 and Goddard to Shapp, Oct. 28, 1971 re wanton destruction of urban trees and the need for land use planning. In folder 54-22.
    • Shapp to Goddard, Oct. 28, 1971 re the case for "more efficient sewage treatment facilities." In folder 54-22.
    • C. H. McConnell to Robert P. Casey Sr., Nov. 24, 1971 re subsidence in Scranton, Lackawanna County. In folder 54-23.
  • Correspondence, January, 1972:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Norval D. Reece, Jan.3, 1971 re Pennsylvania's urban forestry program. In folder 54-23.
    • Reece to Goddard, Jan. 5, 1972 re article about Pittsburgh landfills in the Sunday January 2, 1972 issue of the Pittsburgh Press. Reece says "as you know, the Governor opposed the dumping of garbage into abandoned strip mines in Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties a few years ago."
    • Goddard to Reece, Jan. 18, 1972 claims that DER is monitoring the Allegheny County sanitary landfill situation. In folder 54-26.
    • Eugene Frund to Walter G. Arader, Jan. 26, 1972 re natural gas discovery on state forest land in Portage Township, Cameron County. In folder 54-26.
  • Correspondence, February-April 1972:
    • James O. Nichols to Goddard, Feb. 16, 1972 re Shapp's statement about the Gypsy Moth. In folder 54-27.
    • Philip Bedin to Shapp, March 9, 1972 re a "Pennsylvania Environmental Corps" for young people. In folder 54-8.
    • Goddard to Mrs. Kit Boyd, April 17, 1972 re erosion of the Presque Isle Beach, Erie County. In folder 54-28.
    • Goddard to Charles P. McIntosh, April 17, 1972 re environmental guidelines. In folder 55-1.
    • Goddard to Shapp, April 26, 1972 re use of strip mines as waste repositories. In folder 55-1.
  • Correspondence, May 1972:
    • Goddard to Shapp, May 26, 1972 re mine drainage treatment system. In folder 55-2.
    • Goddard to Shapp, May 20, 1972 re utility fuel use trends. In folder 55-2.
    • Goddard to Shapp, May 31, 1972 re sewage treatment facilities. In folder 55-2.
  • Correspondence, October-November 1972:
    • Goddard to Herbert S. Denenberg, Oct. 2, 1972 re environmental reforms by cities of Chester, Erie and Philadelphia and companies such as Sun Oil, Penn Central and RCA. In folder 55-6.
    • William M. Eichbaum to Goddard, Oct. 2, 1972 re list of 779 Pennsylvania businesses, and local governments cited as polluters by the DER. In folder 55-6.
    • Goddard to Reece, Oct. 10, 1972 re littering at Upper Pine Bottom State Park, Lycoming County. "In December 1971, after the first week of Deer Season, a trash pile 80 feet long, 8 feet wide and five feet high had accumulated during that week." In folder 54-1.
    • Goddard to Shapp, Nov. 8, 1972 re solid waste treatment grant for the City of Philadelphia. In folder 55-7.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • C. H. McConnell to William H. Wilcox, Oct. 15, 1972 re Naylors Run and Cobbs Creek, Upper Darby Township, Delaware County. In folder 55-24.
    • Thomas S. Medford to Shapp, August 23, 1974 re EnviroTech Corporation, Lebanon County. EnviroTech specializes in air pollution control. In folder 55-25.
    • Richard Dunkelberger to Shapp, Nov. 20, 1974 re "Farming, Food, & Energy Conference. In folder 58-2.
  • Reports, 1971:
    • Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries, "Secretary's Report: Operation Scarlift Progress Report, March April, June, 1971. In folder 54-9.
    • DER, "Environmental Progress Report," June 17, 1971. In folder 54-10.
    • DER., "Accomplishments of 1971, Goals for 1972, Long Range Plans," Dec. 21, 1971.In folder 54-11.
    • Natural and Historic Resource Associates, "A New Direction for the Future: A Dept. of Environmental Resources for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," Feb. 4, 1971. In folder 54-16.
    • DER, "Pennsylvania's Solid Waste Programs and Management Plan for Correction and Prevention, May 1, 1971." In folder 54-17.
  • Reports 1972:
    • C. H. McConnell to Norval D. Reece, Jan. 25, 1972 re subsidence control project in Ashley Borough, Luzerne County. In folder 54-26.
    • DER, "Quarterly Review, June 1972." In folder 54-12.
    • DER, Bureau of Water Quality Management, "Status of Construction of Sewerage Facilities under [the] Land and Water Conservation and Reclamation Act no. 443: Progress Report, Jan. 14, 1972. In folder 54-12.
    • DER, Bureau of Forestry, "The Proposed 1972 Gypsy Moth Aerial Spraying Control Program in Pennsylvania," March 10, 1972. In folder 54-27.
    • "Summary of Legislative Proposals, July 18, 1972. In folder 55-4.
    • DER, "General Specifications for Preparation of a Water Quality Management Plan," July 7, 1972. In folder 55-8.
  • Reports, 1973:
    • Annual report for 1973. In folder 54-15.
    • Proposed Transportation Control Strategies to Meet Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Standards," Jan. 26 and 20, 1973. In folder 55-9.
  • Reports, 1974:
    • "Coal for the 1970s: A Pennsylvania Action Program" by Wesley E. Gilbertson, April 24, 1974. In folder 55-20.
  • Speeches, 1971:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to the 39th annual meeting of the Associated Petroleum Industries of Pennsylvania, Hershey, May 6, 1971. In folder 54-19.
    • Goddard to the Pennsylvania Electric Association System Planning Committee, May 4-5, 1971. In folder 54-10.
  • Speeches, 1972:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to the "What about Pittsburgh?" public forum, Pittsburgh, Feb. 24, 1972. In folder 54-27.
    • Shapp to the Combined Environmental Council and Environmental Planning Center, Harrisburg, April 7, 1972. In folder 54-13.
    • Goddard at a Philadelphia meeting, June 2, 1972 discussing Atlantic coast deepwater port facilities. In folder 55-2.
    • Goddard to a public meeting in Harrisburg about flood prevention, Sept. 19, 1972. In folder 54-14.
  • Speeches, 1974:
    • Shapp at dedication ceremonies of the Forest Pest Management Lab in Middletown, Dauphin County, April 23, 1974. In folder 54-15.
  • Press releases, 1971:
    • Office of the Governor, April 29, 1971 re Citizens Advisory Council to the DER. In folder 54-9.
    • Office of the Governor, June 17, 1971. Shapp declares "my administration has made preservation of the environment a matter of highest priority." In folder 54-10.
    • DER. July 20, 1971, The DER terminates the right of Westinghouse Electric to build an acid mine drainage de-mineralization water plant in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County. In folder 54-10.
    • DER, Nov. 1, 1971 re Little Buffalo State Park, Perry County, Oct. 28, 1971 re mine area restoration projects. In folder 54-11.
    • Nov. 17, 1971 re settlement of contract with Westinghouse for acid mine drainage project. In folder 54-11.
    • Nov. 30, 1971 re passage of the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act which extends the provision of the earlier Bituminous Coal Open Pit Mining Conservation Act. The new law obligates companies to restore the land to its original condition or else provide an alternate plan for restoration. In folder 54-11.
  • Press releases, 1972:
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 27, 1972 re DER activities in northeast Pennsylvania. In folder 54-12.
    • DER, March 9, 1972 re gypsy moth plague in Pennsylvania in 1972. In folder 54-27.
    • DER , March 10, 1972 re department plans to spray 23,000 acres of forest in northeast Pennsylvania with Sevin and Dylox as a temporary measure to halt tree destruction by the gypsy moth. In folder 54-12.
    • DER, April 5, 1972 re "The Birth of a Tree" program for Pennsylvania students. In folder 54-13.
    • Environment Pittsburgh, April 10, 1972 re DER lawsuit against US Steel for oil discharge into the Monongahela River. In folder 54-28.
    • Office of the Governor, Oct. 26, 1972 re Shapp's signing of two environmental control bills. In folder 54-14.
  • Press releases, 1973:
    • Office of the Governor, Feb. 27, 1973. The governor calls upon Pennsylvanians to save the environment by planning "at least one tree in '73'." In folder 54-15.
  • Press releases, 1974:
    • DER, Oct. 23, 1974 re Pa. Senate Bill 1122: The Pennsylvania Flood Disaster Prevention Act. In folder 54-15.
  • News clippings, 1971:
    • Mainly from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Hazelton papers concerning the coal industry. Oct. 1971. in folder 54-22. Nov. 1971 in folder 54-23.
    • "Coal Conversion Proposal Rapped," Philadelphia Press, c. Dec. 1971. The article discusses the state's conversion to lower sulfur content fuel to meet emission standards. In folder 54-24. Dec. 1971 clippings in folder 54-24.
  • News clippings, 1972:
    • Mainly from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Hazelton papers concerning the coal industry. May-June 1972 in folder 54-14.
    • "Today's Dump is Tomorrow's Development," by William Allan, Pittsburgh Press Sunday Roto Section, Jan. 2, 1972. About the sanitary landfill operated in Allegheny County by the Aloe Coal Company. In folder 54-26.
    • Clipping of Feb. 1972. In folder 54-26.
    • Clippings of March 1972 in folder 54-27.
    • "Power from Waste Disposal," by Gene Smith, New York Times, March 5, 1972. In folder 55-1.
    • Clippings of March, April 1972 in folder 54-28.
    • Clippings of April 1972 in folder 55-1.
    • Clippings of Sept. 1972 in folders 55-5 and 55-6.
    • Clippings of Dec. 1972 in folder 55-9.
  • News clippings, 1973:
    • Mainly from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, and Hazelton papers concerning the coal industry. Clippings for March 1973 in folder 55-11.
  • News clippings, 1974:
    • "Cyanide Curb Challenged," by Fred Farrar. Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 24, 1974. Pittsburgh area steel companies object to proposed ban on dumping more than a ton of cyanide into the Monongahela River. In folder 55-24.
  • Publications (listed alphabetically by title):
    • DER Legislative Newsletter, March 20, 1972, April 10, 1972 issues infolder 54-13.
    • DER Legislative Newsletter, April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, June 5, 19, 26, July 17, 1972 issues in folder 54-14.
    • DER Legislative Newsletter, April 17, 1972 issue in folder 54-28.
    • Environmental Quality and New York City, First National City Bank, April 1972. In folder 54-12;
    • Pennsylvania Econotes, [publication of DER], issue of October 1972 in folder 55-7; issues for August 1973, January and February 1974. In folder 54-15
    • Pennsylvanian Forest Pest Report No. 52, July 31, 1972. In folder 55-4; Pennsylvania Geology Vol. 2, no. 4, August 1971. In folder 54-9; Vol. 2, no. 4, April 1974. In folder 54-15.
    • Selected Annotated Bibliography on Land Resource Inventory and Analysis for Planning by E. Bruce MacDougall and Charles E. Brandes. Prepared for the DER, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Feb. 1974. In folder 55-20.
    • Water Resources Bulletin (Bulletin no. 9, Hydrologic Data of the 1972 Flood in Pennsylvania), 1974. In folder 55-24.


Carton 58, folder 58/2

  • Correspondence:
    • Richard Dunkelberger to Shapp, Nov. 20, 1974 re "Farming, Food, & Energy Conference. About the Pennsylvania Organic Farmer Consumer Organization conference in Lancaster County.
  • Publication:
    • Pennsylvania Organic Farmer Consumer Organization, Farming, Food, & Energy Conference, New Holland, Pa., Sat., Dec. 7, 1974.

Fishing Commission

Carton 60, folders 60/12 & 60/13

  • Correspondence:
    • Allyn R. Sielaff and Robert J. Bielo to Shapp, August 23, 1971 and Bielo to Norval D. Reece, Nov. 26, 1971 re construction of fish hatchery at the Camp Hill Correctional Institution in Cumberland County. In folder 60-12.
    • Ralph W. Abele to Fish Commission, Oct. 11, 1972 re "Center City Cane Pole Program," for children. In folder 60-12.
    • Abele to Reece, March 13, 1973 re small watercraft harbor on Elk Creek, Erie County. In folder 60-13.
    • Abele to Reece, Feb. 8, 1974 re Congressional legislation regulating fisheries. In folder 60-13.
    • William B. Harral to Abele, Sept. 13, 1974, Reece to Abele, Sept. 4, 1974, and Abele to Shapp, August 23, 1974 re a Pennsylvania coal plan. In folder 60-13.
  • Reports:
    • "Two Dollars More to Keep Good Fishing in Pennsylvania," c. 1972; About Pennsylvania resident fishing licenses. In folder 60-12.
    • "For Your Information: Pennsylvania Coho," c. 1972. About Chinook and Coho salmon fishing in Lake Erie. In folder 60-12.
  • Legislation:
    • "An Act Amending the Act of December 15, 1959 (P.L. 1779), entitled, as amended, 'an act relating to fish, frogs, tadpoles, and turtles'..." In folder 60-12.
  • Speech:
    • A. Gene Gazlay to the International Association of Game, Fish, and Conservation Commissioners, Disney World, Florida, Sept. 10, 1973.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, April 9, 1973 re small watercraft harbor on Elk Creek, Erie County. In folder 60-13.


Carton 61, folder 61/1

  • Correspondence:
    • Frank D. O'Reilly to State Representative Russell P. Letterman, March 1, 1973 re flood warning system for communities along West Branch of Susquehanna River.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, July 31, 1972 re flood insurance studies of twenty-five communities along the Susquehanna River.

Game Commission

Carton 65, folder 65/11

  • Correspondence:
    • Glenn L. Bowers to Irving Hand, July 9, 1971 re a state land development policy.
  • Report:
    • "Biennial Report for the biennium ending June 30, 1972"
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, Sept. 19, 1974 re Shapp's support for separate fish and game commission.
    • March 25, 1971 re Shapp's displeasure at construction of the Middle Creek Waterfowl Area center, Lancaster County. Plans for the center were approved by Governor Raymond P. Shafer in 1967.
  • Proclamation:
    • "Pennsylvania Hunting and Fishing Day, September 23, 1972." Signed by Governor Shapp on August 9, 1972.
  • Publications:
    • Pennsylvania Game News issues for Dec. 1974 and Jan. 1975.


Carton 65, folder 65/28

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to John N. Nassikas, Oct. 21, 1974. Shapp protests decision by the federal government to cut off natural gas supplies to forty-seven Pennsylvania companies.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, Nov. 25, Dec. 10, Dec. 11, 1974. The Governor's Energy Council and the Governor's Office of State Planning and Development will co-sponsor a meeting on recovery of methane gas from soft coal beds to cope with energy crisis.
    • Office of the Governor, August 12, 1974, Shapp asks the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission "to consider restrictions on new residential uses of natural gas."

Governor's Land Inventory Committee, 1971

Carton 72, folders 72/10 & 72/11

  • Correspondence:
    • Memo, Shapp to "heads of all administrative departments, independent administrative boards and commissions, and all other state agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction," Oct. 23, 1971 re Executive Directive No. 22, Governor's Land Inventory Committee.
  • Report:
    • Better Government Associates, Inc., "A Property Inventory for Pennsylvania Proposed Methodology," Oct. 29, 1971.
  • Papers:
    • Papers presented at the National Land Use Policy Conference, November 28, 1972 in Des Moines, Iowa. In folder 72-11.

Governor's Science Advisory Committee

Carton 73, folders 73/4 & 73/5

  • Report:
    • Governor's Science Advisory Committee, "New Towns and Cities for Pennsylvania," June. 1969, in folder 73-4.
  • Publication:
    • Institute for Development of Riverine and Estuarine Systems, Cooperative Action for the Beneficial Utilization of Riverine and Estuarine Resources, c. 1972. The organization supports saving the environment of the Delaware River. In folder 73-5.

Governor's Task Force on Energy

Carton 73, folder 73/6

  • Minutes:
    • Meeting of Jan. 24. 1974.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, Sept. 26, 1973, re establishment of the Governor's Task Force on Energy. In folder 73-6.

Great Lakes Commission

Cartons 73 & 74

  • Reports:
    • "Great Lakes Framework Study, Appendix 2: Surface Water Hydrology; Appendix 16: Drainage; Appendix 22: Aesthetic and Cultural Resources," c. 1970s. The full commission report had a total of twenty-five appendixes of which only three are here. In folder 73-33.
    • Great Lakes Environmental Conference, "Report of the Action Committee," August 16, 1971. In folder 73-33.
    • "The Future of the Great Lakes: A Public Meeting, 1972." In folder 73-34.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, Dec. 22, 1972 re "Operation Foresight," a program of the US Army Corps of Engineers for building temporary dikes in flood-prone areas. In folder 73-33.
  • Publications: (listed alphabetically by title)
    • Great Lakes Basin Commission, Frederick O. Rouse, Chairman, undated, in folder 73-34.
    • Great Lakes Newsletter , vol. 15, no. 2, Nov.-Dec. 1970; Vol. 15, no. 5, May-June 1971; Vol. 17, no. 3, Jan-Feb. 1973. All issues are in folder 74-1.
    • Limnos: The Great Lakes Environmental Protection Magazine Vol. 5, no. 1, summer 1972, in folder 73-74.
    • Seaway Review Vol. 3, no. 1, spring 1972; In folder 73-34.

Great Lakes Research Institute

Carton 74, folder 74/2

Proceedings: "Lake Erie Congress: Proceedings of the 1st Session, July 12-14, 1971, Erie, Pennsylvania.

Green Thumb, Inc.

Carton 74, folder 74/23

  • Report:
    • Green Thumb Inc., "Final Research Project Report: Pennsylvania Rural Development, July 15, 1971.
  • Publication:
    • Green Thumb Projects: Older Americans Using Their Skills to Change the Face of the Nation, Undated. Green Thumb, a Washington, DC based organization employs senior citizens in conservation jobs in their communities.

Group against Smog and Pollution (GASP), 1971-1974

Carton 75, folder 75/20

  • Correspondence:
    • Caroline K. Sadler to Shapp, Jan. 9, 1974 re GASP, a Pittsburgh-based environmental group.
    • Michelle Madoff to Shapp, Sept. 13, 1972 re GASP Task Force Report on the Clairton Coke Works, US Steel Corp.
    • Ann Cardinal to Shapp, April 18, 1973 re court case against US Steel.
  • Report:
    • GASP, "Task Force Report on the US Steel Corp., Clairton Coke Works," June 1972.
  • News clippings:
    • "USS Can Stop Smog-GASP," by Henry W. Pierce, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 21, 1972.
    • "Clean up Coke Works, USS Told," Pittsburgh Press, June 20, 1972.

Group for Environmental Education Inc., The

Carton 75, folder 75/21

  • Publications:
    • Our Man-Made Environment, Book 7, 1970.
    • Our Man-Made Environment: A Collection of Experiences, Resources, and Suggested Activities, Sept. 1971.

Interior, U.S. Dept. of the

Cartons 87 & 88

  • Correspondence:
    • Rolland B. Handley to Shapp, June 17, 1971 re Land and Water Conservation Fund. In folder 87-20.
    • David G. Henderson to Vincent R. Artz, June 25, 1970 re master plan for Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. In folder 87-21.
    • Shapp to Harrison Loesch, July 22, 1971 re National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (P.L. 90-542) and the Clarion River. In folder 87-21.
    • Lawrence C. Hadley to Shapp, Dec. 9, 1971 re Appalachian National Scenic Trail. In folder 87-21.
    • Rogers C. B. Morton to Shapp, Feb. 22, 1974 re Clarion River and the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. In folder 88-3.
    • Shapp to Morton, April 2, 1974 re Allegheny River and the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. In folder 88-3.
    • James G. Watt to Shapp, August 9, 1973 and Maurice K. Goddard to Norval D. Reece, Oct. 2, 1974 re Appalachian National Scenic Trail. In folder 88-4.
  • Minutes:
    • Upper Delaware River Study public information meeting, July 23-23, 1973. In folder 88-2.
  • Reports:
    • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1968 to Nov. 30, 1969." In folder 87-20.
    • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1969 to Nov. 30, 1970." In folder 87-21.
    • "Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Activities for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," c. 1971. Both are in folder 87-20.
    • "North Count National Scenic Trail Study: Progress Report no. 1, July 23, 1971." In folder 87-21.
    • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period December 1, 1972 to November 30, 1973." In folder 88-4.
    • "The Distillate Fuel Oil Situation, winter 1973-1974," Sept. 15, 1973. In folder 88-2.
    • "Governor's Information Sheet: Winter Fuel Problem," ca. 1973. In folder 88-2.
  • Publications:
    • Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Northeast Region Outdoor Memo, July 23, 1971. In folder 87-21.
    • US Dept. of the Interior, Office of Oil and Gas, The Petroleum Allocation Program Report, Vol. 1, no. 24, Nov. 12, 1973. In folder 88-2.
    • International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners Newsletter, Vol. 11, no. 1, January 1974. In folder 88-3.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, March 5, 1974 re closing of Glen Nan Mine, Nanticoke, Luzerne County due to Hurricane Agnes flooding. In folder 88-3.
  • Map:
    • "Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, "State of Pennsylvania Activity Summary," March 1971. Map shows trails targeted for study, land and water conservation fund projects, Federal Power Commission projects with Outdoor Recreation programs and Scenic River studies. In folder 87-20.

Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin

Carton 88, folder 88/25

  • Proceedings:
    • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, annual fall meeting, Sept. 23-24, Chambersburg, Franklin County. Issues discussed include spray irrigation of waste water and individual state reports on water pollution control.
  • Reports:
    • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, "Water Related Land Use Planning Guidelines," by W. E. Bullard, March 1974."
  • Publications (listed alphabetically by title):
    • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Newsletter Vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 1971.
    • How to Report an Accidental Spill on the Potomac River Basin, Oct. 1974.
    • Potomac River Basin Directory, August 1974.
    • Potomac Basin Reporter, Vol. 27, no. 9, Sept. 1971.

Interstate Conference on Water Problems

Carton 88, folder 88/26

  • Correspondence:
    • C. H. McConnell to Interstate Conference on Water Problems, August 19, 1974 re water use policy.
  • Publication:
    • "Pollution Compacts: Governors vs. Environmentalists," Congressional Quarterly, July 2, 1971.

Interstate Mining Commission

Carton 88, folder 88/27

  • Proceedings:
    • Commission meeting of April 26, 1971, Raleigh, North Carolina.
    • Commission meeting of Oct. 21, 1972, Lexington, Kentucky.
  • Legislation:
    • Pa. Senate Bill 5, 1966, Special Session No. 1, "Providing that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enter into the Interstate Mining Compact�" Signed into law by Governor William W. Scranton, May 5, 1966.
    • S. 993, 92nd Congress, 1st Session, "A Bill to provide for the cooperation between the federal government and the states with respect to environmental regulations for mining operations�" Feb. 17, 1971.
  • Press release:
    • Council of State Governments, April 27, 1971 re creation of the Interstate Mining Commission.
  • Publication:
    • Interstate Mining Compact Newsletter. Issues available are -
      • Vol. 1, no. 1, June 1973
      • Vol. 1, no. 2, July 1973
      • Vol. 1, no. 3, Nov. 27, 1973

Interstate Oil Compact Commission (IOCC)

Carton 88 & 89

  • Minutes:
    • Hearing of the Subcommittee on Communications and Power Committee on interstate and foreign commerce�H.J. Res. 586 and S.J. &2 to extend the Interstate Oil Compact, April, 12, 1972. In folder 89-5.
  • Proceedings:
    • IOCC meeting of March 15, 1971, Fort Worth Texas. In folder 88-28.
    • Commission meeting of June 22, 1971. In folder 88-29.
    • Commission meeting of Sept. 23, 1973. In folder 89-1.
    • IOCC executive board meeting, March 14, 1972, Denver, Colorado in folder 89-4.
    • IOCC executive board meeting, March 9, 1973. Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 9, 1973 in folder 89-6.
    • IOCC midyear meeting, June 12, 1973, Tulsa, Oklahoma, in folder 89-7.
    • IOCC annual meeting. Dec. 4, 1972, Houston, Texas in folder 89-7.
  • Reports:
    • A. L. Porter Jr. to IOCC executive board, 1972 in folder 89-4.
    • IOCC, "1971 Legal Report of Oil and Gas Conservation Activities." In folder 89-5.
    • IOCC, 1972 Legal Report of Oil and Gas Conservation Activities in folder 89-3.
    • IOCC, "Statement of Policy Adopted by IOCC, Dec. 5, 1973 at New Orleans, Louisiana" in folder 89-7.
  • Testimony:
    • Russell G. Wayland to IOCC legal committee, June 21, 1971
    • Robert B. Laughlin, Ernest W. Pederson and Roy D. Payne before IOCC public lands committee, IOCC midyear meeting, June 21, 1971. In folder 88-29.
  • Press releases:
    • IOCC, Oct. 15, 1973. IOCC advocates using oil and gas reserves in the Continental Shelf. In folder 89-7.
    • IOCC, August 9, 1974. IOCC claims federal government is complacent about energy crisis. In folder 89-9.
  • Publications (listed alphabetically by title):
    • Compact Comments, Feb. 1972 in folder 89-4; June 1974 in folder 89-8.
    • Directory of IOCC and State Oil and Gas Agencies, 1974 in folder 89-9.
    • Interstate Oil Compact Commission Catalog of Publications, August 1, 1968, in folder 88-28.
    • Interstate Oil Compact Commission Committee Bulletin
      • Vol. 12, no. 2, Dec. 1970, in folder 88-28
      • Vol. 13, no. 1, June 1971 in folder 88-29
      • Vol. 13, no. 2. Dec. 1971 in folder 89-2
      • Vol.14, no. 2, Dec. 1972 in folder 89-3
      • Vol. 14, no.1, June 1972 in folder 89-3
      • Vol.15, no. 1, June 1973 in folder 89-6
      • Vol. 15, no. 2, Dec. 1973 in folder 89-6
      • Vol., 16, no. 1, June 1974 in folder 89-9
    • National Stripper Well Survey
      • January 1, 1972 in folder 89-3
      • January 1, 1973 in folder 89-6
    • Oil and Gas Compact Bulletin
      • Vol. 29, no. 2, Dec. 1970 in folder 88-28
      • Vol. 20, no.1, June 1971 in folder 88-29
      • Vol. 30, no. 2, Dec. 1971 in folder 89-2
      • Vol. 31, no. 2, Dec. 1972 in folder 89-3
      • Vol. 33, no. 1, June 1974 in folder 89-9
    • Oil for Today and Tomorrow, 1953 in folder 88-29.

Lackawanna River Basin Authority

Carton 101, folder 101/24

Report: "Progress Report: Saving the Lackawanna," Undated.

Mid-Atlantic Governors Conferences

Carton 118

  • Correspondence:
    • Wesley E. Gilbertson to John P. Sensenig, Dec 28, 1971 re off-shore dumping. In folder 118-10.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to John P. Sensenig, Nov. 5, 1971 re state sludge dumping. In folder 118-10.
    • Sensenig to Goddard, Oct. 21, 1971 re Mid-Atlantic Governors Conference Task Force on Off-Shore Dumping. In folder 118-10.
    • Sensenig to Norval D. Reece, Nov. 16, 1971 re same conference. In folder 118-10.
    • Dwight F. Metzler to James B. Coulter, Sept. 14, 1971 re New York State and off-shore dumping issue. In folder 118-10.
    • David R. Kelfer to William L. Frederick, May 25, 1972 re coastal zoning of the Atlantic seaboard. In folder 118-11.
    • Goddard to Sensenig, August 18, 1972 re policy statement on ocean dumping. .In folder 118-11.
  • Minutes:
    • 3rd Meeting of the Special Task Force to Study the Sludge Dumping Problem, Dover, Delaware, Dec. 3, 1971. In folder 118-10.
    • Mid-Atlantic Governors Conference, Feb. 23, 1972, Washington, DC.
  • Reports:
    • DER, "Staff Comments on Draft Report on Off-Shore Dumping, Dec. 28, 1971." In folder 118-10.
    • Mid-Atlantic Governors Task Force on Ocean Dumping, "Draft of July 20, 1972 Policy Statement." In folder 118-12.
  • News clippings:
    • "Baxter Rebuts Charge City Pollutes Ocean," by Gary Brooten, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March 27, 1971. In folder 118-10.
    • "Ocean Dumping: First the Facts," Editorial, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March 4, 1971. In folder 118-10.

Mount Carmel, Northumberland County, underground mine fire

Carton 123

  • Correspondence:
    • Robert Casey Sr. to J. Shane Creamer, July 30 and August 11. 1971 re Mount Carmel underground mine fire, in folder 123-4.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to J. Shane Creamer, August 9, 1971 re Mount Carmel fire in folder 123-4.
    • Wilfred E. Swinehart to Shapp, August 18, 1971 requesting Commonwealth help in extinguishing Mount Carmel fire. In folder 123-5.
    • F. R. Varano and David C. Keiter to Shapp, Feb. 1, 1972 re Lower Anthracite Regional Economic Development Organization Inc.'s concerns about Mount Carmel fire, in folder 123-5.
    • Albert Geslock [mayor of Mt. Carmel] to Goddard, August 3, 1971 re mine fire's origin in 1947, in folder 123-5.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, March 1, 1972 re agreement between the Commonwealth and Ely Con Development Corp. to extinguish Mount Carmel underground mine fire, in folder 123-6.
  • News clippings:
    • "State Secretary Inspects Mine Fire, Irks Officials," Shamokin [Northumberland County] News-Item, August 4. 1971. In folder 123-5.
    • "Mount Carmel Mine Fire Project Closed by State, Records Taken," Shamokin News-Item, Jan. 27, 1972. In folder 123-5.
    • "Fire No Threat to Mt. Carmel, Goddard Says," Shamokin News-Item, Feb. 1972. In folder 123-5.
    • "State of Emergency Called in Mt. Carmel Fire," Shamokin News-Item, c. 1971. In folder 123-5.

National Industrial Pollution Control Council

Carton 128, folder 128/10

Report: National Industrial Pollution Control Council, "Sub-Council Report, Junk Car Disposal, October 1970."

National Land Use Policy Conference

Carton 128, folders 128/14 through 128/17

  • Correspondence:
    • James A. McHale to Shapp, Oct. 5, 1971.
    • W. Roy Newsome Jr. to Program Task Force of the National Conference on Land Use Policy," Jan. 25, 28, and Feb. 15, 1972, in folder 128-14.
    • Thomas L. Rowland to McHale, May 2, 1972, in folder 128-15.
    • Carl H. Bronn to Shapp, April 24, 1972 re Governor's Jurisdiction, April 9, 1973 re Commonwealth Land Use Policy, in folder 128-16.
  • Minutes:
    • Conference planning meeting, May 7, 1973, in folder 128-16.
  • Reports:
    • Governor's Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land, "Final Report to Governor Raymond P. Shafer, December 1969," in folder 128-17.
  • Speeches:
    • Draft of Shapp speech for the conference on June 29, 1972, in folder 128-16.
  • Papers:
    • Four papers by program participants "prepared for the Governor's Conference on Land Resource Policies, Harrisburg, June 29, 1972," in folder 128-17.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, May 10, June 7, June 16, 1972 re conference, in folder 128-16.
  • News clippings:
    • "A Quiet Revolution: With Little Fanfare, States Are Broadening Control over Land Use," by John V. Conti, Wall Street Journal, June 28, 1972. Important article cites postponement of the National Land Use Conference and describes Pennsylvania's conservation and environmental efforts. In folder 128-17.
  • Publication:
    • "Congress: Much Ado about Land Use," Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1973, in folder 128-16.

National Water Commissionn

Carton 128, folder 128-38

  • Correspondence:
    • A. Edward Simon to Shapp, March 20, 1973 re commission's draft report.
    • Warren O. Hartke to Shapp, May 14, 1973.
    • Charles E. Leising to Hartke, May 29, 1973 re Pennsylvania's boating laws.
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, Feb., 9, 1973 re Shapp criticism of Commission's report.

National Watershed Congress

Carton 128, folder 128-38

Proceedings: 18th National Watershed Congress, June 6-9, Tampa, Florida.

Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission

Carton 131, folder 131-37

Report: Annual report of 1972. Report notes post-Hurricane Agnes flood reclamation work.

Ohio Department of Health

Carton 134-15

Correspondence: David L. Milenthal to Shapp, August 15, 1972 re a new environmental protection agency within the State of Ohio Department of Health.

Ohio River Basin Commission (ORBC)

Carton 134

  • Correspondence:
    • Ira S. Latimer Jr. to ORBC re ORBC projected budget allocations for Pennsylvania, Feb. 1, 1972 in folder 134-15.
    • C. A. Hays to C. H. McConnell, April 14, 1972 re the Davis Pumped Storage (Hydroelectric) Project No. 2709 on Blackwater River & Red Creek, Tucker County, West Virginia, in folder 134-16.
  • Minutes:
    • ORBC meeting of Oct. 28, 1971, Boone County, Kentucky, in folder 134-15.
    • ORBC meeting of Jan. 27, 1972, in folder 134-16.
  • Reports:
    • ORBC annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, in folder 134-15.
  • Speeches, 1971:
    • Francis T. Mayo on the US Environmental Protection Agency, presented at the ORBC meeting of Oct. 28, 1971, in folder 134-15.
    • John E. Riordan and Robert K. Horton on the US. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, presented at the ORBC meeting of Oct. 28, 1971, in folder 134-15.
    • David R. Maneval on the Appalachian Regional Commission, presented at the ORBC meeting of Oct. 28, 1971, in folder 134-15.
  • Speeches, 1972:
    • Paul McKee on the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources, presented at the ORBC meeting of Jan. 27, 1972, in folder 134-16.
    • Robert K. Horton on the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, presented at the ORBC meeting of Jan. 27, 1972, in folder 134-16.
    • John H. Thomas on water conservation work of the U.S. Commerce Dept., presented at the ORBC meeting of Jan. 27, 1972, in folder 134-16.
  • Publication:
    • Water Resources Council, A Policy Statement: Water and Related Land Resources Planning, Washington, DC, July 22, 1970, in folder 134-15.

Pennsylvania Environment Conference, Third Annual

Carton 139, folder 139-25

  • Speech:
    • Shapp to the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Conference, Harrisburg, Feb. 22, 1973.
  • Press clippings:
    • "Nader Blasts Union Carbide," Pitt News, [University of Pittsburgh student newspaper] Feb. 4, 1971.
    • "The University: A Pollution Shareholder," Pitt News, Feb. 8, 1971.
    • "Nader Denied Proxy," Pitt News, March 1, 1971.
    • "Union Carbide: Village Villain," Environmental Action, Jan. 23, 1971.

Pennsylvania Environmental Council

Carton 139, folder 139-6

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence, April-May 1974 between Norval D. Reece, Jacob G. Kassab, and Curtin Winsor, president of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc., a Philadelphia-based environmental group, re bridges across Pine Creek, Lycoming County.
    • Correspondence of June-July 1974 between Shapp, Reece, and Winsor re "an environmental amendment" to the state constitution.
    • Winsor to Shapp, Jan. 17, 1974 re gratitude for support of federal surface mining regulation.
    • Winsor to Walter G. Arader, July 23, 1973 and Arader to Winsor, August 1, 1972 re alternative fuels.
    • Winsor to Shapp, May 6 and 14, 1971 re state constitutional amendment about the environment.
  • Proceedings:
    • 4th annual Pennsylvania Environmental Conference, Feb. 20-21, 1972, Camp Hill, Cumberland County.
  • Press release:
    • Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc, May 3, 1971 re proposed environment amendment to the Pennsylvania state constitution.
  • Publications:
    • "Let's Talk Land Use Policy," by Milton J. Shapp, Pennsylvania Farmer, Jan. 26, 1974.
    • "A List of Environmental Groups Supporting the Pennsylvania Environmental Council Coalition for the Department of Environmental Resources' Budget," Pennsylvania Environmental Council membership application form, undated.
    • News and Views [newsletter of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council], Vol. 1, no. 3, May 1971.

Pennsylvania Farmers

Carton 139, folders 139-28-29

  • Minutes:
    • Pennsylvania Farmer Union Tri-Task Force Committee meeting, June 27, 1974. The committee passed a resolution favoring the establishment of a Governor's Task Force for Waste Disposal, in folder 139-29.
  • Speech:
    • Shapp to the Pennsylvania Farmer-Labor Luncheon, July 14, 1973, DuBois, Clearfield County, in folder 139-28.
  • Publication:
    • Pennsylvania Farmer Vol. 189, no. 3, August 23, 1973, in folder 139-28.

Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

Carton 139, folder 139-32

  • Correspondence:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, May 5, 1971 re water pollution control lab in Erie County.
    • John F. Laudadio to Shapp, March 29, 1971 re support for Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lebanon and Lancaster Counties.
    • Laudadio to Shapp, April 17, 1974 and Shapp to Laudadio, June 19, 1974 re environmental education.
    • Gerald Schutz to Shapp, April 29, 1974 re uranium exploration on state games lands in Carbon and Luzerne Counties.
    • Darrel Carlson to Jacob Kassab, August 20, 1974 re opposition to highway in Erie County.
  • Speech:
    • Shapp to the annual spring banquet of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, March 23, 1973, Carlisle, Cumberland County.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, Sept. 19, 1974, re Shapp's preference for separate fish and game commissions.

Pennsylvania Forestry Association

Carton 139, folder 139-36

  • Correspondence:
    • Robert V. Clark to A. Edward Simon, Sept. 11, 1974 re Association to host land use planning conference throughout the Commonwealth.
  • Publication:
    • Membership application form, Pennsylvania Forestry Association, undated.
    • Program, Land Use Planning Conferences Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Forestry Association and Funded by the US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Sept. 1974 to April 1975.

Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PPL)

Carton 141, folder 141-5-9

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Jack K. Busby, Jan. 30, 1972 re pollution control equipment, in folder 141-8.
  • Reports:
    • Annual report, PPL, 1970. In folder 141-5
    • Annual report, Metropolitan Edison Co., 1970. In folder 141-5
    • Annual report, General Public Utilities, 1970. In folder 141-5.
    • PPL "More Electric Power and the Financial Facts of Life," March 17, 1971. In folder 141-6.
    • PPL and Metropolitan Electric, "Stony Creek [Middle Paxton Twp, Dauphin County] Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project," c, 1971. In folder 141-6.
    • Annual Report, PPL, 1971. In folder 141-6.
    • Annual Report, PPL, 1972 in folder 141-7.
    • PPL, "Profile, Statistical Review, 1962-1972," in folder 141-8.
    • PPL, "Reviewing the Energy Crisis, Dec. 1972," in folder 141-8.
    • Annual report, PPL, 1973, contains articles on nuclear plant construction, in folder 141-8.
  • Publications:
    • PP& L Reporter:
      • Vol. 14, no. 3, March 1972, Vol. 14, no. 11, Nov, 1972 in folder 141-7.
      • Vol. 15, no. 9, Sept. 1973, in folder 141-8.
      • Vol. 16, no. 8, Dec. 1974, issue has articles about construction of nuclear plant in Berwick, Columbia County and elsewhere in Pennsylvania, in folder 141-9.

Pennsylvania Roadside Council

Carton 141, folder 141-18

  • Correspondence:
    • Richard T. Clothier to Shapp, March 5, 1973 and Norval D. Reece to Clothier, March 21, 1973 re billboards on Pennsylvania highways.
  • Minutes:
    • Council meeting, Oct. 15, 1971, Nov. 3, 1972.
  • Publication:
    • Pennsylvania Road Builder, Vol. 47, no. 4, April 1971, Vol. 44, no. 5, May, 1971.

Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association

Carton 141, folder 141-19

  • Speech:
    • Shapp to the Association meeting of Nov. 11, 1971
  • Press release:
    • Office of the Governor, Sept. 19, 1974, about Shapp speech to the Association.
  • Publication:
    • Penn Lines [monthly publication of the Association] Vol. 7, no. 7 July 1972; Vol. 6, no. 6, 1972.

Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Day

Carton 141, folder 141-28

Proclamation, "Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Day, September 26, 1971, signed by Governor Shapp on June 22, 1971.

Presque Isle, Erie County

Carton 149, folders 149-16-18

  • Correspondence:
    • Many letters dated 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 between Shapp, Maurice K. Goddard, Norval D. Reece, Edward D. Mentz, Robert L. Kunzig, City of Erie, Erie citizens, and others re proposed bridge to Presque Isle, beach erosion, and damage from winter storms. There are no letters for the years 1969 and 1970. Available letters are in folders 149-16-18.
    • An example of a notable letter is one by Reece to Mentz, Jan. 22, 1973 in which Reece speaks of President Richard M. Nixon's failure to release funds for conservation of Presque Isle. There is no extant correspondence from Nixon here.
  • Reports:
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, "Presque Isle Peninsula, Erie, Pennsylvania: Late Stage Meeting Information on Plan Formulation, Dec. 16, 1972." In folder 149-16.
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, "Cooperative Beach Erosion Project at Presque Isle, Pennsylvania." The report contains a map of the peninsula, an appendix describing plant succession history and list of flora and fauna on the isle. In folder 149-6.
  • News clippings:
    • Various newspaper articles about the Presque Isle beach erosion and proposed access bridge appeared in the Erie Press between 1971 and 1973, found in folders 149-16 and 149-17.
    • One example of a news item showing the role of the federal government in Presque Isle is a Dec. 14, 1972 article titled "Restore Funds Nixon Vetoed" in folder 149-17.
  • Press releases:
    • Milton J. Shapp campaign for governor, Feb. 20, 1970, Shapp urges use of highway department funds for Presque Isle study.
    • Office of the Governor, June 26, 1973, Shapp urges funding for beach erosion control at Presque Isle. In folder 149-17.
  • Map:
    • DER, Bureau of State Parks, "Base Map, Presque Isle State Park, July 1972" in folder 149-17.

Public Utility Commission (PUC)

Cartons 150 and 151

  • Correspondence:
    • George A. Bloom to Shapp, August 12, 1971 re PUC gas service to industrial customers.
    • Israel Packel to Bloom, August 27, 1971 re Shapp's order that PUC be more "consumer-friendly." In folder 150-34.
  • Reports:
    • PUC annual report, Feb. 1974, in folder 151-4.
    • PUC annual report, Nov. 1972 in folder 151-7.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, August 12, 1971 re order for PUC to restrict new residential gas service. In folder 150-34.
    • PUC, Feb. 9, 1971 re plans for new environment protection in plants through sale of securities, in folder 150-35.
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 26, 1973 re PUC management of energy crisis, in folder 151-1.
  • News clipping:
    • "Governor Askew Lashes Energy Crisis Apathy," Tampa [Florida] Tribune, March 14, 1973, in folder 151-1.

Reece, Norval D. (Files of the Special Assistant to Governor Shapp)


Reece file on Appalachia

Carton 154, folder 154-7

  • Correspondence:
    • E. S. Hochstetter to Gustave W. Weber, Jan. 26, 1972 re Appalachian Regional Commission funding for environmental center at Susquehanna University.
    • Hochstetter to Norman J. Ward, Feb. 11, 1972 re water pollution control project, Harbor Creek, Erie County.
    • E.S. Hochstetter to the Appalachian Regional Commission, Feb. 16, 1972 re Center Township, Beaver County sewer project.
    • Stanley A. Murray to Shapp, March 1, 1972 re adverse effect of land development on Appalachian Trail.
    • A. Edward Simon to Shapp, August 16, 1973 re secondary air pollution in Appalachia.
  • Testimony:
    • Maurice K. Goddard before the Dept. of Environmental Resources' Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution and Conservation Committee, August 16, 1973.
  • Press release:
    • Dept. of Commerce, Feb. 4, 1972 re Appalachian Regional Commission funding for water pollution control project in Erie County.

Reece files on Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)

Carton 154, folders 154-23-25

  • Correspondence:
    • S.K. Stevens to New Jersey governor William Cahill, Feb. 9, 1971 re report of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Wash. D.C. In folder 154-23.
    • Jack Sensenig to Reece, March 22, 1971 re Tocks Island hearing, in folder 154-24.
  • Proceedings:
    • DRBC Docket Hearings, 1970-1971, in folder 154-23.
  • Reports:
    • DRBC, annual report, 1970, in folder 154-23.
  • Speech:
    • James F. Wright and Ralph Porges to the 5th Annual International Conference on Water Pollution, San Francisco, California, July 1970, in folder 154-23.
  • Publications:
    • Richard A. Hogarty, The Delaware River Drought Emergency, (Indianapolis & New York, Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc., 1970). In folder 154-23.
    • Frederick L. Zimmerman, "The Role of the Compact in the New Federation," State Governments [published by the Council of State Governments] spring 1970. In folder 154-23.
    • DRBC, Delaware River Basin Compact, (Trenton, NJ: DRBC, Jan. 1967). In folder 154-23.
  • News clippings:
    • April 21-May 26, 1972, May 1-June 1973 from Delaware Valley regional newspapers. In folder 154-25.

Reece file on Energy

Carton 155, folder 155-2

  • Correspondence:
    • Reece to Charles Simpson, chairman, Governor's Task Force on Energy, Sept. 27, 1973 re Shapp meeting with fuel oil suppliers and dealers.
    • Ed Rovner "to all Governors," Oct. 18, 1973 re mandatory allocations and conservation measures.
    • Richard M. Nixon (mailgram) to Shapp, Nov. 9, 1973 re energy crisis.
    • Shapp to Nixon, Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, 1973 re energy crisis in Pennsylvania.
  • Speech:
    • US Senator Henry M. Jackson to the Senate, Nov. 15, 1973 re energy crisis.
    • Shapp to Energy Conference at the White House, Sept. 19, 1973.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, Jan. 16, 1973 re Executive Order no. 1973-2 ordering energy conservation in state government.
    • Office of the Governor, June 4, 1974 re Shapp speech to the National Governors Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Reece files on Floods of 1972

Carton 155, folder 155-3-5

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Edward Hresko, June 28, 1972 re state of emergency in the Commonwealth due to Hurricane Agnes flooding, in folder 155-3.
    • G. A. Lincoln to Shapp, June 7, 1972 re energy conservation.
    • Shapp to New Jersey governor William Cahill, July 27, 1972 re Tocks Island Dam, both in folder 155-4.
    • Shapp to Thomas S. Kleppe, Sept. 1, 1972 re "Governor's Hot Line" for flood problems, in folder 155-5.
  • Minutes:
    • Governor's news conference, June 19 and 30, 1972, in folder 155-3.
  • Reports:
    • Dept. of Health to Shapp, June 28, 1972 re sewage and waste disposal and clean water shortages in flood areas, in folder 155-3.
    • DER, "Flood Emergency Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Project for Wyoming Valley Mobile Home Parks," Sept. 1, 1972, in folder 155-5.
  • Testimony:
    • Shapp before the US House of Representatives Banking/ Currency Committee, July 20, 1972 re need for federal flood relief, in folder 155-4.
  • Photographs:
    • Various black and white 3x5 photographs by Dept. of Agriculture photographer John Nally of flood scenes in Hughesville, Lycoming County in 1972.

Reece file on Valley Forge Sewer Project

Carton 155, folder 155-27

Correspondence: John R. Rosso to William H. Wilcox, August 14, 1972 re Valley Forge Sewer Authority Project and the Chester brook Development. (End of citations from Reece files)

Resource Conservation and Development Council

Carton 156, folder 156-27-28

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to David Woods, Sept. 10, 1972 re extending the Penn Soil area to include Clarion, Forest, Lawrence and Warren Counties. In folder 156-27.
    • Shapp to Robert F. Disque, Dec. 12, 1973 re Pocono-Northeast Conservation Project. In folder 156-27.
    • Shapp to Harris G. Breth, Jan. 22, 1973 re Headwaters Resource Conservation Project. In folder 156-27.
  • Reports:
    • "Pocono-Northeast Resource Conservation and Development Project Application, Sept. 24, 1972. In folder 156-27.
    • "Application to Extend the Boundaries of the Penn Soil Resource Conservation and Development Project [in] Pennsylvania, May 21, 1974. In folder 156-27.
  • Proclamation:
    • "Resource Stewardship Week, May 19-26, 1974." It was signed by Governor Shapp on April 30, 1974.

Shapp Report, 1966

Carton 167, folder 167-1

Publication: The Shapp Report: An Authoritative Monthly Analysis of Pennsylvania's Problems and How to Solve Them, Vol. 1, no. 1, March 1966. This issue deals with the coal industry.

Sierra Club

Carton 168, folder 168-35

  • Correspondence 1971:
    • Samuel P. Hays to Shapp, June 14, 1971 re Sierra Club opposition to separate coal industry state agency within the DER.
  • Correspondence: 1972:
    • Barbara M Garner to Shapp, June 21, 1972 and Maurice K. Goddard to Garner re French Creek State Park.
    • Lockwood to Shapp, August 15, 1972 re founding of Pennsylvania Chapter, Sierra Club.
    • William J. Curry III to Shapp, Sept. 11, 1972 and Goddard to Curry, Oct. 5, 1972 re proposed landfill in Warren County.
    • Curry to Mark Suffern, Sept. 5, 1972 re "Comment of Pennsylvania Chapter, Sierra Club to the EPA re 'Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Grunderville Sanitary Landfill, Allegheny National Forest, Sept. 5, 1972."
  • Correspondence 1973:
    • Hays to Shapp, May 29, 1973 and Shapp to Hays, July 9, 1973 re proposed runway in Cameron, Clearfield and Elk Counties.
    • Harold A. Lockwood Jr. to "Concerned Pennsylvanians," April 17, 1973 re "Policy of Coal Refuse Disposal, Pennsylvania Chapter, Sierra Club."
  • Correspondence 1974:
    • Robert L. Garner to Shapp, March 26, 1974 re federal Endangered Species Act of 1973.
    • Walter G. Arader to Maurice J. Forrester Jr., April 16, 1974 re cutting trees for forest renewal.
  • Press release:
    • Sierra Club, Sept. 14, 1974 re Pennsylvania Environmental Education Advisory Council.

Signal Oil and Gas Company

Carton 168, folder 168-38

Publication: Signal World [official publication of Signal Oil and Gas Co.], Vol. 3, no. 2, 1971.

State Council of Farm Organizations

Carton 175, folder 175-7

Speech: Shapp to annual meeting of the State Council of Farm Organizations, Carlisle, Cumberland County, Jan. 30, 1974.

State Horticultural Association

Carton 176, folder 176-9

Correspondence: George A. Goodling to Shapp, Feb. 14, 1972 and James A. McHale to Goodling, March 8, 1972 re the association's opinion on use of pesticides in horticulture.

State Parks

Carton 176, folder 176-12

Maps: Dept. of Forests and Waters, state parks circa 1964.

Strip Mines

Carton 180, folder 180-9

  • Press releases:
    • Office of the Governor, June 17, 1971 re restoration of mine-scarred land; August 19, 1973 re Shapp call for federal strip mine laws.
  • News clipping:
    • "Taming the Strip Mine Monster" by Edmund Faltermayer, Life Magazine, Oct. 1, 1971.

Three Rivers Improvement and Development Corp. (TRIAD)

Carton 185, folder 185-4

  • Correspondence:
    • Arthur V. Harris to Shapp, Nov. 1, 1973 and Shapp to Harris re Allegheny River recreation study by TRIAD.
    • Shapp to Harris, March 21, 1974 re Golden Triangle idea for Pittsburgh.
    • Harris to Louis J. Mason Jr., Sept. 17, 1974 re TRIAD contract for Pittsburgh convention center.
  • Annual report:
    • TRIAD, April 1, 1971 to March 31, 1972.
  • Speech:
    • Arthur V. Harris to the Pittsburgh City Council, April 28, 1972.
  • Program:
    • "Tri-State Environmental Symposium," Jan. 12-13, 1972, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County.

Tri-County Conservancy of the Brandywine

Carton 189, folder 189-5

  • Minutes: Tri-County Conservancy of the Brandywine, Inc. meetings of Dec. 13, 1972, Dec. 12, 1973 and March 19, 1974.
  • Report: Tri-County Conservancy of the Brandywine, Inc., "1973: A Year of Increased Activity and Stability."
  • Publications: The Tri-County Conservancy of the Brandywine, Inc. & the Brandywine River Museum [membership brochure], 1973; Tri-County Conservancy of the Brandywine, Inc. Organization and Program Handbook, c. 1972; Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford, Pa.,, Organization and Program Handbook, c. 1972.

Tri-State Environmental Symposium

Cartons 185 and 189

  • Proceedings:
    • Tri-State Environmental Symposium, Jan. 12-13, 1972, Pittsburgh, in folder 189-6.
  • Publication:
    • Conference program: "Tri-State Environmental Symposium, Jan. 12-13, 1972, Pittsburgh, in folder 185-4.

Tri-State Natural Weather Association

Carton 189, folders 189-11-13

  • Correspondence 1971:
    • William L. Kinter to McHale, Feb. 27, 1971 re the association.
    • John W. Early to James A. McHale, July 6, 1971 re Weather Modification Board.
    • W. D. McElroy to McHale, August 17, 1971 re lack of federal oversight of weather modification.
    • Kinter to McHale and McHale to Kinter, October 6, 1971 re effects of cloud seeding. In folder 189-11.
  • Correspondence 1972:
    • Edmund R. Hill to US Senator George McGovern, June 26, 1972 re US Senate Bill 2589; known as the [Richard S.] Schweiker Bill."
    • Kinter to the editor of [Chambersburg, Franklin County] Public Opinion, July 6, 1972 re cloud seeding.
    • Fred Wertz to Kinter, July 18, 1972 and Kinter to Wertz, July 19, 1972 re hypothesis that cloud seeding caused Hurricane Agnes.
    • Kinter to McHale, July 26, 1972 re effects of cloud seeding on agriculture.
    • Shapp to US Senator Richard S. Schweiker, August 1, 1972 re Senate Bill 2589.
    • McHale to Shapp, Nov. 1, 1972 and Shapp to McHale, Nov. 9, 1972 re Weather Modification Board. In folder 189-11.
    • Richard A. Blasband to Weather Modification Board, April 11, 1972 and Halfred Werz II to Blasband, April 20, 1972 re atmospheric research by Tinicum Medical Research Foundation, in folder 189-11.
  • Correspondence, 1973:
    • Paul Hoke to Shapp, August 15, 1973 re importance of agriculture to Shapp. In folder 189-12.
    • Shapp to Kinter, Sept. 12, 1973 re Agriculture Dept. and Weather Modification Act. In folder 189-12.
    • Charles L. Hosler to Wertz, Sept. 28, 1973 and Hosler to McHale, Nov. 28, 1973. A professor criticizes Blasband and the Tinicum Foundation. In folder 189-12.
    • McHale to Shapp, "Weather Modification Program, Comments by Secretary [of the Dept. of Agriculture] McHale, October 2, 1973. In folder 189-12.
  • Correspondence, 1974:
    • I. Lawrence Gelman to Thomas Rowland, Feb. 20, 1974 re Weather Modification funding. In folder 189-13.
    • Ronald L. Lavoie to McHale, March 13, 1974 re cloud seeding in the state. In folder 189-13.
    • Kinter to Shapp, March 22, 1974 and Norval D. Reece to Kinter, May 2, 1973 re enforcement of anti-seeding law. In folder 189-13.
    • Shapp to Kinter, April 16, 1974 re lack of funds hinders weather modification program. In folder 189-13.
    • Hoke to Shapp, July 29, 1974 and McHale to Kinter, August 13, 1974, re anti-seeding law. In folder 189-13.
  • Minutes:
    • Weather Modification Board meetings of July 12 and Nov. 10, 1971; Sept. 10, 1973 and April 22, 1974. In folder 189-11.
  • Reports:
    • "Summary of Meetings with Enforcement Agencies of the Weather Modification Act," by Halfred W. Werz II, c. 1972, in folder 189-11.
  • Press releases:
    • Dept. of Agriculture, July 30, 1971 re enforcement of the Weather Modification Act of 1968, in folder 189-11.
  • News clippings:
    • "Cloud Seeders Must Now Report Their Activities," by Peter J. Bernstein, Harrisburg Patriot-News, Nov. 13, 1972, in folder 189-11.
  • Publication:
    • Tri-State Natural Weather Association: Cloud Seeding: The Science of Fraud and Deceit. Undated, in folder 189-11.

United States Steel Corp. (USS)

Carton 192, folder 192-15

  • Correspondence:
    • Wesley E. Gilbertson to Goddard, April 18, 1972 re USS pollution abatement plans.
    • W. G. Taylor to Robert W. Smith, May 23, 1972. A Philadelphia Electric Company official writes about compliance with environmental guidelines.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, July 17, 1973 re alleged USS environmental violations.
  • Reports:
    • USS, annual reports for 1971 and 1972.
  • Publications:
    • US Steel Quarterly. Issues available -
      • Vol. 25, no. 1, Nov. 1971
      • Vol. 26, no. 1, May 1972
      • Vol. 27, no. 1, Nov. 1973

Valley Forge Sewer Authority

Carton 194, folder 194-26

  • Correspondence:
    • Norval D. Reece to William J. Wewer, July 11, 1972.
    • Wewer to Fred S. Grant, August 25, 1972 re Valley Forge Park sewer project.
  • Minutes:
    • Valley Forge State Park Commission resolution on sewer project, June 25, 1973.
  • Report:
    • Valley Forge Sewer Authority, "Amended Proposal for Sewerage Transmission Facilities through Valley Forge Park," c. 1973.


Carton 198, folder 198-24

  • Correspondence:
    • Ralph W. Purdy to Congressman William O. Ford, July 6, 1972 re pollution control legislation.
    • Joseph J. Salvatorelli to Shapp, Nov. 18, 1971 re Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania.
  • Report:
    • New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, "Use of Delaware River for All Public Purposes, Including Recreation," c. 1972.
  • Press release:
    • New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, Dec. 20, 1972 re Tocks Island Project.
  • Publication:
    • Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin, Memo from WRA/DRB, Sept. 24. 1974.

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

Carton 200, folder 200-2

  • Correspondence:
    • J. C. Whetzel to Shapp, Oct. 19, 1971.
    • Norval D. Reece to Whetzel, Nov. 18, 1973 re forest preserve.
  • Report:
    • State of New York, Temporary Study Commission on the Future of the Adirondacks, "Appendixes A, B, & V."
  • Legislation:
    • New York State Legislature, 1971-1972 Regular Sessions, May 10, 1971, "An Act to amend the executive law in relation to the Adirondack park agency.
  • Press release:
    • Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Sept. 6, 1973 re conservancy donates land in Westmoreland County to the Commonwealth.
  • News clipping:
    • "Preserving the Laurel Ridge," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 6, 1973.
  • Maps:
    • "Laurel Ridge State Park, Somerset and Westmoreland Counties," circa 1973.
    • "Location of Pennsylvania Forest Preserve: Pennsylvania Forest Preserve Map No. 1," circa 1973.

General File

2nd Term, 1975-1979

Agriculture, Pa. Dept. of

Carton 208

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to James G. Patton, Oct. 1, 1976 re including Pennsylvania in agricultural tours. In folder 208-15.
    • James A. McHale to Shapp, May 21, 1971 re Agriculture Dept. policy, in folder 208-21.
    • McHale to Mary Harris, Nov. 10, 1975 re 1975 Bicentennial Gardens, in folder 208-25.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Kent D. Shelharmer, March 16, 1978 re crop irrigation, in folder 208-26.
  • Proclamation:
    • "Agribusiness Day, Sept. 20, 1978," signed by Governor Shapp on August 15, 1978. In folder 208-15.
  • Reports:
    • James A. McHale, "Proposals to Governor Milton J. Shapp for a Renaissance in Rural Pennsylvania," Jan. 1973. In folder 208-16.
    • "Report of Activities, 1973-1974 Fiscal Year," in folder 208-21.
    • "Report of Activities, 1974-75 Fiscal Year," in folder 208-16.
  • Publications:
    • Agriculture Dept., Weekly News Bulletin, [incomplete run] -
      • Vol. 59, 1974, in folder 208-16
      • Vol. 60, nos. 10-50, March thru Dec.1975, in folder 208-17
      • Vol. 61 nos. 1-28, in folder 208-19
    • Agriculture Dept, 1975 Officers of Pennsylvania Agricultural Organizations, in folder 208-17.
    • Agriculture Dept., Governor's Anti-Inflation Gardens Program, 1975, in folder 208-17.
    • Agriculture News Bulletin, [incomplete run, Continues Weekly News Bulletin] Vol. 62, nos. 2-5, Vol. 63, nos. 3-15, in folder 208-20.
  • Press releases:
    • Agriculture Dept., Dec. 24, 1974 in folder 208-16.
    • Governor's Press Office, Feb. 25, 1975, Oct. 31, 1972, July-Dec 1975 in folder 208-17.
    • May 1976 in folder 208-18; Jan-Feb. 1976 in folder 208-19.
    • June 16, 1976 in folder 208-26.
  • News clippings:
    • "Saving the Farms," Time Magazine, April 1975, in folder 208-23.

Agriculture, United States Dept. of (USDA)

Carton 208, folder 208-27

  • Correspondence:
    • [Storm of Dec. 1974] Shapp to Earl Butz, Jan. 8, 1975 re request for Fayette County to be declared disaster area.
    • Shapp to Butz. Jan. 20, 1975 re request for Westmoreland County to be declared disaster area.
    • James E. Bostic Jr. to Shapp, May 14, 1975 re Washington County eligible for disaster aid.
    • Bostic to Shapp, Nov. 18, 1975 re Cambria County disqualified for USDA aid as disaster area.
  • Reports:
    • USDA, Improving the Environment in Pennsylvania: A Progress Report for 1974.
  • Publication:
    • Two Years after the Storm: Restoration of Land and Streams Damaged by Hurricane Agnes, 1974.

Alaskan Gas

Carton 209

  • Correspondence:
    • John C. Bennett to Shapp, June 9, 1977 re El Paso Alaska Oil Company. In folder 209-7.
    • Calvin L. Rampton to Shapp, June 20, 1977 re possible Pennsylvania use of Alaskan oil. In folder 209-7.
    • John G. McMillan to Shapp, Nov. 29, 1977 re Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation System. In folder 209-7.
    • Raymond H. Holst to Mary Margolis, Oct. 24, 1974 re merits of liquefying natural gas, in folder 209-9.
    • Julian M. Carroll, Governor of Kentucky to Shapp, Sept. 5, 1975 re need for governors to discuss trans-Canada pipeline, in folder 209-9.
    • Holst to Mary Harris, July 1, 1976 re Governor's Energy Council's views on Alaskan gas, in folder 209-10.
    • William W. Brackett to Shapp, June 22, 1977 re advantages of Arctic Gas, in folder 209-11.
  • Reports:
    • Richard L. Barber Associates, Inc., "Transporting Alaskan North Slop Gas to U.S. Markets: An Economic Assessment of the Arctic Gas & El Paso Alternatives," June 1977, in folder 209-7.
    • U.S. Dept. of the Interior, "Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System: Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Executive Highlights, June 1975," in folder 209-9.
  • Publications:
    • Alaskan Arctic Natural Gas Pipeline Co., U.S.-Canada Overland Pipeline Will Provide Major Benefits to Natural Gas Consumers, April 1976, in folder 209-10.
    • Alaskan Arctic Gas Pipeline Co., Why the Arctic Gas Project is Best for America, June 1977. In folder 209-7.
    • El Paso Alaska Co., The Trans-Alaska Gas Project, 1976, in folder 209-10.
    • El Paso Alaska Co., The Trans-Alaska Gas Project, 1976, in folder 209-10.
    • Northwest Pipeline Corp., A Simple Solution to the Transportation of Alaskan Gas, 1976, in folder 209-10.

American Mining Congresss

Carton 211, folder 211-16

News clipping: "Is Our Account Overdrawn?" The Mining Congress Journal, Sept. 1975.

Anthracite Task Force, 1977

Carton 212, folder 212-13

  • Minutes:
    • Anthracite Task Force, Environmental Subcommittee meeting of Sept. 1, 1977.
  • Testimony:
    • Testimony given before the Anthracite Task Force public hearing of Sept. 16, 1977 in Hazelton, Luzerne County.

Appalachian Education Satellite Project

Carton 212, folder 212-366


  • William J. Bramble, Catherine E. Hensley, and Dennis Goldstein, "A Follow-up Report on the Appalachian Education Satellite Project," In: J. Educational Technology Systems, Vol. 5, no. 2, 1976-1977;
  • Appalachian Educator issue for December 1978.

Appalachian Mountain Club

Carton 212, folder 212-37

  • Correspondence:
    • A. G. Dean to Shapp, Feb 28, 1975 re need for citizens advisory council for the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.
    • John R. McCarron to Robert H. Jones, Oct. 7, 1975 re acquisition of land in Lehigh Gorge State Park.

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

Carton 212, folder 212-37-388

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Arc, Nov. 8, 1976 re revising the Pennsylvania Appalachian Development Plan, in folder 212-37.
    • Shapp to Robert W. Scott, Nov. 3, 1977 re farm energy conservation, in folder 212-38.
  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda for the ARC Conference, August 28, 1976, Williamsburg, Virginia.
  • Speech:
    • Shapp at ARC news conference, Oct. 3, 1977, in folder 212-38.
  • Legislation:
    • P.L. Law 94-188, 94th Congress, H. R. 4073, Dec. 31, 1975; "To extend the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965," in folder 212-37.
  • Publications:
    • ARC, Appalachia, Vol. 11, no. 5, April-May 1978, in folder 212-39.
    • ARC, Regional Initiatives Bulletin, Dec. 13, 1977, in folder 212-38
    • Appalachia: A Reference Book, first edition, June 1977, in folder 212-38
  • Press release:
    • Governor's Press Office, Jan. 16, 1975 re Shapp's election as ARC co-chair.
    • Nov. 5, 1975 re planning grants for Pennsylvania communities near highways, in folder 212-37.
  • News clipping:
    • "Move Panel into Hills, Senator Urges," Harrisburg Patriot-News, June 25, 1975, in folder 212-37.

Appalachian Thruway

Carton 212, folder 212-39

  • Publications:
    • Appalachian Thruway Development Council, Inc., Appalachian Thruway News, Vol. 5, no. 1, July 1975;
    • Appalachian Thruway Association, Appalachian Thruway News & Views, Vol. no.2, April 1977.

Atlantic Richfield Company

Carton 213, folder 214-2

Publication: ARCOspark, Vol. 4, no. 2, Jan. 1976. The issue contains photograph of the October 1975 Atlantic Richfield refinery fire in Philadelphia.

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

Carton 214, folder 214-3

  • Reports:
    • 33rd Annual Report, 1973-74.
    • 36th Annual Report, 1976-77.

Auto Emission Control & Inspection

Carton 215, folder 215-1

  • Correspondence 1975:
    • Daniel J. Snyder III to Jacob G. Kassab, April 1975 re public education on auto emission.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Shapp, May 21, 1975 re dispute between Penn DOT and DER over auto emission control program.
    • Kaysl Farrell to Shapp, Oct. 14, 1975 re Delaware Valley Citizen's Council.
    • Gordon L. Lewis to Kassab, Oct, 20 and Kassab to Lewis Oct 31 re emission inspection program.
    • Mary Timney Bailey to Shapp, Nov. 7, 1975 re Allegheny County Environmental Coalition.
  • Correspondence 1976:
    • Snyder to William Sherlock, Sept. 27, 1976 re Clean Air Act
  • Correspondence 1977:
    • James B. Wilson to Mary C. Harris, May 11, 1977 re Penn DOT.
  • Minutes:
    • Environmental Protection Agency meeting of May 16, 1975.
  • Publication:
    • "[Ralph] Nader Fuels Auto Emission Control Controversy," Air/Water Pollution Report, July 14, 1975.

Bethlehem Steel

Carton 219, folder 219-17

Report: Bethlehem Steel Co., "Steelmaking and the Environment: A Picture Story," undated.

Brandywine Conservancy and Museum

Carton 223, folder 223-13

Publication: Brandywine Catalyst: The Newsletter of the Brandywine Conservancy and Museum, Vol. 6, March, May, August, November 1978.

Canal Property Owners Association

Carton 228, folder 228-6

Correspondence: Edward J. Encelewski to Shapp, Sept. 17, 1978 re Roosevelt State Park

Carter Jr., James E. (Jimmy) (U.S. President)

Carton 229, folder 229-10

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to President Carter, Jan. 24, 1978 re declaring state disaster area because of January 1978 storm.
    • Shapp to President Carter, Feb. 3, 1978 re floods.
    • Shapp to President Carter, Feb 21, 1978 re Commonwealth energy emergency.
  • Speech:
    • President Carter at the White House, March 27, 1978, "New Partnership to Conserve America's Communities"
  • Press release:
    • Governor's Press Office, Jan. 28, 1977 re declaration of Commonwealth as disaster area because of storms and natural gas shortage.

Council on Environmental Quality

Carton 237, folder 237-39

  • Correspondence:
    • Charles Warren to Shapp, Oct. 11, 1977
    • Shapp to Warren, Dec. 14, 1977 re regional response team for oil or hazardous substance spill cleanup.
  • Report:
    • Council on Environmental Quality, "National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan," 1976.
  • Publication:
    • Council on Environmental Quality: Recreation on Water Supply Reservoirs: A Handbook for Increased Use, (GPO: Wash. DC, Sept. 1975). Pennsylvania included in recreation survey.

Delaware River, Navigation Commission for the

Carton 241, folder 241-14

Report: Annual report for 1974.

Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)

Carton 241

  • Correspondence:
    • Carmen F. Guarino to James E. Wright, Dec. 11, 1974 re Tocks Island, in folder 241-15.
    • William Miller to Wright, Jan. 24, 1975 re legal action against Broad Scope Inc., in folder 241-16.
    • Shapp to Tom Bevill, March 8, 1978 re inclusion of DRBC projects in 1979 federal fiscal budget, in folder 241-18.
    • Shapp to Cecil D. Andrus, Nov. 1, 1978 re equitable water rights to the Delaware River for the Commonwealth, in folder 241-18.
  • Minutes:
    • Oct. 30, 1974 meeting in folder 241-15.
    • August 27, 1975 meeting in folder 241-17.
    • April 28 and Feb. 25, 1976 meetings in folder 241-17.
    • August 24, 1977 meeting in folder 241-17.
  • Proceedings:
    • DRBC docket hearings, May-June 1975, in folder 241-16.
  • Report:
    • URS/Madigan-Praeger, Inc. and Conklin & Rossant, "Draft Summary: A Comprehensive Study of the Tocks Island Lake Project and Alternatives, June 1975," in folder 241-16.
    • DRBC, "Draft, 12th Water Resources Program," Dec. 1975, in folder 241-17.
    • DRBC annual reports for 1975 and 1976 in folder 241-18.
  • Publication:
    • Council on Environmental Quality, The Delaware River Basin: an Environmental Assessment of Three Centuries of Change, August 1975, in folder 241-17.
    • DRBC, Administrative Manual, Part 3, Basin Regulations-Flood Plain Regulations. Adopted Nov. 20, 1976 effective Jan. 1, 1977, in folder 241-18.

Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC)

Carton 241

  • Correspondence:
    • William W. Sherlock to Shapp, April 20, 1975 re Penn Dot and Delaware River bridges, in folder 241-22
  • Report:
    • DRJTBC annual report for 1975, in folder 241-21
  • News clippings:
    • 1974 to 1975 in folder 241-21.
    • 1976 in folder 241-22.
  • Map:
    • DRBC, "Bridges and Highways in the Delaware River Area, 1974," in folder 241-21.

Delaware River Master

Carton 241, folder 241-24

  • Report: US Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey, "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River For the Period Dec. 1, 1972 to Nov. 30, 1974.

Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA)

Carton 241

  • Correspondence:
    • William H. Sherlock to William W. Watkin, Dec. 28, 1975 re Penn Dot view of PATCO (Port Authority Transit Corporation) Philadelphia extension project.
    • John R. Bunting to Shapp, Jan. 9, 1976 re extension of PATCO into Philadelphia; in folder 241-27.
    • Sherlock to Shapp, Dec. 29, 1976; David J. Goldberg to Shapp, Oct. 3, 1977, Albert Levin to Shapp, Jan. 27, 1977, W.W. Watkin Jr. to Bunting, Jan. 27, 1977, all relating to PATCO, in folder 241-28.
    • Watkin to Levin, Sept. 27, 1978 and E.L. Tennyson to Shapp, Oct. 25, 1978 re PATCO, in folder 241-29.
  • Minutes:
    • Feb. 26, 1975 meeting in folder 241-2.
  • Reports:
    • Government Policy Research Unit, "Propose Legislation to Reform the DRPA," July 1974, in folder 241-25.
    • "DRPA Operation of the Broad Street Subway: A Feasibility Study," Jan. 20, 1973, in folder 241-25.
    • DRPA annual report for 1974, in folder 241-25.
    • DRPA annual report for 1975 in folder 241-26.
    • DRPA, "Report on Alternate Routings, Philadelphia-Lindenwold High Speed Line, Philadelphia Extension," Nov. 1975, in folder 241-27.
  • Speech:
    • Shapp to the DRPA, Nov. 3, 1977 re PATCO extension, in folder 241-28.
  • Press releases:
    • Governor's Press Office, Oct. 18, 1977 re Shapp approval of PATCO extension.
    • Nov. 3, 1977 re signing of PATCO extension agreement with New Jersey, in folder 241-28.
  • Maps:
    • DRPA, "Philadelphia Extension, Recommended Corridors, Nov. 1975. In folder 241-27.
    • "Philadelphia Extension, Studied Corridors, Nov. 1975. In folder 241-27.

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)

Carton 242

  • Correspondence:
    • E. L. Tennyson to Mary C. Harris, Nov. 19, 1975 re PATCO, in folder 242-7.
    • Elkins Wethrill to Shapp, Oct. 5, 1976 DVRPC to monitor air quality in Philadelphia, in folder 242-8.
    • Shapp to Arthur Holland, Oct. 5, 1977 re fiscal year appropriations for DVRPC, in folder 242-11.
  • Minutes:
    • DVRPC meeting of June 26, 1975, in folder 242-4.
  • Reports:
    • Biennial report, 1973-74, in folder 242-4. In folder 242-7.
    • "Select a Future for Our Region," June 1976. In folder 242-7.
    • "Regional Water Supply Plan for the Delaware Valley 1985," Dec. 1974. In folder 242-7.
    • "Regional Water Pollution Control Plan 1985," Dec. 1974. In folder 242-7.
    • "Alternative Futures for the Delaware Valley," Sept. 1976 in folder 242.
  • " Publications:
    • Delaware Valley Data, no. 10, Oct. 1975 in folder 242-6.
    • Delaware Valley Planning News, July 1976 in folder 242-7.
    • Delaware Valley Planning News, Sept. 1975 in folder 242-8.
    • Hydrologic, Oct. 1976 in folder 242-8.
    • Region: A Journal of Public Policy in the Delaware Valley -
      • Vol. 1, no.1-7, Jan.-July 1975, in folder 242-5.
      • Vols.1, no.9, Oct. 1975 and Vol. 1, no. 11, Dec. 1975 in folder 242-6.
      • Vol. 3, no. 2, in folder 242-14.
      • Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1977 in folder 242-10.


Carton 246, folder 246-1

Publication: Registration leaflet, Drought Conference: Industrial Water Allocation and Conservation, Concord and Los Angeles, California, July 25-29, 1977

Duquesne Light Company

Carton 246, folder 246-18

  • Press release:
    • Governor's Press Office, Feb. 10, 1978, Shapp announces energy curtailment measures for the Commonwealth.
  • Publications:
    • Duquesne Light Company, The Dilemma of the Power Companies, 1975.
    • Perspective: Duquesne Light's Quarterly on People and Energy, issues of summer 1976 and spring 1977.
    • Duquesne Light Company, Radiation Monitoring: Beaver Valley Power Station Silent Police Force, Undated.


Carton 248, folder 248-21

  • Press release: Governor's Press Office, April 5, 1978 re extending the federal emergency conservation program.


Carton 248, folder 248-27

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Robert Seamans Jr., Dec. 3, 1976 and G. W. Cunningham to Shapp, Jan. 3, 1977 re disposing nuclear waste.
    • Shapp to Robert Seamans Jr., Nov. 24,1976 re the Solar Energy Research Institute, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County Proclamations: "Energy Management Week, Feb. 9-16, 1975," signed by Gov. Shapp on Feb. 11, 1975.
    • "Energy Education Week, Jan. 16-22, 1978" signed by Gov. Shapp Jan. 12, 1978.
  • Publication:
    • Energy Week, vol. 2, no. 2, Oct. 27, 1975.

Environmental Agenda Task Force

Carton 248, folder 248-32

  • Correspondence:
    • Judith H. Johnsrud to Shapp, March 18, 1975 re Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power.
    • Douglas E. Baker to Shapp, April 3, 1975 re Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power.
    • Leslie Dach to Shapp, May 17, 1977 re Environmental Defense Fund and asbestos-contaminated stone use in highway building.
    • Johnsrud to Shapp, March 18, 1978 re Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power.
  • Report:
    • "The Unfinished Agenda: a Report on the Symposium of the Environmental Task Force, Feb. 2, 1977, Washington, DC.
  • Proclamations: "Environmental Education Week" -
    • Oct. 19-25, 1975
    • Oct. 10-16, 1976
    • Oct. 16-22, 1977
    • Oct. 15-22, 1978
  • Publication:
    • News from the Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power, Oct. 1977.

Environmental Hearing Board

Carton 248, folder 248-33

  • Correspondence:
    • Paul Waters to Norval D. Reece, Jan. 31, 1975 re effect of the board upon industry and environmentalists.
  • Legal case:
    • "In the matter of Daemon C. Strickler, et al and City of Lebanon v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. Adjudication in the case was issued by the board Jan. 3, 1975.

Environmental Information Service

Carton 248, folder 248-34

  • Publication: Environmental Recap, Oct. 1975.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Carton 248

  • Correspondence 1975:
    • Daniel J. Snyder II to Shapp, Feb. 26, 1975 re EPA's environmental plan for Pennsylvania, in folder 248-35.
    • Correspondence of Jan. and March 1975 between Shapp, Russell E. Train, and Maurice K. Goddard re water pollution control policy in Pennsylvania, in folder 248-36.
    • Shapp to Snyder, June 5 and 6, 1975 re designation of Delaware Valley and Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Commission as waste treatment agency in their regions, in folder 248-36.
    • James A. McHale to Shapp, Sept. 10, 1975 re the federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, in folder 248-36.
    • Shapp to Snyder, Dec. 8, 1975 re solid waste disposal sites in Philadelphia, in folder 248-36.
    • Donald A. Lazarchik to Wesley E. Gilbertson, Dec. 1, 1975 re history of DER involvement with solid waste disposal sites for Philadelphia, in folder 248-36.
  • Correspondence, 1977:
    • George A. Garland to Mary Harris, March 2, 1977 re Resource Conservation & Recovery Act of 1976 and solid waste management, in folder 248-38.
  • Correspondence: 1978:
    • Shapp to Jack Schramm, April 4, 1978 re EPA approval of the Commonwealth water pollution control program, in folder 248-39.
    • Shapp to Schramm, March 31, 1978 re need to amend the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Act, in folder 248-39.
    • Goddard to Shapp, March 31, 1978 re keeping state control over federal pollutant discharge requirements, in folder 248-39.
    • Shapp to Schramm, April 5, 1978, re implementing the Clean Air Act, in folder 248-39.
    • Goddard to William R. B. Froebhlich, March 5, 1978 re Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission as local agent to enforce Clean Air Act, in folder 248-39.
    • Schramm to Shapp, July 31, 1978 re permission for Philadelphia Electric Co. to burn coal in compliance with air pollution control rules, in folder 248-39.
    • Goddard to Shapp, August 9, 1978 and Shapp to Schramm, August 31, and Nov. 27, 1978 re DER as state agency to oversee water quality management planning, in folder 248-39.
    • William B. Harral to Catherine Boyd, Oct. 24, 1978 re Governor's Energy Council's anthracite project, in folder 248-39.
    • Shapp to David K. Bausch, Nov. 27, 1978 re designating Lehigh and Northampton Counties as planning region under Resource Conservation & Recovery Act, in folder 248-39.
  • Reports and Publications:
    • Booz, Allen & Hamilton Mgt. Consultants to EPA, "Final Report: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Regulations on Steel Plants in the Mahoning River Valley," Washington DC, April 28, 1976, in folder 248-37
    • "Draft: Memorandum of Understanding among the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, DER, and Philadelphia Air Management Services on the Initial Joint Determination of Responsibilities for Photochemical Oxidant and Carbon Monoxide Non-Attainment Planning," Feb. 23, 1978, in folder 248-39;
    • EPA, Implementation Plan Review for Pennsylvania as Required by the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act, Feb. 1975, in folder 248-5
    • EPAlert
      • no. 34, Nov. 7, 1975; no. 35, Nov. 21, 1975; no. 36, Dec. 5,1975; no. 37, Dec. 19, 1975, in folder 248-36
      • no. 39, Jan. 30, 1976, in folder 248-37
      • no. 79, Dec. 2, 1977, in folder 248-38
    • EPA, Notice, National Pollutant Discharge System, Feb. 4, 1977. Document deals with EPA region 2, Shell Oil Co., New Orleans, Louisiana, in folder 248-38;
  • Press releases:
    • EPA, "Notice of Public Hearing," Dec.12, 1975. EPA holds a hearing to discuss Philadelphia's application for permit to transport and dump 142 million pounds of sludge as dry total solids into ocean waters. In folder 248-36.
  • News clippings:
    • "Conferees Resolve Talmadge-Nunn Impasse," Air/Water Pollution Report, Dec. 15, 1975 in folder 248-36.

Environmental Quality Board

Carton 249, folder 249-11

  • Minutes:
    • Environmental Quality Board, meetings of Jan. 20 and Feb. 22, 1977.
  • Reports:
    • DER, Bureau of Air Quality and Noise Control, "Complete Text of Regulations in Numerical Order," Feb. 7, 1977.
    • DER. Bureau of Environmental Planning, "Environmental Master Plan," April 1977.

Environmental Resources, Dept. of (DER)

Carton 2499

  • Correspondence 1974:
    • Maurice K. Goddard to William B. Harral, Dec. 2, 1974 re oil and gas exploration in Lake Erie, in folder 249-8.
  • Correspondence 1975:
    • Goddard to Shapp, Jan. 23, 1975 re protecting drinking water, in folder 249-9.
    • Goddard to Norval D. Reece, Feb. 25, 1975 re Penn Dot emission inspection program, in folder 249-9.
    • Goddard to Shapp, April 10, 1975 re DER goals, in folder 249-9.
    • Walter Lyon to Wesley E. Gilbertson, Oct. 22, 1975 re proposed EPA regulations, in folder 249-9.
  • Correspondence 1976:
    • Goddard to Shapp, Feb. 3, 1976 re new EPA rules on waste treatment planning sites, in folder 249-11.
    • Shapp to Martin J. Bechtel, Feb. 5, 1976 re water quality control, in folder 249-11.
    • Karin W. Carter to Mary Harris, Nov. 3, 1976 re airport and aircraft noise regulations, in folder 249-12.
  • Correspondence 1977:
    • William B. Middendorf to Schramm, Oct. 6, 1977 re sewage treatment operator training, in folder 249-13.
  • Correspondence 1978:
    • Goddard to Shapp, March 15, 1978 re exchanging state forest land in Pike County to accommodate Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. substation, in folder 249-13.
    • Goddard to Shapp, Sept. 22, 1978 re abandoned Schuylkill Canal land in Berks County, in folder 249-13.
  • Minutes:
    • Meeting of the "Committee of Ten" with EPA, Nov. 4, 1975, in folder 249-10.
  • Reports 1973:
    • DER, "Transportation Control Strategies, Adopted April 11, 1973. The plans are for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Intrastate Air Quality Control Board and the Metropolitan Philadelphia Interstate Air Quality Control Region. In folder 249-7.
    • DER, "Monthly report, Office of Deputy Secretary for Enforcement," August 1973, in folder 249-7.
  • Proclamation:
    • Proclamation of April 23, 1976 by Governor Shapp prohibiting public burning of camp fires or rubbish near woodlands, in folder 249-11.
  • Reports 1974:
    • DER, "Annual Report on Mining, Oil, Gas, and Land and Reclamation and Conservation Activities," 1974, in folder 249-2.
    • DER, "Environmental Goals of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for Pennsylvania's Statewide Environmental Master Plan." Adopted by the Environmental Quality Board 21 February 1974, in folder 249-2.
    • DER, "Information on the Western Pennsylvania Water Company Taste and Order Problems for the Dec. 12, 1974 inter-agency public meeting," in folder 249-8.
  • Reports 1975:
    • DER, "Annual Report on Mining, Oil, Gas, and Land Reclamation and Conservation Activities," 1975, in folder 249-3.
    • DER, "Critical Area Considerations for Pennsylvania's Environmental Master Plan," Feb. 1975, in folder 249-4.
    • DER, "Critical Area Issues: Summary of Major Issue to Guide Development of Policy Recommendations for Pennsylvania's Environmental Master Plan," July 1975, in folder 249-4.
    • "Public Rights in Pennsylvania Waters," by R. Timothy Weston, (State Water Plan Laws and Institutional Arrangements Background Report no. 1) Oct. 1975, in folder 249-4.
    • DER, annual report, 1975, in folder 249-5.
    • DER and the Pennsylvania Wild and Scenic Rivers Task Force, "The Pennsylvania Scenic Rivers Inventory, Dec. 1975," in folder 249-12.
  • Reports 1976:
    • DER, [Guidelines for] "Identification of Pennsylvania Counties�With Substantial Water Quality Control Problems," Jan. 30, 1976, in folder 249-11.
  • Reports: 1978:
    • "Guide to Projects of the DER," June 7, 1978. Document is indexed alphabetically by project and numerically by project number. It is incomplete with many missing pages. In folder 249-6.
    • DER, "Monthly report for the Office of Deputy Secretary for Enforcement," August 1973, in folder 249-7.
  • Press releases:
    • DER, Nov. 20, 1975 re termination of DER air pollution alert in western Pennsylvania, in folder 249-4.
  • News clipping:
    • "Cyanide Curb Challenged," Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 24, 1974. Pittsburgh steel companies protest restrictions on cyanide dumping, in folder 249-8.
  • Publications:
    • Environmental Action, vol. 7, no. 3, June 21, 1975, in folder 249-4
    • Environmental Management, vol. 1, no.1, 1976, in folder 249-6.
    • Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 9, no. 6, June 1975, in folder 249-14.
    • Pennsylvania Geology, all in folder 249-6
      • vol. 6, no. 3, June 1975, in folder 249-4
      • vol. 7 no. 3, June 1976 in folder 249-5
      • vol. 8, no.1, Feb. 1977 in folder 249-5
      • vol. 8, no. 4, August 1977 in folder 249-5
      • vol. 9, no. 5, Oct. 1978
      • vol.9, no. 2, April 1978
      • vol. 9, no.1, Feb. 1978
    • "Springs of Pennsylvania," by Herbert N. Fillipo Jr., In: Water Resources Bulletin, no. 10, Dec. 1974, in folder 249-2
    • Unraveling the Maze: A Users Guide to the Dept. of Environmental Resources, August 1975, in folder 249-5.

Exxon Corporation

Carton 250, folder 250-24

  • Reports:
    • "Deep Water Capacities, 1976"
    • Second quarter 1977 report
    • "Energy Outlook, 1977-1990" Jan. 1977
    • "World Energy Outlook, April 1978"
  • Publications:
    • Exxon Chemicals Magazine, vol. 11, no. 1, circa 1977.
    • The Lamp, vol. 59, no. 1, spring 1977;


Carton 250, folder 250-377

Proclamation: "Farm-City Week, Nov. 19-25, 1976 signed by Gov. Shapp, Nov. 9, 1976.

Federal Disaster Assistance

Carton 251, folder 251-16

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to President Jimmy Carter, March 4, 1977 re federal help due to winter weather.
  • Press release:
    • Governor's Press Office, Feb. 10, 1977 re Shapp on denial of federal aid to Pennsylvania.

Federal Energy Administration

Carton 251, folder 251-19

Report: "Electrical Utilities, Clean Air Amendments and Sulfates," July 8, 1975.

Federal Maritime Commission

Carton 251, folder 251-21

Testimony: Shapp before the Commission re case hearing of Council of North Atlantic Shipping Associations v. American Mail Lines, Ltd.

Federal Power Commission

Carton 251

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to John N. Nassikas, Feb. 6, 1975 re natural gas supplies, in folder 251-26.
    • 1976 correspondence between Shapp, Maurice K. Goddard and other re Conowingo Project no. 405, Susquehanna Power Co. and Philadelphia Electric Power Co., in folder 251-26.
    • Shapp to James G. Watt, Feb. 10, 1977 re need to enforce laws regulating electric utilities, in folder 251-26.
  • Minutes:
    • "Official Stenographer's Report before the Federal Power Commission in the Matter of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., Jan. 15, 1975, in folder 251-26.
    • Governor Shapp's news conference of Dec. 9, 1976, in folder 251-26.
  • Reports:
    • "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Systems," vols. 1 and 2, (El Paso Alaska Co., Nov. 1975) in folder 251-23.
    • "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Systems" vol. 3, (Western LNG Terminal Co., 1975), in folder 251-25.
  • Testimony:
    • Shapp before the Commission re case hearing of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp, Jan. 15, 1975, in folder 251-26.


Carton 253

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to the General Assembly, August 11, 1978 re constitutional amendments allowing grants to hurricane victims, in folder 253-37.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, releases of March 10, Oct. 17, 1975; Jan. 25, Feb. 2, March 1977 re federal flood insurance, in folder 253-36.

Ford, Gerald R. (U.S. President)

Carton 254

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to President Ford, Dec. 19, 1974 re federal surface mining control bill, in folder 254-17.
    • Shapp to President Ford, Jan. 16, 1975 re Jan. 15 speech, in folder 254-18.
    • Shapp to President Ford, Jan. 2, 1975 and Frank G. Zarb to Shapp, Feb. 7, 1975 re natural gas shortage, in folder 254-18.
    • President Ford to Nelson A. Rockefeller, Jan. 20, 1975 re "Energy Independence Act of 1975," in folder 254-18.
    • Jan.-March 1975 correspondence of Shapp, L. William Seidman and others re President Ford's economic plan, in folder 254-19.
    • Shapp to President Ford, May 7, 1975 re collapse of Penn Central Railroad, in folder 254-19.
    • Shapp to President Ford, May 7, 1975 re natural gas prices, in folder 254-19.
  • Reports:
    • The White House, "Economy and Energy: The President's Program in Brief, 1975" in folder 254-18.
    • Governor Shapp, "Notes for Meeting with President Ford on Railroads, June 7, 1975," in folder 254-19.
    • "International Economic Report of the President Transmitted to Congress January 1977, in folder 254-19.
  • Speech:
    • President Ford to Congress, Jan.15, 1975, discusses energy crisis solutions, in folder 254-18.
  • Press releases:
    • Office of Press Secretary to the Governor, Jan. 22, 1975 re state governors and petroleum tariffs, in folder 254-18.
    • August 28, 1975 re White House meeting of governors about natural gas situation, in folder 254-19.
    • Dec. 8, 1975 re Shapp on natural gas prices; in folder 254-19.
  • News clipping:
    • "Gas 'Shortage' Evaporates," Washington Post, Dec. 7, 1975, in folder 254-19.


Carton 258, folder 258-2

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to John J. Donovan, Feb. 6, 1974 re voluntary gasoline conservation.
    • Shapp to John N. Nassikas, Feb. 6, 1975 re gas supplies.
    • A. J. Middleton to Shapp, June 30, 1975 re gasifying anthracite coal.
  • Proclamation:
    • "Gas Watchers Months: April, May, June 1975," signed by Governor Shapp March 18, 1975.
  • Press releases:
    • Governor's Press Office, Jan. 2, 1975 re natural gas shortages.
    • Sept. 12, 1978 re state funding for "Sulf-X," a new "flue gas desulfurization system."

Governor's Conference on Land Use

Carton 263, folder 263-3

Speech, Shapp speaks about the Governor's Conference on Land Use, April 15, 1976.

Governor's Economic Advisory Committee

Carton 263, folder 263-17

Report: Albert F. Smigel ed., "The Pennsylvania Economy, 1978 Mid-year Update,"

Governor's Energy Council

Carton 263, folder 263-19

  • Correspondence:
    • William B. Hartal to Shapp, Jan. 26, 1976 re "energy parks"
    • Raymond H. Holst to Hartal, Feb. 6, 1975 re Getty Oil of Delaware
    • Hartal to Ernest P. Kline, June 3, 1976 re council meeting with Shapp
  • Testimony:
    • William B. Hartal before the Bureau of Land Management, US Dept. of Interior hearing re proposed oil and gas leases on the outer Continental Shelf, Feb. 12, 1975.

Great Lakes Basin Commission

Carton 267

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Robert W. Kellum, May 15, 1975 re water quality of Lake Erie, in folder 267-14.
  • Proceedings:
    • "Summary Proceedings, Transportation in the Great Lakes Region: Problems, Issues and Priorities," Nov. 10-20, 1975. in folder 267-13.
  • Reports:
    • Great Lakes Commission annual report for 1975 in folder 267-13.
    • "Summary Report for the 1975 National Assessment of Water and Related Land Resources," April 1977, in folder 267-13.
  • Speech:
    • Shapp to Great Lakes Commission meeting of June 13, 1977, Erie, in folder 267-14.
  • Publications:
    • Great Lakes Communicator, issues are vol. 8, no. 2 Nov. 1977; vol. 8 no. 8, May 1978, vol. 8, no.10, July 1978; vol. 8, no. 11, August 1978, vol. 9, no. 1 Oct. 1978. All in folder 267-13.
    • Great Lakes Newsletter: issues are vol. 19, no.3, Jan-Feb. 1975; vol. 19, no. 6, July-August 1975; vol. 20, no. 1 Sept-Oct 1975; vol. 11, no. 5 May-mid-July, 1977; vol. 12, no. 4, August-Sept. 1978, all in folder 267-14.

Great Lakes Tomorrow

Carton 267, folder 267-15

Report: Lake Michigan Federation, "Great Lakes Tomorrow, Improving Citizen Participation in the Great Lakes Decisions: A Year End Report and Description," Jan. 1976.

Hoover Island Waterfowl Refuge

Carton 275, folder 275-6

Correspondence: Correspondence of 1974-1975 between Shapp, Robert P. Kane, W. W. Anderson, state senators Edward L. Howard, Franklin L. Kury, state rep. Joseph L. Bradley et al re Hoover Island Waterfowl Refuge, Northumberland County.

Interior, U.S. Dept. of the

Cartons 277 and 278

  • Correspondence 1974, all in folder 277-27:
    • Maurice D. Arnold to Shapp, Sept. 3, 1974 re Kitanning Trail.
    • Keith M. Schreimer to Shapp, Oct. 23, 1974 re endangerment of Pennsylvania fish.
    • Ralph W. Abele to Norval D. Reece, Dec. 20, 1974 re federal Rare and Endangered Species Act of 1973.
  • Correspondence 1975:
    • N.N. Lyons to Shapp, Jan. 2, 1975 re transport of Alaskan natural gas. In folder 277-28.
    • Shapp to Arnold, March 4, 1975 re DER acquisition of land near Pink Creek and Youghiogheny River. In folder 277-28.
    • Lynn A. Greenwalt to Shapp, March 28, 1975 re endangered Pennsylvania fish. In folder 277-28.
    • Stanley K. Hathaway to Shapp, May 5, 1975 re fossil fuel reserve. In folder 277-28.
    • Shapp to Arnold, July 25, 1975 re "Pennsylvania's Recreation Plan, 1975." In folder 277-28.
    • Greenwalt to Shapp, August 5, 1975 re Endangered Species Act. In folder 277-29.
    • Ronald A. Pursell to Goddard, August 14, 1975 re Pennsylvania flora. In folder 277-29.
    • Dorothy L. Pearth to Goddard, August 26, 1975 re endangered Pennsylvania fish. In folder 277-29.
    • W.W. Ward to Maurice K. Goddard, August 29, 1975 re federal register of endangered plants. In folder 277-29.
    • Kenneth T. Settlemeyer to Goddard, Sept. 2, 1975 re resolutions of the 12th International Botanical Congress. In folder 277-29.
    • Greenwalt to Shapp, c. 1975 re lists of endangered Pennsylvania fishes, birds and mammals. In folder 277-29.
    • Thomas S. Kleppe to Shapp, Dec. 19, 1975 re Continental Shelf Advisory Board, in folder 278-1.
  • Correspondence 1976:
    • Shapp to Kleppe, April 6, 1976 re Kittanning Path, in folder 278-1.
    • Chester L. Brooke to Shapp, Sept. 8, 1976 re transfer of Valley Forge Park to the National Park Service, in folder 278-3.
  • Correspondence 1977:
    • Joan M. Davenport to Shapp, Nov. 4, 1977 and Goddard to Davenport, Nov. 29, 1977 re abandoned mine lands.
    • Shapp to Cecil D. Andrus, Dec. 14, 1977 re Pine Creek Wild and Scenic River Study; In folder 278-6.
  • Correspondence 1978:
    • Shapp to Christopher T. Delaporte, Jan. 11, 1978 re abandoned railroad lands for recreation purpose. In folder 278-7.
    • Shapp to Jan. 12, 1978 re outdoor recreation planning. In folder 278-7.
    • Shapp to John Morgan, June 23, 1978 re subsistence control project. In folder 278-7.
    • Correspondence of July-Sept. 1978 between Shapp, Richard L. Stanton, William Wewer and others re transfer of Valley Forge Park to the National Park Service.
    • Cecil D. Andrus to Shapp, Nov. 6, 1978 and Shapp to Andrus Dec.21 and 29 1978 re proposed notice of sale of tract on outer Continental Shelf, in folder 278-8.
  • Reports: (All Interior Dept.)
    • "Mining and Minerals Policy: 1977 Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior under the Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970," Jan. 1977, in folder 277-22.
    • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec.1, 1973 to Nov. 30, 1973," in folder 277-28.
    • "Status of the Mineral Industries, 1976." In folder 278-1.
    • "Pine Creek Update: Progress Report on an Wild and Scenic River Study, vol. 2, March 1976. In folder 278-1.
    • "The Kittanning Path: A Study under the National Trail System Act (P.L. 90-543). In folder 278-1.
    • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1974 to Nov. 30, 1975," in folder 278-2.
    • "The Upper Delaware River: A Wild and Scenic River Study, July 1976," in folder 278-4.
    • "Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the Period Dec. 1, 1975 to Nov. 30, 1976," in folder 278-6.
    • "Secretarial Issue Document Mid-Atlantic OCS Sale no. 49, Oct. 30, 1978, in folder 278-8.
  • Publications:
    • Final Environmental Statement:
      • Proposed North Trail from the Appalachian Trail to the Proposed Lewis and Clark Trail, Dec. 1975 in folder 277-30.
    • Minerals & Materials: A Monthly Survey -
      • Jan. March, April July 1977 in folder 277-23
      • August Sept. Oct; 1977 in folder 277-24
      • May 1977 and March , April 1978 in folder 277-25
      • June, July, Sept. Oct, Nov. 1978 in folder 277-26
      • May and June 1976 in folder 278-2
    • Outdoor Recreation no. 35 (spring 1975) in folder 277-28;
    • "Warning and Preparedness for Geologic-Related Hazards: Proposed Procedures," Federal Register, Tuesday, April 12, 1977, Part III, in folder 278-6.
  • Press release:
    • Interior Dept., August 20, 1975 re proposed sale of oil and gas leases on 154 tracts on the mid-Atlantic outer Continental Shelf, in folder 277-29.

International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation

Carton 278-211278-21

Reports: Annual reports for 1976, 1977, 1978.

Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin

Carton 278, folder 278-29

  • Correspondence:
    • R. Timothy Weston to Henry Stetina, April 18, 1976 re legal authorization for Commonwealth membership in the Commission.
  • Publication:
    • Potomac Basin Reporter, vol. 22, no. 2, Feb. 1977.

Interstate Conference on Water Problems

Carton 278, folder 278-30

  • Publications:
    • ICWP News in Brief, issues for Jan. May, 1977, Jan. May, June 1978.
    • Registration brochure for the 20th Annual Interstate Conference on Water Problems, Sept. 25-28, 1978, Charleston, South Carolina.

Interstate Mining Compact Commission

Carton 278, folder 278-31

Report: Annual report for fiscal year, 1974-1975.

Interstate Oil Compact Commission (IOCC)

Carton 278

  • Correspondence:
    • W. Timothy Dowd to Bruce E. Ziegler, Dec. 27, 1974 re the DER Division of Oil and Gas, in folder 278-32.
  • Reports:
    • Reports on oil and gas development in Pennsylvania: Norval D. Reece to W. Timothy Dowd, Dec. 5, 1972; Reece to Dowd, May 29, 1973, Reece to Dowd, Nov. 26, 1973 Arthur A. Socolow to Reece, June 27, 1974. In folder 278-32.
    • IOCC annual report for 1974. In folder 278-32.
    • Reece to Dowd, Jan. 9 and June 18, 1975. In folder 278-32.
    • IOCC annual report for 1977, in folder 279-2.
  • Publications:
    • Compact Comments, issue for Oct. 1976 in folder 279-1.
    • Compact Comments, issues for Jan. and summer 1977 and April 1978, in folder 279-2
    • Interstate Oil Compact Commission Bulletin, vol. 17, no. 2, Dec. 1975; In folder 278-35.
    • 1975 Directory of Interstate Oil Compact Commission and State, Oil and Gas Agencies, in folder 278-35
    • Oil and Gas Compact Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 2, Dec. 1974; vol. 34, no. 1, June 1975, vol. 34, Dec. 1975, in folder 278-35.

Lackawanna County Conservation District

Carton 288, folder 288-17

  • Correspondence
    • Cy Kazmerski to Shapp, Nov. 22, 1977 re "Keep America Beautiful" award.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to Kenneth Seamans, Dec. 31, 1974 re Lackawanna County mine reclamation project.
  • News clipping:
    • "National Award Won by Conservation District," Lackawanna Environmental News, Nov. 1977.

Lackawanna County Regional Planning Commission

Carton 288, folder 288-17

Correspondence: Maurice K. Goddard to Rocco L. Campagna, June 7, 1978 re commission as lead agency in region for implementing the Clean Air Act.

Lake Township Landfill

Carton 288, folder 288-22

Correspondence: Wesley E. Gilbertson to Mary C. Harris, June 23, 1975 re "Status Report, Lake Township Landfill, Lake Township, Luzerne County."

Laurel Highlands Conservation and Development Project

Carton 289, folder 289-19

Publication: Michael Beck et al, The Laurel Highland Study: An Application of the Public Trust Document to Pennsylvania Land-Use Planning in an Area of Critical State and Local Concern, Master thesis, Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, May 1975.

Marine Management

Carton 295, folder 295-13

Publication: Center for the Study of Marine Policy, University of Delaware, Marine Policy Reports, vol. 1, no. 1, Dec. 1977.

McKeever Environmental Learning Center

Carton 297, folder 297-25

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1975 between Shapp, Robert H Baldwin, Donald O. Oestling and others re funding for the center, in folder 297-25.
    • H. S. Fowler to Helen Wise, July 21, 1977 re closure of center.
    • Jefferson E. Carroll to Shapp, August 18, 1977 on center, in folder 297, folder 26.
  • Publication:
    • McKeever Environmental Learning Center information brochure, circa 1975, in folder 297-26.

National Energy Policy

Carton 306, folder 306-6

  • Correspondence:
    • Bragi Magunsson to Shapp, Sept. 5, 1978 re "National Energy Week,"
  • Legislation:
    • "National Energy Production Board Act of 1975."

National Environmental Health Association

Carton 306, folder 306-6

Correspondence: F. Oris Blackwell to Shapp, August 1, 1975 re association.

Penn's Corner Resource Conservation & Development Project

Carton 316, folder 316-6

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1972-1976 between Shapp, Frank Malinzak, Norval D. Reece, Maurice K. Goddard and others concerning the project
  • Publication:
    • USDA, Penn's Corner Conservation & Development Project, June 1975

Pennsylvania Environmental Council Inc.

Carton 317, folder 317-34

  • Correspondence:
    • Curtin Winsor to "all PEC directors and members," March 5, 1975.
  • Publication:
    • Pennsylvania Environmental Council Inc. News and Views, issues for vol. 3, no. 9, Oct. 17, 1975; vol. 5, no. 6, Nov. 1975; vol. 8, no.2, Feb. 1978, vol. 8, no. 4, May 1978.

Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L)

Carton 320

  • Correspondence:
    • Shapp to Jack Busby, April 26, 1973 re Martins Creek plant, in folder 320-4.
    • Shapp to Robert K. Campbell, April 15, 1977 re Kocher coal mine, Tower City, in folder 320-5.
  • Minutes:
    • Scranton Energy Conference, Sept. 12, 1975, in folder 320-4.
  • Reports:
    • PP&L annual report for 1976 in folder 320-4.
    • PP&L annual report for 1977 in folder 320-5.
  • News clippings:
    • Carol J. Loomisk, "For the utilities, it's a fight for survival," Fortune Magazine, March 1973. In folder 320-4.
    • "Utility Rates," Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, April 8, 1975. In folder 320-4.
  • Publications:
    • PP&L Reporter issues of Feb.1977; February, June, July/August, Sept. 1978 in folder 320-5.

Pennsylvania Solar Systems

Carton 320, folder 320-21

Correspondence: John D. Kauffman to Shapp, Dec. 27, 1977 re solar energy

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC)

Carton 323, folders 16-24

  • Correspondence, 1973-1978
    • 1973: L. F. Burlein to Shapp, Sept. 19, 1973 re turnpike becoming a freeway; in folder.
    • 1974: Shapp to Burlein, Jan. 28, 1974 re availability of diesel fuel, in folder 320-16.
    • 1974-1975: Shapp to Egdio Cerilli, Feb. 24, 1974 and Cerilli to Shapp, March 4, 1975 re snow storms in folder 323-18.
    • 1975: J. P. Freeman to Shapp, August 13, 1975 and William H. Sherlock to Freeman, August 22, 1975 re construction work near Fort Washington, in folder 323-19.
    • 1975-1976: Correspondence of 1975-1976 between Shapp, Paul Hogan, Mary Harris, George S. Pulakos re highway playgrounds, in folder 323-20.
    • 1976: Correspondence of 1976 between Shapp, PTC, Exxon Company, Gulf Oil Corp., and Howard Johnson re promotion of bicentennial, in folder 323-20.
    • 1977: Cerilli to Shapp, Oct. 21, 1977 re improvements to turnpike, in folder 323-22.
    • 1978: Shapp to Jack T. Greenblatt, June 21, 1978 and Greenblatt to Shapp, June 22, 1978 re Native American demonstration: "The Longest Walk," in folder 323-24.
  • Minutes:
    • PTC meeting of April 18, 1975; PTC meeting with Native Americans, June 21, 1978, in folder 323-24.
  • Reports:
    • 1975: "Consulting Engineers' 35th Annual Report Covering the Maintenance and Operation of the Pennsylvania Turnpike," Feb. 28, 1975 in folder 323-17.
    • 1976: "Consulting Engineers 36th Annual Report Covering the Maintenance and Operation of the Pennsylvania Turnpike System," March 1, 1976 in folder 323-20.
    • 1978: "Consulting Engineers' 38th Annual Report Covering Maintenance and Operation of the Pennsylvania Turnpike System," March 1, 1978 in folder 323-23.
  • Publications:
    • PTC, Pennsylvania Enabling Legislative Acts and Federal Compact, 1937-1955, c. 1956 in folder 323-17.
    • Playground Clearing House, Inc. Highway Playgrounds: A Proposal for Pennsylvania, undated, in folder 323-19.

Philadelphia Electric Company

Carton 325, folders 325

  • Correspondence:
    • J. L. Everett to Frank Zarb, Feb. 27, 1975 re impact of oil imports on the company, in folder 325-2
  • Report:
    • Edison Electric Institute Committee on Economic Growth, Pricing and Energy Use, "Economic Growth in the Future," June 1975, in folder 325-12
  • Publication:
    • PP& L Current News, vol. 74, no. 8, Nov. 1977 in folder 325-13
  • News clipping:
    • "Don't Confuse Us with Facts," Forbes Magazine, Sept. 1, 1975 re nuclear plants, in folder 325


Carton 328, folder 328-1

Press release: Governor's Press Office, March 17, 1978. Shapp signs Senate Bill 597 authorizing appropriations for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to repair state's roads.

Potomac Conference

Carton 328, folder 328-2

  • Correspondence:
    • Vladimir Wahbe to "Potomac Conference Invitees," Nov. 1, conference.
  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda for conference, Nov. 4-5, 1976, Arlington, Virginia
  • Report:
    • Maryland Dept. of State Planning, "The Potomac Conference: Toward a Potomac Action Strategy-the Pre-Conference Report," 1976

Redevelopment Authorities

Carton 332, folder 9

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1975 re Shapp and others re displacement of Nelson, Tioga County by construction of the Cowanesque Dam.
  • Reports:
    • Redevelopment Authority of Allentown, "Progress Report, 1956-1976"
    • Redevelopment Authority of Erie "1976 Annual Report Supplemental Information" and "Housing and Community Redevelopment Report, 1976"
    • Redevelopment Authority of Farrell (Mercer County) "Summary of Community Development Program, 1975"

Reece, Norval D.

Carton 332, folders 10-16

  • Correspondence:
    • Jacob G. Kassab to Reece, Dec. 16, 1974 re emission control inspections. In folder 332-13.
    • Peter W. Duncan to Reece, Dec. 16, 1974 re WCAU-TV editorial. In folder 332-13.
    • Reece to Shapp, Dec. 27, 1974 re proposed shopping mall in Lehigh County. In folder 332-13.
    • Reece to Shapp, Feb. 6, 1975 re DER evidence in Columbia County landfill hearing, in folder 332-14.
    • Reece to Charles P. McIntosh, April 24, 1974 re land and water conservation, in folder 332-15.
    • Maurice K. Goddard to William H. Wilcox, March 10, 1975 re state recreation policy, in folder 332-15.
    • Wilcox to Shapp, April 1, 1975 re state recreation policy, in folder 332-15.
    • Marguerite Auter to all "Governor's Office Staff," May 4, 1976 re Reece's appointments to various conservation groups, in folder 332-16.
  • Speeches:
    • Reece before the Potomac River Basin Compact meeting, Sept. 23 1971, in folder 332-10.
    • "Editorial Reply by Norval D. Reece to a WCAU-TV Philadelphia editorial on air pollution, in folder 332-13.
  • Publications:
    • Invitation to Fifth Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Conference, Feb. 19-20,1975, Camp Hill, Cumberland County, in folder 332-14l.
    • US Senate, Report of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, on the February 1975 Economic Report of the President (GPO: Washington, DC, March 1975), in folder 332-14.
    • Report contains sections on agriculture and energy; Invitation to Sixth Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Council Dinner, May 24, 1976, Philadelphia, in folder 332-16.
  • Press releases:
    • McGovern-Shriver '72 campaign, Oct. 8, 1972 re US Senator George McGovern's campaign platform on environmentalism, in folder 332-10.
    • Governor's Office, "Statement Issued by Norval D. Reece, Governor's Office. Undated, re air pollution control agreement with US. Steel, in folder 332-15.
  • News clippings:
    • "Upstate Landfill Evidence 'Vanishes' Overnight," Harrisburg Evening News, Jan. 31, 1975. Janitors toss out evidence in Environmental Hearing Board case re Columbia County landfill, in folder 332-14.

Regional Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania

Carton 332, folder 332/30/30

Reports: Annual reports for 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1978

Regional Planning Council of Baltimore, Maryland

Carton 332, folder 30

Publication: Regional Planning Council, Focus, issues for Sept/Oct. 1977 and Jan/Feb. 1978. Latter issue has article on air pollution.

Rural America Inc.

Carton 336, folder 336-12

  • Correspondence:
    • James McHale to Shapp, May 21, 1976 re Rural America Inc.
  • Publications:
    • Platform for Rural America, Revised at the Third National Conference on Rural America, Dec. 5-7, 1977.
    • Toward a Health Platform for Rural America: Report on the National Rural Health Conference, Dec. 5-7, 1977.
    • The RHA Reporter, issue for July and August 1977

Rural Farm Strategy

Carton 336, folder 336-13

  • Proceedings:
    • Agenda for Rural/Farm Strategy Meeting, March 15, 1978, possibly written by the Office of the Governor.
  • Publications:
    • Rural Electrification no. 10, July 1978; The PHA Reporter issue for Feb. 1977.

Safe Drinking Water Act

Carton 336, folder 336-35

  • Correspondence:
    • Correspondence of 1976 between Shapp, Maurice K. Goddard et al re Safe Drinking Water Act.
  • Publication:
    • Federal Register, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1975: "Environmental Protection Agency Water Program: National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations."

Seamans, Jr., Robert

Carton 339, folder 339-14

Correspondence: Shapp to Seamans, Dec. 3, 1976 re disposal of nuclear wastes.