Certified Local Government Mini-Grants

The CLG Mini-Grant program is intended to provide Certified Local Governments with grant funds to solve problems and build capacity for the local preservation program in a timely and targeted fashion.

Certified Local Government Mini-Grants

The CLG Mini-Grant program is intended to provide Certified Local Governments with grant funds to solve problems and build capacity for the local preservation program in a timely and targeted fashion. Projects and issues often arise outside of established annual grant cycles, requiring communities to either defer action and wait for the next open grant round, spend money from the annual budget, or seek funding from other sources. Often, important projects languish and never get done because the resources aren't available or something more pressing takes precedence. Sometimes, there's a project or a property that requires a timely response and the community cannot wait for another grant round to open.


General Conditions

  • CLG Mini-Grants will be made in the amounts of $100 - $7,500.
  • All Mini-Grants require a minimum cash match equal to 25% of the grant award.
  • All grantees will receive 10% of the grant award for administrative overhead, consistent with Federal guidelines.
  • All Mini-Grants will be awarded under the CLG Master Grant Contract between the Commonwealth and the CLG.
  • Mini-Grants are reimbursement grants.

Application Process

  • Applications for CLG Mini-Grants are accepted on a rolling basis. PA SHPO will review applications on a monthly basis and notify applicants promptly of the status of their application.
  • Applicants must consult with the Community Preservation Coordinator for their region before applying.
  • To apply, please submit a complete Mini-Grant application and accompanying narrative with any relevant attachments via email to RA-PHCLG@pa.gov

Who May Apply

  • Only Certified Local Governments in Pennsylvania who have signed a Master CLG Grant Contract are eligible to apply for Mini-Grants.
  • CLGs may apply on behalf of community organizations and work with other partners on eligible projects, however, the funds will only be disbursed to CLGs. CLGs may enter into cooperative agreements with partners to complete the project and make payment arrangements with those organizations.

Eligible CLG Grant Activities

  • CLG Mini-Grants may be used for the following types of projects:
    • Planning and ordinances
    • Design Guidelines
    • Surveys and Inventories of historic properties
    • National Register Nominations and Determinations of Eligibility
    • Revitalization/Reuse Studies and Plans
    • Public Education programs
    • Design Assistance
    • Other project types that are not listed above will be considered, provided they do not involve construction activities.

All consultants and contractors engaged to work on Mini-Grant projects must be selected via a competitive process in accordance with the CLG Grant Consultant Selection Guidelines.

Ineligible Activities

  • Brick-and-mortar construction projects are not eligible for CLG Mini-Grant funding.
  • Grant funds may not be used to support the survey, evaluation, or recordation of resources conducted in anticipation of a project requiring a State or Federal permit, license, or funding (i.e. projects that will undergo a Section 106 or State History Code review).  Similarly, CLG funds may not be used to undertake mitigation activities performed as a condition or precondition for obtaining a state or federal permit or license.

Maximum Number of Awards

  • Awards are made on a first-come-first-served basis until all available funds have been committed.
  • A CLG may only receive one Mini-Grant at a time. When a Mini-Grant is closed, the CLG may apply for another Mini-Grant. A CLG may have an open Project Grant, Mini-Grant, and Scholarship at the same time, provided each grant is for a different project.

Matching Requirements

  • CLG Mini-Grants require a minimum cash match equal to 25% of the grant award.
  • The cash match may come from any non-Federal source (i.e. municipal funds, state funds, or private funds). The only eligible Federal source for matching funds are Community Development Block Grants.
  • Applicants do not need to have the minimum match secured at the time of application. Upon notification that of a successful grant award, applicants will have 60 days to secure the required match and provide verification of its immediate availability to the PA SHPO. After 60 days, the PA SHPO cannot guarantee that the grant funds will still be available.

Grant Period and Timetable

  • CLG Mini-Grants are intended for projects that can be completed within 3-6 months following the grant award. Projects that will take longer than 6 months or that require more than $7,500 in grant support should be funded through the annual Project Grant round.
  • Applications are reviewed at the beginning of each month and applicants will be notified within 10 business days about whether their application will be funded.
  • Following notification that an application has been funded, the PA SHPO will work with the grantee to develop a detailed workplan and budget.
  • Grantees will have 60 days from the date of award to provide documentation that the minimum match is available.
  • Following the execution of a Funding Release by the PA SHPO, the grantee will be notified that they may proceed with the project.

Terms and Conditions

In order to be eligible to receive a portion of the local share of the Federal Historic Preservation Fund allocation to Pennsylvania, the Department of the Interior requires that each Certified Local Government:

  • Must comply with the conditions of its Certification Agreement;
  • Must meet the federal standards of the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-102 (Common Rule) "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Local Governments"
  • Must be auditable in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations" (PDF) Appendix A "Data Collection Form (Form SF-SAC)," and Appendix B "April 1999 Compliance Supplement"
  • Must adhere to all required administrative procedures in OMB Circular A-87 (Revised 5/10/04), "Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments" (PDF)
  • Must adhere to any requirements mandated by the United States Congress regarding use of federal historic preservation funds. (The State Historic Preservation Office will advise Certified Local Governments of any new directives.); and
  • Must adhere to requirements specified by the State Historic Preservation Office in the Master Grant Contract and Funding Release.

If you have questions about the CLG Mini-Grant program, please contact the Community Preservation Coordinator for your region.