Filing Fees

House Bill 172 was signed into law on December 23, 2003 as Act 47 of 2003. Act 47 implemented an increase in fees that are charged for doing the business of insurance in the Commonwealth. The new fees were effective immediately upon enactment and are listed below. For specific questions, please contact the appropriate program area:

Office of Insurance Product Regulation and Administration


New Fee

Valuation of life insurance policies per thousand dollar insured value

$.015 with a minimum charge of $15.00 *

License for a rating organization


* Fee was amended from $.015 to $.010 by Act 74 of 2006. Minimum charge remainsunchanged at $15.00. View PA Bulletin Notice

Office of Market Regulation


New Fee

Motor vehicle physical damage appraiser license (initial and renewal)


Professional bondsman license (initial and renewal)


Amended insurance producer license


Duplicate licenses


License histories and clearances


Producer appointment fees


Office of Corporate and Financial Regulation


New Fee

Filing a copy of charter or amendment of a domestic, foreign or alien company, association or exchange


Filing of annual statement or other statement of a domestic, foreign or alien company, association, exchange or fraternal benefit society


License fee for a domestic, foreign or alien company, association or exchange or any duplicate license


Filing and review of merger agreements of foreign and alien companies


Filing and review of conversion plan from mutual company to stock company


Filing and review of conversion plan from stock to mutual company


Filing and review of proposed exchange of shares of stock


Filing and review of material in connection with a proposed acquisition or offer to acquire capital stock of a domestic insurance company or insurance holding company


Filing and review of registration statement by an insurance member of an insurance holding company


For each amendment to such registration statement


Issuance of a certificate of compliance, deposit or surety


Any other certificate issued by the department


Filing and review of qualifications of an insurer to issue variable annuities


Certification of each copy of any paper filed with the department

$20 plus $.20 per page

Copy of annual statement pages

$2 per page

Domestic company license application


Foreign or alien company license application


Qualification of insurer to issue variable life contracts


Return of increase or decrease of stated capital


Reinsurance and assumption agreement


Request to pay extraordinary dividends


Filing a copy of charter of a domestic, foreign or alien fraternal benefit society, in addition to any fee for filing such charter with the Department of State


License to a fraternal benefit society or certified copy or duplicate thereof


Filing and reviewing agreements of merger of domestic, foreign and alien fraternal benefit societies


Filing and review of a plan of conversion from a fraternal benefit society to a mutual company and for filing each amendment to registration statement


Filing and review of qualification of a fraternal benefit society to issue variable annuities


License and annual renewal for manager or exclusive general agent for domestic insurance company
