The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Security Fund (Security Fund) was created on July 1, 1937.  The original act was subsequently amended on July 29, 1941, July 2, 1953, October 18, 1975, April 13, 1988 and June 22, 2000.  The Workers' Compensation Security Fund Act is found at P.S. 77, 1051 through 1066.  The Security Fund regulations are found at 31 Pa. Code, Seciton 165.            

The Security Fund serves as a guaranty fund to provide claim payments for those workers entitled to Pennsylvania workers' compensation benefits and Long Shore and Harbor Workers' compensation benefits in certain circumstances when the insurance company originally providing coverage is placed into liquidation by a court in their state of domicile.

The list of liquidated workers' compensation insurance companies can be viewed as a link on the Security Fund's web page.